
At a court held for Russell County the 5th day of May 1818.

Benjamin Ray who resides in the county of Russell in this state, wishing to become a pensioner pursuant to the provisions of an act of the congress of the United States passed on the 18th day of march 1818 entitled, an act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the revolutionary war, personally appeared in court, and declared on oath that he entered the service of the United States as a private soldier in the Revolutionary War in the spring of the year 1775, in the 6th Reg't of the North Carolina line commanded by Thomas Clark in Captain John Baptist Ash's company, and that the said Ray continued in the said service until the end of the war and was discharged in Stafford County, Virginia. And the said Ray further declared that he was in the battle of Brandywine and the battle at Germantown, the battle at Germantown commenced before day break in which engagement Gen'l Ash was killed. The said Ray was also in the battle of Monmouth, but not present when the action commenced. He understood it commenced about sunrise with the horse and he thinks it closed about two hours in the night. He was afterward taken prisoner at the siege of Charleston in South Carolina and remained a prisoner fourteen months and some days. And from the knowledge which some of the members of the court themselves have as well as from other satisfactory evidence the court are unanimously of opinion and do certify that the said Benjamin Ray is a person of credit as a witness, that it was generally understood in the neighborhood of the residence of the said Ray previous to the passage of the said act of Congress that the said Ray had served as a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and that the said Ray is in such reduced circumstances in life as to need assistance from his country for support. All which is ordered to be certified to the Secretary of the Department of War.

And at a court held for the said county of Russell the 6th day of July 1819.

This day personally appeared in court Benjamin Ray, who at a court held for the county the 5th day of May 1818, made a declaration on oath for the purpose of obtaining the pension allowed by the act of Congress of the 18th of March 1818, and being interrogated on oath relative to the facts stated in said declaration, the Judge of this court is of opinion that the same are true which is ordered to be certified to the Secretary of the Department of War.

a copy


Henry Dickenson

This information was submitted by Michael Dye.
visitor since March 22, 1998
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