Baseball Players Bob Stafford
Robert "Bob" Stafford's 1894 Season
from The [Petersburg, VA] Daily Index-Appeal

Robert "Bob" Stafford played baseball for the Petersburg Farmers during the 1894 season. While he usually played first base, he also played other positions.

The following information was extracted from The [Petersburg, VA] Daily Index-Appeal, Microfilm reel # 76, at the Petersburg Public Library, and any errors or omissions are mine. The headlines for each date are given, followed by extracted information about Stafford, in brief context. Eve Gregory

6 May Sunday.
[This is the first mention of Stafford in the newspaper accounts.]
The home team will leave this morning for Roanoke, where they open on Monday. They were joined last night by Smith and Stafford, the former battery of the Wake Forest club...

9 May Wednesday.
OH! WHAT A DANDY IS SMITH! A REGULAR TA-RA-RA-BOOM-DE-AY. "He Gave the Roanoke Lads Point on Pitching Yesterday and the Result Was a Shut-out - Stafford Got Two Home Run Hits."
...Roanoke, VA. May 8. The Petersburgs turned the tables upon the home team today, and they got down to work to accomplish it early in the game. With two men out, Brodie hit safe. Farrell was given his base on balls. Stafford then cracked the ball on the trademark, lifting it high over the left field fence and the Petersburgs had started up their windmill by sending three men across the plate in the first inning, and opened the game, which resulted in the ignominious defeat of the home team by the score of ten to nothing...The features of the game were the batting of Stafford, who hit McCoy's delivery for two beautiful home runs, one of which went high over the left field fence, bringing in Brodie and Farrell. The second home run hit of Stafford's hit the top of the fence and bounded over out of the park. This hit brought in a man...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford c2 2 10 0 2
Earned runs, Petersburg, 4. Home runs, Stafford, 2...Passed balls, Smith, 2; Stafford, 1...

13 May Sunday.
WON A GAME AT LAST. "Petersburg Batted Out the Victory at Staunton."
Staunton, VA. May 12 (Special) Petersburg won in the tenth - eighteen to sixteen...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 3b2 2 2 2 1
Earned runs: Staunton 11, Petersburg, 3. Home runs, Malarkey, Zeigler, 2; Little, Kelly, Stafford. Two base hits, Fultz, Brodie, 2; Stafford, Leach, Kelly...Stolen bases...Brodie, Stafford, Kelly, Hammond...

19 May Saturday.
There was a good crowd at the base ball park yesterday afternoon to witness the second game between Richmond and the home team. In their half of the first inning, our boys made three hits and three runs, Stafford making a magnificent drive over the center field fence. The visitors had not scored, and two men were out, when the heavy wind and rain storm prevented further playing. Setley and Grim started in to fill the points for the visitors, while Foreman and Keifer were doing the work for the locals. The clubs will play again this afternoon at 5 o'clock.

22 May Tuesday.
LYNCHBURG SHUT OUT. "The Home Team Played a Splendid Game and Knocked Out Four Home Runs."
...Stafford got two homers and Myers and Kelly one each...Stafford hit safely and stole second and third, but was left there, as Farrell and Myers both got out...In the eighth inning Stafford accomplished the feat of making a home run without knocking the ball outside the grounds...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b3 3 12 0 0
Earned runs, Petersburg 7...Home runs, Kelly, Myers and Stafford, 2. Stolen bases, Stafford 3...

23 May Wednesday.
LYNCHBURG'S SECOND SHUT OUT. "The Home Team Playing Ball That Can't Be Beat."
All the boys played well...Smith and Stafford will be the battery this evening...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b1 1 3 0 0
Earned runs: Petersburg, 7. Two base hits, Stafford...

24 May Thursday.
THIS GAME A TIE. "Petersburg Played Loosely and Allowed the Visitors to Score."
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b1 1 5 0 0
Earned runs: Petersburg, 2. Passed balls, Hacker 1, Stafford 1...

26 May Saturday.
LET SOMMERS DROP A TEAR. "His Stars Didn't Shine at Home." He Can't Telegraph Fraud This Time and Do the Cry Baby Act - He Was Beat, Beat, Beat, and Home Run Hits Did the Work
Norfolk, VA, May 25...Although Norfolk outbatted and outfielded Petersburg, the hits being twelve to eight and the errors two to four, they lost the game...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b2 3 10 0 0
Earned runs: Petersburg, 6; Norfolk, 4...Two base hits, Sandford, Brodie, Smith, Kelly, Stafford...Home runs Stafford, 2...Double Plays Stafford...

27 May Sunday.
ALAS! FOR NORFOLK'S STARS. "They Can't Twinkle a Little Bit."
They are like a comet without a tail or a Sun without rays, and maybe they'll be swapped for lightening bugs
Norfolk, VA. May 26...Stafford's two-bagger sent two more men in. Hunnicutt hit to Elsey who threw to Colliflower on first; he muffed the ball and Stafford took third; he came in on Colliflower's error...Stafford hit for one bag, but by bad playing on the part of the home team took three. Hunnicutt's safe hit sent Stafford home...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford r.f.2 2 2 0  
Two base hits, Brodie, Stafford, Kelly...

31 May Thursday.
THIS WAS GILT EDGED BALL. "Ratling Game Yesterday in Which Staunton Met its Third Defeat"
...Smith replaced Stafford in the eighth, the latter being unwell...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford r.f.0 0 0 0

2 Jun. Saturday.
WE DIDN'T GET OUR DESERTS. "Maybe the Umpire Was Way Off."
At Least the Richmond Cranks Thought His Decisions on Balls and Strikes Were Atrocious - In Other Respects it Was a Pretty Contest.
Richmond, VA., June 1...[Petersburg lost.]...Setley flew out to Keifer and an error by Stafford put Kain on second, while Phillips got four balls. A beautiful two bagger by McGann permitted both men to score as well as Napier who had reached third on Stafford's error...Brodie stirred up the Cockade City cranks by a clean two bagger. Kelly flew out to West and then Stafford mauled the leather for a home run sending Brodie in and creating a howl from the visiting spectators...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford r.f.1 1 0 0
...Home run, Stafford...

3 Jun. Sunday.
OUR CHAMPIONS KNOCKED OUT. "Richmond Played Horse With Them and Had Great Sport."
Richmond, Va. June 2. what little was left of the so called Petersburg "champions" after their defeat Friday was completely annihilated this afternoon at the West End ball park...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford r.f.0 0 0 0

5 Jun. Tuesday.
ROANOKE TAKEN INTO CAMP. "Leach Hit for a Home run and Astonished the Natives."
...Stafford filled the bases, McCoy giving him four balls, and Sanford and Brodie scored on Farrell's hit to center field, Stafford going to third and Farrell to second on the throw by McGinnis to try and head Brodie off a home. Stafford scored on Honeycutt's sacrifice...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford r.f.1 2 1 0

6 Jun. Wednesday.
TOOK THE SECOND FROM ROANOKE. "One of the Best Games Played this Year on Our Diamond
...Stafford played third base for the home team in place of Burt Meyers, who was too sick to go in the game...Stafford ended [the first] inning by being thrown out at first by Freck...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford r.f.0 3 0 2

8 Jun. Friday.
BEATEN IN A LOOSE GAME. "The Locals Win by the Score of 15 to 8."
...Foreman and Stafford did the battery work for the locals, and barring Foreman's wildness, he pitched a good game, allowing the visitors only three hits...Sanford was given his base on balls, and went to second on Brodie's sacrifice hit to third on Kelly's hit, and home on Stafford's hit - Kelly and Stafford coming home on Farrell's two-bagger...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford r.f.2 2 10 2
...Passed balls, Webster 3, Stafford 2...

9 Jun. Saturday.
A WALK OVER FOR THE LOCALS. "Lynchburg Defeated Yesterday by the Score of 24 to 8."
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford r.f.1 1 1 1

10 Jun. Sunday.
TOOK ALL THREE GAMES. "Lynchburg Clearly Outclassed by the Local Team."
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford r.f.1 1 0 0

12 Jun. Tuesday.
KNOCKED MALARKEY OUT. "The Home Team Defeated Staunton by Magnificent Stick Work."
Staunton, VA, June 11. ... Stafford broke the record on the long distance home run. He and Farrell each knocked the sphere over left field fence twice...The features were the fielding of Clark and Scherer and the catching of Keefer, and the batting of Stafford, Farrell, Myers and Clark...The visitors tied in the first on four balls presented to Kelly and singles by Stafford and Myers...while seven singles and a passed ball netted six for the visitors who increased their lead in the fifth on Clark's error, Farrell's single and Stafford's steal home, and by four in the sixth on Sanford's double, a wild pitch, a base on balls, Fultz's muff of Stafford's high fly and Farrell's home run...the locals...lost heart when Stafford and Farrell put the ball over the fence in the eighth...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford r.f.5 4 1 0
...Home runs - Fultz, Stafford (2)

13 Jun. Wednesday.
STAUNTON IS PIE THIS TRIP. "The Pennant Winners Scored Another Fine Victory Yesterday."
Staunton, VA. June 12 - The visitors [Petersburg] had easy victory today, defeating Staunton by the score of twelve to four...Farrell, Stafford and Sullivan also played good ball, Stafford making a beautiful catch of a foul fly after a hard run...The visitors...added two in the fourth on Brodie's single and Stafford's home run...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford r.f.2 1 2 0
...Home runs - Zeigler, Stafford, Myers and Farrell (2)...

14 Jun. Thursday.
TOOK THE THIRD FROM STAUNTON. "The Boys Had a Close Shave, But Got There all the Same."
Staunton, VA, June 13 - Petersburg made it three straight by hard hitting today in the ninth...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford r.f.0 1 1 0

15 Jun. Friday.
KELLY KNOCKED CLEAN OUT. "He Was Hit by a Hot Inshoot."
A Distressing accident which Marred the Game at Roanoke - Our Boys Won, However, with Runs to Spare. Roanoke, Va. June 14...Kelly was at the bat and one of Nevins' in-shoots struck him behind the ear. He fell to the ground like a log and had to be carried off the field, his place being taken by Foreman. When play was resumed it was evident that the occurrence had affected Nevins. He gave Stafford his base on balls and then Farrell made a home run, sending three men in ahead of him...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford r.f.1 0 0 0
...KELLY STILL IN THE RING. A dispatch from Roanoke, received at 1 a.m. says: "Kelly was up tonight. It is not known whether he will be able to play tomorrow or not. He was unconscious about fifteen or twenty minutes after being hit."

16 Jun. Saturday.
THE SAME SAD STALE STORY. "Beaten - But They Say Robbed."
The Pennant Winners Captured the Second Game from Roanoke Yesterday and the Rooters Up That Way Are Overcome With Grief...Just as every one was beginning to think that Roanoke had won another game, the aspect of things changed. Petersburg was taking its eighth inning. Farrell, the first batsman, flew out to Cavanaugh. Then the fireworks began. Myers, Honeycutt, Smith, Keefer and Brodie made singles; Stafford got in a double and McHoverter made a wild throw. When the smoke cleared away Petersburg had scored five runs and won the game.
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford r.f.1 1 2 1
...Two base hits, Brodie, Stafford...

17 Jun. Sunday.
OFF DAY FOR PENNANT WINNERS. "They Went All to Pieces in the Second Inning, Letting in Six Runs."
Roanoke, VA., June 16. Nevins and Foreman were the opposing twirlers, and they were both hit hard and often, although fully one-half of the visitors' hits were on the scratch order...After Sanford had been retired, Brodie scratched out a single and scored when Farrell put the ball over the left field fence. Stafford followed with a hit, stole second, went to third when Boyd dropped Myers' fly, and scored on Honeycutt's long fly to center. The Farmers added three more tallies to their total in the third on hits by Brodie, Stafford and Kelly and Freck's error. Four hits were made off of Nevins in the fourth and two more runs were made by Petersburg. The visitors got their last three runs in the fifth. Stanford, Farrell, Stafford, Kelly and Foreman hit safely and Boyd got in another error...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford r.f.2 4 0 0
...Two base hits, Boyd, O'Hagan, Stafford, McHoverter...Stolen bases, Stafford 2...

19 Jun. Tuesday.
A CLOSE GAME AT LYNCHBURG. "But the Boys Played in the Usual Good Luck and Won."
Lynchburg, VA., June 18...Where the Cockade City Farmers have the advantage of the Lynchburg team and every other team in the league is in their batting strength...Lynchburg did nothing at the bat in the second, but Petersburg in her half did her deadly work. Kelly went to the bat, hit for a single, reached second on a passed ball and scored on Stafford's hit. Farrell struck out, Myers got his base on balls, Hunnicutt hit to left and Stafford scored...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford r.f.1 4 0 0
...Two base hits - Boucher, Kelly, Stafford, Myers, Leach...

20 Jun. Wednesday.
LYNCHBURG WAS SLAUGHTERED. "The Boys Made Runs Until They Grew Tired of Scoring.
Lynchburg, Va., June 19. It is a doleful story of defeat and slaughter: of Petersburgs heavy hitting and Lynchburgs helplessness with the stick, of Petersburgs strength in the box and Lynchburgs weakness there; of Petersburgs clean fielding and Lynchburgs costly errors and general demoralization at critical times...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford r.f.2 3 0 0

21 Jun. Thursday.
BEATEN BY THE TAIL ENDERS. "An Unfortunate Combination of Errors Loses Us Another Game."
Lynchburg, VA., June 20. The darkest hour is just before the dawn, they say, and it looked that way today in local base ball circles, when Lynchburg downed the mighty Petersburg farmers - the first time that feat has been accomplished by the home team this season...In the seventh inning...The score was again a tie, but Petersburg changed that in the same inning by getting Stafford across the plate...Petersburg could only send one man across the plate in the ninth, leaving Lynchburg two ahead at the end.
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford r.f.1 2 1 0

22 Jun. Friday.
TOOK ELEVEN INNINGS TO WIN. "Staunton Almost Wins a Game from the Home Team."
If the pennant winners do not play better ball than they did in two or three innings of yesterday's game, then it will not be long before they will forfeit first place. Staunton should have been shut out: as it was the boys from the valley were within an inch of pulling down Petersburg's percentage, and furthermore they put up the kind of game that deserved to be crowned with victory...Farrell and Stafford each got a home run...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford r.f.1 3 2 0
...Home runs: Stafford, Farrell...

23 Jun. Saturday.
TOOK ANOTHER FROM STAUNTON. "The Home Team Won in the Ninth After an Exciting Contest."
In the first inning Petersburg scored a run on Sanford's two-bagger; Brodie's sacrifice and Stafford's single...the visitors on an error by Brodie, a hit by Sullivan, and a wild throw by Stafford, added two more runs to their score. In the fifth Petersburg got in a run on a base on balls, a stolen base and a single hit by Stafford...Stafford flied out to Fultz and Keefer came home on that play...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford r.f.0 2 1 0
...Stolen bases, Sandford, Stafford 2...

24 Jun. Sunday.
STAUNTON LOST THE THIRD. "But the Mountain Boys Played a Gilt-edged Game."
Yesterday's game concluded the most interesting series ever played in this city. As usual the home team won in the ninth inning...The features of the game were the home runs of Myers and Stafford and the beautiful double play of Myers and Hunnicutt. But Myers' home run in the ninth brought in Stafford, winning the game...In the fourth, Stafford made his usual home run hit...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford r.f.2 2 0 0
...Two base hits, Little, Farrell and Stafford. Home runs, Stafford and Myers...

26 Jun. Tuesday.
WE WERE DONE UP BY ROANOKE. "Outplayed Us in the Field and Hit When Hits Were Needed."
The game yesterday afternoon was not a howling success from a Petersburg standpoint... Foreman and Stafford were the battery for the locals. The former pitched a good game, allowing only six hits...The home team will have to brace up if they expect to win the pennant, as they are entirely too careless now in their playing...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford r.f.0 0 10 0

27 Jun. Wednesday.
TABLES TURNED ON ROANOKE. "Magic City Boys Shut Out in an Interesting Game."
...It was played in just one hour and seven minutes, probably the shortest game on record, and resulted in a victory for the Petersburg team by a score of two to nothing...In the first... Sanford flew out to DeMoss. Brodie hit to DeMoss, got first on an error and scored on hits by Kelly and Stafford...In the eighth...Kelly reached first on Cavanaugh's fumble: Stafford flew out to Freck; McHoverter pulled Farrell's fly off the left field fence and cut Kelly off at first, making a nice double...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b0 1 10 0
...Stolen bases - Kelly and Stafford. Double plays - Brodie, Farrell and Stafford...

28 Jun. Thursday.
BY STUPID PLAYING WE LOST. "Roanoke Given the Game by our Alledged Pennant Winners and Sluggers."
...Smith did the pitching and Stafford and Keefer caught him well; but he received the most miserable support ever given a pitcher..
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b & c0 1 7 1
...Two base hits - Myers, Stafford and Smith...

29 Jun. Friday.
A PRETTY AND EXCITING GAME. "Foreman's Home Run Hit in the Ninth Gave us the Victory."
...Foreman pitched for the home team and not only did good work in the box but batted well, making a home run in the ninth with two men on bases...The Petersburg boys played a much better game than they have done recently...Stafford was given his base on balls and stole the sixth, Hunnicutt and Foreman made two-baggers each and scored on Keefer's single. This ended the run getting for us until the ninth, when, with Myers and Hunnicutt on the bases, Foreman hit a high fly in left field, which bounded over the fence giving the boys a lead with won the game...Taken all in all, the home team played a great game and redeemed themselves...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b & c0 1 9 0
...Stolen bases - Kelly and Stafford.

30 Jun. Saturday.
JACKSON WARD AGAIN DEFEATED. "The Boys Played a Rattling Game and Earned Their Victory."
Jackson Ward was again beaten yesterday afternoon by the home team and this time there were plenty of runs to spare... Foster made a hit and scored on a wild throw by Stafford... In the seventh, Leach, Stafford and Myers scored on singles by Stafford, Honeycutt and Keefer... For Petersburg Kelly, Stafford, Honeycutt and Leach lead in hitting...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 1 3 11 1
...Two base hits - Kelly 2, Stafford 2, Myers and Honeycutt...

1 Jul. Sunday.
BEATEN ON THEIR OWN GROUNDS. "Smith Pitched a Great Game and Richmond Couldn't Bat Him."
Richmond, VA. June 30....Among those present was Governor O'Farrell, accompanied by his private secretary, E. R. Chesterman, who drove out in a carriage to watch the rooters as well as the players. On the western corner of the grand stand was stationed the First regiment band, which was engaged by the most exclusive organization of cranks in the city, and they discoursed lively musical selections as the clubs changed places. Then some very enterprising rooter took a cannon out with him. He touched it off occasionally with fine effect, and the roaring of this diminutive weapon helped to add dignity as well as volume to the great clamor from the spectators... In the fourth the pennant winners made two runs. Two bases on balls, and an error by Foster filled the bases, with no one out, when Smith knocked a liner to left field, scoring Stafford... For the visitors, with two men out, Kelly went to first on a single, and Stafford knocked a long fly to deep centre, scoring Kelly and winning the game.
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 1 2 11 0
...Two base hits - Stafford, Farrell, Honeycutt 2...

4 Jul. Wednesday.
FOREMAN KNOCKED OUT THE BOX. "Smith Went in and Pitched an Excellent Game."
Richmond, Va., July 3. Black and Foreman started into pitch in today's game. It required just a little over one inning for the [Petersburg] Farmers to make West believe that, if he kept Black in the box, "his name would be mud," so Black was succeeded by Plummer. Foreman held out until the fifth, when the Legislators got on to his delivery, and he retired, Smith gracing the box for the rest of the game... Both sides got a run in the first. For the home team, Kain singled, went to second on Phillip's sacrifice, to third on Foster's and scored on Stafford's error, who dropped the ball thrown by Myers to catch Foster at first. Morgan was thrown out by Foreman at first... Kelly flew out to second; Stafford's two-bagger scored Sanford... In the fourth the home team tied the score. Petersburg got three more runs in its half on hits by Kelly, Stafford, Myers and Foreman, assisted by Farrell's timely double...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 3 3 9 0
...Two base hits, Stafford...
Richmond.......1 1 1 4 6 0 0 3 0 - 16
Petersburg.....1 6 0 3 0 2 0 0 2 - 14

5 Jul. Thursday.
CROWS FEATHERS PLUCKED. "We Took Both Games Yesterday."
The First was a Walkover - The Second Was Hotly Contested and Was Won in Spite of the Disagreeable Interference of the Rowdy Element.

Richmond, Va., July 4. The Petersburg Pennant winners defeated the Jackson Ward Crows at base ball park this morning by a score of 14 to 4...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 1 1 8 1
Richmond.......0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 - 4
Petersburg.....0 6 0 0 1 0 0 7 x - 14

Richmond, Va., July 4.
The largest number of people that ever attended a game of ball in Richmond saw the Farmers lead the Crows into camp this afternoon...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 1 0 6 1
...Double plays, Stafford, Farrell and Myers...
Richmond.......1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 - 5
Petersburg.....1 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 x - 6

6 Jul. Friday.
BADLY BEATEN AT NORFOLK. "Foreman was batted Hard in the Seventh and Ninth.
Norfolk, July 5, Alas, the mighty Petersburgs have fallen! ...such men as Stafford, Kelly, Brodie, Sanford and Myers either striking out or hitting high flies which Colliflower and Hager gobbled up with the utmost ease... Petersburg did not score after the fourth inning...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 1 0 7 0
Norfolk........0 1 1 0 0 0 5 0 3 - 10
Petersburg.....0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 2

7 Jul. Saturday.
NORFOLK DEFEATED YESTERDAY. "The Errors and Hits are a Sufficient Explanation."
Norfolk, Va., July 6. ...Two runs were made in the sixth and Norfolk failed in the seventh but the visitors added two more in their half. Stafford hit two feet outside the foul line, but Umpire Garrett said fair, much to the disgust of the spectators, and Stafford took second. Farrell hit to Corcoran, who threw to Hauptman to cut Stafford off at third; Myers hit to Thornton, who threw wild home and Stafford scored...Norfolk did not score again during the game but Petersburg made it doubly sure by increasing their lead two runs in the eighth. Brodie hit safe for one bag and, on Kelly's two-bagger, he came home on Hodge's passed ball. Kelly took third and on Stafford's out crossed rubber...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 1 2 10 0
...Two base hits, Colliflower 2; Stafford 2...Double plays: Thornton, Corcoran and Land; Stafford unassisted; Brodie, Farrell and Stafford...

8 Jul. Sunday.
THE GIANTS AGAIN DEFEATED. "Down at Norfolk They Say Our Hitters Can't Bat a Little Bit."
Norfolk, Va., July 7. The alleged heavy hitters from Petersburg went down with a dull thud again today and the Norfolk cranks are wondering tonight where, when and how the Farmers won the misnomer of "heavy hitters." ...For six innings were the Farmers goose-egged, but Norfolk made another run in the third. Colliflower made a one base hit; Thornton bunted and started for first. He was put out on that bag; in the meantime Colliflower started for third. Stafford threw wild to Myers and "Collie" scored...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 1 2 10 1
...Two base hits, Lanser, McCreery, Sanford, Stafford, Farrell... Three base hits, Kissenger, Stafford, Smith...
Norfolk........0 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 - 6
Petersburg.....0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 - 2

10 Jul. Tuesday.
GAME FORFEITED TO NORFOLK. "Umpire Duke Was Worse Than a Man Totally Blind."
...Mr. Duke simply does not know the game...Yesterday's game was forfeited to Norfolk in the fifth inning, when the occupants of the bleacheries rose from their seats, rushed into the grounds and unanimously voted that the game be suspended until a man who knows something about umpiring has been secured...Mr. Duke has abundant nerve, but absolutely no knowledge of base ball. He will not be invited over to umpire any more games in Petersburg...
RICHMOND WANTS OUR PLAYERS. Richmond, Va., July 9. A bulletin posted at the Spragg House, where a number of sporting people congregate daily, announces that Smith and Stafford, of the Petersburg team, have signed with Richmond. Mr. W. B. Bradley, the manager of the local club, was called upon by the INDEX-APPEAL correspondent and stated that there was no truth in the report, so far as he was aware. He would not deny that he was trying to secure these players...

11 Jul. Wednesday.
NORFOLK FAIRLY ATE US UP. "Smith's Curves Were Too Easy."
Kissinger, on the Contrary, Continues to be a Puzzle, and our Heavy Hitters Could Not Bat Him-- Hundreds of Visiting "Rooters" ...Petersburg's rooters were plunged into a melancholy so profound that its depths can never be sounded. And this is the story of the game in its entirety...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 0 0 11 0

12 Jul. Thursday.
FOREMAN WON THE GAME. "Norfolk was helpless, and Couldn't Touch His Curves."
The home team redeemed themselves in yesterday's game, defeating Norfolk by the score of 6 to 2. ...Petersburg was first at the bat. Sandford went out, Corcoran to Land. Brodie went out to Land. Kelly Knocked the ball over the fence for a home run. Stafford hit safely. ...For the visitors, Hodge was given his base on balls and went to second on an error by Stafford, Corcoran getting first on the same error. Lanser went out, Foreman to Stafford; and Hodge and Corcoran scored on Farrell's muff of Colliflower's line hit. Colliflower was thrown out at second by Foreman, and Thornton was caught napping off first by Foreman and run down between the bases by Farrell and Stafford... Stafford ended [the second] inning by flying out to Hauptman. The visitors failed to score in their half of this inning.
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 0 2 12 0

Petersburg.....1 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 6
Norfolk........2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 2

13 Jul. Friday.
HOME RUN HITS PLENTIFUL. "Petersburg Made Five and Won the Game in the Ninth."
Yesterday's game of ball wioth the Crows waws a very interestintg sluggin gmathc. Home runs were as numberous in this game as plain every day runs in an ordinayr contest, the large number of eight being hit over the fence. The home team made five and the vistoris three. The lucky hitters were: Stafford, 2; Morgan, 2; Moneycutt, Hodge, Myers and Sandford....
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 3 3 10 0
...Home runs, Stafford, 2; Morgan, 2; Hodge, Myers, Honeycutt, Sanford; Rousey and Foster...
Petersburg.....3 0 1 0 4 0 2 1 4 - 15 22 4
Richmond.......1 2 1 0 3 1 3 0 0 - 11 12 5

14 Jul. Saturday.
WE LOST BY RANK ERRORS. "And Richmond Won by a Very Rank Decision."
...Petersburg failed to score until the sixth inning...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 0 0 10 0
Petersburg.....0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 - 3 7 4
Richmond.......0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 x - 4 5 4
...Double plays - Brodie, Farrell and Stafford...

15 Jul. Sunday.
RICHMOND AGAIN DEFEATED. "But Black's Decisions Were as Rank as on Friday."
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 2 0 7 0
...Double plays...Foreman, Keefer and Stafford... SCORE BY INNINGS
Petersburg.....3 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 - 8 11 3
Richmond.......0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 3 - 5 6 7

20 Jul. Friday.
PLAYED A WRETCHED GAME. "The Home Team Beaten at Roanoke by its Tailender Work."
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 0 1 8 0

21 Jul. Saturday.
GOT ON THEIR BATTING CLOTHES. "The Boys Defeated Roanoke Yesterday in a Nice Game."
Roanoke, VA., July 20. ...Petersburg also began their run getting in the first. After Sanford had gone out to O'Hagan, Brodie was given his base on balls. He went to third on a wild pitch and scored on Kelly's single. Stafford, the next batter, drove one over the left field fence, sending Kelly in ahead...Brodie's long fly to centre was muffed by McGinnis after a long run, and Brodie made second. Kelly's single put him on third. Kelly stole second and both scored on Stafford's hit...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 2 2 1 2
...Home runs, Stafford, Farrell, Honeycutt...

22 Jul. Sunday.
TOOK TWO OUT OF THREE. "Petersburg Pulled the Game out of the Fire in the Ninth."
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 3b 1 2 3 2

25 Jul. Wednesday.
WE LOST AT LYNCHBURG. "And We Did Not Score at all Until the Ninth Inning."
Lynchburg, July 24...It remained for the Farmers to save themselves from a shut out in the last half of the ninth inning. Stafford hit to right field. Myers batted the ball to centre field; it passed Brown and Stafford and Myers both came in. And they were all the runs the visitors got...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 1 3 9 0
...TOLD BY "CONTINUOUS REPORT." A small army of excited cranks watched the progress of the Lynchburg game yesterday as it was minutely and accurately detailed by wire at the Western Union office...

26 Jul. Thursday.
FOREMAN STRUCK OUT TWELVE. "But Stupid Errors in the Infield Lost Us the Game."
Lynchburg, Va., July 25...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 0 1 9 0

27 Jul. Friday.
BEAT ROANOKE IN A GOOD GAME. "The Magic City Boys Played Ball but Couldn't Hit Smith."
...The work of the home team's infield was of the very finest quality. Thirty seven out of thirty-eight chances were accepted, and some of them were very difficult. Myers, Brodie, Stafford and Farrell were a most effective stonewall, blocking every hit within the diamond. Such work makes the cranks happy, and if the boys will only keep it up the pennant must come this way. Stafford and Farrell each got four base hits, and Honeycutt knocked a beauty over the left field fence. Stafford made a rattling catch of a foul fly, plucking it off the picket fence at the bleachers...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 1 1 11 0
...Double plays - Myers, Farrell and Stafford; Brodie, Farrell and Stafford...

28 Jul. Saturday.
ROANOKE TOOK THE SECOND. "Errors in the Infield and Crockett's Home Run Did the Work."
...Crockett, for Roanoke, hit over the fence in the second, and in the fourth Stafford scored on Brodie's hit to centre...In the eighth the calamity came. Myers, who had heretofore played a brilliant game, threw wild both to Stafford and to Farrell - although Farrell could have stopped the ball by getting off his base...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 1 1 13 0
...Double plays - Myers and Stafford...

29 Jul. Sunday.
THREW THE GAME AWAY. "Roanoke Wins Through the Home Team's Glaring Errors."
...Roanoke made three runs in their half of the first on a hit by Crockett and errors by Myers, Kelly and Stafford...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 1 3 13 0
...Double plays - Farrell and Stafford...

31 Jul. Tuesday.
WON BY RICHMOND. "The Men in Black Take the First Game of the Series."
...The locals appeared in their new uniforms of blue with white stockings. Their friends hope that they will adopt a new style of playing with their new clothes...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford C&1b 1 1 5 0
...Double plays - Farrell and Stafford...
Petersburg.....0 0 0 0 1 4 - 5 6 4
Richmond.......0 3 0 3 3 0 - 9 10 3

1 Aug. Wednesday.
TWENTY-SEVEN WENT TO THE BAT. "But Only One Got as Far as Second Base - A Great Shut-out."
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 0 0 12 0

2 Aug. Thursday.
WARMSLEY'S "HOODOO" DEAD. "Four Home Runs, a Two-Bagger and Eleven Singles Was All We Did for Him."
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 2 2 10 0

3 Aug. Friday.
WON BY DIRTY WORK. "Norfolk Players Kicked the Ball and Norfolk Rooters Blocked Home Plate."
Norfolk, Va. August 2...What with Norfolk players kicking the ball so that Keefer could not get it - with Norfolk rooters practically standing on home plate, after they had successfully blocked Kelley, Stafford and Honeycutt, with Catcher Hodge assisting the mob in preventing Keefer from securing the ball in time to cover home plate, it is no wonder that Norfolk got two runs in the ninth inning of today's game...A more disgraceful exhibition was never witnessed on the diamond, and if Norfolk likes this kind of ball, it is about the only community that would tolerate such dirty work, or accept a victory won by such methods. The game will be protested...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 0 0 8 0

4 Aug. Saturday.
THE SECOND WENT TO NORFOLK. "A Norfolk Player Umpired After the Fifth Inning."
Norfolk, August 3. Umpire McDermott, who had officiated this afternoon up to the fifth inning, was struck on the head by a pitched ball and had to retire...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 1 1 6 1
...Double plays, Wynne, Stafford and Keefer...

7 Aug. Tuesday.
CLOSE CONTEST IN RICHMOND. "But the Crows Again Had Their Feathers Plucked."
Richmond, VA., August 6. It was a battle royal this afternoon from start to finish...There were more runs to the visitors credit than tot he home team's - just one more, but enough to add another defeat to an already choice category in that direction...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 1 3 9 0
...Home runs - Roussey, Stafford. Stolen bases - Cleve, Stafford, Wells, Kain (2), Gilman, Roussey...
Petersburg.....0 2 0 4 1 0 1 0 3 - 12
Richmond.......0 2 6 0 1 0 0 3 x - 11

8 Aug. Wednesday.
ALMOST A SHUT OUT. "Two Home Runs in the Ninth Saved the Crows From a Goose Egg."
The home team demonstrated in yesterday's game that it can play great ball...Brodie, Farrell and Stafford made fine plays...Petersburg scored one run in the first on Kelly's two-bagger and Stafford's single; one in the second on a single by Honeycutt, and error by West, a passed ball and Farrell's single...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 0 1 8 0
...Stolen bases, Stafford 2...

  Played Won Lost PerCent
Petersburg82 55 27 .671
Norfolk82 52 30 .634
Richmond84 44 40 .524
Staunton84 36 48 .428
Roanoke85 36 49 .423
Lynchburg85 28 57 .329

10 Aug. Friday.
BEATEN BY THE HILL CLIMBERS. "Lynchburg's Crack Players Take the First of the Series."
The Hill Climbers defeated the Farmers yesterday in a well played game by the score of 5 to 2...The first run credited to Petersburg was made by Stafford in the sixth inning. Anderson gave him a good one and he sent it far beyond the limits of the field...Stafford would have scored in the ninth inning but for some crooked work on the part of Zeigler. When Stafford reached third he was forcibly detained there by the third baseman until the ball could be fielded, and he was too late to reach the home plate safely. Zeigler's action was condemned by everybody and Umpire Hodge was severely censured for not rebuking such a flagrant instance of dirty ball playing by giving the run to Petersburg...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 1 2 9 1
...Home run, Stafford. Two-base hits - Reed, Anderson, Stafford. Stolen bases - Knox, McClosky and Stafford (2)...

11 Aug. Saturday.
LYNCHBURG DEFEATED. "Thirteen Hits, Including Two Home Runs, Gave the Farmers Victory."
Yesterday's game was not as well played as that of the day before, and both Lynchburg and the home team made errors which could have been avoided...Old reliable Stafford let an easy grounder go through his legs, much to his surprise...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 1 3 8 1
...Two-base hits - Stafford, Sandford, McCloskey...

12 Aug. Sunday.
A WALKOVER FOR LYNCHBURG. "The Hill Climbers Defeated the Farmers Without Difficulty."
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 3b 0 0 1 1

Richmond, August 11. A meeting of the league managers was held here tonight to consider the games played in Norfolk and contested by Petersburg. Both games were given to Norfolk upon the testimony of Umpire McDermott. It was decided to keep Clark as an umpire and to use two umpires in all games played between Petersburg, Norfolk, and Richmond.

14 Aug. Tuesday.
FARMERS WON THE FIRST. "Anderson and Smith Both Taken out of the Pitcher's Box."
Lynchburg, Va., August 13...Foreman relieved Smith in the sixth inning, and, as usual, proved a puzzle to the home batters...Stafford got a base on balls and Myers hit to left. Trost sent one to left field and made second on Meara's wild throw to third to stop Stafford, and Stafford scored on the same throw. In the third Kelly hit to left and made second on Meara's fumble. Stafford and Myers got bases on balls. Trost hit a slow one and beat it out and Farrell smashed out a home urn. The total result was that Kelly, Myers, Stafford, Trost and Farrell crossed the plate before the side was retired...In the fifth Brodie got four balls, Kelly and Stafford made good singles and this, assisted by some bad throwing netted two runs. In the seventh, Stafford hit to short, went to second on a passed ball and scored on Trost's single...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 3 2 7 0
[Note: this game was reported, play by play, by telegraph to the Petersburg Academy of Music.]
15 Aug. Wednesday.
FARMERS PLUNGING IN GOOD SHAPE. "Lynchburg's Crack Team Went Down for the Second Time."
Lynchburg, August 14...Petersburg secured a run on errors in the first. Kelly hit to left, Stafford hit to centre and McFarlan let the ball roll by him....[Elsey] hurt himself so that he had to retire from the game and Stafford and Honeycutt scored on the mishap...Stafford hit a single and he and Kelly came in on Myers' three bagger against the fence in centre...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 2 3 14 1
...Two base hits - Reed, Sanford, Stafford...Double plays - Myers, Stafford and Keefer; Leach, Farrell, and Stafford...

17 Aug. Friday.
BEATEN BY OUR "JONAHS." "Roanoke had no Trouble in Defeating the Farmers."
Roanoke, Va., August 16. Roanoke broke their run of hard luck this afternoon and took the leaders into camp to the tune of 11 to 5...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 1 1 6 0

18 Aug. Saturday.
THE ROANOKERS BEATEN. "The Farmers Won in the Sixth by Bunching Their Hits."
Roanoke, Va., August 17. Petersburg succeeded in winning the game from Roanoke this afternoon after an exciting struggle...McGettigan retired the side by going out, Farrell to Stafford...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 0 1 10 1
...Double plays - Myers, Stafford and Farrell; Pender, Farrell and Stafford...

19 Aug. Sunday.
FARMERS TOOK THE THIRD. "Four out of Six is Their Record for Last Week."
Roanoke, VA., August 18. Roanoke lost the game this afternoon through an accident and through inability to hit Foreman. The accident happened in the seventh inning. The score was then a tie and two of the white stockings had been retired. Sanford and Kelly were on third and second respectively when Stafford knocked an easy grounder to Ellis. Just as the latter was about to field the ball, it bounded over his head and rolled into right field, Sandford and Kelly scoring...Myers was the next batter and his single sent Stafford in...Five runs had been scored and the game was lost...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 2 2 10 0
...Two-base hits Stafford (2)...Stolen bases Stafford (2)...

21 Aug. Tuesday.
NEWPORT NEWS THE WINNER OF A GAME WE SHOULD HAVE HAD. "It was Another Case of Hard Luck, Although Errors Were Bunched When Newport News Had Men on Bases and Bunched Their Hits."
Newport News, VA., August 20....Horner, the Farmers latest addition, started in to pitch for the visitors, and up to the time when he retired in the beginning of the sixth, he had done first class work, only two hits being made off him. He hurt his finger and gave way to Foreman who struck out seven batters in the remaining four innings...[In the first inning] Stafford hit for two bases...[In the third inning] Kelly flied out to McCreary, and Stafford hit again for two bases, Brodie scoring. Petersburg might have scored again but for foolish base running in this inning - Stafford being caught between second and third and Myers being put out between first and second...[In the fourth] Arthur went out - Horner to Stafford - retiring the side...At the beginning of the sixth, Foreman and Trost went into the points for the Farmers. But Stafford was substituted for Trost, shortly after the inning had begun...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 0 2 12 0
...Two base hits Stafford 2...

22 Aug. Wednesday.
SHUT OUT IN THE SECOND. "Farmers Sadly Disappointing Their Friends at Home."
The Farmers were shut out yesterday after noon by the Newport News combination...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 0 0 11 0

23 Aug. Thursday.
FARMERS LOST ALL THREE. "Couldn't Win Even With Host in the Box."
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 1 1 7 0
...Two base hits, Stafford...

25 Aug. Saturday.
DOWN WENT M'GINTY. "And Farmers are Fast Following His Example."
Norfolk, Va., August 24...The Farmers lost the game in the second inning when gross errors allowed six men to score, when not a man should have crossed home plate...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 2 2 12 1
...Home runs - Stafford (2)...

26 Aug. Sunday.
NORFOLK MADE IT THREE STRAIGHT. "Farmers Record for Last Week is Every Game Lost."
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 1 1 11 1
...Home runs - Stafford...
Norfolk......... 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 3 4 - 12 12 2
Petersburg...... 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 - 2 10 8

28 Aug. Tuesday.
THE TIDE HAS TURNED AT LAST. "And the Tar Heel Trio Were the Main Workers of the Miracle."
Richmond, August 27...It was in the sixth, Brodie had gotten a hit, Kelly tapped one to Keenan who fumbled it, but recovered it in time to put Brodie out a second, but not in time to complete a double. Then Stafford, the long, lean and lanky Tar Heel came to the bat. Stafford had faced Keenan twice before; one strike out and an easy grounder to Kain had been his record. The rooters were not expecting a thing so, by way of surprise, the first baseman gently brought his bat in contact with one of Keenan's choice curves and sent it sailing into the space, eternity and oblivion, which lay over the left field fence. The score now stood 2 to 1 in favor of the Farmers. In the eighth Stafford secured a double; then Honeycutt , another erudite exponent of the same alma mater, punctured the left field fence atmosphere with a long drive, far from bases...[in the ninth inning] Gilman put up a nice fly to Stafford...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 2 2 7 1
...Two base hits, Stafford. Home runs - Stafford...Double plays - Stafford...

29 Aug. Wednesday.
M'LAUGHLIN GAVE IT TO THE CROWS. "The Farmers Would Have Won But for the Most One Sided Umpiring."
Richmond, August 28. With anything like a fair deal this afternoon, Petersburg would have won with ease. As it was, Richmond took the game by the score of 8 to 7 in eight innings...[Foreman] unfortunately made a wild throw in the fourth to first base, which Stafford could not get. McLaughlin called it a blocked ball and allowed two runners to score, although Tate was easily thrown out at home plate...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 0 0 9 0
...Hit by pitched ball - Stafford...

30 Aug. Thursday.
CROWS TOOK THE THIRD. "Farmers Played a Poor Game and Were Well Beaten."
Richmond, Va., August 29. Having defeated the Crows in the first game, and being honestly entitled to the second, the Farmers this afternoon lost the third by ragged playing...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 0 2 8 1

  Played Won Lost PerCent
Norfolk97 59 38 .608
Petersburg101 6140 .604
Richmond103 61 42 .524
Newport News99 44 55 .444
Roanoke103 41 62 .398
Lynchburg99 35 64 .354

31 Aug. Friday.
NEWPORT NEWS SHUT OUT. "Malarkey Knocked Out the Box in Three Innings."
...The whole team played winning ball, and Sommer's Reserves were unable to score...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 1 1 9 1

  Played Won Lost PerCent
Petersburg102 62 40 .608
Norfolk98 59 39 .602
Richmond104 62 42 .596
Newport News100 44 56 .440
Roanoke104 42 62 .404
Lynchburg100 35 65 .350

1 Sep. Saturday.
WON IN SPITE OF ERRORS. "Farmers Take the Second Game from Newport News."
...Stafford got a home run, but his work on first was not up to his standard...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 1 1 8 0
...Home run - Stafford...

  Played Won Lost PerCent
Petersburg103 63 40 .612
Richmond105 63 42 .600
Norfolk99 59 40 .596
Newport News101 44 57 .436
Roanoke105 42 63 .400
Lynchburg101 36 65 .356

2 Sep. Sunday.
YESTERDAY'S GAME A FARCE. "Smith was Taken out and Farrell and Myers Did the Pitching."
...every member of the team, with the exception of Trost, Stafford, Sanford and Myers, made errors that let in runs...
Newport News.....1 3 2 2 5 1 0 0 0 - 14
Petersburg.......0 0 0 1 0 3 1 0 0 - 5

4 Sep. Tuesday.
CROWS WERE SLAUGHTERED. "They Couldn't Touch Foreman, While Keenan and Nevins Were Easy."
Richmond, Va., September 3...Richmond 3, Petersburg 20!
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 3 3 5 0
...Home runs - Stafford...Double plays - Pender, Farrell and Stafford...

Petersburg..... 0 8 6 3 2 1 x - 20
Richmond....... 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 - 3

5 Sep. Wednesday.
CROWS AGAIN DEFEATED. "Farmers Turn Them Down with Ease the Second Time."
Richmond, September 4...The work of Honeycutt in right field, Stafford at first, Myers at third, Sanford in centre and Farrell at second was all faultless, while King Kelly in left field captured the only fly that came his way...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 0 0 7 0
...Double plays - Farrell, Pender and Stafford...
Petersburg..... 1 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 x - 7
Richmond....... 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 4

6 Sep. Thursday.
CROWS HAD THEIR REVENGE. "It Was a Game of Slugging and Home Runs."
Richmond, September 5...Stafford was in fine form at first base...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 1 1 17 1
...Double plays - Myers, Farrell and Stafford (2)...

7 Sep. Friday.
SOMMERS' CLAMS IN THE SOUP. "The Farmers Found Kissenger and Fry "Nice and Easy." the ball park yesterday afternoon...1,500 sturdy loyal the air with shout upon shout of victory until the Incomparable Foreman had struck the last man out and the dearest wish of Manager Somers heart - that of beholding Spaulding's pennant fluttering to the breeze from the grand stand of the Norfolk base ball park - had gradually faded...Norfolk scored one run in the fourth, four in the seventh and two in the eighth - thus making the total score 17 to 7. The game was called at the end of the eighth inning on account of darkness...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 2 2 8 0
...Two base hits, Stafford...Double plays - Pender, Knox and Stafford...

8 Sep. Saturday.
FARMERS SENT TO GRASS. "Defeated Yesterday by Their Errors in the First Inning."
[Stafford did not play.]
Petersburg..... 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 - 6 11 6
Norfolk........ 5 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 x - 8 11 2

11 Sep. Tuesday.
DECK HANDS EASILY BEATEN. "They Played a Plucky Game but Were Helpless Before James."
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 1 2 7 0
...Stolen bases, Stafford 2...

  Played Won Lost PerCent
Petersburg111 68 43 .612
Norfolk106 63 43 .594
Richmond10065 45 .591
Newport News109 49 60 .450
Roanoke111 43 68 .387
Lynchburg108 49 69 .367

12 Sep. Wednesday.
DECK HANDS OVERWHELMED. "Their Pitcher was Batted Hard and Frequently and Foreman was Invincible."
...The locals made five home runs, including one each by Stafford, Farrell and Kiefer...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 2 1 4 0
...Home runs- Stafford...

  Played Won Lost PerCent
Petersburg112 69 43 .616
Norfolk107 64 43 .604
Richmond11165 46 .586
Newport News110 49 61 .445
Roanoke112 43 69 .384
Lynchburg110 41 69 .373

13 Sep. Thursday.
FARMERS TOOK ALL THREE. "M'Creary Pitched a Fair Game, But Was Very Wild at Times."
  Played Won Lost PerCent
Petersburg113 70 43 .619
Norfolk108 65 43 .602
Richmond11265 47 .580
Newport News111 49 62 .441
Roanoke113 44 69 .390
Lynchburg111 41 70 .369

14 Sep. Friday.
THAT PENNANT COMES RIGHT HERE. "The Norfolk Aggregation Beaten in the Decisive Game."
Mr. Spaulding's pennant will come to Petersburg, and yesterday afternoon's game decided that matter. By forfeiting a game on the absurd plea that they were afraid to play here last Saturday - a pretense too preposterous to be worthy of a moment's consideration - Norfolk practically abandoned whatever chance they may have had to win out...Stafford at first was all that could have been desired...In the second Stafford hit safe and was sent to second by Myers getting first on balls. Kelly hit hard to Petty; the ball struck his leg and bounded directly to Truby at second, who doubled Myers, Stafford going to third and scoring on a throw by Petty to O'Hagan...
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 1 1 6 0
Petersburg..... 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 - 6 9 1
Norfolk........ 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 - 2 8 3

  Played Won Lost PerCent
Petersburg114 71 43 .623
Norfolk109 65 44 .596
Richmond11365 48 .595
Newport News112 60 62 .446
Roanoke114 45 69 .395
Lynchburg112 41 71 .362

15 Sep. Saturday.
"Boastful Mr. Sommers' National League Prodigy Couldn't Hold His Own With Our Heavy Batters and So We Put a Copper Riveted Cinch on Spaulding's Flag."
PetersburgR. H. P.O. A. E.
Stafford 1b 0 1 4 0

  Played Won Lost PerCent
Petersburg115 72 43 .626
Norfolk110 65 45 .591
Richmond11466 48 .579
Newport News113 60 63 .448
Roanoke115 45 70 .391
Lynchburg113 42 71 .372

Page created 30 May 2007, updated 4 Febuary 2018 © Eve Gregory for USGenWeb.