The John Neff Place

Location: Two and one half miles north of New Market, Virginia, on the west side of Route 11.

Built: prior to 1850


8 Aug 1812: Jacob Neff and Anna, his wife, sold to their son, John Neff, Sr., land which was granted by James Monroe, Esq., Governor, at Richmond on September 13, 1800. Deed Book T, page 169

1 Apr 1850: Michael Neff and Mary, his wife, conveyed to Harrison Bushong, land which descended to Michael Neff from his father, John Neff. Deed Book YY, page 271

2 Nov 1856: R.M. Conn, administrator of Harrison Bushong, deceased, sold to John W. Rice. Deed Book 4, page 142

8 Sep 1862: John W. Rice, deceased, devised to his son, Francis Eugene Rice, what is termed the Rice Farm. Will Book 8, page 355

10 Apr 1883: E.E. Stickley, special commissioner in chancery cause of W.D. Stickley and compl. vs. F.E. Rice, etc., sold to Abraham Garber. Deed Book 23, page 250

12 Sep 1885: Abraham Garber and Annie, his wife, sold to Lucinda E. Rice, wife of Dr. F.E. Rice. Deed Book 26, page 266

10 Apr 1905: Mercantile Trust Company, a Corporation of St. Louis, trustee for Ernest W. Warfield, deceased, sold to J.E. Neff. Deed Book 62, page 140

26 May 1925: John E. Neff, deceased, list of heirs: Lelia S. Neff, wife, Mrs. David Good, daughter, Garland S. Neff, son. Will Book 34, page 345

29 Oct 1932: George N. Conrad and F.S. Tavenner, special commissioners conveyed to H.H. Martz, (chancery cause of E. Grace Good, et al., vs. John E. Neff's adm. and heirs). Deed Book 111, page 179

Physical Description

This two and one half story "L" shaped common brick home has a metal hipped roof with three inside chimneys. There are twenty three windows with twelve 9x12 and four 14x28 panes and green shutters with movable slats. There is a cupola on top of the house with fancy balusters. There is also a large porch on two sides of the house with a two-story back porch.

There are twelve large rooms with nine foot ceilings. The stairway is closed with steep steps in the back hall and another closed stairway in the rear wing of the house. There is a cellar with a ground floor under part of the house. The doors are long two-panel pine with common iron locks and outside hinges. The walls are papered walls of solid brick, about seventeen inches thick. Floors are of medium width boards. There are three fancy mantels with fireplaces. There is much cornice work in this house, there are fan-shaped decorations above the windows.

Historical Significance

This house occupies the site, as Miss Selina Strickler remembers, of an old Neff home, the birthplace, it is said, of Captain David Tennessee Neff (1808 - 1887).

Source: Virginia W.P.A. Historical Inventory Project, 1937

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