The Showalter Place

Location: On a creek to the left of Moore's Store, and opposite the Post Office, on Route 518.

Built: circa 1860


George Moore, deceased, to Cathrine M. and Elizabeth Moore.

22 Jul 1850: Charles S. Wonder

25 Mar 1854: William Robinson

29 Apr 1856: Jacob Sommers

11 Aug 1863: John Showalter

11 Mar 1923: W.F. Dellinger, by Showalter heirs

Physical Description

This house is built of logs and the outside has been weather boarded. The front door has been replaced with a modern door. The other doors are of up and down boards, made in the old time manner, with old butt hinges and door latches. There are seven rooms, four up and three down. The stairway is enclosed and of the winding type. There is one fireplace, which is in the first room. Doors, windows and fireplace are surrounded with plain moulding. The chimney goes up from the end of the house and is built of rock.

Historical Significance

This was the first house built in Moore's Store. The roof is shingled and has been re-shingled as needed. Along the creek mentioned in this history, a tribe of Indians used to camp. The tribe name is not known.

Source: Virginia W.P.A. Historical Inventory Project, 1937

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