Brill, Emma Lee; Aug. 16, 1861 - Apr. 15, 1928; Daughter of Levi and Mary Wisman Gochenour, Wife of William G. Ritter and Adolph Brill Evans, Jeremiah S.; Oct. 18, 1822 - Jun. 7, 1890; Private Company C.,F. 10 Virginia Infantry Evans, Sarah J.; Nov. 9, 1839 - Oct. 11, 1890; w. of Jeremiah S. Fauber, Mary M. Windle; Apr. 2, 1849 - Apr. 1, 1926; w. of Cornelius Fravel, Beulah E.; Jan. 28, 1893 - Mar. 15, 1894; d. of B.E. & M.E. Gochenour, Barbara A.; Jun. 4, 1827 - Jun. 9, 1905; w. of Joseph Gochenour, Levi; Oct. 10, 1812 - Jun. 5, 1890 Gochenour, Mary; Feb. 2, 1820 - Feb. 12, 1892; w. of Levi Gochenour, Regina E.; Aug. 6, 1845 - Jan. 7, 1892 Kile, David W. (Dr.); Mar. 19, 1864 - Feb. 1, 1893 Reedy, Anna R.; n.d. - Sep. 28, 1918; d. of G.L. & I.V.; 1 mo. 28 da. Reedy, Gladys F.; n.d. - Nov. 9, 1918; d. of G.L. & I.V.; 4 yr. 4 mo. Reedy, Luther A.; n.d. - Oct. 30, 1918; s. of G.L. & I.V.; 5 yr. 11 mo. Riffee, Annie B.; Aug. 7, 1870 - Sep. 25, 1904; w. of G.H. Ritter, W. G.; Dec. 19, 1854 - Jul. 17, 1910 Ryman, Amanda; Aug. 27, 1847 - Sep. 14, 1884; w. of John M.; Close-up Ryman, Catharine; Oct. 30, 1828 - Nov. 10, 1887; w. of Joseph Ryman, Emma C.; Dec. 11, 1872 - May 5, 1876; d. of John M. & Amanda Ryman, Joseph; n.d. - Mar. 9, 1904; 77 yr. Ryman, Lucy A.; n.d. - Oct. 16, 1888; 27 yr. 8 mo. 26 da. Ryman, Rebecca; Jun. 1, 1853 - Jan. 3, 1884; d. of Joseph & Catharine Wilkin, Christina; Jan. 15, 1824 - Oct. 22, 1891; w. of Jonathan Wilkin, Jonathan; May 15, 1823 - Jul. 6, 1906 Wilkin, Solomon; Dec. 7, 1826 - Mar. 10, 1882 Windel, Amos; May 23, 1818 - Jul. 11, 1881 Windel, Hampson; Nov. 18, 1844 - Oct. 25, 1865; s. of Amos & Mary Windel, John Wesley; Mar. 4, 1845 - Oct. 25, 1865; s. of Amos & Mary Windel, Mary; Jan. 14, 1808 - Jan. 25, 1887; w. of Amos Windle, Henry; n.d. - Feb. 5, 1901; 52 yr. 8 mo. 25 da.
Photos provided by Jackie and Warren