Extract of the Marriage Record of George Kindrick & Edith Wright

This file submitted by Linda Preece

The below document was found in an antique shop in eastern Kentucky. The document has a diamond shaped piece missing from the center and another small piece missing from the right edge due to being folded. Below the document is a transcription which probably pretty accurately includes the missing words from the document.

An extract from the marriage Register as recorded in the clerks office of the county court of Russell County as returned by William Vermillion
"married George Kindrick and Edith Wright July 22d 1813

William Vermillion

Russell County to wit
I Richard H. Lynch clerk of the county court ? (probably "of the") county and state aforesaid do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true transcript ? (probably should be "from") the records of said court. In testimony whereof of I have hereunto set my hand and annexed the seal of said court this 17th day of October 1859

R. H. Lynch C.C

visitor since Feb 06, 1999

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