Unnamed Killings in Powell Valley in 1784

By Emory L. Hamilton

From the unpublished manuscript, Indian Atrocities Along the Clinch, Powell and Holston Rivers, page 124.

Colonel Joseph Martin, wrote to Governor Harrison, May 3, 1784, saying:

...All the news he can give, was that a boy had been killed in Powell’s Valley and a girl taken prisoner; a large number of horses carried off. A Station (Martin’s) had been erected in the valley at great expense, when there was about "one hundred souls", chiefly women and children, and unless they could get immediate support from the state on the next alarm they will break up. (Virginia State Papers, Vol. III, page 581).

Again on July 22, 1784, Col. Joseph Martin again writes to Governor Harrison, saying:

The boy that was killed and the girl that was taken prisoner last April, in Powell Valley, was by the same party, aided by the Shawnees. (Same party was about 30 Cherokees who had joined the Shawnee). The man, woman, boy, and child killed last winter on the Kentucky Road, was by the same party, commanded by a young fellow called the "Rattlesnake", now in the town of Chilherney. The three men killed near Cumberland Gap, last winter on their way from Kentucky was by the Creeks. A boy was killed and scalped, and an arrow left in his breast, down this river (Holston), but I have not heard, yet, by whom it was done. (Virginia State Papers, Vol. III, page 601-2).

This file contributed by: Rhonda Robertson

visitor since May 17, 1998

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