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Farmer Hawkinstown |
Teacher Mt. Clifton |
Merchant and Farmer Hamburg |
Farmer Hamburg |
Farmer Hamburg |
Miller Rinkerton |
Farmer Rinkerton |
Farmer Mt. Jackson or Rinkerton |
Merchant Cabin Hill |
Farmer Mt. Clifton |
Farmer Mt. Jackson |
Farmer Hawkinstown |
Farmer Hamburg |
Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Notions and Merchandise generally. High prices paid for country Produce. Store and residence at Hamburg. |
Farmer Mt. Jackson |
Dealer in General Merchandise, Hardware, Furniture, Grain, Fertilizers, Stoves, &c. Also Manufacturer of choice Brands of Family Flour. Store and Mill in Rinkerton. |
Farmer Mt. Jackson |
Farmer Quicksburg |
Deputy Sheriff P.O. Mt. Clifton |
Farmer Mt. Clifton |
Commisioner of Revenue of Third District. P.O. Mt. Clifton |
Physician and Surgeon School Trustee P.O. Mt. Clifton |
Farmer Hamburg |
Surveyor and Farmer Rinkerton |
County Supervisor Farmer P.O. Rinkerton |
Farmer Mt. Clifton |
Justice of the Peace Farmer P.O. Mt. Clifton |
Teacher Mt. Clifton |
Saloon Keeper Orkney Springs |
Lawyer Mt. Jackson |
Farmer Mt. Jackson |
Farmer Mt. Jackson |
Farmer Mt. Jackson |
Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Hardware, Queensware, Tinware, Wood and Willow Ware, Notions, Clothing, Tobacco, Cigars and all goods usually kept in a first-class country store. Cabin Hill |
Physician and Surgeon Cabin Hill |
Tanner and Farmer Strasburg |
Justice of the Peace Blacksmith and Farmer Strasburg |
Farmer Capon Road |
Farmer Strasburg |
Stonecutter and Farmer Toms Brook |
Farmer Strasburg |
Farmer Strasburg |
General Merchant Manufacturer of Brooms Give me a call My prices are low, my stock complete. Country produce taken Mt. Olive |
Located at Fishers Hill on Tumbling Run Custom work done at all times Best of flour guaranteed. Highest market price paid for wheat. |
Teachers Strasburg |
Farmer Strasburg |
Carpenter and Farmer Strasburg |
Farmer Marlboro |
Salesman Strasburg |
Farmer Strasburg |
Saw and Grist Mill Distillery Location on Tumbling Run two and a-half miles west of Strasburg |
Farmer Strasburg |
Farmer Strasburg |
Saw and Grist Mill On Shenandoah River, three miles south of Strasburg |
Farmer Strasburg |
Salesman Edinburg |
Dealer in General Merchandise, Agricultural implements and Fertilizers. Lantz Mills and Edinburg, Va. |
Manufacturers of Carriages and Wagons Blacksmith. Particular attention given to repairing All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Edinburg |
Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer Edinburg |
The celebrated Hopewell Turbine Water Wheel, manufactured at the Variety Iron Works, York, Pa., is now taking the lead. It is unrivalled in power, durability, simplicity and economy of water, yielding an average of eighty-five per cent of power from half to full gate. It cannot be broken or damaged by stones or timbers getting into it while running, and fully warranted in every particular. Illustrated pamphlets sent free on application. Edinburg |
Teacher Edinburg |
Dealer in Lumber Edinburg |
Minister of Disciples Church Edinburg |
Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Queensware, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Tobacco, Cigars, Salt, Shingles, Railroad Ties, &c. Millinery a specialty. Edinburg |
Attorney-at-Law Edinburg |
Manufacturer of Patent Family and Extra Flour. Edinburg |
Dealers in Cry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Clothing, Queensware, Groceries, Produce, &c. Edinburg |
General Merchants A general line of goods kept, such as are kept in a first-class store. Phosphates a specialty. Forestville |
Farmer Woodstock |
Millers We guarantee our Flour as good as the best made in the county. If you don't believe it, give us a call and we will guarantee satisfaction. We have also a Saw-Mill attached, and are ready at any and all times to do work in that line. Powells Fort |
Farmer Maurertown |
Farmer Maurertown |
Owner of the fine English Draft and Clydesdale Bay Stallion Also fine Stallion, Tom Morgan. Both horses are Kentucky Stock. |
Farmer Maurertown |
Farmer Woodstock |
Farmer Mine Run Furnace |
Farmer Woodstock |
Farmer Seven Fountains |
Farmer Woodstock |
Farmer Woodstock |
Farmer Woodstock |
Farmer Woodstock |
Farmer Mine Run Furnace |
Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Queensware, Tinware, Glass, Wood and Willow ware, Clothing, Notions, tobacco, Cigars, and all goods usually kept in a first-class Country Store. Also Miller. Grinds Flour and chop Feed. Satisfaction guaranteed. Store and Residence Powells Fort. |
Farmer Mine Run Furnace |
Farmer Mine Run Furnace |
Farmer Seven Fountains |
Farmer Seven Fountains |
Superintendent of Shenandoah County Almshouse |
Farmer Woodstock |
Farmer Woodstock |
Farmer Maurertown |
President of the Board of Supervisors for Shenandoah County Woodstock |
Farmer Maurertown |
Farmer Woodstock |
Farmer Woodstock |
Farmer Woodstock |
Miller Our Mill is one of the oldest established Mills in the County, and is giving entire satisfaction to our customers Give us a call and we feel satisfied you will come again. |
Mining Engineer Mine Run Furnace |
Farmer Maurertown |
Farmer Maurertown |
Farmer Woodstock |
Farmer & Mining Willow Grove |
Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Clothing, Notions, Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Wood and Willow-ware. You will find my Stock complete in every line of Goods. Give me a call. Store and Residence, Seven Fountains P.O. Powells Fort. |
School Trustee for Johnston District Farmer. |
Farmer Woodstock |
Cooper & Farmer Woodstock |
Farmer Woodstock |
Farmer Mine Run Furnace |
Farmer Woodstock |
Minister and Farmer Maurertown |
Farmer Seven Fountains |
Farmer Maurertown |
Farmer New Market |
Carriage Manufacturer New Market |
Farmer Forestville |
County Surveyor Moores Store |
Farmer Quicksburg |
Farmer & Stock Trader Quicksburg |
Farmer Moores Store |
Farmer Quicksburg |
Farmer Quicksburg |
Farmer New Market |
Farmer Mt. Jackson |
Farmer & Grazier Borden |
Farmer & Trader New Market |
Teamster New Market |
Farmer & Teamster New Market |
Farmer New Market |
Farmer New Market |
Farmer & Stock Dealer New Market |
Farmer and Overseer of Roads Borden |
Farmer Edinburg |
Miller Edinburg |
Farmer Edinburg |
Farmer Edinburg |
Butcher P.O. Edinburg |
Painter P.O. Lantz Mill |
Salesman Clerk of Columbia Liberty Iron Co. Columbia Furnace |
Superintendent of Columbia Iron Works Columbia Furnace |
Clerk P.O. Lantz Mill |
Manufacturers of the best C. B. Charcoal Boiler, Plate and Car Wheel Iron. |
Shenandoah County, Va. |
Farmer Edinburg |
Foundryman Columbia Furnace |
Farmer Columbia Furnace |
Farmer & Miller Columbia Furnace |
House Delegate Edinburg |
Clerk P.O. Columbia Furnace |
Horse Trader P.O. Edinburg |
Commissioner of Revenue Edinburg |
Dentist P.O. Edinburg |
Physician and Surgeon P.O. Columbia Furnace |
Farmer Calvary |
Physician and Surgeon P.O. Edinburg |
Dealer in Phosphates P.O. Columbia Furnace |
Stone Cutter & Farmer Edinburg |
Farmer Edinburg |
Farmer and Dentist Calvary |
Superintendent of Liberty Iron Works Liberty Furnace |
Manufacturer of Lumber. Liberty Furnace |
Book-keeper Liberty Furnace |
Farmer Edinburg |
Farmer Edinburg |
Fadley's Saw Mill Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries and General Merchandise Edinburg |
Merchant Edinburg |
Farmer and Dealer in General Merchandise. Mt. Eden |
Miller Edinburg |
Farmer Columbia Furnace |
Drover P.O. Edinburg |
Salesman Columbia Furnace |
Traveling Salesman Mt. Jackson |
Dealer in Walnut and Hard Lumber Mt. Jackson |
Physician and Surgeon Mt. Jackson |
Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Queensware, Tinware, Glassware, Wood and Willow Ware, Clothing, Notions, Cigars, Tobacco, and all goods usually kept in first-class stores. Mt. Jackson |
Dealer in General Merchandise, Fertilizers and Grain. Mt. Jackson |
Physician and Surgeon Mt. Jackson |
Transacts a general Banking Business, Furnish Sight Drafts good in all parts of the United States. Special Accomodations to Depositors. J. Fred. S. Good, Cashier. |
Proprietor of Proctor Hotel Mt. Jackson |
Dealer in Dry Goods, Staple and Fancy Groceries Mt. Jackson |
Dealer in Drugs and Fancy Goods, Artistic Photographer and Practical Job Printer Mount Jackson or Orkney Springs |
Proprietor of Hotel Mt. Jackson |
Proprietor of Wilson Hotel Mt. Jackson |
Proprietor of Valley House New Market |
Attorney-at-Law County Judge New Market |
Manufacturer of Buggies, Phaetons, Surreys, Spring Wagons, &c. All work guaranteed. New Market |
General Merchants Congress Street New Market Dealers in General Merchandise, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, &c. |
Banker New Market |
Bricklayer New Market |
Editors and Publishers of "Shenandoah Valley" Established in 1806 New Market |
Attorney-at-Law New Market |
Bankers New Market |
B. G. Manor, owner of Flour and Saw Mill On Shenandoah River, one mile North West of New Market. C. E. Manor, Milling Engineer. |
Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence two miles north of New Market, on Valley Turnpike |
Banker New Market |
Fresco and House Painter New Market |
Justice of the Peace New Market |
Livery and Sale Stable I am prepared to furnish at all times, Horses, Phaetons, Buggies, Hacks and Spring Wagons. In fact everything kept in a first-class Livery Stable. Orders by telegraph promptly attended to. Call on me at Central Hotel. New Market |
Stock Dealers New Market |
Proprietors, Orkney Springs Resort This well known resort has been leased by the above firm for a period of five years. Terms moderate. Accomodations for 800. Air pure and invigorating, free from all objections. Table second to none in either of the Virginias. Livery under the management of the Proprietors. Greatest variety of Waters in any known Locality. Bear Wallow, Sulphur, Arsenic, Chalybeate, iron Sulphur, Healing, Teas and other mineral waters along with the best of Free Stone. Send for circulars. |
with C.A. Wine & Brother, General Merchants |
Dealer in Trotting Horses and owner of the celebrated Stallions, John Paul and Harry H. These horses are the colts of Brashaw, Jr., and have both shown remarkable speed. I have always on hand and for sale highbred Trotters and Saddle Horses. For further particulars call on or address Samuel Moore, Quicksburg. |
Proprietess of the famous Shenandoah Alum Springs. Located 12 miles West of Mt. Jackson. |
Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, Boots and Shoes, etc. |
(Hinkins & Brother) Watchmakers and Jewelers. Dealers in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Silver Plated Ware, Spectacles, Eye Glasses, etc. Quality and workmanship the best. Prices as low as the lowest. All goods warranted as represented or money refunded. Special attention given to repairing watches, clocks, jewelry and musical instruments. |
Proprietor of Chalybeate Springs Hotel, Strasburg. Located near the Depot. |
Editor of the Strasburg News Lawyer. Will practice in Shenandoah and adjoining counties. |
Proprietor of Central Hotel. Located on Corner of Main and Depot Streets. |
Stickley & McInturff Bros. Dealers in Grain, Flour, Feed and Shipstuffs, Farming Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Lime and Phosphates, and General Produce Exchange. H.C. Knee, General Salesman. |
This School has an excellent building and is owned by the Forrer Sisters, whose high standing and experience as Teachers, insures this to be one of the first home schools for young ladies in the Valley. The course of instruction will be thorough. |
Physician and Surgeon. Residence and Office on Main Street. |
Merchants A full line of all classes of goods usually kept in a general store. Established 1846 |
Manufacturers of Staves and Heading, and Agent for Shingle, Heading and Stave Machinery, and Saws of all kinds. |
Teacher and Farmer |
Carpenter and Farmer |
Miller |
Attorney-at-Law Woodstock |
Attorney-at-Law Woodstock |
City Treasurer Woodstock |
Farmer Woodstock |
Farmer Maurertown |
Physician and Surgeon Owner and breeder of fine thoroughbred horses Trotters a Specialty Woodstock |
Farmer St. Luke's |
Merchant St. Luke's |
Supervisor Woodstock |
Supervisor Woodstock |
A splendid hotel, with a good sample room for the accomodataion of commercial travelers. M. Geary, Proprietor Also is a dealer in General Merchandise and Gent's Furnishing Goods. |
Supervisor Woodstock |
Tanner & Farmer Alonzaville |
Farmer St. Luke's |
Physician Maurertown |
Physician and Surgeon Woodstock |
Manufacturers of "Roller Process Flour." Specialties "Monarch" and "Stonewall." Also dealers in all kinds of Grain, Fertilizers, Plaster, Salt, Coal, &c. Woodstock |
Dealer in Agricultural Implements, Mill Machinery, and Phosphates Woodstock |
Manufacturer of "Hard to beat and Valley Star Extra Flour" Also dealer in Fertilizers, Grain, The Tennessee Wagons, &c. Woodstock |
Mayor Attorney-at-Law Woodstock |
Proprietor, "Van Buren Iron Furnace" Situated 8 1/2 miles N.W. of Woodstock, VA., by nearest public road |
County Treasurer Woodstock |
Supervisor Edinburg |
Landlord Woodstock |
Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c. Country Produce bought Woodstock |
Journalist Woodstock |
Clerk of Circuit Court Woodstock |
Farmer New Market |
Attorney-at-Law Woodstock |
Farmer Woodstock |
Merchants & Farmers Saumsville |
Merchant Saumsville |
United States Senator Attorney-at-Law Woodstock |
Supervisor Rinkerton |
Farmer Alonzaville |
Farmer Alonzaville |
Teacher Saumsville |
A Weekly Newspaper Republican in sentiment Published by the Herald Publishing Co. |
A first-class house, newly furnished, where guests can receive home comforts in every respect A good Livery attached. W.L. Laughlin, Proprietor |
Teacher Woodstock |
Farmer Alonzaville |
Blacksmith Alonzaville |
Mechanic Alonzaville |
Miller & Farmer Alonzaville |
Teacher & Farmer Toms Brook |
Published Weekly by R.H. MARTIN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, AT $1.50 IN ADVANCE WOODSTOCK, VIRGINIA A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY AND COUNTY NEWSPAPER It has the best stories, the choicest poems, the most useful farm and garden notes, the most careful recipes, the most valuable scientific notes, and the most instructive and entertaining miscellany. It has the most able political and literary contributors who will discuss THE TOPICS OF THE TIMES It has correspondence from all points of the county. It gives ALL THE NEWS local, state and national. It aims to be a LIVE AND RELIABLE NEWSPAPER Sample copies free Job work a specialty. |
Clerk of County Court Woodstock |
Commonwealth Attorney Woodstock |
Attorney-at-Law Woodstock |
Lutheran Minister Woodstock |
Sheriff Woodstock |
Farmer & Carpenter Toms Brook |
Attorney-at-Law Woodstock |
Attorney-at-Law Woodstock |
Attorney-at-Law Woodstock |