The Jesse Walton Home

Location: Two miles southeast of Toms Brook on Route 743.

Built: circa 1800


Mar 1827: Division of lands of Peter Swartz, 160 acres lying on Toms Brook; lot #1 assigned to David Swartz.. Deed Book GG, page 288

10 Aug 1846: David Swartz and Anna, his wife, sold to Samuel Kronk being part of lot #1 assigned to David Swartz in division of lands of Peter Swartz. Deed Book 6, page 344

17 Nov 1860: Samuel Kronk and Rachel, his wife, sold to Wm. Kronk for the sum of $450.. Deed Book 6, page 344

7 Nov 1863: Wm. J. Kronk and Mary, his wife, sold to Caroline Shireman for the sum of $450, a certain house and lot situated near Toms Brook, about two miles southeast of the Valley Pike, being the same formerly purchased of David Swartz by Samuel Kronk. Deed Book 10, page 255

24 Apr 1871: Caroline Shireman sold to Milton Shireman the same purchase of Wm. J. Kronk, said premises free from all encumbrances except the privilege of living in part of the dwelling house as long as she wishes. Deed Book 10, page 256

7 Dec 1872: Milton H. Shireman and Caroline Shireman sold to Jesse Walton for the sum of $375, a certain lot of land with a house and improvements thereon in Johnston District, lying near the mouth of Toms Brook. Deed Book 11, page 617

14 Mar 1898: Jesse Walton and Dicie Ann, his wife, sold to Joseph Bauserman for the sum of $250, being the same that was conveyed to Jesse Walton by Milton H. and Caroline Shireman. Deed Book 48, page 305

14 Feb 1890: Joseph Bauserman and Jennie, his wife, sold to M.L. Bauserman the same that was conveyed to said Joseph Bauserman by Jesse Walton. Deed Book 52, page 179

31 Aug 1901: M.L. Bauserman sold to Benjamin F. Dinges the same that was conveyed to M.L. Bauserman by Joseph Bauserman. Deed Book 55, page 99

4 Apr 1935: Benjamin F. Dinges sold to George B. Windle and Bertha A., his wife, for the sum of $600. Deed Book 116, page 168

Physical Description

This unpretentious home stands under a hill and is a type of the early American home of the middle class. Built of logs, weatherboarded at some later date, it is still substantial. A low-roofed, vine covered front porch provides entrance. A graveled narrow walk, with flowers at a little gate, leads to the porch. A home-like atmosphere is felt when entering the white picket fenced yard.

Historical Significance

Jesse Walton served four years in the Civil War, was wounded slightly in the shoulder at one time, and another time had his hat band shot off without wounding him.

Source: Virginia W.P.A. Historical Inventory Project, 1937

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