Revolutionary Pension Application of Jessee Vermillion

Law Order Book 9, Page 394
Oct 02, 1832

State of Virginia; Russell County, to wit: On this 2nd day of October, 1832, personally appeared before the County Court of Russell County and State of Virginia in open Court Jessee Vemillion a resident in the County of Russell and State of Virginia, aged about eighty one years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions made by the Act of Congress passed June 7th, 1832. That he entered the service in the revolutionary War about the year 1777 or 1778 in the State of N. Carolina under Captain Alfred Moore, Lieutenant L. Thompson, the name of the Ensign not recollected, for the term of six months. He does not remember certainly when he entered the service, but thinks it was the same year that Governor Caswell fought the battle at the place called Black Water. That he was attached to the State Regiment commanded by Major Clark and Co. Frank Nash and rendezvoud at Hillsborough in the State of North Carolina, and marched from thence to a place called Cross Creek from whence they took water down the Cape Fear River to Wilmington where they remained a while, and from thence marched to and fro in the State of North Carolina, watching and guarding against the depredations of the enemy both foreign and domestic, till the expiration of said term of six months, when he was discharged at Wilmington in the State of N. Carolina. He the said Jessee Vermillion then returned home to Caswell County where he remained for some time, and again drafted to go against the hostile indians, who were represented to be doing serious mischief upon the Catawba River, wither they marched; but not arriving until the Indians had fled, returned to Hillsborough where they rendezvoued and gave up their arms, and were again discharged, having been absent from home in the service aforesaid about eight weeks. Sometime afterwards he the said Jessee Vermillion removed to the neighborhood of Jonesborough then in the State of N. Carolina, but now in the State of Tennessee where he remained but a short time, and entered the service again for no certain period of time that he now recollects, but supposes for a three months' tour upon an expedition to the South under Col. Robinson, and marched from Jonesborough into the interior of N. Carolina against the tories, who were then exeedingly troublesome, and after having been absent from home in the service aforesaid about three months he was discharged by Col. Robinson and returned home where he remained but a short time and then entered the service again under the command of Col. Sevier for a three months' tour, perhaps in the year 1780 under Captain Trimble, and from Jonesborough marched to the high hills of Santee in the State of S. Carolina where they were in sight of General Green's army, and from thence marched still lower down the country, where they met the Gen'l. Marion's cavalry, and after reconnoitering the county from place to place until the termination of the tour of three months, for which time he had entered the service, he was discharged upon Santee River in the State of South Carolina and returned home, after having served his country faithfully in all between twelve and fifteen months. He hereby relinquishes every claim whatsoever to a pension, or any annuity, except the present, and declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of any agency of the state. Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.

Jessee Vermillion

We, Nathaniel Munsey, a clergyman residing in the Neighborhood of Jessee Vermillion in the County of Russell in the State of Virginia, and William Price, residing in the neighborhood, county and State aforesaid, do hereby certify, that we are well acquainted with Jessee Vermillion who has subscribed and sworn to the the foregoing declaration; that we believe him to be about eighty one years of age; that he is reputed and believed, in the neighborhood where he resides, to have been a soldier of the Revolution, and that we concur in that opinion. Sworn and subscribed the day and year aforesaid

Nathaniel Munsey
William Price

And the said Court hereby further certifies that Francis Browning personally appeared in open Court this day and after being first duly sworn deposeth and saith, that he was personally acquainted with Jessee Vermillion who has subscribed and sworn to the foregoing declaration, and, that he, the said Vermillion, to the knowledge of this deponent, served in the war of the Revolution, and this deponent now believes, that the foregoing declaration contains a true recital of the said services of Jessee Vermillion. Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.

Francis Browning

And the Court do hereby declare their opinion after the investigation of the matter, and after putting the interrogatories prescribed by the War Department, and hearing the testimony of Francis Browning, who hath sworn and subscribed the above affidavit, that the above named applicant was a revolutionary soldier and served as he states.

And the Court further certify that it appears to them that Nathaniel Munsey who has signed the proceeding certificate, is a clergyman, residing in Russell County in the State of Virginia and that William Price a justice of the peace who has also signed the same is a resident of the same county, and that Francis Browning who has signed the preceding affidavit are all credible persons, and that their statements are entitled to credit.

This information was submitted by Michael A. Dye.
visitor since February 11, 1999
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