Oct. 10
- Overseer of Poor Dist. #1 to bind Isaac Ohaver, orphan of Cornelius Ohaver dec. to George Huddle to learn farming. He is 16 years old, Mar. 1, last. William Brook, former guardian is agreeable (see Apr. 12, 1802).
- Same bind George Ogilvie, orphan of Robert to George Huddle to learn farming. (no age given).
- Same bind James Pickle to John Rodehoffer to learn trade of saddler for five years from August last.
Nov. 7
- Jacob Houser is charged by commonwealth for support of bastard child of Susanna Smith.
Dec. 12
- Stephen Mahoney is charged by commonwealth for support of a bastard child of Susanna Meiers.
- Jesse Fugate is charged by commonwealth for support of a bastard child of Elizabeth Gerrills.
- George Moyer is charged by commonwealth for support of a bastard child of Catherine Coffelt.
Jan. 9
- Overseer of Poor Dist. #1 bind George Getz, orphan child to Adam Sibert to learn farming. He is 13 years old 14th Apr. last.
June 10
- Daniel Drexler, orphan of John is bound by Overseer of Poor Dist. #1 to Philip Windle to learn farming. Five yrs old Feb. 14 last.
- Christina Drexler of same is to be bound by same to Henry Snarr. She is three years old May 10, last.
- Jacob Golliday is summoned to Court to show why John and Matthias Baker his wards, should not be taken from him and bound out to another.
June 11
- Elizabeth Robinson, orphan of Ephraim, is bound by Overseer of Poor to John Alther. She is 4 yrs old next Christmas.
- Anna Hoshauer, daughter of Jost is bound to Joshua Foltz. She is 8 years old Mar. 6 last.
- Daniel Hoshauer, son of Jost is bound to Daniel Coffield. He is two years old Jan. 23 last.
- George Henkins is charged by the commonwealth for support of a bastard child of Mary Bly. Said Mary Bly was indentured to said Henkins by order of court Oct. 1801 and while a servant in home of said Henkins Mary Bly did give birth to a female child May 21, 1803 and charges said Henkins with having gotten her with child. Court orders Overseer of Poor to find another guardian for said Mary Bly.
- Michael Hamman is charged by commonwealth for support of a bastard child of Catherine Feazle.
- George Hahn is appointed guardian to George Hahn, orphan of John-under 14.
- Overseer of Poor Dist. # 1 to bind Abby Lutz, daughter of Casper Lutz to George Fisher. She is about nine years old.
- Regina Funkhouser, over 14, orphan of Abraham chose Daniel Funkhouser as her guardian.
- Overseer of Poor Dist. # 1 bind Peter Hoshour, son of Jost to George Shrum to learn farming. He is 10 years old Dec. 29th.
- Overseer of Poor Dist. # 2 to bind Eliza George, daughter of Mary to Dudley Smith. She is 4 years old Apr. 8 last.
- John Helmick is charged by commonwealth for support of bastard child of Elizabeth Wright.
- Ordered that Overseer of Poor Dist # 1 bind Rebecca Bly orphan of John to Jacob Grove, she being 15 years old Apr. 9, 1805. (She was orphan of Jacob and bound to John Grow.)
- Jacob Supinger is found unfit to raise his children and Overseer of Poor Dist. # 1 is to procure homes to bind them out.
- Barbara Hoshour, daughter of Jost is bound to Daniel Coffelt. She is five years of age Sept. 20, 1804.