FEBRUARY 26 1879 DEED BETWEEN JACOB & CATHARINE WINE AND AMANDA WEATHERHOLTZ "for a certain tract of land; lying in the county of Shenandoah about 1 mile South West of Moores Store" *NOTE: Transcribed from the original document as written |
This deed made this 26th day of February, 1879. Between Jacob Wine, & Catharine his wife of the County of Shenandoah and State of Virginia of the one part, and Amanda Wetherholtz the wife of Elias Wetherholtz of the county and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred and Seventy Five Dollars payable as follows. Two Hundred Dollars to be paid on the1th day of March 1879. Twenty Five Dollars on the 1th day of March 1880, Twenty Five Dollars on the 1th day of March 1880, Twenty Five Dollars on the 1th day of March 1881, and Twenty Five Dollars on the 1th day of March 1882, with interest from the 1th day of March 1879. The said Jacob Wine & Catharine his wife do grant unto the said Amanda Wetherholtz her heirs & assigns a certain tract of land; lying in the county of Shenandoah about 1 mile South West of Moores Store, it being the land recently conveyed to the said Jacob Wine by the circuit court of Shen. Co. with an addition of 2 rods & 7 poles & is bounded as follows. Beginning at a stake Samuel Tusings East corner in Harpines line, thence S. 24 ½ W. 75 poles & 9 links to a stake, a corner to Mary Golladay's land in Benj. Wine's line; thence with his line S. 61 ¼ E. 26 poles & 8 links to a small white oak tree at the side of a road, a corner to Benj. Wine's land; thence N. 80 ½ E. 47 poles & 26 links to a planted rock, a corner to Jacob Wine's land; thence with his line, N. 46 ½ E. 26 poles to a black oak stump; thence N. 40 ½ E. 14 poles & 6 links to a planted rock, corner to Harpines land, thence with his line N. 74 ¼ W. 46 poles to the beginning. Containing 16 acres 1 Rood, & 32 Sq. poles more or less. The said Grantors do covenant that they have the sole right to convey the said real Estate to the Grantee & that they will warrant generally the property hereby conveyed. Witness the following Signatures & Seals Jacob Wine (Seal)Catharine X Wine (Seal) her mark |
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