Reel 3 #7318
LORANZY DOW FLETCHER, b. 2/28/1827 Russell County, d. 6/28/1912, New Garden, 85 years 4 months, cancer & old age, farmer, parents JAMES FLETCHER & CELIA THOMPSON, informant R. G. Fletcher.
LOUVINIA WELCH, b. 6/20/1872, Tazewell County, d. 6/12/1912, New Garden, 40 years, unknown cause, housewife, parents CHARLES SHORT & MARY STILLWELL, informant R. L. RUDY.
MARTHA A. HALE, b. 4/10/1840, Patrick County, d. 6/25/1912, Swords Creek, 72 years 2 months 15 days, dementia, chronic Bright’s Disease, housewife, parents ROBERT RICKMAN & JANE GRIFFITH, informant B. J. JOHNSON.
MARTHA BELLE CARTWRIGHT, b. 3/5/1878, Wise County, d. 6/22/1912, Slemp, 34 years 3 months 18 days, instant death, accidental electric live wire, housewife, parents O. S. JOHNSON & MISS W. L. PORTER, informant O. S. JOHNSON.
EMMA TISHY BROIDS, b. 10/2/1884, North Carolina, d. 6/22/1912, Slemp, 27 years 8 months 11 days, accidental death, in wreck on an electric line & crushed between cars, housekeeper for father, parents W. L. CHANDLER & MISS B. V. BIRD CHAUORS, informant W. L. CHANDLER.
ANTHONY E. REYNOLDS, b. 6/15/1909 Russell, d. 7/12/1912, Lebanon, 3 years 27 days, polio myelitis, parents E. S. REYNOLDS & MARTHA A. DAVENPORT, informant E. S. REYNOLDS.
GEORGE PIERY HARGIS, b. 9/21/1902, Russell, d. 7/18/1912, Lebanon, 9 years 9 months 27 days, killed by car dragging him with a rope, parents THOMAS J. HARGIS & RACHEL BROWNING, informant T. J. HARGIS.
HENRY MARTIN, b. 7/24/1912 Lebanon, d. 7/24/1912, Lebanon, child could not be born, parents JAMES BALLARD MARTIN & LAURA DAISY McALLISTER, informant JAMES BALLARD MARTIN.
WILLIAM HONAKER, b. 3/20/1883, VA, d. 7/11/1912, Elk Garden, 29 years 3 months 25 days, stroke of lightening, farmer, parents TAZE HONAKER & MAGGIE HESS, informant TAZE HONAKER.
EMILY ANN DYE, b. 10/13/1909, Russell, d. 7/9/1912, 2 years 8 months 26 days, accidental homicide - shot in head with 22 caliber gun, parents EVERETT DYE & JENNIE RUST, informant E. P. WHITED.
LONIZA McFADDEN, b. 3/2/1831, VA, d. 7/10/1912, Honaker, 81 years 4 months 8 days, Carcinoma of liver, housewife, parents GEORGE BIDDLE & LIDDIE RAYMIEL, informant C. B. GREEAR.
GEORGE EOSPHEHESIAN, white male, d. 7/1/1912, Dante, mine accident.
MRS. WILL CARTWRIGHT, white female, d. 6/22/1912, Dante, motor accident, run over by mine motor.
UNNAMED WILLIAMS, b. 7/11/1912 Dante, d. 7/11/1912, Dante, stillborn, parents MARY WILLIAMS.
HENLEY C. MAYS, b. unknown Giles County, d. 7/11/1912, 89 years, sick suddenly while riding in a wagon, retired farmer, parents JAMES MAYS, informant W. M. MAYS.
DR. JONAH WILLIAMS, b. 2/14/1834 Russell, d. 7/4/1912, Castlewood, 78 years 4 months 20 days, consumption, physician, parents ANDREW WILLIAMS & NANCY WILLIS, informant G. L. WILLIAMS, brother.
MARY PORTER, b. 7/24/1912 Russell, d. 7/24/1912, Russell, stillborn, parents WILL PORTER & ALLIE UNKNOWN, informant W. M. PORTER.
ELBERT BALL, b. 7/28/1894, Russell, d. 8/28/1912, Lebanon, 18 years 1 month, violence, injured spine by running him over with a sled load of oats, farmer, parents BUDD BALL & ELLEN WAMPLER, informant OLIVER STEVENS.
CHARLEY BOSTON STEEL, b. 2/20/1863, Russell, d. 8/19/1912, New Garden, 49 years 6 months, anemia with enlarged spleen & dropsy, farmer, parents JOHN WESLEY STEEL & MELVINA COMPTON, informant MRS. C. B. STEEL.
ELIHUGH STEELMAN, b. 8/3/1833 North Carolina, d. 8/24/1912, New Garden, 79 years 21 days, old age, farmer, parents JOHN STEELMAN & HANER GOFF.
REUBEN A. EAST, b. 2/18/1878 N. C., d. 8/29/1912, Slemp, 34 years 6 months 11 days, accidental death, slate fell on him, miner, parents LAUREL EAST, information came from letters in his trunk.
BETHEL HART, b. 6/2/1912, Slemp, d. 8/18/1912, Slemp, 2 months 4 days, whooping cough, parents W. P. HART & MINNIE FAULKNER, informant W. P. HART.
CHARLEY GILBERT, b. 8/7/1911, Russell, d. 8/3/1912, Slemp, 11 months 27 days, Cholera infantum, parents CLINT GILBERT & EVY SMITH, informant EVY GILBERT.
HARRIS GIVENS BARBE, b. 2/10/1912, Russell, d. 8/28/1912, Slemp, 7 months, cholera infantum, parents W. M. BARBE & MARTHA ELIZA BARKER, informant MRS. William BARBE.
CLAUDE CULBERTSON, b. 7/19/1912, Russell, d. 8/30/1912, Castlewood, 1 month 11 days, spinal abscess, parents W. J. CULBERTSON & FANNIE DICKENSON, informant W. J. CULBERTSON.
VICTORIA MEADE, b. 12/31/1869, Russell, d. 8/24/1912, 42 years 7 months 23 days, nephritis, housewife, parents THOMAS MEADE & MATILDA PHILLIPS, informant MRS. S. H. BAKER.
MARTHA HARRIET VICARS, b. 6/20/1912, Russell, d. 8/24/1912, Copper Creek, 2 months 2 days, bold hives, parents OSCAR VICARS & BETTIE DINGUS, informant OSCAR VICARS.
MAGGIE PORTER, b. 8/4/1912 Russell, d. 8/4/1912, Copper Creek, stillborn, parents ROBERT B. PORTER & CALLIE GREER, informant ROBERT B. PORTER.
ALLIE BELLE DORTON, b. 7/14/1893, Russell, d. 8/30/1912, Russell, 19 years 1 month 5 days, tuberculosis, parents JOHN C. DORTON & MARY J. LITTON, informant M. J. DORTON.
NANCY MONK, b. 2/6/1912 Russell, d. 9/27/1912, Lebanon, 7 months 21 days, indegestion due to colitis, parents JEFF MONK & ADA RICHARDSON, informant JEFF MONK.
ELIZABETH JANE HESS, b. 8/7/1912, Russell, d. 9/6/1912, Russell, 29 days, fever, parents S. ABNER HESS & DORA PELK, informant S. ABNER HESS.
MARTHA HARLESS, b. 4/10/1881, Russell, d. 9/30/1912, New Garden, 31 years, 5 months 20 days, apoplexy, housewife, parents CLEMONS GILBERT & ELIZABETH TAYLOR, informant F. S. HARLESS.
GREELY TURNER, b. 12/18/1879, Russell, d. 9/14/1912, Russell, 33 years 8 months 23 days, typhoid fever, farmer, parents NED PROFIT & ELIZABETH TURNER, informant ELIZABETH SAMPLE.
JOHN WILLIAM NATHANIEL HURD, b. 3/24/1912, Russell, d. 9/6/1912, Honaker, 5 months 13 days, acute indegestion, parents S. S. HURD & SALLY PRICE, informant S. S. HURD.
HERBERT STINSON, b. 6/27/1909, Lebanon, d. 9/18/1912, Honaker 3 years 2 months 17 days, croup, parents CHARLES STINSON & LAURA STINSON, informant J. E. LOCKHART.
JOSEGORALIA ELKINS, b. 12/16/1910, Russell, d. 9/20/1912, Honaker, 1 year 9 months 4 days, gastroenteritis, parents JEROME BELDON ELKINS & NORA ADELL COMPTON, informant JEROME BELDON ELKINS.
NAOMI MALISSA BREEDING, b. 1866 Russell, d. 9/26/1912, New Garden, 46 years, breast cancer, housewife, parents R. F. CHAPMAN & M. J. MARTIN, informant L. C. CHAPMAN.
Reel 5 14626
JESSEE RAYMOND YOUNG, b. March 25, 1895, Tazewell County, d. September 6, 1912, Dante, age 17 years 5 months 19 days, fracture of base of skull due to injury, heart failure, mine worker, parents OSCAR YOUNG & ETTA WHITT, informant MRS. OSCAR YOUNG.
ANNA BELLE SURRATT, b. April 26, 1912 VA, d. September 26, 1912, Dante, 5 months, infant, parents WILL SURRATT & MARY DOLLARHIDE, informant WILL SURRATT.
HARRIETT LITTON, b. Jan. 1903 Castlewood, d. Sept. 5, 1912, Slemp, 9 years, burns, parents N. E. LITTON & NANNIE BOOTH, informant N. E. LITTON.
MADALINE LITTON, b. October 1898, Russell, d. September 5, 1912, Slemp, 14 years, burns, parents N. E. LITTON & NANNIE BOOTH, informant N. E. LITTON.
OLLIE GRIZZLE, b. Sept. 1892, Russell, d. Sept. 10, 1912, Slemp, 20 years, killed in mine accident, slate fell on him, instant death, parents JIM GRIZZLE & don’t know, informant ZACK GRACE.
SUSAN SALYER, b. 1856 Scott County, d. Sept. 16, 1912, Copper Creek, 56 years, heart failure, house keeper, parents unknown, informant L. O. VICARS.
MINNIE S. STEVENS, b. Feb. 16, 1884, Tennessee, d. Sept. 10, 1912 Copper Creek, 28 years, Tuberculosis of lungs, parents EBRA P. STEVENS & ROSIE SANE, informant W. H. STEVENS.
GRACIE PORTER, b. October 23, 1908 Russell, d. Sept. 1, 1912, 3 years 10 months 10 days, diptheria, parents JAMES PORTER & MATTIE HAWKINS.
GUY HAMILTON ALEXANDER, b. Sept. 21, 1912, Russell, d. October 10, 1912, Lebanon, 21 days, indigestion, parents HUGH ALEXANDER & MARY ELLEN TIGNOR, informant, HUGH ALEXANDER.
CARLISLE SEACATT, b. Jan. 20, 1889 Lebanon, d. October 9, 1912, Lebanon, 23 years, 8 months, 19 days, blood poisoning from necrosis of bones & middle ear infection, middle ear disease 15 years, father is hotel keeper & farmer, parents J. B. SEACATT & FLORENCE B. GIBSON, informant J. B. SEACATT.
NANNCIE CATHERN COX, May 16, 1850 VA, d. Oct. 24, 1912, Elk Garden, 62 years, 5 months 7 days, housewife, cholangitis, parents JAMES JACKSON & SUSIE SWORD, informant J. W. COX.
FRANCES JOSEPHINE PROFFITT, b. Oct. 14, 1912, Russell, d. Oct. 15, 1912, New Garden, 1 day, parents CHARLES PROFFITT & LETTIE SHELTON, informant CHARLES PROFFITT.
LEWIS DILERD SAMPLES, b. March 18, 1889, Russell, d. Oct. 18, 1912 Russell, 23 years 7 months, typhoid, farmer, parents C. L. SAMPLES & ELIZABETH TURNER, informant C. L. SAMPLES.
UNNAMED CALL, b. Oct. 11, 1912, Russell, d. Oct. 11, 1912, Russell, still born, parents HENRY A. CALL & EDGAN RATLIFF, informant HENRY A. CALL.
ELDEN EDDIE HORTON, b. Nov. 15, 1882 Russell, d. Oct. 8, 1912, Russell, 29 years 10 months 26 days, farmer, vascular disease of heart, parents L. D. HORTON & NANA WHITED, informant L. D. HORTON.
GEORGE LEDBETTER, b. Feb. 26, 1886, Bland County, d. October 20, 1912, 26 years, 7 months 25 days, logging work, death was due to injuries received by log train running over him, parents BUD LEDBETTER & MOLLIE SANDS, informant BARTON LEDBETTER.
ONIE JACKSON (f), b. Dec. 23, 1911 Buchanon County, d. Oct. 3, 1912, New Garden, 10 months 10 days, cholera, parents G. C. JACKSON & ELIZA PRESSLY, informant G. C. JACKSON.
BEACHER JESSEE (m), b. April 7, 1910, Russell, d. October 15, 1912, Slemp, 2 years 6 months 8 days, burns, parents HUSTON JESSEE & BELVIE PLUNKETT, informant HUSTON JESSEE.
JOHN FITZ, b. Hungary, d. Oct. 9, 1912, Dante, 36 years, falling slate, miner, parents JOE FITZ & MARTHA GAL, informant MIKE SEEBROOK.
ROSE DOBOS, b. Dec. 11, 1911, NJ, d. Oct. 9, 1912, Dante, 11 months, gastroenteritis, parents SHAMBO DOBOS from old country.
CHARLES HARRIS, b. Dec. 12, 1911, Jones Creek, d. Oct. 11, 1912, Dante, 10 months 11 days, cardiac failure, parents CHARLES HARRIS & NANCY HILLIARD, informant C. W. HARRIS.
WILL DICKINSON, (colored) b. March 1872, Russell, d. Oct. 13, 1912, Castlewood, 40 years, acute alcoholism, laborer, parents P. W. DICKINSON & CINTHIA NASH.
CECIL LEWIS MARTIN, b. Aug. 2, 1910, Dante, d. Oct. 18, 1912, Castlewood, 2 years 2 months 16 days, laryngismus, parents ARTHUR MARTIN & MAGGIE MAYS, informant LUCY MAYS.
ANDY URBANE, b. Dante, d. October 19, 1912, Dante, 4 months 6 days, malnutrition, parents GEORGE URBANE & JULIA FEBRIOOK, informant ANDY LUTHERN.
JOHN LOY, d. Oct. 26, 1912, Dante, 35 years, drill runner, rock fell & crushed his skull, parents unknown, informant C. F. LEDFORD.
CHARLIE W. DICKENSON, b. 1872, Russell, d. October 2, 1912, 40 years, farmer, no cause, parents JAMES & BETSY DICKENSON, informant GRANT WOOD.
HENRY W. OSBORN, b. Oct. 27, 1883, Scott County, d. Oct. 15, 1912, Copper Creek, no cause, merchant, parents JOHN OSBORN & POLLY CARDER, informant W. J. HAWKINS.
ORAN L. HILLERMAN, b. Oct. 15, 1911, Russell, d. Oct. 17, 1912, Copper Creek, 8 months 3 days, burned, parents WALKER W. HILLERMAN & MARY M. PORTER, informant WALKER W. HILLERMAN.
MOLLIE McCLOUD, b. Dec. 16, 1879, Russell, d. Nov. 9, 1912, Lebanon, 32 years 10 months, 13 days, double pneumonia, housewife, parents J. W. PUCKETT & LIZZIE HARRISON, informant SANDY McCLOUD.
PEARL HICKS (Negro), b. May 20, 1896 Russell, d. Nov. 10, 1912, Lebanon, 16 years 5 months, 20 days, tuberculosis, general housework, parents SCOTT HICKS & LAWENENCE HOWARD, informant SCOTT HICKS.
WOODROW WILSON MAYS, b. Oct. 29, 1912 Russell, d. Nov. 24, 1912 Lebanon, 28 days, pomphigas, probably dyphitis, parents JAMES HARVEY MAYS & MATTIE JANE BARTIC, informant J. H. MAYS.
WESLEY RAY, b. about 1845 Russell, d. Nov. 18, 1912, Lebanon, age 67, chronic heart disease, idiot, parents BARTON RAY & REBECCA FOGLEMAN, informant W. F. MAYO.
LIZZIE PUCKETT, b. Oct. 15, 1851, Russell, d. Nov. 23, 1912, Lebanon, 61 years, 1 month 5 days, bronchitis, housewife, parents LEE HARRISON & MARY KIMBERLIN, informant J. W. PUCKETT.
JAMES F. JOHNSON, b. Feb. 9, 1904 Russell, d. Nov. 25, 1912, Lebanon, 8 years 9 months 16 days, dysentery, parents C. J. JOHNSON & LORI WARNER, informant C. J. JOHNSON.
ELSIE MAY COMPTON, b. Nov. 12, 1912 Swords Creek, d. Nov. 12, 1912, parents BURLEY COMPTON & MANDY NEWBURY.
ABRAHAM DYE, b. Oct. 10, 1860 Russell, d. Nov. 18, 1912, New Garden, 52 years 1 month 8 days, heart failure, farmer, parents THOMAS DYE & MARGARET BOWMAN, informant J. H. SMITH.
UNNAMED YATES (f), b. Nov. 26, 1912, New Garden, d. Nov. 26, 1912, New Garden, parents RICHARD YATES & FRANCES CLARK, informant RICHARD YATES.
WILLIAM J. COMBS, b. VA, d. Nov. 8, 1912, New Garden, 77 years 10 months 8 days, Dysentery, farmer, parents JACOB COMBS & PEGGY HERRINGTON, informant ALDEN COMBS.
SARAH COMBS, b. Sept. 25, 1820 Kentucky, d. Nov. 18, 1912, New Garden, 92 years, 1 month 23 days, old age, housekeeper, parents JOHN HIGGINS & LAWRENCE POLLY, informant COLBERT COMBS.
COWAN CHAFIN, b. July 28, 1898, VA, d. Nov. 25, 1912, Castlewood, 14 years 3 months 28 days, acute articular rheumatism, son of a railroad man, parents MIKE CHAFIN & CYNTHIA McFADDIN.
WILSON BURTON, (black) d. Nov. 4, 1912, Dante, gun shot wound claimed to be accidental, gun in another parties hand, unable to get any information at all.
FRITZ SPRICK, (Hungarian), d. Nov. 13, 1912, Dante, chopped up with a butcher knife, unable to get any information.
DONA SMITH, d. Nov. 14, 1912, Dante, 5 years, burns, parents CLARKE SMITH & NANNIE SMITH.
EDWARD THOMAS (black), d. Nov. 21, 1912, Dante, gunshot wound, accident, no information.
OLIE COMBS (black male), d. Nov. 24, 1912, Dante, 23 years, gun shot wound claimed to be accidental, gun in another’s hands, parents JAMES COMBS.
GEORGE GRIFFITH (colored male) b. Alabama, d. Nov. 29, 1912, Dante, 28 years, gun shot wound claimed to be accidental, gun in another parties hands.
LAMBIE LILY GRIZZLE, b. August 4, 1912 Russell, d. Nov. 20, 1912, 3 months 16 days, bronchopneumonia, parents JOHN W. GRIZZLE & BESHIE MEADE.
G. VENDAL (Hungarian), d. Nov. 28, 1912, 45 years, coal miner, accidental injury blasting coal.
UNNAMED DICKENSON (f), b. June 28, 1912 Russell County, d. Nov. 6, 1912, 4 months 8 days, unknown cause, parents WILLIAM DICKENSON & DORCUS SUITS, informant father.
ENOCH W. VANDERPOOL, b. Oct. 5, 1862 Russell, d. Nov. 23, 1912, Copper Creek, 49 years 1 month 18 days, fatty degeneration of heart, farmer, parents JOHN H. VANDERPOOL & MELVINA KILGORE, informant J. E. RYAN.
BERTHA CASTLE, b. June 1910, Russell, d. Nov. 6, 1912, Copper Creek, 2 years 4 months 13 days, diptheria, parents ARTHUR CASTLE & ELIZA SALYOR, informant ARTHUR CASTLE.
CHARLIE O. POSTEN, b. Russell, d. Nov. 3, 1912, bold hives, parents SOLOMON H. POSTEN & ALVERTY VICARS.
MAMIE THOMAS, b. May 11, 1862 Russell County, d. December 10, 1912, Lebanon, 50 years 6 months 29 days, apoplexy and kidney disease, housewife, parents HONEY STENSON & NANCY BROWN, informant LEAR MONK.
PAULINE BUCKLES, b. January 25, 1909, Russell County, d. December 19, 1912, Lebanon, 3 years 10 months 24 days, diphtheria & uremia poisoning, parents GEORGE BUCKLER & MAGGIE STINSON, informant P. B. LITTON.
A.J. STINSON, b. March 26, 1845, Russell County, d. December 21, 1912, Lebanon, 67 years 7 months 25 days, dropsy & chronic hepatitis, farmer, parents WILLIAM STINSON.
HOMER JOHNSON TAYLOR, b. December 6, 1912, d. December 31, 1912, Russell County, 25 days, pneumonia, parents C. G. TAYLOR & SALLIE JANE McDOWELL.
JOHN DINGUS, b. March 20, 1910 Virginia, d. December 31, 1912, Slemp, 2 years 9 months 22 days, acute intestinal indigestion, parents PALMER DINGUS & LULA LYDAN.
EDITH DAVIS, b. December 1, 1912, Slemp, d. December 5, 1912, Slemp, 3 days, premature birth, parents ALBERT J. DAVIS & HESSIE TOBBLE.
ELBERT OLDEN WHITED PICK, b. December 2, 1912, Russell, d. December 14, 1912, Sword’s Creek, 12 days, bold hives, parents CLOBE PICK & RACHEL GRIFFITH, informant ELIZABETH PICK.
ZENA M. GLADES HURT, b. November 16, 1912, Russell, d. December 18, 1912, New Garden, 1 month 2 days, bold hives, parents ABSOLOM HURT & SYNTHA ANN BALL.
SARAH VANDYKE, b. December 1845, Carroll County, d. December 1, 1912, New Garden, 67 years, gall stones, parents CHARLES SHORT & POLLY STILLWELL.
CLARA ELIZABETH WILSON, b. August 25, 1910, Russell, d. December 12, 1912, 2 years 3 months 15 days, diphtheria, parents ROSS WILSON & MOLLIE CLARA DYE.
CHARLIE HESS, b. December 17, 1887, Russell County, d. December 16, 1912, Honaker, 24 years 1 month 2 days, hemophilia, laborer, parents BENJAMIN HESS & FLORENCE McFADDEN, informant DAVID HESS.
RACHEL COMBS, b. November 23, 1831, Russell County, d. December 23, 1912, Honaker, 81 years 1 month, old age, house worker, parents JACOB COMBS & PEGGY HERBACIN, informant H. A. COMBS.
JOHN BANNER HOWARD, b. Feb. 13, 1903, Russell County, d. December 17, 1912, Honaker, 9 years 10 months 3 days, accidental, run over by local cars on N&W RR, parents W. A. HOWARD & ALICE BANNER.
THOMAS G BARRETT, b. Feb. 14, 1838 VA, d. December 24, 1912, New Garden, 74 years 10 months 10 days, paralysis, farmer, parents JOHN BARRETT & CYNTHIA HURT, informant ELLA E. BARRETT.
ISAAC V. COOK, b. September 3, 1849, Russell, d. December 23, 1912, New Garden, 63 years 3 months 20 days, paralysis, sudden death, farmer, parents WILLIAM COOK & JULIA START.
VERNA THEODORE WILLIS, b. November 17, 1912, Russell, d. December 9, 1912, Dante, 21 days, cardiac failure, parents J. R. WILLIS & LOU HENDRICKS.
JOHN TASMORE, black male, d. December 9, 1912, Dante, burns, homicide, was asleep in his shanty, another Negro threw gasoline on him and set him afire, tramp, no means of securing information.
CHARLES KELLY, d. December 15, 1912, Dante, about 37, shot by wife, homicide, no means of securing information.
BEN EMORY, (black male) d. December 16, 1912, Dante, Shot, instant death, homicide, fugitive from Kentucky, body returned to police, no family information.
HARVE RAY, (black male) d. December 21, 1912, Dante, about 30, gun shot wound, homicide, coal digger, parents E. RAY & MARY McREGGIS.
QUEEN BEOWIE, (black female), d. December 21, 1912, Dante, about 76, senility, (former slave), parents, Edmund & Cecilia Dixon.
ANNA MAY JESSEE, b. October 11, 1909, Russell County, d. December 30, 1912, Castlewood, 3 years 2 months 19 days, nephritis, parents TIVIS G. JESSEE & LULA R> BARTON.
VERNA OSBORNE, b. August 1910 Russell, d. December 10, 1912, Copper Creek, 1 year 4 months, croup, parents (illegitimate) NANNIE BELLE OSBORNE, informant C. C. OSBORNE.
FRANCIS ELIZABETH GILMER, b. January 18, 1899, Virginia, d. December 23, 1912, 13 years, 11 months 5 days, scarlet fever, parents ROBERT L. GILMER & MAUD ELLEN GRAY.
H. C. BEVINS, d. Dec. 26, 1912, 27 years 4 months, Russell, Heart failure, farmer, parents G. W. BEVINS & MATY MATTOX.
LUCY TAYLOR, b. 1884, VA, d. July 15, 1912, Castlewood, 28 years, epilepsy, housework, parents ALVIN TAYLOR & ANBURGY.
CONWAY COLLINS, b. 1895, d. July 22, 1912, Castlewood, 18 years, accidental fracture of skull, farmer, parents ELLIS COLLINS & HIBSON.
MRS. CAROLINE HARVE, b. 1885 Russell County, d. August 5, 1912, 38 years, angina, housewife, parents GEORGE RAMSEY & OSBORNE, informant R. C. MEAD.
WILLIAM J. BRANSON, b. Feb. 7, 1845, VA d. October 15, 1912, Castlewood, 67 years 9 months 8 days, apoplexy, parents unknown, informant W. H. BRANSON.
WILLIAM BRIDGEMAN, b. 1827 VA, d. Nov. 12, 1912, Moccasin, 85 years, paralysis, farmer, parents MATTHEW & MARY BRIDGEMAN, informant MARTHA McGLOTHIN.