Lambert Wolverton Cemetery
White Chapel

Burke, Louis; Sep. 24, 1849 - Jun. 12, 1878
Burke, Minerva Elizabeth; 1843 - Jun. 17, 1923; w. of Lewis; d. of Geo. & Elizabeth Sheetz
Foltz, Sara C.; Mar. 17, 1857 - May 4, 1884; w. of James R.
Lambert, Annie; n.d. - Jun. 1, 1860; w. of H.; 51 yr.
Lambert, Elizabeth; n.d. - 1853; about 88 yr.
Lambert, Henry; n.d. - Jul. 11, 1883; about 88 yr.
Norcross, Charles N.; n.d. - Jun. 15, 1889; s. of C.S. & B.W.; 2 mo. 21 da.
Reedy, Anna L.; Feb. 11, 1874 - Nov. 24, 1898; w. of William
Wolverton, Nathaniel; Feb. 7, 1834 - Mar. 1, 1913; s. of John & Polly Hottel Wolverton
Wolverton, Rebecca; Mar. 20, 1833 - Aug. 8, 1861; w. of Nathaniel

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Updated December, 2024
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