Russell County Declarations of Intentions 1911 - 1921
I (1)__________ aged (2) _______ years, occupation (3) ________ do declare an oath
affirm that my personal description is: color (4)______, complexion (5) ______,
height (6)___ ft. ___inches, weight (7) ______pounds, color of hair (8)______, color of
eyes (9) ______, other visible distinctive marks (10)______: I was born in (11)______
on the (12)_____ day of (13)_____, anno Domini (14)_____; I now reside at (15)_____.
I emigrated to the United States of America from (16)_____ on the vessel (17)______;
My last foreign residence was (18)_______. It is my bona fide intention to renounce
forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or
sovereignty, and particularly to (19)______, of which I am now a citizen/subject;
I arrived at the port of (20)______, in the State/Territory/District of (21)______ on
or about (22)______ day of (23)______, anno Domini (24) ______; I am not an anarchist;
I am not a polygamist nor a believer in the practice of polygamy; and it is my intention
in good faith to become a citizen of the United States of America and to permanently reside
therein; So Help Me God. Signed (25)__________.
Subscribed and sworn to/affirmed before me this (26)______ day of (27) ______,
anno Domini (28)______.
Clerk of Circuit Court (29)______
Deputy Clerk (30)______
Entry No. 1
1. Steve Sunperger
2. 23
3. Mining
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 7"
7. 150
8. Dark
9. Blue
10. None
11. Hungary
12. 8th
13. December
14. 1888
15. Dante, Russell Co., VA
16. Hungary
18. Kriesend, Hungary
19. Hungary & King Joseph Francis
20. New York
21. New York
22. 24th
23. September
24. 1901
25. Signed
26. 23rd
27. March
28. 1911
29. R. G. Fletcher
30. I. R. Gray
Entry No. 2
1. Frank Vorgo
2. 32
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 9"
7. 175
8. Black
9. Brown
10. Stiff second finger on left hand
11. Mezolak, Hungary
12. 27th
13. October
14. 1879
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Brenien, Germany
18. Mezolsk, Germany
19. Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria and apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 15th
23. October
24. 1901
25. Signed
26. 18th
27. August
28. 1911
29. R. G. Fletcher
30. Ira R. Gray
Entry No. 3
1. Anthony Pink
2. 36
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 6"
7. 190
8. Black
9. Black
10. None
11. Szaturiac, Hungary
12. 3rd
13. May
14. 1875
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Nagy Magtiny
18. Nagy Magtiny
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 1st.
23. September
24. 1903
25. Signed
26. 5th
27. September
28. 1911
29. R. G. Fletcher
30. Ira R. Gray
Entry No. 4
1. Julins Sabo
2. 22
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 6"
7. 155
8. Dark
9. Dark
10. None
11. Fola, Hungary
12. 24th
13. March
14. 1889
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Autruspen, Germany
18. Neyeard
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 18th
23. September
24. 1906
25. Signed
26. 5th
27. September
28. 1911
29. R. G. Fletcher
30. Ira R. Gray
Entry No. 5
1. John Somosky
2. 35
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 6"
7. 160
8. Dark
9. Black
10. None
11. Nagrad, Hungary
12. 8th
13. December
14. 1875
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Hamburg, Germany
18. Verseklo, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 9th
23. June
24. 1913
25. Signed
26. 5th
27. September
28. 1911
29. R. G. Fletcher
30. Ira R. Gray
Entry No. 6
1. Steve Pickets
2. 21
3. Miner
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 6"
7. 169
8. Light
9. Blue
10. None
11. Harvith, Hungary
12. 3rd.
13. March
14. 1890
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Modrovis, Hungary
18. Mordrovis(sp.?) Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. Baltimore
21. Maryland
22. 29th
23. March
24. 1906
25. Signed
26. 5th
27. September
28. 1911
29. R. G. Fletcher
30. Ira R. Gray
Entry No. 7
1. Charles Mestoras
2. 40
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 4"
7. 175
8. Black
9. Black
10. Broken Foot
11. Vespern, Hungary
12. 23rd.
13. October
14. 1871
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Autruspen(sp.?), Germany
18. Idas Tevel Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 17th
23. March
24. 1900
25. Signed
26. 19th
27. September
28. 1911
29. R. G. Fletcher
30. Ira R. Gray
Entry No. 8
1. John Tot
2. 38
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 7"
7. 155
8. Black
9. Black
10. Scar on left arm
11. Garsa, Hungary
12. 24th
13. December
14. 1873
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Hamburg, Germany
18. Budapest, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 10th
23. July
24. 1902
25. Signed
26. 19th
27. September
28. 1911
29. R. G. Fletcher
30. Ira R. Gray
Entry No. 9
1. Jim Messak
2. 39
3. Miner
4. White
5. Fair
6. 6' 1"
7. 191
8. Light
9. Blue
10. None
11. Veton, Hungary
12. 21st.
13. December
14. 1871
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Antvespen (sp.?) Germany
18. Veton, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 15th
23. October
24. 1885
25. Sighned
26. 19th.
27. September
28. 1911
29. R. G. Fletcher
30. Ira R. Gray
Entry No. 10
1. James Rainero
2. 26
3. Contractor
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 9"
7. 160
8. Black
9. Brown
10. Scar on upper lip
11. Vallanzengo, Italy
12. 19th
13. September
14. 1885
15. Lebanon, Virginia
16. Avresy, France
18. Vallanzengo, Italy
19. Victor Emannel 3rd King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 2nd.
23. May
24. 1905
25. Signed
26. 2nd
27. October
28. 1911
29. R. G. Fletcher
30. Ira R. Gray
Entry No. 11
1. Edward Joseph Gough
2. 25
3. Bookkeeper
4. White
5. Light
6. 5'11"
7. 152
8. Dark
9. Blue
10. None
11. Waterford, Ireland
12. 11th
13. July
14. 1886
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Queenstown, Ireland
18. 71 Barrack St. Waterford, Ireland
19. George the Fifth, King of Great Britain & Ireland
20. New York
21. New York
22. 4th
23. April
24. 1906
25. Signed
26. 17th
27. February
28. 1912
29. R. G. Fletcher
30. Ira R. Gray
Entry No. 12
1. Frank Balla
2. 25
3. Miner
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 4"
7. 160
8. Light
9. Gray
10. None
11. Hungary
12. 1st
13. March
14. 1887
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Hungary
18. Eszeny, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 30th
23. December
24. 1905
25. Signed
26. 18th
27. March
28. 1912
29. R. G. Fletcher
30. Combs
Entry No. 13
1. Stephen Nemeth
2. 37
3. Machinist
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 8"
7. 190
8. Light
9. Gray
10. None
11. Hungary
12. 1st.
13. February
14. 1875
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Hungary
18. Szergeny, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 8th
23. January
24. 1903
25. Signed
26. 18th
27. March
28. 1912
29. R. G. Fletcher
30. Combs
Entry No. 14
1. Charles Molinas
2. 21
3. Miner
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 8"
7. 170
8. Light
9. Gray
10. None
11. Hungary
12. 8th
13. Jamuary
14. 1891
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Hungary
18. Szergeny, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 15th
23. July
24. 1907
25. Signed
26. 18th
27. March
28. 1912
29. R. G. Fletcher
30. Combs
Entry No. 15
1. Joseph Kolesar
2. 31
3. Miner
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 8"
7. 175
8. Brown
9. Grey
10. None
11. Hungary
12. 9th
13. October
14. 1881
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Hungary
18. Abafalva, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 8th
23. February
24. 1906
25. Signed
26. 18th
27. March
28. 1912
29. R. G. Fletcher
30. Combs
Entry No. 16
1. Alexander Molinas
2. 26
3. Miner
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 7"
7. 165
8. Light
9. Grey
10. None
11. Szengeny, Hungary
12. 28th
13. May
14. 1886
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Hungary
18. Szergeny, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 6th
23. November
24. 1903
25. Signed (signed name Molnoir)
26. 18th
27. March
28. 1912
29. R. G. Fletcher
30. Combs
Entry No. 17
1. Stephan Szabo
2. Miner
3. 25
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 5"
7. 160
8. Light
9. Grey
10. None
11. Hungary
12. 15th
13. January
14. 1887
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Hungary
18. Szergeny, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 5th
23. December
24. 1906
25. Signed
26. 18th
27. March
28. 1912
29. R. G. Fletcher
30. Combs
Entry No. 18
1. Gaspar Gasparovics
2. 18
3. Miner
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 6"
7. 160
8. Light
9. Grey
10. None
11. Kercacsend, Hungary
12. 6th
13. January
14. 1894
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Autwespen Keoland (sp.?)
18. Kercacsend, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 7th
23. October
24. 1909
25. Signed
26. 25th
27. March
28. 1912
29. R. G. Fletcher
30. Combs
Entry No. 19
1. Steve Babroezky
2. 17
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 7"
7. 140
8. Dark
9. Gray
10. None
11. Kercacsend, Hungary
12. 4th
13. May
14. 1894
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Hamburg, Germany
18. Kercacsend, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 23rd.
23. November
24. 1907
25. Signed
26. 25th
27. March
28. 1912
29. R. G. Fletcher
30. Ira R. Gray
Entry No. 20
1. Coloman Fekete
2. 29
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 4"
7. 155
8. Black
9. Gray
10. None
11. Hungary
12. 18th
13. February
14. 1883
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Hungary
18. Eszeny, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 7th
23. April
24. 1912
25. Signed
26. 2nd.
27. July
28. 1912
29. R. G. Fletcher
30. Ira R. Gray
Entry No. 21
1. Joe Molnoir
2. 36
3. Miner
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 5"
7. 146
8. Dark
9. Brown
10. Right leg 2 inches shorter
11. Lzergeny Vasvinezy Hungary
12. 16th
13. July
14. 1876
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Hungary
18. Harve
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 10th
23. March
24. 1902
25. Signed
26. 18th
27. March
28. 1913
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 22
1. Luose Popp
2. 21
3. Miner
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 6"
7. 150
8. Dark
9. Brown
10. None
11. Nyie Vasvain Hungary
12. 15th
13. June
14. 1891
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Bremeir, Austria Hungary
18. Bremeir, Austria Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 15th
23. March
24. 1909
25. Signed (Louis)
26. 18th
27. March
28. 1913
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 23
1. Anton Buzias
2. 24
3. Miner
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 8"
7. 150
8. Black
9. Brown
10. None
11. Szergeny, Vasmegye, Hungary
12. 30th
13. May
14. 1889
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Hungary
18. Szeneny, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 8th
23. September
24. 1907
25. Signed
26. 18th
27. March
28. 1913
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 24
1. John Huffman
2. 36
3. Miner
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 5"
7. 135
8. Dark
9. Brown
10. Scar on left forearm
11. Austria, Hungary
12. 27th
13. December
14. 1877
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Austria, Hungary
18. Austria, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 1st.
23. August
24. 1903
25. Signed
26. 1st
27. April
28. 1913
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 25
1. Domenico Trovato
2. 39
3. Butcher
4. white
5. Dark
6. 5' 3"
7. 177
8. Black
9. Black
10. None
11. Policastro, Italy
12. 11th
13. January
14. 1873
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Italy
17. SEOZIA (note 21 years ago)
18. Policastro, Italy
19. Victor Emmanuel 3rd. King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 7th
23. March
24. 1892
25. Signed
26. 2nd
27. June
28. 1913
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 26
1. Domenick Cozzolino
2. 29
3. Stone Mason
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 10"
7. 175
8. Black
9. Black
10. Scar in forehead above right eye
11. Italy
12. 15th
13. September
14. 1883
15. Lebanon, Virginia
16. Italy
18. Patilic, Plicastro, Italy
19. Victor Emmanuel 3rd. King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 15th
23. October
24. 1908
25. Signed
26. 12th
27. June
28. 1913
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 27
1. Mike Marcenko
2. 29
3. Blacksmith
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 6"
7. 138
8. Light
9. Blue
10. None
11. Hungary
12. 2nd.
13. January
14. 1884
15. Laurel, Virginia
16. Hungary
18. Borsod, Megye, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 12th
23. November
24. 1908
25. Signed
26. 5th
27. July
28. 1913
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 28
1. Joe Antomiolte
2. 30
3. Mason
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 8"
7. 170
8. Dark
9. Brown
10. None
11. Pralungo, Italy
12. 25th
13. April
14. 1883
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Avery, France
18. Pralingo, Italy
19. Victor Emmanuel, 3rd King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 20th
23. May
24. 1912
25. Signed
26. 8th
27. July
28. 1913
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 29
1. Evasil Rainero
2. 24
3. Mason
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 8"
7. 150
8. Black
9. Brown
10. Scar on chin
11. Vallanzengo, Italy
12. 24th
13. March
14. 1889
15. St. Paul, VA
16. Avery, France
18. Vallanzego, Italy
19. Victor Emmanuel, 3rd. King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 3rd
23. November
24. 1912
25. Signed
26. 8th
27. July
28. 1913
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 30
1. Severo Miglioretti
2. 19
3. Stone Cutter
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 8"
7. 150
8. Brown
9. Blue
10. None
11. Masserano, Italy
12. 19th
13. September
14. 1894
15. St. Paul, VA
16. Avery, France
18. Masserano, Italy
19. Victor Emmanuel, 3rd King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 16th
23. May
24. 1912
25. Signed
26. 8th
27. July
28. 1913
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entery No. 31
1. Adalbert Doctor
2. 29
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 5"
7. 155
8. Dark
9. Brown
10. None
11. Hungary
12. 18th
13. December
14. 1885
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Hungary
18. Zsenk, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 23rd.
23. June
24. 1910
25. Signed
26. 14th
27. March
28. 1914
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 32
1. Mike Popp
2. 30
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 7"
7. 175
8. Dark Brown
9. Brown
10. None
11. Hungary
12. 6th
13. February
14. 1884
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Hungary
18. Bud Szent, Mihaly, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 15th
23. November
24. 1907
25. Signed
26. 14th
27. March
28. 1914
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 33
1. Tony Montrose
2. 23
3. Hotel Waiter
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 5"
7. 140
8. Dark
9. Blue
10. None
11. Filadefia, Italy
12. 3rd.
13. February
14. 1891
15. St. Paul, VA
16. Naples, Italy
18. Filadefia, Italy
19. Victor Emmanuel, 3rd. King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 22nd.
23. December
24. 1907
25. Signed
26. 23rd.
27. December
28. 1914
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 34
1. Domenick Valt
2. 36
3. Brick Layer
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 7"
7. 150
8. Light
9. Gray
10. None
11. Farno Canale, Italy
12. 8th.
13. September
14. 1879
15. St. Paul, VA
16. Avery, France
18. Farno Canale, Italy
19. Victor Emmanuel, 3rd. King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 30th.
23. March
24. 1911
25. Signed
26. 30th.
27. December
28. 1914
29. Combx
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 35
1. Emilio Ganz
2. 24
3. Brick Layer
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 6"
7. 165
8. Chestnut
9. Brown
10. None
11. Falcade, Italy
12. 8th
13. August
14. 1890
15. St. Paul, VA
16. Avery, France
18. Falcade, Italy
19. Victor Emmanuel, 3rd. King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 19th.
23. April
24. 1913
25. Signed
26. 30th.
27. December
28. 1914
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 36
1. John Keen
2. 27
3. Miner
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 5"
7. 140
8. Light
9. Blue
10. Scar on oeft side of face
11. Hungary
12. 16th
13. May
14. 1887
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Fiume, Hungary
18. Nagy Lonya Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 1st.
23. February
24. 1905
25. Signed
26. 26th
27. January
28. 1915
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 37
1. Gaspar Doctor
2. 23
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 4"
7. 135
8. Dark
9. Black
10. None
11. Hungary
12. 19th
13. January
14. 1892
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Antwerp, Belgium
18. Zsurk, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. Quebec, Canada
21. Quebec
22. 3rd.
23. November
24. 1912
25. Signed
26. 26th
27. January
28. 1915
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 38
1. Stephen Doctor
2. 32
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 7"
7. 140
8. Dark
9. Black
10. None
11. Hungary
12. 14th
13. February
14. 1883
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Rotterdam, Holland
18. Zsurk, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 28th
23. April
24. 1902
25. Signed
26. 26th
27. January
28. 1915
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 39
1. John Gojdos
2. 47
3. Miner
4. White'
5. Light
6. 5' 6"
7. 155
8. Light
9. Blue
10. None
11. Hungary
12. 24th
13. December
14. 1868
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Fiume, Hungary
18. Tisza, Kerecseny, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 18th
23. January
24. 1911
25. Signed
26. 26th
27. January
28. 1915
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 40
1. Stephen Kelemen
2. 26
3. Miner
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 5"
7. 155
8. Light
9. Gray
10. Noe
11. Menfo, Hungary
12. 8th
13. October
14. 1888
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Rotterdam, Holland
18. Menfo, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 2nd.
23. April
24. 1907
25. Signed
26. 13th.
27. March
28. 1915
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 41
1. John Cozzolino
2. 26
3. Stone Mason
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 5"
7. 150
8. Black
9. Black
10. None
11. Catanzzaro, Italy
12. 24th
13. June
14. 1888
15. Lebanon, Vriginia
16. Naples, Italy
18. Pitilia, Italy
19. Victor Emmanuel, 3rd. King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 26th
23. May
24. 1906
25. Signed
26. 13th
27. February
28. 1915
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 42
1. Joseph Kerkos
2. 41
3. Miner
4. White
5. Fair
6. 6' 0"
7. 180
8. Dark
9. Brown
10. None
11. Budapest, Hungary
12. 28th
13. December
14. 1874
15. Wilder, Virginia
16. Fiume, Hungary
18. Budapest, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 14th
23. April
24. 1907
25. Signed(Kerekes)
26. 24th
27. May
28. 1915
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 43
1. Frank Brickta
2. 32
3. Merchant
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 6"
7. 160
8. Light
9. Blue
10. None
11. Noyrad, Hungary
12. 3rd.
13. December
14. 1883
15. St. Paul, VA
16. Nayrad, Hungary
18. Losoncy, Nyarad, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 3rd.
23. March
24. 1907
25. Signed
26. 29th
27. June
28. 1915
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 44
1. Charlie D. Emilio
2. 24
3. Merchant
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 8 1/2"
7. 155
8. Dark
9. Brown
10. None
11. Rosburgo, Abrurzzi?, Italy
12. 11th
13. February
14. 1891
15. St. Paul, Virginia
16. Rosburgo, Abrurzzi? , Italy
18. Rosburgo, Abrurzzi?, Italy
19. Victor Emmanuel, 3rd. King of Italy
20. Philadelphia
21. PA
22. 18th
23. October
24. 1910
25. Signed
26. 29th
27. June
28. 1915
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 45
1. Andy Smitt/Smilt
2. 27
3. Miner
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 6"
7. 172
8. Brown
9. Gray
10. Middle finger on left hand stiff
11. Hungary
12. 8th
13 May
14. 1888
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Havre, France
18. Seren, Megye, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 6th
23. December
24. 1911
25. Signed
26. 15th
27. September
28. 1915
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 46
1. John Gyetvoi
2. 46
3. Miner
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 0"
7. 130
8. Brown
9. Gray
10. Scar on left hand, corner of lip
11. Hungary
12. 7th.
13. November
14. 1869
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Fiume, Hungary
18. Putnok, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 1st.
23. September
24. 1910
25. Signed
26. 15th.
27. September
28. 1915
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 47
1. Steve Sabo
2. 27
3. Labour
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 10"
7. 165
8. Light
9. Blue
10. Scar on left arm, right leg off between ankle and knee
11. Hungary
12. 4th.
13. July
14. 1888
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Hamburg, Germany
18. Zemplen, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 27th.
23. January
24. 1906
25. Signed
26. 28th.
27. September
28. 1915
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 48
1. Timoleon Scarlatos
2. 28
3. Cook in Restaurant
4. White
5. Dark
6. 6' 8"
7. 165
8. Black
9. Black
10. None
11. Kereacohose, Greece
12. 27th
13. December
14. 1888
15. St. Paul, Virginia
16. Greece
18. Parar, Greece (Note--my wife's name is Ella--she lives in the old country)
19. George I, King of the Greeks
20. New York
21. New York
22. 4th.
23. November
24. 1907
25. Signed
26. 4th.
27. February
28. 1916
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 49
1. Thomas Brown
2. 40
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 7"
7. 150
8. Dark Brown
9. Blue
10. None
11. Durham Co., England
12. 22nd.
13. June
14. 1876
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Liverpool, England
18. Willinghton, England (Note--my wife's name is Franklin. She lives with me.)
19. George V, King of Great Britain and Ireland
20. Philadelphia
21. PA
22. 17th.
23. June
24. 1898
25. Signed
26. 19th.
27. May
28. 1916
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 50
1. Angelo Mingoia
2. 36
3. Barber & Miner
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 3"
7. 145
8. Black
9. Gray
10. None
11. Banafranea, Italy
12. 19th.
13. August
14. 1880
15. Wilder, Virginia
16. Naples, Italy
18. Castrogiovanni, Italy
19. Victor Emmanuel, 3rd. King of Italy
20. Philadlephia
21. PA
22. 7th.
23. March
24. 1907
25. Signed
26. 13th.
27. September
28. 1916
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 51
1. Nicholas Morria
2. 36
3. Blacksmith
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 6"
7. 155
8. Light
9. Gray
10. None
11. Hungary
12. 16th
13. October
14. 1880
15. Wilder, Virginia
16. Hungary
18. Felpec, Hungary
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 24th.
23. December
24. 1909
25. Signed
26. 14th.
27. February
28. 1917
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 52
1. Mathias Gausel
2. 46
3. Miner
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 4"
7. 135
8. Dark
9. Gray
10. Scar on right cheek bone
11. Austria
12. 26th.
13. January
14. 1870
15. Wilder, Russell County, VA
16. Austria
18. Mostrau, Mahren, Austria
19. Francis Joseph Emperor of Austria & Apostolic King of Hungary
20. Baltimore
21. Maryland
22. 22nd.
23. March
24. 1903
25. Signed
26. 14th.
27. February
28. 1917
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry No. 53
1. George Urban
2. 40
3. Harness Manufacturer
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 6"
7. 145
8. Brown
9. Blue
10. None
11. Austria-Hungary
12. 24th.
13. April
14. 1877
15. Dante, VA
16. Antwerp
18. Geyrny, Austria Hungary (Note-Wife's name is Julia Zelanok, lives with me)
19. Emperor of Austria & Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 30th.
23. April
24. 1903
25. Signed
26. 28th.
27. February
28. 1917
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry No. 54
1. Nicholas Balla
2. 41
3. Miner
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 4"
7. 160
8. Black
9. blue
10. None
11. Austria, Hungary
12. 3rd.
13. August
14. 1876
15. Dante, Virginia
16. Hamburg, Germany
18. Eceny? Austria, Hungary (Note--My wife's name is Saralta Leveuture, she lives with me)
19. Francis Joseph Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 28th.
23. September
24. 1900
25. Signed
26. 28th.
27. February
28. 1917
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 55
1. Tony Randick
2. 31
3. Road Foreman
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 10"
7. 172
8. Light
9. Blue
10. None
11. Crotian, Austiria
12. 17th.
13. January
14. 1886
15. Castlewood, Virginia
16. Harve, France
18. Bakar, Austria
19. Charles Emperor of Austria
20. New York
21. New York
22. _____
23. September
24. 1903
25. Signed
26. 19th.
27. March
28. 1917
29. Combs
30. O. B. Gilmer
Entry No. 56
1. Frank Molnoir
2. 34
3. Miner
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 2"
7. 119
8. Brown
9. Blue
10. None
11. Hungary
12. 16th.
13. January
14. 1882
15. Clinchfield, Russell Co., VA
16. Hungary
17. Venard, Hungary (Note-- My wife name is Mary , lives with me)
18. _________
19. Charles, Emperor of Austria & Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. _____
23. October
24. 1902
25. Signed
26. 16th.
27. April
28. 1917
29. E. R. Combs
30. ______
Entry No. 57.
1. Angelo Agresto
2. 26
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 6"
7. 145
8. Black
9. Black
10. None
11. Moscufo, Italy
12. 24th.
13. June
14. 1890
15. Clinchfield, Russell Co., VA
16. Naples, Italy
18. Moscufo, Italy
19. Victor Emmanuel III King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 8th.
23. May
24. 1906
25. Signed
26. 19th.
27. April
28. 1917
29. Combs
30. _____
Entry No. 58
1. Mike Zackes
2. 25
3. Laborer
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 11"
7. 190
8. Dark
9. Brown
10. None
11. Canea Island of Crete
12. 20th.
13. January
14. 1892
15. Wilder, Russell Co., VA
16. Canea Island of Crete
18. Canea Island of Crete
19. Coustautive King of the Hellenes
20. New York
21. New York
22. 18th.
23. October
24. 1909
25. Signed
26. 14th.
27. May
28. 1917
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry. No. 59
1. Gaitono Schilace
2. 40
3. Dairy Man
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 6"
7. 165
8. Gray
9. Black
10. None
11. Castrogiovanni, Italy
12. 10th.
13. December
14. 1877
15. Wilder, Russell Co., VA
16. Naples, italy
18. Castrogiovanni, Italy
19. Victor Emmanuel III King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 14th.
23. May
24. 1906
25. Signed
26. 18th.
27. May
28. 1917
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry No. 60
1. Pasquole Delzingoro
2. 32
3. Blacksmith
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 4"
7. 155
8. Black
9. Brown
10. Scar in center of forehead
11. Decaunpopasso ? Italy
12. 17th.
13. February
14. 1881
15. Clinchfield, Russell Co., VA
16. Naple, Italy
18. Riceie?, Italy (Note--My wife name is Lettie and she lives with me)
19. Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 17th.
23. May
24. 1904
25. Signed
26. 5th.
27. June
28. 1917
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry No. 61
1. Wilfred T. Audet
2. 46
3. Contractor
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 8 1/2"
7. 192
8. Gray'
9. Brown
10. None
11. Quebec, Canada
12. 29th.
13. January
14. 1871
15. Putnam, Va.
16. Quebec, Canada
17. Pennsylvania Railroad
18. Quebec, Canada
19. George V King of Great Britain & Ireland
20. Williamsport
21. PA
22. 4th.
23. July
24. 1881
25. Signed
26. 11th.
27. July
28. 1917
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry No. 62
1. Stephen Hajnal
2. 22
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 9"
7. 145
8. Dark Brown
9. Black
10. None
11. Hungary
12. 30th.
13. January
14. 1895
15. Dante, VA
16. Fiume, Hungary
18. Dombrad, Hungary
19. Charles, Emperor of Austria & Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 1st.
23. February
24. 1908
25. Signed
26. 18th.
27. July
28. 1917
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry No. 63
1. Paul Glass
2. 31
3. Blacksmith
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 6"
7. 154
8. Black
9. Black
10. Scar under chin
11. Farce, Italy
12. 12th.
13. January
14. 1886
15. Wilder, Russell Co., VA
16. Naples, Italy
18. Farce, Italy (Note--My wife's name is Mary b. Farce, Italy and she lives with me)
19. Victor Emmanuel III King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 4th.
23. April
24. 1904
25. Signed
26. 17th.
27. September
28. 1917
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry No. 64
1. William Glass
2. 29
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 8"
7. 155
8. Black
9. Black
10. None
11. Farce, Italy
12. 22nd.
13. April
14. 1888
15. Wilder, Russell Co., VA
16. Naples, Italy
18. Farce, Italy
19. Victor Emmanuel III King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 4th.
23. May
24. 1906
25. Signed
26. 17th.
27. September
28. 1917
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry No. 65
1. Frank Alech
2. 34
3. Miner
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 9"
7. 130
8. Black
9. Black
10. Scar on right side of nose near end
11. Castrogiovanni, Italy
12. 19th.
13. March
14. 1884
15. Wilder, Russell Co., VA
16. Naples, Italy
18. Castrogiovanni, Italy (Note--My wife's name is :Giboria b. Castrogiovanni, It. &
lives she lives with me)
19. Victor Emmanuel III King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 14th.
23. May
24. 1906
25. Signed
26. 17th.
27. September
28. 1917
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry No. 66
1. Nicola Attilli
2. 36
3. Merchant
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 6"
7. 195
8. Black
9. Brown
10. None
11. Novcia, Italy
12. 30th.
13. March
14. 1881
15. Clinchfield, Russell Co., VA
16. Genova, Italy
18. Norcia, Italy (Note wife's name is Fidalwa b. Norica, Italy & Lives with me)
19. Victor Emmanuel III KIng of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 21st.
23. January
24. 1909
25. Signed
26. 9th.
27. October
28. 1917
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry No. 67
1. D. Bergantino
2. 31
3. Barber
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 6"
7. 140
8. Black
9. Black
10. Scar on right arm and one neck
11. Italy
12. 26th.
13. November
14. 1886
15. Dante, VA
16. Naples Italy
18. S. Agata De Puglia
19. Victor Emmanuel III King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. _____
23. April
24. 1906
25. Signed
26. 13th.
27. December
28. 1917
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry No. 68
1. Alex Fargo
2. 37
3. Miner
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 6"
7. 137 1/2
8. Black
9. Brown
10. None
11. Austria
12. 5th.
13. July
14. 1881
15. Clinchfield, Russell Co., VA
16. Havre France
18. Budapest, Hungary
19. Charles Emperor of Austria & Apostolic King of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 19th.
23. December
24. 1908
25. Signed
26. 23rd.
27. April
28. 1919
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry No. 69
1. Andrew Lutheran
2. 45
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 7"
7. 155
8. Brown
9. Brown
10. None
11. H. Vicse Hungary
12. 13th.
13. April
14. 1874
15. H. Vicse Hungary
16. Brane, Germany
18. H. Vicse Hungary
19. The Present Government of Hungary
20. Baltimore
21. Maryland
22. 21st.
23. May
24. 1900
25. Signed
26. 1st.
27. May
28. 1919
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry No. 70
1. Verzelorsky Pal
2. 33
3. Miner
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 5"
7. 150
8. Light Brown
9. blue
10. None
11. Luszna, Hungary
12. 18th.
13. April
14. 1886
15. Dante, VA
16. Fiume, Hungary
18. Luszna, Hungary
19. Present Government of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 26th.
23. May
24. 1905
25. Signed
26. 1st.
27. May
28. 1919
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry No. 71
1. William Dermont
2. 45
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 8"
7. 155
8. Brown
9. Brown
10. None
11. Szergeny, Hungary
12. 22nd.
13. December
14. 1874
15. Dante, VA
16. Antwerp, Belgium
18. Szergeny, Hungary
19. Present Government of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 12th.
23. April
24. 1905
25. Viliam Darmont
26. 1st.
27. May
28. 1919
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry No. 72
1. Frank Csako
2. 38
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 10"
7. 150
8. Brown
9. Gray
10. None
11. Beszent, Maria, Hungary
12. 17th.
13. June
14. 1881
15. Dante, VA
16. Hamburg, Germany
18. Beszent, Hungary
19. Present Government of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 17th.
23. December
24. 1911
25. Signed
26. 1st.
27. May
28. 1919
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry No. 73
1. John Tompa
2. 43
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 2"
7. 148
8. Brown
9. Brown
10. None
11. Nemes, Szolok, Hungary
12. 13th.
13. June
14. 1876
15. Dante, VA
16. Havre, France
18. Szergeny, Hungary (Note--Wife's name is Lena b. Szergeny, Hungary)
19. Present Government of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 2nd.
23. March
24. 1903
25. Signed
26. 1st.
27. May
28. 1919
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry No. 74
1. John Csaka
2. 36
3. Miner
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 5"
7. 135
8. Light Brown
9. Blue'
10. None
11. Kulsovat Hungary
12. 6th.
13. July
14. 1883
15. Dante, VA
16. Antwerp, Belgium
18. Szengy, Hungary
19. Present Government of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 25th.
23. March
24. 1907
25. Signed
26. 1st.
27. May
28. 1919
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry No. 75
1. John Veres
2. 40
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 4"
7. 150
8. Brown
9. Brown
10. None
11. Alsogagy Hungary
12. 22nd.
13. April
14. 1878
15. Dante, VA
16. Hamburg, Germany
18. Alsogagy Hungary (Note--Wife's name is Mary b. Hungary)
19. Present Government of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 22nd.
23. November
24. 1895
25. Signed
26. 1st.
27. May
28. 1919
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry No. 76
1. Andy Magyar
2. 28
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 6"
7. 168
8. Brown
9. Blue
10. None
11. Faj Hungary
12. 23rd.
13. February
14. 1891
15. Dante, VA
16. Fiume Hungary
18. Rakasza Hungary (Note--wife's name is Teszi B. Nyixard Hungary)
19. Present Government of Hungary
20. New York
21. New York
22. 4th.
23. October
24. 1909
25. Signed
26. 1st.
27. May
28. 1919
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry No. 77
1. M. A. Di Marco
2. 32
3. Store Manager
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 3"
7. 150
8. Dark Brown
9. Brown
10. None
11. Castrogeovanni, Italy
12. 24th.
13. October
14. 1886
15. Clinchfield, Russell Co., VA
16. Palerno, Taly
18. Castrogeovanni, Italy
19. Victor Emmanuel III King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 21st.
23. November
24. 1912
25. Signed
26. 14th.
27. May
28. 1919
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry No. 78
1. Nicola Baffetti
2. 31
3. Miner
4. White
5. Fair
6. 6' 0"
7. 176
8. Light
9. Brown
10. Scar left forehead
11. Castrogeovanni, Italy Grossetto Province
12. 20th.
13. May
14. 1881
15. Wilder, Russell Co., VA
16. Napoli, Italy
18. Castrogeovannie, Italy
19. Victor Emmanueal III King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 11th.
23. March
24. 1907
25. Signed
26. 4th.
27. September
28. 1919
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry No. 79
1. Luigi Lamboni
2. 24
3. Miner
4. White'
5. Dark
6. 4' 8"
7. 120
8. Black
9. Brown
10. None
11. Nareto, Italy
12. 1st.
13. January
14. 1896
15. Wilder, Russell Co., VA
16. Napoli Italy
18. Nareto, Italy
19. Victor Emmanuel III King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 19th.
23. August
24. 1913
25. Signed
26. 4th.
27. September
28. 1919
29. Combs
30. Gilmer
Entry No. 80
1. Andy Lutheran
2. 44
3. Miner
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 8"
7. 150
8. Brown
9. Brown
10. "Andy Lutheran E&F 34 ES" tattooed right forearm
11. H. Vecse Hungary
12. 15th.
13. March
14. 1876
15. Dante, VA
16. Bremen, Germany
18. H. Vecse Hungary
19. Austria, Hungary or any independent State within the boundry of the former
Austria Hungarian Empire
20. Baltimore
21. Maryland
22. 21st.
23. May
24. 1900
25. Signed
26. 5th.
27. April
28. 1920
29. Combs
30. Hargis
Entry No. 81
1. Steve Fazekash
2. 33
3. Miner
4. White
5. Medium
6. 5' 8"
7. 140
8. Dark Brown
9. Gray
10. Scar on left thumb
11. Kerecsend Hungary
12. 5th.
13. November
14. 1887
15. Dante, VA
16. Fiume ?Austria
18. Kerecsend, Hungary (Note wife's name is Julia b. Kerecsend Hungary)
19. Austria, Hungary or any independent State within the boundry of the former Austria
Hungarian Empire
20. New York
21. New York
22. 15th.
23. October
24. 1904
25. Signed
26. 5th.
27. April
28. 1920
29. Combs
30. Hargis
Entry No. 82
1. Moses Domokos
2. 28
3. Miner
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 10"
7. 190
8. Brown
9. Brown
10. Scar right side of nose
11. Hungary
12. 25th.
13. October
14. 1892
15. Dante, Va
16. Szilagy Balla Hungary
18. Szilagy Balla Hungary (Note--wife's name is Della b. Adiua?, Ohio)
19. Austria, Hungary or any independent State within the boundry of the former Austria
Hungarian Empire
20. New York
21. New York
22. 24th.
23. March
24. 1911
25. Signed
26. 29th.
27. April
28. 1920
29. Combs
30. _____
Entry No. 83
1. Joseph Domokos
2. 30
3. Miner
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 6"
7. 160
8. Brown
9. Brown
10. Scar above right eye
11. Hungary
12. 18th.
13. September
14. 1890
15. Dante, VA
16. Szilagy Balla Hungary
18. Szilagy Balla Hungary
19. Austria, Hungary or any independent State within the boundry of the former Austria
Hungarian Empire
20. New York
21. New York
22. 12th.
23. November
24. 1913
25. Signed
26. 29th.
27. April
28. 1920
29. Combs
30. _____
Entry No. 84
1. Frank Emmet
2. 31
3. Miner
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 4"
7. 135
8. Brown
9. Gray
10. None
11. Castrogeovanni, Italy
12. 19th.
13. January
14. 1889
15. Wilder, Russell Co., VA
16. Napels, Italy
18. Castrogeovanni, Italy
19. Victor Emmanuel III King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 16th.
23. July
24. 1907
25. Signed
26. 6th.
27. May
28. 1920
29. Combs
30. _____
Entry No. 85
1. Charles James Simpson
2. 36
3. Brick layer
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 8"
7. 165
8. Brown
9. Blue-gray
10. Scar on left forehead
11. England
12. 29th.
13. May
14. 1884
15. South Clinchfield, Russell Co., VA
16. South Hampton, England
18. London, England
19. George IV King of England
20. New York
21. New York
22. 9th.
23. April
24. 1909
25. Signed
26. 11th.
27. May
28. 1920
29. Combs
30. Hargis
Entry No. 86
1. Louis Lega Boggio
2. 35
3. Brick layer
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 7"
7. 145
8. Brown
9. Brown
10. None
11. Algene, France
12. 5th.
13. January
14. 1885
15. South Clinchfield, Russell Co., VA
16. Genova, Italy
18. Brilla, Italy
19. Victor Emmanuel III King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 15th.
23. October
24. 1907
25. Signed
26. 18th
27. May
28. 1920
29. Combs
30. ____
Entry No. 87
1. Jospeh Lambone
2. 37
3. Coal Miner
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 4 1/2"
7. 149
8. Light
9. Brown
10. Scar over left eye
11. Italy
12. ___
13. May
14. 1883
15. Wilder, Russell Co., VA
16. Naples, Italy
18. Naples, Italy
19. Victor Emmanuel III King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. ____
23. May
24. 1913
25. Signed
26. 12th.
27. June
28. 1920
29. Combs
30. _____
Entry No. 88
1. John Szabaday
2. 35
3. Miner
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 6"
7. 140
8. Brown
9. Dark Brown
10. Part of 2nd. finger on right hand off
11. Kiseratos Hungary
12. 25th.
13. December
14. 1884
15. Dante, Va (Note wife's name is Pielovka Puiovka b. Ugad Hungary & risides at
Ugad Hungary)
16. Hungary
18. Hungary
19. Austria, Hungary or any independent State within the boundry of the former Austria
Hungarian Empire
20. New York
21. New York
22. 29th.
23. January
24. 1909
25. Signed
26. 3rd
27. August
28. 1920
29. Combs
30. Hargis
Entry No. 89
1. Francesco Lai
2. 33
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 6"
7. 135
8. Black
9. Brown
10. None
11. Tiava Italy
12. 4th.
13. February
14. 1887
15. Clinchfield, Russell Co., VA
16. Marsilia, France
18. Tiava Italy
19. Victor Emmanuel III King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 14th.
23. October
24. 1912
25. Signed
26. 5th.
27. August
28. 1920
29. Combs
30. Hargis
Entry No. 90
1. Louis Haynal
2. 27
3. Contractor
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 5"
7. 165
8. Black
9. Brown
10. None
11. Hungary
12. 11th.
13. August
14. 1893
15. Dante, VA
16. Fiume Hungary
18. Dombrad, Hungary
19. Austria, Hungary or any independent State within the boundry of the former Austria
Hungarian Empire
20. New York
21. New York
22. _____
23. January
24. 1909
25. Signed
26. 11th.
27. September
28. 1920
29. Combs
30. Hargis
Entry No. 91
1. Calgoiro Cordoro
2. 29
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 2"
7. 120
8. Black
9. Gray
10. None
11. Sutero, Italy
12. _____
13. July
14. 1891
15. Clinchfield, Russell Co., VA
16. Paleriza, Italy
18. Sutero, Italy (Note--wife's name Seli b. Cedar Bluff, VA)
19. Victor Emmanuel III King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 30th.
23. September
24. 1909
25. Signed
26. 24th.
27. September
28. 1920
29. Combs
30. Hargis
Entry No. 92
1. Guy Fatony
2. 29
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 4"
7. 135
8. Black
9. Brown
10. Scar right forearm
11. Ascoli Striaue Italy
12. 9th.
13. February
14. 1891
15. Wilder, Russell Co., VA (Note--wife's name is Sefa?)
16. Naples, Italy
18. Ascob? Italy
19. Victor Emmanuel III King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 14th.
23. March
24. 1905
25. Signed
26. 29th.
27. September
28. 1920
29. Combs
30. Hargis
Entry No. 93
1. Paul Koren
2. 35
3. Miner
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 7"
7. 175
8. Brown
9. Brown
10. Scar right side
11. Bekescsaba Hungary
12. 19th.
13. January
14. 1885
15. Wilder, Russell Co., VA(Note wife's name is Mattie)
16. Bremen, Germany
18. Bekescsaba Hungary
19. Austria, Hungary or any independent State within the boundry of the former Austria
Hungarian Empire
20. New York
21. New York
22. 25th.
23. December
24. 1912
25. Signed
26. 2nd.
27. October
28. 1920
29. Combs
30. Hargis
Entry No. 94
1. Louis Popp
2. 48
3. Miner
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 5"
7. 155
8. Dark
9. Gray
10. None
11. Saudle Borsod megye Hungary
12. 31st.
13. August
14. 1878
15. Wilder, Russell Co., VA (Note wife's name is Ladia)
16. Bremen, Germany
18. Saudle Borsod megye Hungary
19. Austria, Hungary or any independent State within the boundry of the former Austria
Hungarian Empire
20. New York
21. New York
22. 27th.
23. April
24. 1914
25. Signed
26. 26th.
27. October
28. 1920
29. Combs
30. Hargis
Entry No. 95
1. Stephan Nemeth
2. 45
3. Miner
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 6"
7. 198
8. Brown
9. Gray
10. None
11. Hungary
12. 1st.
13 February
14. 1875
15. Dante, VA
16. Le Havres France
18. Szergeny Hungary (note- wife's name is Lede b. Szengeny Hungary)
19. Austria, Hungary or any independent State within the boundry of the former Austria
Hungarian Empire
20. New York
21. New York
22. 8th.
23. January
24. 1903
25. Signed
26. 26th.
27. October
28. 1920
29. Combs
30. Hargis
Entry No. 96
1. Joe Larese
2. 23
3. Clerk
4. White
5. Light
6. 5' 8"
7. 145
8. Light
9. Blue
10. Left leg short
11. Auronzo, Italy
12. 7th.
13. August
14. 1897
15. St. Paul, Va
16. Genoa, Italy
17. Don't know only 4 years old
18. Aurozo, Italy
19. Victor Emmanuel III King of Italy
20. New York
21. New York
22. 15th.
23. April
24. 1902
25. Signed
26. 15th.
27. December
28. 1920
29. Combs
30. Hargis
Entry No. 97
1. Charles C. Mackintosh
2. 27
3. Secretary
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 9"
7. 180
8. Brown
9. Blue
10. None
11. Belfast, Ireland
12. 18th.
13. November
14. 1892
15. South Clinchfield, Russell Co., Va
16. Liverpool, England
18. Belfast, Ireland
19. King George V, King of England
20. New York
21. New York
22. 20th.
23. June
24. 1920
25. Signed
26. 15th.
27. December
28. 1920
29. Combs
30. Hargis
Entry No. 98
1. Gabel Popp
2. 42
3. Miner
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 7"
7. 150
8. Black
9. Brown
10. None
11. Austria Hungary
12. 27th.
13. August
14. 1878
15. Dante, VA
16. Hamburg, Germany
18. Szabolcs Megye Eszeny(Note wife's name is Lizzie b Austria Hungary)
19. Austria, Hungary or any independent State within the boundry of the former Austria
Hungarian Empire
20. New York
21. New York
22. 24th.
23. October
24. 1902
25. Signed
26. 27th.
27. December
28. 1920
29. Combs
30. Hargis
Entry No. 99
1. Steve Domby
2. 33
3. Miner
4. White
5. Fair
6. 5' 3"
7. 125
8. Light
9. Brown
10. Scar forehead
11. Ballea Hungary
12. 12th.
13. October
14. 1887
15. Dante, Va
16. Hamburg, Germany
18. Ballea Hungary (Note--wife's name is Gantly)
19. Austria, Hungary or any independent State within the boundry of the former Austria
Hungarian Empire
20. New York
21. New York
22. 29th.
23. May
24. 1907
25. Signed
26. 24th.
27. June
28. 1921
29. Combs
30. Hargis
Entry No. 100
1. Amos Royder
2. 28
3. Miner
4. White
5. Dark
6. 5' 9"
7. 150
8. Black
9. Black
10. Scar on nose
11. Eluaktavak, Syria
12. 23rd.
13. November
14. 1891
15. St. Paul, VA
16. Sactor Brazil, South America
18. Santoo Brazil
19. Republic of France
20 New York
21. New York
22. 5th.
23. September
24. 1913
25. Signed
26. 26th.
27. June
28. 1921
29. Combs
30. Hargis
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