Baptist Church at Nickelsville, From the History of Scott County

February 2, 1807 is the date of the first entry “Choose Brother Robert Kilgore Moderator. Rec’d by letter Br. James Ramey. Rec’d by letter Br. Thomas Esterling.

Names of the members: 

Robert Kilgore
James Ramey
Thomas Easterling
Thomas Burton
Israel Davis
John Buster
Elizabeth Sallards
Martha Gray
Jane Kilgore
Jane Buster
Nancy Burton

Entry on April 16, 1808 “David Jessee, Wm. Wells, Edward Kelly choose as a Presbytery to constitute a Church and to look in the ordination of Br. Robert Kilgore. Br. Kilgore given up to said brethren to come under a regular examination adjourned till next day met according to adjournment. Report made by the Presbytery that Br. Kilgore answered all questions to our satisfaction.”

In 1820 the petition of the Stony Creek Baptist Church “Robin Kilgore” was permitted to use his time to attend that church “with the ministry of the word on the 4th Saturday in each month”

October 2, 1847 what was called the “antimission organization held its first meeting and the members entry was “We, the Regular Baptist Church at Cooper Creek being convened at James Culbertson’s house

For the purpose of holding our church meeting do covenant, and agree to subscribe our names as Regular Batists.”  Silas Radliff was made Moderator and James Culbertson clerk. Jessee Davis, Charles Culbertson, and James Culbertson were the first trustees.

January  15, 1848 the Nickelsville  minute book has this entry “The church being greaved with Charles Addington Sr, Charles Culbertson Sr, Elizabeth culbertson, Edward Harris, Nancy Addington, Winney Whitley, Nancy Gilam, Sary Easterling, Margaret Easterling, Thomas Vicars and wife, Hanner Dean for disclaiming a fellowship with the church and separating themselves in a separate body from the church appoint brethering CharlesKilgore Sr, Robert Gilgore, Elias Marshall, and James Easterling to sight said brethering to attend our next meeting in course. Done by order of the church.” Sarah Easterling, Margaret Easterling, Nancy Gilliam, and Edward Harris made due acknowledgments and were restored to the church.

February 19, 1848 members were excluded on account of their anti-mission beliefs and formed another church.

June 19, 1852 the following resolutions were made “ Resolved, That Bro. John R Gray give notice to each member of this church supposed to attached themselves to the anti-mission Baptist that the church desires them to attend her next conference and make known their intentions on that subject so that the church may know what disposition to make of their names as it is contrary to our policy to unfellowship, or exclude a member simply for holding anti-mission sentiments.”

July, 1852 “Resolved, That the church examine herself and book to know whether she had done wrong with Antis, or not, at her next conference.”

Church meetings were held in a building on the lands of Samuel Hartsock called the copper Creek Meeting House until 1855. Nicklesville is mentioned in the church minutes on March 15, 1850.

1857 the anitmissions sent Charles Addinton Sr and Jessee Davis as delegates to an association held Stony Creek for constituting a new association.

May  9, 1857 is mention of the Big Meetinghouse and the trustees as Stephen Kilgore, Jeptha Culbertson, Joshua Addington, Berry Compton, and C C Addington.

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