Revolutionary Pension Application of Spencer Breeding

Law Order Book 9, Page 429
January 8, 1833

State of Virginia, Russell County, to-wit:

On this 8th day of January 1833 personally appeared before the County Court of Russell County in the State of Virginia, Spencer Breeding, a resident of the County of Russell and State of Virginia, aged about seventy three years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath, make the following declarations in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions made by the Act of Congress passed June 7th, 1832.

That he entered the service in the Revolutionary War in Rockingham County in the State of Virginia but does not now remember the year, but thinks it was 1779 under Capt. Frazer, and after marching to Col. Smith's in the upper end of said County or lower end of Augusta, about 30 miles from the place of their rendezvous, joined a company from Augusta County under the command of Captain Givins, and that they were then placed under the command of Col. William Bowyer, the name of the Major not now recollected and marched from thence to the now State of Ohio against the hostile Indians, on a three months' tour, and after arriving at the Ohio river, they engaged in building a Fort, since called McIntosh in honour of General McIntosh under whose command they were then placed, where they remained until the said tour of three months had expired, and was then discharged and returned home to Rockingham County in the State of Virginia, without having been engaged in any battle and as he now remembers during the ensuing summer, which he thinks was in the year 1780, he was drafted on a tour of three months to go against the british forces about Norfolk and Portsmouth, in the Stae of Virginia, and that he was attached to the company commanded by Capt. Michael Cogar, Lieutenant Michael Rhuark, the name of the Ensign not recollected, and were placed under the command of Major Hamilton, and Col. William Noll and marched from Rockinham County in Virginia to Richmond and from thence to Sandy point, where they crossed James River and from thence to Smithfield and from thence to the neighbourhood of Portsmouth then in the possession of the British, and after remaining there a short time marched in a South direction to a place called Edmond Hills, and the term for which he had last entered the service having then expired were then discharged without having been engaged, in any battle, except some small skirmishes and he returned after having served the first time against the Indians three months under General McIntosh and three months in the State Line against the British, making in all six months. He hereby relinquished every claim whatsoever to a pension or an annuity except the present, and declares that his name is not on the pension Roll of any agency in any state. Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.

Spencer X Breeding

This information was submitted by Michael A. Dye.
visitor since October 18, 1998
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