Revolutionary War Pensioners of Scott County, Virginia

John England
Private in the Va continental army, acquired pension in 1834, age 77 in 1835


William Fields
Private, acquired pension in 1809, transferred from North Carolina, age 86 in 1840


Thomas Fletcher
Private in the VA militia, acquired pension in 1834, age 85 in 1835


William Freeman
Private in the VA line, acquired pension in 1819, died in 1827, age 74


Alexander M Gray
Private in the 2nd regiment TN volunteers, acquired pension in 1809, transferred from TN


Absalom Hamonds
age 86 in 1840 (living with Sarah Hamonds)


William Lawson, Sr.
Private in the VA militia, acquired pension in 1834, age 70 in 1835, age 76 in 1840 (living with William Lawson, Jr.)


Francis Mills
Private in the VA line, acquired pension in 1819, age 77 in 1835


Thomas Saunders
Private in the VA state troops, acquired pension in 1833, died in 1833, age 77


William Sloane, Sr.
age 82 in 1840


James Smith
Private in the VA militia, acquired pension in 1833, died in 1833, age 81


John Smith
age 79 in 1840 (living with William B Smith)


William Stewart
Private in the VA militia, acquired pension in 1834, age 78 in 1835, age 83 in 1840 (living with Nimrod Taylor)

 submitted by Becky Falin

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