The Irwin Home Place, Columbia Furnace, Virginia

Columbia Furnace Mill Account Book, 1885 - 1888

Shenandoah County, Virginia

Sincere thanks to the late Amelia Gilreath for sharing these records. The picture above is from Amelia's book, "Oh Shenandoah I love your daughter, The Irwin-Holler Story." The book includes many wonderful photos with a very special photo of "Amy" and her horse, Actor, appearing on the last page of the book.

Columbia Furnace was built by George Mayberry and Benjamin Pennybacker. It was later owned by John Arthur and Company (which included Benjamin Blackford). The next person to purchase the mill was Samuel Myers.

The following persons had accounts with Columbia Furnace Mill during the years of 1885-1888. These are taken from Account Books of Amelia's great grandfather, William Henry Foote Irwin (1821-1893).

Anderson, Alex.Andrick, CalvinAndrick, Mrs.
Baker, W. L.Baker, Wm.Barb, Godfrey
Barb, JamesBarb, JohnBarb. John H.
Barb, Jos.Barb, Jos. E.Barb, Jos. Seph.
Barb, LemBarb, NickBarb, Noah
Barb, WmBarb, Wm. H.Barrick, John
Barrick, PhilipBarrick, Wm.Barton, Mrs. A.
Barton, Alex.Barton, CharlesBarton, Joseph
Barton, NathanielBarton, SolomonBoombaugh, Amos
Boombaugh, Wm.Boombaugh, Wm. D.Bowers, Ann
Bowers, DavidBowers, HarvyBowers, Henry
Bowers, JosephBowers, Jos. BBowers, Jos. S.
Bowers, Mrs.Bowers, W. D.Boyce, Charles
Boyce, FrankBoyce, GeorgeBoyce, George R.
Bradfield, JamesBradfield, Jos.Brannan, John
Brumbaugh, A.Brumbaugh, AmosBrumbaugh, Daniel
Brumbaugh, Wm.Brumbaugh, Wm. D.Campbell, A A
Clark, E. S.Cleland, JamesClick, Elizabeth
Coffman, AdamCoffman, ErasCoffman, Isaac
Coffman, JamesCoffman, John D.Coffman, Joseph
Columbia Brass BandColumbia FeedCook, Charles
Cook, CorneliusCook, HenryCook, Henry B
Craig, HenryCraig, John BCraig, Wm.
Craig, Wm. H.Crofford, JohnDay, Albert
Day, Mrs. CharlesDay, DickDay, Henry
Day, LemuelDay, JohnDay, Mike
Day, RichardDay, Thos.Day, Walter
Delinger, C.Delinger, Chas. W.Delinger, John H.
Dellinger, LeviDellinger, Th.Dodson, Moses
Donaldson, Wm.Douglas, Benja.Drummond, Ashby
Drummond, JacobDrummond, JakeDrummond, Jos.
Drummond, TurnerEstep, JessieEstep, Wm.
Fadeley, A. J.Fadeley, Abra.Fadeley, Abra. B.
Fadeley, Aristo. C.Fadely, CharlesFadely, Ezra
Fadely, GreenFadely, Green BFadely, Isaac
Fadely, JohnFadely, John CFadely, Lorenza
Fadeley, MosesFadeley, Robt. S.Firor, P. 0.
Flagle, FrankFoltz, IsaacFoltz, Isaac N.
Foltz, J. N.Foltz, JamesFoltz, James R.
Foltz, John H.Foltz, Jos. R.Foltz, Walter
Funkhouser, C. M.Funkhouser, CorneliusFunkhouser, Dicks
Funkhouser, IsaacFunkhouser, IsraelFunkhouser, Jacob
Funkhouser, JohnFunkhouser, John B.Funkhouser, Jos.
Funkhouser, RichardFunkhouser, SamGeorge, Fillmore
George, John W.George, Lov.Grandstaff, Booton
Grandstaff, J. B.Groves, JohnGroves, Mrs.
Groves, SarahGuess, Wm.Heishman, James
Heishman, MatildaHeishman, Mrs.Helsley, George
Helsley, GeorgeHelsley, J. L.Helsley, Jacob
Helsley, Joseph A.Helsley, Jos. W.Helsley, Julius
Helsley, LeonidasHelsley, LeviHelsley, Peter
Hewitt, R.A.Hide, BenjaminHines, Frank
Hines, HarrisonHines, JosephHines, Thomas
Hines, Thos. JHoffman, Dr. S. J.Hollar, George
Hollar, JoshuaHollar, PhilipHosafluck, John
Hottel, JohnHottel, BenjaminHottle, Charles
Hottle, JamesHottle, James EHottle, James R
Hottle, JohnHottle, John HHuddle, James
Huddle, JohnHutchinson, JohnIrwin, Jacob
Irwin, JohnIrwin, Jos.Irwin, Joseph E
Irwin, Wm HJackson, DanielJackson, Isaak
Jackson, JacobJackson, JamesJackson, Nathan
Jewel, SamuelJohnson, DanielJohnson, Isiah
Johnson, IzaakJohnson, NathanielKerns, Eras
Kibler, JacobKibler, WmKibler, Wm J
Kingree, SamuelKingree, WmLair, Thom
Larkins, GreenLarkins, Green BLarkins, John
Larkins, John WLarkins, MissLear, Thomas
Lewis, Etta JaneLiberty FeedLindamood, Lem
Long, CharlesLong, IsaacLong, Isaac N
Long, LeviLudwig, CharlesLudwig, Jacob
Lutz, JohnLutz, John MMaston, C.B.
Maston, D. B.Mauck, CharlesMauck, George
Mauck, MarcusMauck, Mrs.Mauck, Theodore
McCauly, GeorgeMcQuay, A. J.Merkley, E.W.
Merkley, John D.Merkley, NathanielMerkley, Wm.
Merkley, Wm. R.Miller, A. J.Miller, Adam
Miller, AndrewMiller, AquillaMiller, C.
Miller, CorneliusMiller, DanielMiller, David
Miller, E. W.Miller, FrankMiller, Geo. M.
Miller, GreenMiller, Green of H.Miller, Green of Jos.
Miller, HarrisonMiller, J. B.Miller, Jackson
Miller, JacobMiller, Jacob of JamesMiller, James
Miller, James J.Miller, JerryMiller, John
Miller, John of JacobMiller, John B.Miller, John H.
Miller, Joseph of JacobMiller, Joseph of Jos.Miller, Joshua
Miller, M.M.Miller, MadisonMiller, Martin
Miller, MiltonMiller, NoahMiller, Noah J.
Miller, PatisonMiller, PerryMiller, Samuel
Miller, SimonMiller, Simon E.Miller, Thos.
Miller, Thos. F.Miller, Wash.Miller, Wesley
Miller, WestMiller, Wm.Miller, Wm. of H.
Miller, Wm. J.Miller, Wm. P.Miller, Wm. W.
Mimick, Abra.Mimick, J.M.Mimick, Wm.
Mumaw, Jos.Narcross, Wm.Nasslerod, George
Nasslerod, PaulNasslerod, Wm.Nasslerod, Wm. R.
Newman, SolenPolk, Jos.Polk, U.E.
Pollard, Wm. D.Pritt, Wm.Racey, Charles
Racey, Christ.Racey, Christopher C.Racey, J.M.
Racey, JamesRacey, James B.Racey, James M.
Racey, James R.Racey, LandonRacey, Luke St.
Racey, Wm.Racey, Wm. H.Reedy, Charles
Reedy, JenieReedy, Mrs.Reedy, Robt.
Reynolds, JohnRichmon, AbeRiffey, A.J.
Riffey, GeorgeRiffey, Jacks.Riffey, Samuel
Rodeffer, RomanasRoss, A.B.Ross, Charles
Ross, JohnRoss, John D.Rusk, Jno.
Russell, ElkanaRussell, F.A.Russell, Frank
Ryan, JamesRyan, JohnRyman, David
Sager, E.Sanger, JohnSanger, John F.
Shadville, LutherShadville, Wm.Shiflet, Willis
Shipp, GodfreyShipp, JamesShipp, Joseph
Shipp, Wm.Shireman, LeviShireman, Reubin
Shireman, RobertSine, AdamSine, Barney
Sine, CharlesSine, DanielSine, David
Sine, David F.Sine, David W.Sine, Dillmon
Sine, JamesSine, John W.Sine, Joseph
Sine, Jos. E.Sine, NelsonSine. R.H.M.
Sine, ReeseSine, RhesaSine, Thomas
Sine, Thos. F.Sine, TobiasSpitler, Amos
Spitler, EliSpitler, JohnSpitler, John of N.
Spitler, Jno. H.Spitler, Jno. H. of E.Spitler, Jno. H. of Hy
Spitler, MathiasSpitler, Wm.Stickley, George
Stickley, Jos.Stoneburner, DavidStrauderman, Jacob
Stultz, JacobStultz, JamesStultz, Luther
Stultz, TimThompson, George W.Timbers, Wm.
Van, CharlesVan, EliVan, Frank
Van, Frank B.Van, Wm.Van, Wm. H.
Walker, JohnWalker, PhilipWalker, Wm. H.
Weaver, FredWeaver, GeorgeWeaver, Wm.
Wetherholt, FrankWetherholt, GeorgeWetherholt, Jacob
Wetzel, BarbraWetzel, EzraWetzel, Frank
Wetzel, JacobWetzel, JohnWetzel, John H.
Wetzel, Robt.Williams, A.J.Williams, Benjamin
Williams, JackWilliams, JohnWilliams, Mathias
Williams, TiceWilt, HarvyWilt, John
Wilt, PhilipWilt, SamuelWilt, Sarah
Wisman, LutherWissler, JacobWissler, Mrs. John
Wolverton, CharlesWolverton, DavidWolverton, Eutaw
Wolverton, JamesWolverton, JohnWolverton, Newt
Wolverton, Wm.Wymer, AdamWymer, Jacob

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Created August 31, 1998
Updated April 24, 2006
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