1816 - 1822

Nov 11

- Elizabeth Love, a base born child of Elizabeth Love is bound by Overseer of Poor to John Berry. She is 5 years old Mar. 7, last.

- Harrison Wood is charged for the support of a base born child of Nancy Hash.
- Lucy Jack, orphan of Nancy Jack, is bound by Overseer of Poor to Jacob Good, to learn sewing and spinning. She is 8 years old Jan. last.
- Hannah Cope, daughter of Jacob, is bound by Overseer of Poor to Joseph Fisher. She is 8 years old.
- John Swartz is charged for the support of a base born child of Sarah Good.


Jan 14

- John Keller is charged for the support of a base born child of Elizabeth Spere (?).
- Anna Stover, orphan of Jacob, over 14 chose Jonas Crabill as guardian.
- Absalom, a boy of color is bound by Overseer of Poor to John Walton to learn farming. He is 8 years old Mar. 29, next.
- Abraham Duncan, a boy of color is bound to John Newman to learn farming.
- George Phillips, orphan of George, is bound by Overseer of Poor Dist # 1 to Charles Pence to learn tanning. (See order of Jan. 1814)
- Charles Williams is ordered to pay commonwealth for the support of a base born child of Catherine Losh.

Feb 10
- Thomas Haynes and John R. Haynes, orphans of William, are bound by Overseer of Poor to James Booker to learn the craft of carpentry and cabinet-making. Thomas is 18 yrs old Feb. 18, 1816 and John is 16 years old on Sept 1, 1816.
- George Cope, son of Jacob is bound to Jeremiah Cooper by Overseer of Poor to learn trade of milling.
- Maria Smith, daughter of Catherine, is bound by Overseer of Poor Dist # 1 to Christian Hass to learn knitting and sewing. She is 6 yrs old Dec. 23 last.

Mar 10
- Mary Ann Reager, a base born child of Sarah Reager is bound by Overseer of Poor Dist # 1 to Jacob Fisher to learn art of spinning, sewing and cooking. She is 9 yrs old Sept. 20. The court is also to find a suitable home for Nancy Reager, daughter of same.
- Peter Reeser is ordered to reimburse the commonwealth for supoort of a base born child of Elizabeth Shaver.
- Michael Faugle is ordered to appear in court and show cause why his children, Michael, David and Leah should not be taken from him and bound out according to law.

May 13
- Ordered that John Dosh be appointed guardian to his daughter, Mary, granddaughter and legatee of Henry Hahn, dec. Also George Cooper is appointed guardian to his daughter, Mary, a granddaughter and legatee of Henry Hahn dec.
- Shadrack Flemings, orphan of John, is bound by Overseer of Poor to Chas. Schroffe (?) to learn the business of a tailor. He is 10 yrs old Aug. 13 next.

June 9
- Elizabeth Poke, orphan of Adam, chose John Barkman as gdn. Over 14

June 10
- Philip Stover, a base born child of Catherine Stover is bound to David Grabill Sr. to learn farming. He is 10 years old May 25, last.
- Nimrod Rolls, a free boy of color is bound to Jacob Reamer to learn the business of a hatter. He is 16 years old Aug. 12, last.
- Abraham Bunker, a base born child of Elizabeth Hawkins is bound to Meshach Goodrich to learn fulling and dying. He is 12 yrs old Jan. 24, last.

July 10
- George Cooper is ordered to appear in Court and show why the indentures of the children of Abby Grant, a woman of color, should not be rescinded.

Aug 12
- William Shipe, orphan of Elizabeth, is bound to Philip Baker to learn the trade of blacksmith. He is 16 yrs old July last.

Sept 9
- Samuel Windle, Henry Windle, David Windle, grandchildren of Peter Black (Swartz), over 14, chose Emanuel Windle as their guardian. Emanuel Windle is appointed guardian to Rachel and Catherine Windle, grandchildren of Peter Black, dec. under 14 years of age.

Nov 12
- John Kite, orphan of Daniel Kite, is bound by Overseer of Poor Dist # 1 to George Tidler to learn the business of a hatter. He is 14 yrs old Apr. lat.
- Joseph Kite, orphan of Daniel, to same. He is 13 yrs old June 5 last.
- George Rye, son of Thomas Rye is bound by Overseer of Poor Dist # 2 to James Allen to learn the trade of saddlemaking. (No age given)

Nov 14
- Mary Ann Goetz, a base born child of Catherine, is bound by Overseer of Poor Dist # 1 to John Cook to learn spinning, sewing and cooking. She is three years old August last.
- Genus Denius, a base born child of Anny Arrington, is bound by Overseer of Poor Dist # 1 to Andrew Hottel to learn spinning, sewing and cooking. She is six years old. (See Sept. 1812)
- John Eavy, orphan of Peter, is bound to Wendle Coffman to learn to be a blacksmith. He is 17 years old June last. (See July 1816)
- William Eaton, orphan of John, is bound to John Johnson to learn the trade of miller.
- Benjamin May, orphan of George May, is bound to Christopher Heckle to learn the business of farming. He is 11 years old May 4 last.


Jan 12

- Joseph McGovern, a base born child of Polly McGovern is bound by Overseer of Poor to Peter Leggett to learn farming. He is 18 years old Feb. last. (See Jan. 1812)

Feb 9
- Henry Foster, base born child of Elizabeth Swartz is bound by Overseer of Poor, Dist. # 1 to Paul Huddle to learn the business of a miller. He is 12 yrs old June last.
- Reuben Wood, son of Nancy Wood, is bound by Overseer of Poor to Simeon Dunn to learn the craft of shoemaker. He is 10 yrs old June 11, last.

Mar 10
- William Hefflin, son of Stewart Hefflin, is bound by Overseer of Poor Dist # 1 to John Balthis to learn the trade of blacksmith. (No age)

Apr 14
- Elizabeth Clark, daughter of William Clark, is bound to Joseph Snapp to learn sewing and cooking. (No age)
- John Snapp, orphan of Abraham Snapp is bound by Henry Browning, his guardian, to Samuel Few to learn the craft of a tailor. He is 17 years old Nov. 27, last. (See Jan. 1815)

May 11
- William Sett, son of Daniel, is bound by Overseer of Poor to John Effinger to learn farming. He is 11 years old Jan. 1, last.

June 8
- Eleanor Orndorff is appointed guardian to James, Eliza, Harrison and Hampton Orndorff, orphans of Philip Orndorff, under 14.
- Lewis Robertson, son of Oliver, a free boy of color, is bound by Overseer of Poor to Samuel Richardson to learn farming. He is 14 yrs old Oct. last.

Aug 11
- Sally Clark, a child of Wm. Is bound to James Conner to learn spinning, knitting, and sewing. She is 7 years old.

Sept 7
- Mark Lee Stritchberry, a base born child of Eliz. Stritchberry, is bound to Jacob Funkhouser to learn farming. He is 9 yrs. Old Feb. 28 last.
- Hannah Stritchberry, a base born child of Eliz. Stritchberry is bound to Benjamin Gaines to learn spinning, sewing and cooking. She is 12 yrs old Mar. last.

Oct. 12
– Christian Funk (alias Horner) a base born child of Sarah Horner is bound by Overseer of Poor Dist. #1 to John Simmons to learn boot and shoemaking, He is 5 years old Feb. 7, last. [See May, 1814]
- James Allington, a base born child of Jemima Allington, is bound by Overseer of Poor Dist. #1 to Jacob Reeger to learn to be a blacksmith.
- John Ramey is summons to Court to show why his children should not be taken from him and bound out according to law.
- Joseph Brubeck, orphan of John, over 14, chose George Hottel as guardian
- Mary Brubeck, orphan of John, under 15 is made a ward of George Hottel.

Nov. 9
- John Boehm is appointed guardian to Eliza and John Boehm, orphans of Benjamin, under 14 years of age.
- Peter Boyer came into court and certified that Martha Weeks is the only legitimate child of Moses Weeks.


Jan. 11

- Jacob Dinges, orphan of Henry, over 14, chose David Dinges as guardian.
- David Dinges, guardian to Jacob Dinges is to bind him to John Rumbach to learn wagonmaking. [no age given]
- Mary Artz, orphan of Henry, over 15 chose Abraham Lambert as guardian
- Basel a free boy of color, is bound to Jacob Ott, tanner.
- Rebecca Kingree, a base born child of Polly Kerns, is bound to John Reedy to learn spinning, knitting and sewing. [no age given]
- Alexander Jeffries, orphan of Blessing Jeffries, is bound to Henry Terniger, to learn farming. [no age given]
- George Hottel (Stony Creek) is summons to show why his children should not be taken from him and bound out according to law.
- George Cooper is summons to show cause why Memory and James, black children, shall not be taken from him, it being suggested that they are treated improperly and not furnished with sufficient clothing.

Feb. 8
- Abraham Wolff, orphan of Adam, is bound to John Neese, to learn tanning.
- Deb, a girl of color is bound to Catherine Allen. She is 3 yrs old Dec. 25.
- Daniel, a boy of color, is bound to same. He is age 7 Feb. 8, 1818.
- Simon Tanner, is bound by Overseer of Poor to Jacob Reamer [no further data]

Feb. 9
- Milly Taylor, a base born child of Catherine Taylor, is bound by Overseer of Poor to John Golliday to learn sewing, knitting, etc. She is 3 yrs, July last.
- Emanuel Windle, guardian to Joseph Snapp, orphan of Abraham is to bind him to William Grabill to learn trade of blacksmith. [See Jan. 1815]
- Henry Artz, orphan of Henry, over 15, chose Jacob Artz as guardian.
- Jacob Artz, guardian of Henry Artz is to bind his ward to Frederick Hisey to learn the trade of blacksmith. [no age given]

Mar. 8
- Deborah Shaffer, orphan of Moses, over 15, chose Jacob Newland as guardian.
- Francis Reese is appointed guardian to his children: Sally and Francis Reese, under 14.
- Maria Kerns, a base born child of Rebecca Kerns, is bound by Overseer of Poor to Jonas Crabill. She is 5 yrs old July 30 last. [See Sept. 1813]

May 10
- Elizabeth Weaver, orphan of Christian, over 14 chose Lawrence Pitman as gdn.
- Isabella Funkhouser, orphan of Jacob over 14, chose Jacob Hisey ad (sic) gdn.
- Sally Balthis, orphan of John, over 14 chose Solomon Herbaugh as guardian.
- Dorothy Balthis, orphan of John, over 14, chose Solomon Herbaugh as gdn.
- Solomon Herbaugh is appointed guardian to William Balthis, orphan of John under 14 years of age.
- Samuel Stickley is to reimburse the commonwealth for support of a bastard child [mother not named]
- John Smith is to reimburse the commonwealth for support of a bastard child. [mother not named]

May 11
- Joseph Lockmiller, grandson of Jacob, about 13 years of age made oath that 31 May last he was going from Jacob Windle’s to his grandfather, when a person identified as John Rudolph came out of the woods and cut off his ear. [See Oct. 1808]
- Ephraim a boy of color is bound to Jacob Reamer.
- Mary Weaver, orphan of Christian, over 14 yrs of age chose Henry Cline as gdn.

June 8
- Reuben Long, son of Elizabeth, is bound to William Graham, to learn farming. He is 11 years old Dec. 6, last.
- Elizabeth Jeffries, daughter of Blessing Jeffries, dec. is bound to Jacob Hottel. She is 14 years old June 4, last.

July 12
- William White is to pay for support of a base born child of Cath. Stout.

Aug 9
- Elizabeth Knicely, orphan of George, over 14, chose John Bowman (of Dan’l) as guardian.

Sept 13
- Caty Lonas, granddaughter of Peter Helsley chose George Lonas as gdn.
- George Lonas is appointed guardian to Sally, Joseph, Madeline and John Lonas, grandchildren of Peter Helsley, under 14 years of age.
- Barbara Romich, orphan of Michael, over 14 yrs of age chose John Overholzer as guardian.
- Elizabeth Ramsberger, daughter of John, over 14 chose Christian Welch as gdn.

Sept 14
- George Hupp is appointed guardian to William Balthis, orphan of John, under 14.
- Elizabeth Snapp, orphan of Lawrence, over 14 chose Francis Godlove as gdn.
- Overseer of Poor Dist # 1 bind Reuben Offner, orphan of Mary, to Peter Hoshour to learn the craft of shoemaker. He is 14 yrs old Oct. 15, last.

Nov 8
- Jacob Wolfe, orphan of Adam, bound by Overseer of Poor Dist. # 1 to Jonathan Hisey to learn the trade of a miller. He is 17 yrs old Apr. last. [See Dec. 1813]
- William Gilham, orphan of Samuel, is bound by Overseer of Poor to Jacob Reager to learn the craft of blacksmith. [No age given]
- Jesse Gilham, orphan of Samuel, is bound by Overseer of Poor to Samuel Cooper to learn the craft of a shoemaker. [No age given]

Dec 13
- Moses Funkhouser, orphan of David, over 14, chose Daniel Funkhouser as his guardian. [See Oct. 1813]
- Reuben Pence, over 14, chose Michael Neese as guardian.
- Washington Williams, son of Elizabeth Williams is bound by Overseer of Poor to Joseph Lissos Lifton (?) to learn the business of a painter. He is 12 yrs old June 1, last.


Jan 11

- George Cooper is to pay the Overseer of the Poor for Rockingham for the support of a base born child of Rebecca Reynard.
- Daniel Trischler is bound by Overseer of Poor Dist # 1 to Christian Windle to learn the business of farming. He is 19 yrs old Feb. last.

Feb 7
- Magdalena Eschelman orphan of Peter, chose Henry Cooper as guardian.
- Elizabeth Bussell orphan of George chose Joseph Chandler as guardian.

Feb 8
- Eliza Keeran, a base born child of Polly Keeran is bound by Overseer of Poor for Dist # 1 to John Koontz. She is 10 years old June last. [See Dec. 1815]

- Henry Hollar is charged by Overseer of Poor for support of a base born child of Mary Miller.
- Rebecca Loyd, orphan of Frederick, over 14 chose George Weaver as guardian.
- Mary Miller, orphan of Jacob is bound by Overseer of Poor Dist # 1 to Geo. Maphis to learn sewing, knitting, etc. She is 4 yrs old this month.
- Nimrod Rolls (alias DeRoy) is bound by Overseers of Poor to Robert Allen to learn the business of a tanner. He is 18 yrs old Aug. 12 last. [See June 1817]
- Lucy Boyers, orphan of Elizabeth, chose Rob’t Turner as guardian. [See Apr. 1814]

May 8
- George Wisman is appointed gdn to Polly and John Wisman orphans of Paul under 14 years of age.
- George Windle is appointed gdn to Julian Wisman, orphan of Paul, under 14.
- Philip Miller, guardian to John Miller, is to bind his ward to William Campbell of Frederick Co. to learn the craft of a shoemaker. [No age given]
- Overseer of Poor Dist #1 to bind Mary Miller, orphan of Jacob, to Joseph Miley to learn sewing, knitting and spinning. She is 5 yrs old Feb. last.
- Same bind Eleanor Miller, orphan of Jacob to Henry Hockman to learn sewing, knitting and spinning. She is 11 yrs old Aug. 24 last.

June 12
- Rachel Keller and Hannah Keller, orphans of George over 14 chose David Crabill as their guardian.
- David Crabill is appointed guardian to Barbara Keller orphan of Geo, under 14.
- John Whitmoyer, a base born child of Catherine Toland is bound by Overseer of Poor to Adam Olinger to learnt he trade of blacksmith. He is 12 yrs old Jan. 11 last.
- Overseer of Poor Dist # 2 to bind Nancy Tharp, orphan of Richard to Eliz. Hanham, she is 7 years old May 6 last.
- Polly Samuels, orphan of Isaac chose Christopher Hickle as her guardian.
- Sarah Samuels, orphan of Isaac chose Lawrence Pitman as her guardian.
- Green Samuels, orphan of Isaac chose John Morgan as her guardian.

June 13
- Abraham Baxter is bound by Overseer of Poor Dist # 1 to Francis Sibert. He is 16 years old Sept. 1, last.
- Mary Maphis, orphan of Philip over 14 chose Jacob Rinker as her guardian.
- Mary Buck, orphan child, chose William Bull as her guardian.

July 10
- Jacob Durst, a base born child of Celia Durst is bound by Overseer of Poor Dist # 1 to Philip Miller to learn the trade of blacksmith. He is 13 yrs old July 22 last. [See Feb 1807]
- Samuel Bull is to pay for support of a base born child of Mary Foltz.

Aug 7
- Michael Fry is to pay for support of a base born child of Polly Fry.
- John Weatherholtz, a base born child of Christina Weatherholtz, is bound by Overseer of the Poor Dist # 1 to John Craig to learn farming. He is six years old this month.
- Jacob Hockman, John Hockman and Barbara Hockman, orphans of John chose Fanny Hockman as their guardian.

Sept 11
- William Winsborough is charged for the support of a base born child of Susan Funk.
- Elizabeth Smith, daughter of Susannah, dec. chose Absalom Rinker as gdn.
- Susanna Weaver, daughter of Henry, is bound by Overseer of Poor to Geo. Maphis to learn sewing, spinning, etc. [No age given; See Nov 1820]
- Philip Weaver, son of Henry is bound by Overseer of Poor to William Maphis to learn the craft of a shoemaker. [No age given]

Oct 9
- Isaac Delong is bound by Overseer of Poor to John Copenhaver to learnthe craft of blacksmith. [No age given]
- Leah Switzer chose Joseph Switzer as her guardian. [See Jan 1815]
- Ann Maphis, orphan or Philip over 14 chose Robert Gaw as guardian.
- Christina Overall, daughter of John, chose Wm. B. Overall as her guardian.
- John Barbee is appointed guardian to his children, Lucy Ann and Andrew J.

Nov 13
- Jacob Fry, orphan of Jacob chose Edward March as guardian.
- Susanna Weaver, dau. Of Henry is bound to Matthias Coffman to learn sewing, etc. She is 12 years old Mar. 25, last.
- John Weaver, son of Henry is bound to same to learn farming. He is 6 years old May 15 last.

Dec 11
- Rachel Baker, orphan of Geo chose Abraham Rosenberger as guardian.
- Overseer of Poor to bind Joseph Smith, a base born child of Catherine Smith to Abraham Lambert to learn farming. [No age given]


Jan 8

- Ordered that the Overseer of the Poor for Dist # 1 bind Samuel Sett a boy of color, son of Daniel Sett to Michael Effinger to learn the trade of tanner. He is 12 years old Apr. 1 next.

Feb 12
- Ruth Batman, orphan of Owen, chose William Holtzman as gdn. Over 14.
- Ordered that the Overseer of Poor Dist. # 1 bind Nancy a girl of color to Catherine Funkhouser (widow) to learn the art of sewing, spinning and knitting. She is six yrs old Apr. 11 last.

Feb 13
- Ordered that the Overseer of Poor Dist # 2 bind Samuel Blanham, son of Jerry Blanham, a free woman of color to Jeremiah McKay to learn farming. He is 7 years old Nov. 20 last.
- David Wendel and Samuel Borden made oath that Polly Wisman, Julian Wisman and John Wisman were the only legitimate children and heirs of Paul Wisman, dec. and that the said Polly and Julian (twins) were born Oct. 10, 1809 and John was born Sept. 1811.
- George Wendel and George Wisman made oath that Rosina Beard, late Rosena Wisman, was the widow of Paul Wisman dec. and that he was a late soldier in the Army of the U.S. and that she has not received the pay due him at the time of his decease.

Mar 11
- Adolph Coffman, guardian to Jacob Grandstaff is to bind his ward to Peter Hoshour to learn the trade of shoemaker. He is 19 yrs old next Aug.
- Ordered that the Overseer of Poor Dist # 2 bind William Powell, a base born child of late Nancy Mills to Martin Myers to learn the trade of shoemaker. He is 14 years old 27 Jan. last.

Mar 12
- Overseer of the Poor Dist # 1 is to bind Daniel Beem, a base born child of Franey Beem to Samuel Stewart to learn the art and trade of a miller. He is nine years old Dec. 12, past.
- Overseer of the Poor for Dist # 2 bind Solomon Blanham, 8 years old Oct. 6 last and Jack Blanham, 6 years old Jan. 12 last, children of Sarah Blanham, free woman of color, to Daniel Coffman to learn farming.

Apr 10
- Eliza Whiting, orphan of John R. Whiting chose Edward Robinson as gdn. Over 14.
- Henry Eavy is summons to show why his children should not be taken from him he being incapable of supporting them and bringing them up in honest courses.

- Rebecca Eshleman, orphan of Peter, over 14 chose Joseph Bond as guardian.
- Overseer of the Poor Dist # 1 is to bind John Coffman, son of Polly Coffman to Peter Effinger to learn the trade of a tinner. He is 8 years old Jan. 11, next.
- Overseer of the Poor Dist # 1 is to bind Elizabeth Eavy, child of Henry to George Erion. She being 5 years Feb. 9, last.
- Michael Eavy, child of Henry is to be bound by Overseer of Poor Dist # 1 to Peter Hoshour to learn the trade of boot and shoemaker til the age of 21.
- Overseer of the Poor of Frederick County brings suit against Aaron Procter for support of a base born child of Ann Boles.

June 12
- Mary Peer, Sarah Peer and Comfort Peer, children of Matthias Peer, over 14 chose George F. Hupp as guardian and George Hupp is appointed guardian to Rachel Peer daughter of same under 14 years of age.

June 13
- Overseer of the Poor for Dist # 2 is to bind Stephen Anderson, a base born child of Antha Anderson to John M. Pittman to learn the business of hosteler and houseservant. He is 6 years old Dec. 9, last.
- Leah Fry, orphan of William, over 14, chose John G. Schmidt as guardian.
- Nancy Cain, a base born child of Eleanor Craig, formerly Cain, over 14, chose John Craig as guardian.

Aug 13 - Nancy Coleman, orphan of Jacob, over 14, chose Jonas Gray as guardian.
- David Coffman is appointed guardian to his three children; George, Maria and Eliza under age 14.
- Rachel Wood is appointed guardian to Ebenezer Wood and Jesse Wood orphans of John under 14. Jesse Wood, orphan of Polly Wood made the choice of Rachel Wood as guardian; he is over 14 years of age.
- On the motion of Martin Hupp and with the consent of Overseer of the Poor Dist # 2 the indenture binding Zachariah Sett, a boy of color, son of Daniel Sett to Martin Hupp be rescinded and that the Overseer of the Poor bind said Zachariah Sett to William M. Bayley. [See Jan 1814]
- Overseer of the Poor Dist # 1 bind John Norman, sonof Maria Mahoney to Joseph Little to learn boot and shoemaking. He is 15 yrs, 6 mo. This inst.

Sept 8
- Mary Supinger and Rebecca Supinger, orphans of Jacob over 14 chose Christian Supinger as guardian.

Oct 9
- John Finley to be appointed guardian to his children; Jewitt James, Alexander, Elisha and William, legatees of William Maley.

Nov 12
- Abraham Funkhouser, guardian to Abraham Hockman is to bind him to Joseph Fisher to learn the trade of a miller till he is 21 years of age. He is 19 years of age May 9, last.
- James Roundtree a base born child of Nancy is to be bound by Overseer of Poor Dist # 1 to Henry Browning to learn farming. He is 6 yrs old July 12 last.
- Overseer of Poor Dist. # 1 is to bind Joseph Spencer Lockmiller, a base born child of _____ Lockmiller to Jacob Hockman to learn boot and shoemaking. [See Oct 1808 and May 1819]
- Overseer of the Poor Dist # 1 to bind Mary, a girl of color, daughter of Cily to Abner Long. She is about 7 years old.
- Overseer of the Poor to bind Zachariah Sett, son of Daniel, a boy of color to John Utz to learn farming. [See Jan 1814 and Aug 1821]

Dec 10
- Susanna Knicely, orphan of George, over 14 chose George Smootz as gdn.
- Sarah Balthis, orphan of John, over 14, chose Samuel Baller as guardian.
- Sarah Williams, over 14, chose William Molding as guardian.
- George C. Knicely is appointed guardian to Alexander Stover, orphan of Daniel Stover.
- The Overseer of the Poor for Hardy County brings suit against Joseph Rinker, son of George for the support of a base born child of Catherine Feathers.
- Elizabeth Augusta Ann Wall, age three, Nov. 20, last is bound to Elizabeth Fry, her grandmother until she is 16, to learn the art of sewing and spinning.


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