PENSIONERS now on the ROLL are NOT required to make new application, but must file annual certificate.


Must be filed with the Clerk of the Corporation or Circuit Court of your City or County.
(No application will be entertained not on the printed form.)

APPLICATION of Disabled Soldier, Sailor or Marine of the late Confederacy
Under Act of April 2, 1902, as amended.

     I, James E. Mowery do hereby apply for a pension under the provisions of the act of the General Assembly of Virginia approved April 2, 1902, as amended, entitled "An act to aid the citizens of Virginia who were disabled by wounds received during the war between the States while serving as soldiers, sailors, or marines of Virginia, and such as served during said war as soldiers, sailors, or marines of Virginia, who are now disabled by disease contracted during the war, or by the infirmities of age and providing penalties for violating the provisions of this act." I do solemnly swear that I am a citizen of the State of Virginia and that I have been a resident of the said State for five years next preceding the date of this application and that I was a soldier (sailor or marine) of the Confederate States in the war between the States, and that I am now disabled, and that from the effects of such disability I am incapacitated from following my usual and ordinary occupation, or any other occupation for a livelihood; and that during the said war I was loyal and true to my duty, and never, at any time deserted my command or voluntarily abandoned my post of duty in the said service, and that by reason of such service and disability I am now entitled to receive a pension uner the provisions of said act. And I do further swear that I do not hold any national, State, city or county office or position which pays me in salary or from TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) dollars per annum; nor have I an income from any other employment or any source whatever which amounts to TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) dollars per annum; nor do I receive from any source whatever money or other means of support amounting in value in the sum of TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) dollars per annum; nor do I own in my own right, nor does any one hold in trust for my benefit or now, nor does my wife own, nor does any one hold in trust for my wife, estate or property, either real, personal, or mixed, either in fee or for life, of the assessed value of SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY ($750.00) dollars; provided, however, that a soldier, sailor or marine who is totally blind, or who lost a hand or a foot while in the discharge of his duty during the war shall be entitled in a pension, unless he or his wife has an estate of the assessed value of ONE THOUSAND ($1,000.00) dollars, but also that a soldier, sailor or marine who has reached the age of eighty years shall be entitled to a pension, unless he or his wife shall have an estate of the assessed value of FIFTEEN HUNDRED ($1,500.00) dollars, nor do I receive any aid or pension from any other State, or from the United States, or from any other source, and that I am not an inmate of any soldiers' home and am without means of support, either direct or indirect, and I do further swear that the answers given in the following questions are true:

All questions must be answered fully -- be explicit:

  1.   What is your name?  James Edward Mowery
  2.   What is your age?  Sixty nine years
  3.   Where were you born?  Shenandoah County, Va
  4.   How long have you resided in Virginia?  All my life
  5.   How long have you resided in the City or County of your present residence?  10 years.
  6.   In what branch of the service were you?  Cavalry, 11th Va. Co. A
  7.   Who were your immediate superior officers?
          Colonel  Ashby
          Captain  Myers and Capt. Turner
  8.   When did you enter the service  May 26, 1862
  9.   Where did you enter the service?  Near New Market, Va.
 10.  When and why did you leave the service?  July 19, 1862 was paroled from prison at Elmira, New York.
 11.  Where did you reside? If in a city, give street address  
          Post-office  Middletown R.F.D.
          County of  Frederick Virginia
 12.  Have you ever applied for a pension in Virginia before? If so, why are you not drawing one at this time?  No
 13.  What is your usual and ordinary occupation for earning a livelihood?   Day labor on farm
 14.  Are you following such occupation or any other occupation or employment at this time? If yes, state the nature and extent of same.  No, have not been able to work lately.
 15.  What is your annual income?  none
          NOTE -- By income is meant the total gross receipts derived by you from all crops (whether sold or good), wages and other sources valued in dollars.
 16.  How much property do you own?
          Real Estate  $none
          Personal Property  $none
 17.  What is the exact nature of your disability and the cause thereof?  
Rheumatism and heart trouble, swelling of feet and legs.
 18.  Are you totally or partially incapacitated by such disability?   Totally
 19.  Give the names and addresses of two comrades who served in the same command with you during the war.
          Name:  S.R. Feely
          Address:  Capon Road, Va
          Name:  D.M. Pingley
          Address:  Lebanon Church, Va
See Certificate "B."
 20.  Is there a camp of Confederate Veterans in your city or county?  Yes
 21.  Give here any other information you may possess relating to your service or disability which will support the justice of your claim.
I served during the entire four years of the war. I served previous to May 1862 as a substitute till old enough to enlist myself
A signature made by X mark is not valid unless attended by a witness.

     I, G.H. Snarr a Notary Public, in and for the County of Shenandoah in the State of Virginia, do certify that the applicant whose name is signed in the foregoing application, personally appeared before me in my County aforesaid, having the aforesaid application read to him and fully explained, as well as the statements and answers therein made, the said applicant made oath before me that the said statements and answers were true.

Given under my hand this 26 day of Sept 1914
G.H. Snarr

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