October the 8 day, 1832, this day William Riley Whitt was born.
August 18, 1835, Narcisia Virginia Whitt was born.
Rhody Whitt was born October 22, 1837.
Richard S. Whitt was born June the 1 day, 1807.
Polly Whitt was born June the 13, 1807.
Maggie Gawana Caldwell was born June 4, 1863.
Otis Caldwell was born January 1st, 1855.
Thomas W. Davis was born November 15th, 1820.
Isobel Davis was born May 6, 1822.
Celia Emerine Davis was born May the 17th day, 1845.
Thomas James Davis was born March 17, 1849.
Mary Elizabeth Davis was born April 22nd, 1852.
Elonzo Woodwill Davis was born February 7, 1858.
William Rees Davis was born January 20, 1861.
Henry Charles Davis was born December 6, 1863.
Thomas W. Davis and Isobel Clark was married April 7, 1840.
Celia E. Davis and Otis Caldwell was married January 21st, 1862.
Thomas James Davis and Maggie A. Kendrick was married March 18, 1869 by Elder Noffsinger.
Mary E. Davis and John F. Smith was married April 6th, 1869.
Henry C. Davis and Mary B. Humphrey was married May 12, 1881.
Maggie E. Caldwell and Henry Aston was married January 16, 1889.
December 15th, 1831, this day Polly Saford and Richard Whitt was married.
Alonzo W. Davis and Louise E. Kendrick was married December 28, 1875.
John F. Davis and Eddy C. Aston was married, 1879.
William Parish Davis was burried March 2, 1844.
Mary E. Davis, formerly C. E. Davis, March 6, 1865.
Mary E. Smith, formerly Mary E. Davis, died September 10, 1872.
John F. Davis died March 16, 1881.
"Doctor's instructions: Give one teaspoon 10 minutes before his milk and give milk every 4 hours". 1863-64.