Fletcher Family Bible Record

Submitted by:
Michael Dye


Lucinda Fletcher was born in the year of our Lord, the 26th day of August, 1842
William D. Fletcher was born in the year of our Lord, the 8th day of January, 1845
Alldnedg Fletcher was born the 17th of May, 1847
John A. Fletcher was born October 30th, 1854
Elizabeth Owens was born March 7, 1858
John R. Taylor was born January the 8th, 1888
Joseph R. Hubbard was born February 2, 1855


John A. Fletcher died March the 9, 1924
Alldnedg Fletcher died January 20, 1851
Elizabeth C. Hubbard died July 2, 1820

visitor since August 24, 1998

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