The Armentrout Mill

Location: On the run at Moore's Store, Virginia, Routes 728 & 418

Built: circa 1802


23 Oct 1772: Michael Wine by Commission
7 Mar 1803: Peter Yocum to Ruben Moore
7 Mar 1803: Joseph Moore
George Moore by will, land and mill thereon.
Cathrine and Elizabeth Moore by division.
22 Jul 1850: Aaron Pense
26 Sep 1857: George W. Hepner
4 Sep 1863: Cornelius and Samuel Shaver
12 Mar 1866: Nathaniel Armentrout
18 Jul 1908: George E. Armentrout by heirs of Nathaniel Armentrout
Alice Armentrout, widow
Mrs. Hattie F. Pomeroy, Mrs. Nettie D. Kerlin, Mrs. Bertie M. Harpine, daughters of Alice Armentrout.

Physical Description

This oblong three-story frame and stone structure has a metal hipped roof. There is one brick chimney located in the center of the building. There are twelve windows, each with twelve 6x8 panes and no shutters.

There are four large rooms with twelve foot ceilings and a plain stairway between each floor. There is a stone cellar where machinery is kept.

Historical Significance

The Armentrout Mill was built by Joseph Moore, about 1802. There have been three mills built on this foundation. The first two were Burr Mills and were run by water power. The first wheel was a wooden overshot wheel. In 1909, a steel overshot wheel was put in to replace the wooden wheel. The mill was also changed from a Burr mill to a roller mill by George T. Armentrout in 1908-1909. An oil engine was installed in 1920 as the water was so low that it was not dependable. This is one of the oldest mills in this section of the country. The capacity of the mill is twenty four barrels.

Source: Virginia W.P.A. Historical Inventory Project, 1937

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