Period | Duration of Service | Rank | Names of General and Field Officers Under Whom He Served | Years | Months | Days |
Drafted in 1780 | 3 | Ensign | Capt. Downey, Col. Edmonds | |||
Sub | 3 | Private | Capt. Marshall, Col. Edmonds | |||
Drafted in 1781 | 3 | " | Capt. Richardson, Col. Edmonds |
Anderson County ~ Personally appeared before me Edward Hawkins one of the acting Justices of the Court of Pleas and Quarter sessions in and for said County
Edward Wiett a resident of said county and state at his own house in the said county of Anderson and state of Tennessee he being unable to attend Court by reason of old age and bodily infirmity aged 76 years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of congress passed June 7th 1832 That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated.
He resided in Shanandoah County Virginia at which place in the month of January 1780 he was drafted for a three months tour under Capt Darby Downey in Col Edmans’s Regiment of militia Rendezvoused at Stoverstown marched to purmunco River then we joined Genl Stephens’s Brigade crossed it at the Ground Squirrell Bridge thence to the mawben hills on James river lay there four weeks thence to the neighborhood York town lay there ‘till our time was out and was then discharged in the month of April 1780 his discharge was signed by said Capt Downey which discharge is lost he served at this time three months.
Again while residing at the place last aforesaid in or about the first of May 1780 he substituted for a three months tour in the room and stead of Joseph Allen under Capt Thomas Marshall in Col Edmans’s Regiment of Militia Rendezvoused at Millerstown Marched to the Purmunca River crossed it at the Ground Squirrel Bridge then marched to mawben hills then we joined Genl Stephens’s Brigade lay there several weeks then we marched to Chickahominy River lay there some time thence to the Ceder Swamps to a place called the burnt armery lay there some time and was then honorably discharged in or about the first of August 1780 his discharge was signed by the said Capt Marshall but is now lost he served at this time three months.
Again while living at the place last aforesaid some time in May 1781 he was drafted for a three months tour under Capt John Richardson in Col Edmans’s Regiment of Militia Rendezvoused at Millerstown Marched to Purmanca River crossed at the Ground Squirrel Bridge thence to Chickahominy River thence to the burnt armery lay there till our time was out and was then honorably discharged same time in the month of August 1781 his discharge was signed by the said Capt Richardson but is now lost he served at this time three months he served in the whole nine months.
The first tour above written was served as an ensign he was commissioned by Col Abraham Bird to serve as Ensign to serve that tour and he did perform the office of Ensign during the whole tour his commission is now lost He has no documentary evidence and he knows of no person whose testimony he can procure who can testify to his service. He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state There is no clergyman residing immediately in his neighborhood nor (name/man?) that he knows of by whom he can prove the report of his service. his
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid before me Edward X Wiett
Edward Hawkins mark
A justice of the Court of Please and Quarter sessions in and
for the said county of Anderson and state
of Tennessee Oct 17th 1832
We Sam Maddox and John White residing in the said county of Anderson and State of Tennessee hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Edward Wiett who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration that we believe him to be 76 years of age that he is reported and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier of the revolution and that we concur in that opinion. his
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid before me Sam X Maddox
Edward Hawkins mark
John X White
From an attached amendment... dated the 8th day of April 1833:
He was born in Bucks County in the state of Pennsylvania on the 3rd day of January 1755 which made him 77 years old instead of 76 at the time he made his said declaration. He has a record of his age in a book called Aristotles Masterpiece.
He is known in his present neighborhood to Thomas White Edward Hawkins (?) John Maddox and Thomas Hagler all of whom he believes would testify that they believe him to be a man of veracity and that they believe he served as a soldier of the Revolution sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid. his
Edward X Wiett
Note from another source:
Last payment file - death date: Jan 1, 1843 in Roane Co, TN... not confirmed by ewb.
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