Family Bible Record of Bernard & Lucy "Johnston" Reynolds

Submitted by:
Jack Hockett


Bernard Reynolds was married to Lucy his wife on Thursday the 1st Feby. 1787
Bernard Reynolds and Lucy his wife pofessed a hope of eternal life on Friday the 26th Augt. 1791
Bernard Reynolds was married to Lucy his wife on the 29 of Jany 1826
Ira Reynolds was married to Leah his wife on Thursday the 12th Apl 1832
Mealey Reynolds was married to Andrew Todd on Thursday the 23d of Dec. 1813
Harriet Reynolds was married to Sam'l Shoemaker on Thursday the 1st June 1815
Johnson Reynolds was married to Eliz. his wife on Thursday the 13th March 1822
Martha Reynolds was married to David Redwine on Thursday the 17th of Feb 1825


Elizabeth C. Reynolds was born Nov. 23th 1788
(Note: It appears the record may have originally shown the day as the 24th, and then the 4 was marked ove with a 3.)
Harriett Reynolds was born Nov. 19th 1790
Lucy Reynolds was born Jany 10th 1793
Mealey Reynolds was born Jany 27th 1795
Johnson Reynolds was born March 5th 1797
Bernard Reynolds was born May 23rd 1799
(Next Entry has been scratched out and is unreadable)
Ira Reynolds was born Nov. 27th 1803
Maria Reynolds was born June the 16th 1807
Mary B. Reynolds was born Octr. 30th 1809
Martha H. Reynolds was born Octr. 29th 1801
Manuel was born 22nd June 1812
Jesse was born 2 Octr. 1816
(Note: The next entry has been scratched out and is difficult to read. It appears like it may be Bailey was born the 28th of either June or January 1823.)

The ages of our Negros

Tamer was born Feb 7 1787
Beckey was born (no date is present)
Jefferson was born Septr. 1805
Henrietter was born April 22d 1808
Stephen was born March 15th 1810
Nelson was born 27th Augst 1810
Edmond was born the 31st January 1813
Delila was born 6th August 1814
Caroline was born 10th Jany 1815
Henry was born 25th May 181? (last digit is unreadable)

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