Family Bible Record of Abraham & Mary "Sargent" Fuller

Submitted by:
Peggy C. Keen

The following is the Bible record of Abraham and Mary (Sargent) Fuller as it is listed on pages 195-196 of Roxie Hammell Wilcox's book, SOME FULLERS OF BUCHANAN AND DICKENSON COUNTIES IN VIRGINIA, AND THEIR DESCENDANTS. It came from a Fuller Family Bible owned by Mrs. Ben Bundy of Rosedale, Russell County Virginia.

This book is the property of Mary Fuller. Price $4.00.

This Bible is the property of Stephen Sargent, bought of William Patton, Price $5.00.

A list of the ages of Abraham Fuller, his wife and children.

Abraham Fuller was born December 27, 1763.

Mary, his wife, was born February the 24th, 1766.

Stephen Fuller was born August the 31st, 1789.
Died at 80 years 6 months.

Henry Fuller was born April the 3rd, 1792.

Katherine Fuller was born _______ 1794.

Abram Fuller was born September the 21st, 1807.

Rebecca Sargent was born March the 19, 1813. (Note by RW-- Since Abraham's wife was said to be Mary Sargent, perhaps this should have been Rebecca Sargent Fuller.)


Abraham Fuller Sr. died November the 15, 1836, aged 72 years, 10 months and 10 days.

Mary, his wife died November the 2, 1866, aged 80 years, 8 months and 9 days.

(Note: There seems to be an error in the death date of this Mary. If she died at age 80 it seems her death date should be 1846 instead fo 1866.)

Family Records

Abraham Fuller was born September the 21st, 1807, and Mary, his wife, was born October the 30, 1809.

Beverly J. Fuller was born April 26, 1829.

Emily C. Fuller was born October 29, 1830.

Maria L. Fuller was born August 26, 1832.

Ira R. Fuller was born January 14, 1835.

Martha M. Fuller was born October 23, 1836.

See also the Abraham Fuller Family Cemetery

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