Definition of some terms and abbreviations

Abbreviation / TermMeaning / definition
a.a.s.died in the year of his/her age (anno aetitis suae) (86 y/o died in year 86)
d.s.p.died without issue (decessit sine prole legitima)
d.s.p.l.died without legitimate issue (decessit sine prole mascula supesita)
d.s.p.m.s.died without surviving male issue (decessit sine prole mascula supersita)
d.s.p.s.died without surviving issue (decessit sine prole supersita)
d.unm.died unmarried
d.v.p.died in the lifetime of his father (decessit vita patris)
d.v.m.died in the lifetime of his mother (decessit vita matris)
Et aland others (et alia)
Inst.present month (instans)
Liberbook or volume
NuncNuncapative will, an oral will, written by a witness
Obhe/she died (obit)
Relictwidow or widower (relicta/relictus)
Sicso or thus, exact copy as written
Ultlate (ultimo)
Ux or vswife (uxor)
Viznamely (videlicet)

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Updated April 24, 2006
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