Baseball Players John Foreman
John Foreman's 1894 Season
from The [Petersburg, VA] Daily Index-Appeal

John Foreman played baseball for the Petersburg Farmers during the 1894 and 1895 seasons. He was called "Kid Foreman" and the "left-handed twirler". Only nineteen in 1894, he was capable of excellence, but often lacked control. He was small and light, and it appears he was sometimes overworked by his team. He was accused of throwing a game, but wrote an excellent letter to the newspaper, defending himself and denying wrong-doing. He was shortly reinstated on the team and contributed to the Farmers' winning the pennant in 1894.

The following information was extracted from The [Petersburg, VA] Daily Index-Appeal, Microfilm reel # 76, at the Petersburg Public Library and any errors or omissions are mine. The headlines for each date are given, followed by extracted information about Foreman, in brief context. Eve Gregory


4 Mar. Sunday.
The management of the Petersburg base ball association is now selecting players for next season. Those who have thus far been signed are Edward Leach, who pitched last summer; John Foreman, of Baltimore, the left handed twirler, Keefer, the catcher; Brodie, short stop; Joe Boucher, first base; Kelly, a new player, second base, and Sandford, centre field.

30 Mar. Friday.
The following are the players of the Petersburg league team and their positions: Leach and Foreman, pitchers; Keifer and Brooks, catchers and first basemen; Brodie, short stop; Armstrong, 2nd base; Myers, 3rd; Kelly, left field; Sandford, center field; Hammond, right field.

1 Apr. Sunday.
THIS WEEK WE PLAY BALL...The following players will constitute the team: Leach and Foreman, pitchers; Keifer and Brooks, catchers and first basemen; Brodie, short stop; Armstrong, second base; Myers, third base; Kelly, left field; Sandford, center field; Hammond, right field; Leach, Keifer, Brodie, Myers and Sandford were members of last year's team, and their fine playing made them favorites with the ball cranks. The others have pitched elsewhere with distinction and will, no doubt, render a good account of themselves during the approaching contest for the pennant.

6 Apr. Friday.
OPENING OF THE BASE BALL SEASON. The Altoona team of the Pennsylvania state league will meet the Petersburg's this afternoon at 4:15 o'clock. The visitors come to this city flushed with victory having defeated the Staunton and Roanoke teams in the easiest possible manner. They have a very fine team all strangers to the patrons of the game in this city with one exception, Ambrose McGann, who did such good work for the locals last season. Foreman will do the pitching for the home team. He is small and young but comes here with a first class reputation, as he is considered to be by far the best young pitcher in or around Baltimore...

15 Apr. Sunday.
BEATEN FOUR TIMES. "The Altoonas Lost Every Game With The Home Team."
The last of the series of games between the Altoona and the home teams was played yesterday afternoon, and resulted, as everyone expected, in an easy victory for our boys. Both teams played rather a loose game, and the home team could have shun the visitors out but for errors in the sixth and seventh innings. Foreman was in the box for Petersburg, and pitched a splendid game. He also added laurels to his record as a batter by knocking the ball over the fence, in the sixth inning when the bases were all filled... Home runs were made by Sanford, Kelly and Foreman.
Foreman, p1 1 0 11 0
Summary [Petersburg] - Earned runs, 4; home runs, Sanford, Kelley and Foreman; stolen bases, Roscoe, Keifer, Myers; double plays, Brodie, Kelley, Hammond; struck out by Foreman, 8; passed balls, Brooks, 4...

21 Apr. Saturday.
OPENING OF THE LEAGUE SEASON. The league season opens here today, the strong Roanokes being the opponents...The following is the team for today's game, probably subject to one or two changes: Foreman, p; Keifer, c; Hammond, 1st b; Boucher, 2nd b; Brodie, s s; Farrell, 3d b; Kelley, 1 f; Sanford, c f; Leach, r f; Roscoe, substitute.

22 Apr. Sunday.
FIRST BLOOD FOR PETERSBURG. "The Roanoke Team Loses the First of the League Games." [A long report on the game.]
Foreman, p0 1 0 9 0
Summary [Petersburg] - Earned runs, 3; Two-base hits, Kelley and Brodie; home run, Sanford; stolen bases, Kelly, Keifer; Double plays, Boucher, Brodie, Hammond; Bases on balls, Foreman 1; struck out by Foreman, 9...

24 Apr. Tuesday.
ROANOKE GOT REVENGE. "The Score Was 8 to 1 and the Home Team is Sad." Long description of the game. Petersburg lost.

25 Apr. Wednesday.
ROANOKE OVERWHELMED. "Its Merry Players Downed by the Score of 25 to 0"
...Twenty-five to nothing. Phew! What a game...Foreman struck out, and Leach ended the inning by flying out to Everson...In the third inning Foreman started out with a two bagger, and scored on an error by O'Hagan...In the fourth inning Holbrook went into the box and the home team, on hits by Foreman, Sandford, Farrell and Boucher...The Roanoke team did very little work with the stick, making only three scattering hits off Foreman...
Foreman, p4 1 0 11 1
Summary: Earned runs, Petersburg, 6. Two base hits, Sanford, 2; Brodie, Foreman, 2; Home runs, Brodie and Kelley. Stolen bases, Boucher, 2, Sanford, Foreman, Crockett. Double plays Frech, Everson and Crockett. Struck out - by Foreman, 9; Neaves, 3; O'Hagan, 1. Wild pitch - Neaves, 1; Holbrook, 2; O'Hagan, 1. Time of game, 2:13: Umpire, Clements. Scorer, Pleasants...

27 Apr. Friday.
LYNCHBURG DEFEATED. "A Timely Home Run Hit Saved Them From a Shut-out"
...Last but not least by any means is Foreman. If there is any better pitcher in this state he has not shown himself...
Foreman, p2 1 0 0 0

28 Apr. Saturday.
WON BY A CLOSE SHAVE. "The Home Team Was Off and Narrowly Escaped Defeat."
Foreman, p2 2 0 3 0
...Summary: Earned runs, Petersburg, 3. Two base hits, Kelley, Foreman, Glass and Roberts. Stolen bases, Brodie, Schults and Osborne. Double plays, Sanford and Hammond. Bases on balls, by Foreman, 4...Struck out by Foreman, 5...

29 Apr. Sunday.
HILL CLIMBERS DONE UP. "The Third Game Lost by the Score of 16 to 3." Lynchburg suffered its third defeat at the hands of Petersburg yesterday afternoon...
Foreman, p2 1 0 0 0
Earned runs, Petersburg, 5...Stolen bases, Kelley 2; Foreman, 2...

1 May Tuesday.
DOWN WENT STAUNTON. "The Home Team, Although Crippled, Did 'Em Up Finely"...
Foreman started in to hold the visitors down with Harry Keifer to support him - a fine pair. In an evil moment, Foreman became a little fretted at some loose playing and left the field. Leach finished the game, and did superbly. It is but justice to say that Foreman was willing to resume his place in the box, but the visitors objected to it, as they had a perfect right under the rules...
Foreman, p1 1 0 1 0
...Bases stolen Sanford, Kelly, Foreman and Lang...Struck out by Foreman 2...

4 May. Friday.
CHINESE BASE BALL. "Norfolk Played a Weak and Uninteresting Game."
Quite a large crown greeted the Norfolks on their first appearance in the game yesterday afternoon..They are considered the best players in the league, and our people went out to witness the contest with fear and trembling, but came back happy and smiling...The home team played a good, steady game, and batted well, Foreman and Widgin getting two hits each, and Brodie a home run. The Petersburgs had very little to do in the field, only one fly going to the outfield. Foreman pitched an excellent game, allowing the heavy hitters from Norfolk only four scattering singles. He was superbly supported by Keifer. Mr. C. H. Davis, of Norfolk, presented Foreman with a bouquet when he came to the bat in the fourth inning, and contrary to the custom, he his out a corking two-bagger...
Foreman, p3 2 0 4 0
...Earned runs, Petersburg, 2. Two base hit, Foreman...Base on balls, Foreman 4...Struck out by Foreman 13...

13 May Sunday.
WON A GAME AT LAST. "Petersburg Batted Out the Victory at Staunton."
Staunton, VA. May 12 (Special) Petersburg won in the tenth - eighteen to sixteen... Malarky was subsitituted for Zeigler who was knocked out in the seventh, and Foreman for Leach in the beginning of the eighth. Kelly pitched the tenth inning, Foreman being sick.
Foreman, p.l.f0 0 0 3 0
Earned runs: Staunton 11, Petersburg, 3. Struck out by Leach, 8; Foreman, 3; Kelly, 1...

19 May Saturday.
BASE BALL TODAY. There was a good crowd at the base ball park yesterday afternoon to witness the second game between Richmond and the home team. In their half of the first inning, our boys made three hits and three runs, Stafford making a magnificent drive over the center field fence. The visitors had not scored, and two men were out, when the heavy wind and rain storm prevented further playing. Setley and Grim started in to fill the points for the visitors, while Foreman and Keifer were doing the work for the locals. The clubs will play again this afternoon at 5 o'clock.

23 May Wednesday.
LYNCHBURG'S SECOND SHUT OUT. "The Home Team Playing Ball That Can't Be Beat."
All the boys played well...Foreman and Keifer were at their best. The former pitched a superb game, allowing the visitors only three singles...
Foreman, p1 1 0 0 0
Earned runs: Petersburg, 7...Bases on balls, Foreman 4...Struck out by Foreman 8...

26 May Saturday.
LET SOMMERS DROP A TEAR. "His Stars Didn't Shine at Home." He Can't Telegraph Fraud This Time and Do the Cry Baby Act - He Was Beat, Beat, Beat, and Home Run Hits Did the Work...
Norfolk, VA, May 25. ...For the visitors Foreman was very steady, striking out a number of men. Although Norfolk outbatted and outfielded Petersburg, the hits being twelve to eight and the errors two to four, they lost the game...
Foreman, p0 0 0 3 1
Earned runs: Petersburg, 6; Norfolk, 4...Bases on Balls off Foreman 4...Hit by pitcher, Elsey, Brodie and Foreman...Struck out by Foreman, 6...

2 Jun. Saturday.
WE DIDN'T GET OUR DESERTS. "Maybe the Umpire Was Way Off." At Least the Richmond Cranks Thought His Decisions on Balls and Strikes Were Atrocious - In Other Respects it Was a Pretty Contest.
Richmond, VA., June 1...[Petersburg lost.]...Foreman proved himself a capable man in the box. His curves were a kind of puzzle to the home team. Kain fell a victim to his delivery twice, while six others fared similarly. Foreman was backed up by a strong support in the person of Keifer, who did fine work behind the liver pad...A wild pitch by Foreman gave both men [Phillips and McGann] a run...
Foreman, p1 1 0 10 0
Base on balls, off Setley 2, Foreman 5. Struck out, Setley 5, Foreman 8...

5 Jun. Tuesday.
ROANOKE TAKEN INTO CAMP. "Leach Hit for a Home run and Astonished the Natives."
...Leach knocked the ball over the left field fence for a home run with two men on the bases. It was one of the prettiest hits of the season. Leach was not feeling well and this was more than he could stand, so after the third inning, he retired in favor of Foreman. He was pitching splendidly, as the Roanokes had failed to get a hit off his delivery. Foreman finished the game in grand style, allowing the visitors two singles and one two-bagger...
Foreman, p0 0 0 1 0
Base on balls, Foreman 4...Struck out, Foreman 10....

8 Jun. Friday.
BEATEN IN A LOOSE GAME. "The Locals Win by the Score of 15 to 8."
...Foreman and Stafford did the battery work for the locals, and barring Foreman's wildness, he pitched a good game, allowing the visitors only three hits...Foreman got first on an error by Hofford, and Smith came home on an error by Paynter...while the visitors, on errors by Foreman, Farrell and Hunnicutt, Webster being hit by Foreman, and on single hits by Hofford and Paynter, made five runs...
Foreman, p1 1 1 2 1
...Two base hits, Farrell, Kelly, Foreman, Myers and Boucher...Bases on balls, by Foreman 5, Quarles 7. Hit by pitcher, Foreman 1, Quarles 3. Struck out, by Quarles 1, Foreman 9...Wild pitch, Foreman and Quarles...

12 Jun. Tuesday.
KNOCKED MALARKEY OUT. "The Home Team Defeated Staunton by Magnificent Stick Work."
Staunton, VA, June 11. ...With bases full in the ninth and no outs, only one single was made off Foreman, one runner scoring.
Foreman, p0 3 0 1 0
...Base on balls - of Foreman 6...Struck out by Foreman (6)...Wild pitches - Foreman (2)...

15 Jun. Friday.
KELLY KNOCKED CLEAN OUT. "He Was Hit by a Hot Inshoot." A Distressing accident which Marred the Game at Roanoke - Our Boys Won, However, with Runs to Spare.
Roanoke, Va. June 14...Kelly was at the bat and one of Nevins' in-shoots struck him behind the ear. He fell to the ground like a log and had to be carried off the field, his place being taken by Foreman. When play was resumed it was evident that the occurrence had affected Nevins. He gave Stafford his base on balls and then Farrell made a home run, sending three men in ahead of him...
Foreman, l.f.0 0 1 0 0

...KELLY STILL IN THE RING. A dispatch from Roanoke, received at 1 a.m. says: "Kelly was up tonight. It is not known whether he will be able to play tomorrow or not. He was unconscious about fifteen or twenty minutes after being hit."

17 Jun. Sunday.
OFF DAY FOR PENNANT WINNERS. "They Went All to Pieces in the Second Inning, Letting in Six Runs."
Roanoke, VA., June 16. Nevins and Foreman were the opposing twirlers, and they were both hit hard and often, although fully one-half of the visitors' hits were on the scratch order...After Sanford had been retired, Brodie scratched out a single and scored when Farrell put the ball over the left field fence. Stafford followed with a hit, stole second, went to third when Boyd dropped Myers' fly, and scored on Honeycutt's long fly to center. The Farmers added three more tallies to their total in the third on hits by Brodie, Stafford and Kelly and Freck's error. Four hits were made off of Nevins in the fourth and two more runs were made by Petersburg. The visitors got their last three runs in the fifth. Stanford, Farrell, Stafford, Kelly and Foreman hit safely and Boyd got in another error...
Foreman, p1 1 0 0 0
...Base on balls: off Nevins, 1; Foreman, 2...Struck out: by Nevins, 4; Foreman, 5. Wild pitch: Nevins, 2; Foreman, 1.

20 Jun. Wednesday.
LYNCHBURG WAS SLAUGHTERED. "The Boys Made Runs Until They Grew Tired of Scoring.
Lynchburg, Va., June 19. It is a doleful story of defeat and slaughter: of Petersburgs heavy hitting and Lynchburgs helplessness with the stick, of Petersburgs strength in the box and Lynchburgs weakness there; of Petersburgs clean fielding and Lynchburgs costly errors and general demoralization at critical times...
Foreman, p3 1 0 10 0
...Struck out: by Foreman, 8...

22 Jun. Friday.
TOOK ELEVEN INNINGS TO WIN. "Staunton Almost Wins a Game from the Home Team."
If the pennant winners do not play better ball than they did in two or three innings of yesterday's game, then it will not be long before they will forfeit first place. Staunton should have been shut out: as it was the boys from the valley were within an inch of pulling down Petersburg's percentage, and furthermore they put up the kind of game that deserved to be crowned with victory. Foreman is a fine pitcher. There can't be any question about that. Unquestionably he is the leader in the league. But when he gets into the sulks he is worse than the poorest man now pitching ball in the state. Although only three hits were made off his delivery, yet he is largely responsible for the runs which Staunton scored. There is no earthly reason why he should not pitch his game, even if the infield does make gross errors as they did yesterday. The baby act is altogether out of place in a ball game. Honeycutt is credited with a number of errors for which he was not really responsible. He was the victim yesterday of the most miserable throwing - the ball landing to the right of him and to the left of him, and all around him, but rarely, if ever, squarely on the base...
Most of the bad play was inexcusable. Foreman and Crinnion were the opposing pitchers. The former pitched a beautiful game, but it was marred considerably by wildness and failure to cover the home base. Later in the game he seemed to wake up and then redeemed himself, striking out Fultz, Ransom and Little, the first three batters in the ninth inning. This is no easy feat to accomplish, when it is taken into consideration that they are probably the best hitters on the team. Crinnion held our heavy hitters down to eight hits, but gave some bases on balls. Keefer had the large number of seventeen put outs, Foreman striking out thirteen. Farrell and Stafford each got a home run. The former should have had two, but the curtain in left field caught one of them, and the batter got only to first base...
Foreman, p0 0 2 2 1
...Bases on balls: Foreman, 3; Crinnion, 7...Struck out: by Foreman, 18; Crinnion, 2...

26 Jun. Tuesday.
WE WERE DONE UP BY ROANOKE. "Outplayed Us in the Field and Hit When Hits Were Needed."
The game yesterday afternoon was not a howling success from a Petersburg standpoint... Foreman and Stafford were the battery for the locals. The former pitched a good game, allowing only six hits...The home team will have to brace up if they expect to win the pennant, as they are entirely too careless now in their playing...
Foreman, p0 1 0 0 0
... Two base hits - Foreman and Smith. Stolen bases - Foreman 2. Base on balls - Foreman 2. Struck out - Boyd 2; Foreman 9. Wild pitches - Foreman 2...

29 Jun. Friday.
A PRETTY AND EXCITING GAME. "Foreman's Home Run Hit in the Ninth Gave us the Victory."
...Foreman pitched for the home team and not only did good work in the box but batted well, making a home run in the ninth with two men on bases...The Petersburg boys played a much better game than they have done the sixth, Hunnicutt and Foreman made two-baggers each and scored on Keefer's single. This ended the run getting for us until the ninth, when, with Myers and Hunnicutt on the bases, Foreman hit a high fly in left field, which bounded over the fence giving the boys a lead with won the game...Taken all in all, the home team played a great game and redeemed themselves...
Foreman, p2 2 0 2 1
...Two base hits - Foreman and Honeycutt. Home runs - Foreman, Kelly and McGann. Base on balls - Foreman 4, Lathrop 8. Struck out - Foreman 7, Lathrop 5...

30 Jun. Saturday.
JACKSON WARD AGAIN DEFEATED. "The Boys Played a Rattling Game and Earned Their Victory."
Jackson Ward was again beaten yesterday afternoon by the home team and this time there were plenty of runs to spare...Foreman and Keefer were each presented with handsome floral tributes yesterday...[Foreman did not play in this game.]

4 Jul. Wednesday.
FOREMAN KNOCKED OUT THE BOX. "Smith Went in and Pitched an Excellent Game."
Richmond, Va., July 3. Black and Foreman started into pitch in today's game. It required just a little over one inning for the [Petersburg] Farmers to make West believe that, if he kept Black in the box, "his name would be mud," so Black was succeeded by Plummer. Foreman held out until the fifth, when the Legislators got on to his delivery, and he retired, Smith gracing the box for the rest of the game... Both sides got a run in the first. For the home team, Kain singled, went to second on Phillip's sacrifice, to third on Foster's and scored on Stafford's error, who dropped the ball thrown by Myers to catch Foster at first. Morgan was thrown out by Foreman at first... Kelly flew out to second; Stafford's two-bagger scored Sanford... In the fourth the home team tied the score. Petersburg got three more runs in its half on hits by Kelly, Stafford, Myers and Foreman, assisted by Farrell's timely double...
Foreman, p0 1 0 2 0
...Two base hits, Stafford... Double plays, Foreman, Farrell and Stafford. Base on balls, by Plummer, 5; by Foreman, 5 by Smith, 2. Struck out, by Foreman, 1; by Smith, 5; Plummer, 2. Wild pitch, Foreman.
SCORE BY INNINGS               
Richmond111460030- 16
Petersburg160302002- 14

6 Jul. Friday.
"Foreman was batted Hard in the Seventh and Ninth. Norfolk, July 5, Alas, the mighty Petersburgs have fallen!
...When Norfolk went to the bat first, and "Kid Foreman" in the box, by superior work, retired the side without any runs, the fat rooter from the other side of the river, who was sitting in the grand stand kicking against Norfolk for all he was worth, heaved a sigh of relief as he wiped off his forehead the perspiration which had accumulated there. It turned to sorrow when the heaviest hitters of the "Onlys" went out so fast that it almost took his breath away from him... When the Norfolk sluggers came to the bat in the seventh inning, they had made up their minds that they must win, and the way Mr. Foreman was batted about the lot was a caution to that young man... such men as Stafford, Kelly, Brodie, Sanford and Myers either striking out or hitting high flies which Colliflower and Hager gobbled up with the utmost ease... Petersburg did not score after the fourth inning. Hodge got the crowd wild by stealing home while Foreman held the ball...
Foreman, p0 0 1 0 2
...Base on balls, off Kissinger 2; off Foreman 3. Struck out, by Foreman 11; by Kissinger 7.
SCORE BY INNINGS               
Norfolk011000503- 10
Petersburg010100000- 2

12 Jul. Thursday.
FOREMAN WON THE GAME. "Norfolk was helpless, and Couldn't Touch His Curves."
The home team redeemed themselves in yesterday's game, defeating Norfolk by the score of 6 to 2. At no time after the first inning were the visitors in the game. Foreman and Keefer were the battery for Petersburg. Keefer always catches a superb game. No backstop in the league is his equal, and besides he is reliable and willing at all times. As for Foreman, he was simply invincible. The Norfolks could not touch him. He allowed the sluggers only two hits,and they were perfectly helpless before his puzzling curves. On the other hand, Fry was hit quite freely. Kelly and Honeycutt each got a home run.
Petersburg was first at the bat. Sandford went out, Corcoran to Land. Brodie went out to Land. Kelly Knocked the ball over the fence for a home run. Stafford hit safely. Farrell was given his base on balls, and Myers ended the inning by striking out. For the visitors, Hodge was given his base on balls and went to second on an error by Stafford, Corcoran getting first on the same error. Lanser went out, Foreman to Stafford; and Hodge and Corcoran scored on Farrell's muff of Colliflower's line hit. Colliflower was thrown out at second by Foreman, and Thornton was caught napping off first by Foreman and run down between the bases by Farrell and Stafford.
In the second inning, Honeycutt was thrown out at first by McCreery. Foreman made a single and went to third on Keefer's single, Keefer stole second. Sandford took first on an error by Corcoran, Foreman scoring. Brodie went out on a grounder to Land, and Keefer and Sandford scored on Kelly's two bagger to deep center. Stafford ended this inning by flying out to Hauptman. The visitors failed to score in their half of this inning.
In the third, Farrell flyed out to Corcoran. Myers got first on an error by Hauptman, and came home on Honeycutt's home run hit over left field fence. Keefer and Sandford flyed out to Lanser and Thornton, and this ended the run making, as both teams settled down to their work after this inning and very few of the batsmen got any further than second base.
Foreman, p1 2 0 6 0
...Two base hits - Kelly and Foreman...Stolen bases - Sanford, Foreman and Keefer. Bases on balls - Foreman 5, Frye 1. Struck out - Foreman 6, Frye 3...
SCORE BY INNINGS               
Petersburg1 3 2 000000- 6
Norfolk200 000000- 2

15 Jul. Sunday.
RICHMOND AGAIN DEFEATED. "But Black's Decisions Were as Rank as on Friday." ...Foreman and Keefer, and Bailey and Foster were the opposing batteries. Foreman pitched a clever game and had the team of sluggers from Richmond completely at his mercy. He was well supported by Keefer; in fact the whole team is playing good ball...
Foreman, p0 1 0 4 0
...Double plays...Foreman Keefer and Stafford. Bases on balls - Bailey 4, Foreman 1...Struck out - Foreman 8; Bailey 1.
SCORE BY INNINGS                   
Petersburg3 0 0 104000- 8   11   3
Richmond000 010103- 5    6    7

22 Jul. Sunday.
TOOK TWO OUT OF THREE. "Petersburg Pulled the Game out of the Fire in the Ninth."
Roanoke, Va., July 21....Nevins and Foreman were the respective twirlers and both did good work, although Foreman marred his by wildness. He gave six bases on balls, struck five men and made two wild pitches...
Foreman, p0 0 0 1 0
...Base on balls - off Nevins, 5; off Foreman, 6...Struck out - Nevins 1; Foreman 6...

26 Jul. Thursday.
FOREMAN STRUCK OUT TWELVE. "But Stupid Errors in the Infield Lost Us the Game."
Lynchburg, Va., July 25...Brown, the new pitcher for Lynchburg, threw great ball, but he met a foeman worthy of his steel. Foreman threw the curves for Petersburg, and his work was easily the feature of the game on that side. He struck out twelve men...The score will show that the game was one of the best pitching games ever witnessed here. Brown did not strike out as many men as Foreman but kept the ball over the plate better and did not allow so many men bases on balls...
Foreman, p0 1 0 3 0
...Struck out by Foreman 12, by Brown 5. Base on balls, by Foreman 5, by Brown 3. Hit by pitcher, Foreman 2...

29 Jul. Sunday.
THREW THE GAME AWAY. "Roanoke Wins Through the Home Team's Glaring Errors."
...Foreman occupied the box for the Farmers and barring a little wildness in the first inning, pitched a good game. He was miserable supported...The home team went first to the bat and were quickly retired. Roanoke made three runs in their half of the first on a hit by Crockett and errors by Myers, Kelly and Stafford...
Foreman, p0 1 0 3 0
...Struck out - by Foreman 4, Boyd 3. Bases on balls - Foreman 6, Boyd 5...Wild pitch - Foreman 1...

31 Jul. Tuesday.
WON BY RICHMOND. "The Men in Black Take the First Game of the Series."
...The locals appeared in their new uniforms of blue with white stockings. Their friends hope that they will adopt a new style of playing with their new clothes...

3 Aug. Friday.
WON BY DIRTY WORK. "Norfolk Players Kicked the Ball and Norfolk Rooters Blocked Home Plate."
Norfolk, Va. August 2...What with Norfolk players kicking the ball so that Keefer could not get it - with Norfolk rooters practically standing on home plate, after they had successfully blocked Kelley, Stafford and Honeycutt, with Catcher Hodge assisting the mob in preventing Keefer from securing the ball in time to cover home plate, it is no wonder that Norfolk got two runs in the ninth inning of today's game...A more disgraceful exhibition was never witnessed on the diamond, and if Norfolk likes this kind of ball, it is about the only community that would tolerate such dirty work, or accept a victory won by such methods. The game will be protested. Foreman pitched winning ball, and was very effective at critical times...[In the ninth] Foreman rapped Jones with the ball...
Foreman, p0 0 0 3 0
...Base on balls - Foreman 6...Struck out - by Foreman 9...

8 Aug. Wednesday.
ALMOST A SHUT OUT. "Two Home Runs in the Ninth Saved the Crows From a Goose Egg."
The home team demonstrated in yesterday's game that it can play great ball...The home boys fielded excellently and batted Keenan quite freely while Foreman kept the hits of the visitors well scattered, and they had to knock the ball over the fence to get a run. This feat was accomplished in the last inning by Gettinger and Cleve. Kelly and Foreman did the same thing for Petersburg, and each scored a runner ahead of him...Brodie, Farrell and Stafford made fine plays...Petersburg scored one run in the first on Kelly's two-bagger and Stafford's single; one in the second on a single by Honeycutt, and error by West, a passed ball and Farrell's single. No more runs were made until the seventh when Farrell took first on being his and scored on Foreman's home run over the right field fence...
Foreman, p1 1 0 1 0
...Home runs, Kelly, Foreman...Bases on balls, Foreman 3, Keenan 3...Struck out, Foreman 5...


11 Aug. Saturday.
LYNCHBURG DEFEATED. "Thirteen Hits, Including Two Home Runs, Gave the Farmers Victory."
Yesterday's game was not as well played as that of the day before, and both Lynchburg and the home team made errors which could have been avoided. Foreman was wild and did not pitch his usual game, and but for the fact that the visitors found him hard to hit, the score might have been different, as the Hill Climbers played a better fielding game than the locals...Trost caught Foreman and held him whenever it was possible to stop his erratic "shoots;" but there is not a catcher in the "big league" that could have escaped without a passed ball yesterday...Old reliable Stafford let an easy grounder go through his legs, much to his surprise...In the ninth, Moran caught one of Foreman's high balls and sent it well over the centre field fence...
Foreman, p2 1 0 3 2
...Stolen bases - Elsey, Reid and Foreman...Bases on balls - Moran 6, Foreman 7...Struck out - Foreman 7, Moran 2...Wild pitches - Moran 2, Foreman 3...

14 Aug. Tuesday.
FARMERS WON THE FIRST. "Anderson and Smith Both Taken out of the Pitcher's Box."
Lynchburg, Va., August 13...Foreman relieved Smith in the sixth inning, and, as usual, proved a puzzle to the home batters...
Foreman, p0 0 0 0 0
...Struck out- by Foreman 2...Base on balls - off Foreman 2...
[Note: this game was reported, play by play, by telegraph to the Petersburg Academy of Music.]

16 Aug. Thursday.
LYNCHBURG TOOK THE THIRD. "A Pitchers' Battle in Which Foreman Struck Out Thirteen Hill Climbers."
Lynchburg, August 15...Petersburg had to confess defeat by the score of 9 to 5. This victory was won, too, with Foreman, the "little giant" in the box for Petersburg. Foreman made a remarkable record at striking out men, retiring thirteen in this way, but he was wild and gave four men bases on balls and struck three. The nine hits made off him were valuable to the Lynchburgs also. The team work of the visitors was fine, and only a brilliant opposition could have excelled it...The Farmers original three was all they had up to the seventh inning. Then Trost got his base on balls, took third on Honeycutt's right field hit, and scored on the throw in when Foreman went out on a fly to centre...
Foreman, p0 0 0 1 0
...Base on balls by Foreman 4. Hit by pitcher, by Foreman 3. Struck out, Foreman 13...Wild pitch Foreman 1, Moran 1...

19 Aug. Sunday.
FARMERS TOOK THE THIRD. "Four out of Six is Their Record for Last Week."
Roanoke, VA., August 18. Roanoke lost the game this afternoon through an accident and through inability to hit Foreman. The accident happened in the seventh inning. The score was then a tie and two of the white stockings had been retired. Sanford and Kelly were on third and second respectively when Stafford Knocked an easy grounder to Ellis. Just as the latter was about to field the ball, it bounded over his head and rolled into right field, Sandford and Kelly scoring...Myers was the next batter and his single sent Stafford in...Five runs had been scored and the game was lost...There was a stumbling block in Roanoke's way in the shape of Foreman. While he was very wild, he was also very effective and but five hits, two of them being scratches, were made off him...
Foreman, p0 0 0 3 0
...Bases on balls off Foreman 6...Struck out by Foreman 6...

21 Aug. Tuesday.
NEWPORT NEWS THE WINNER OF A GAME WE SHOULD HAVE HAD. "It was Another Case of Hard Luck, Although Errors Were Bunched When Newport News Had Men on Bases and Bunched Their Hits."
Newport News, VA., August 20....Horner, the Farmers latest addition, started in to pitch for the visitors, and up to the time when he retired in the beginning of the sixth, he had done first class work, only two hits being made off him. He hurt his finger and gave way to Foreman who struck out seven batters in the remaining four innings...At the beginning of the sixth, Foreman and Trost went into the points for the Farmers. But Stafford was substituted for Trost, shortly after the inning had begun...
Foreman, p0 0 0 8 0
...Struck out by Foreman 7...Base on balls off Foreman 2...

22 Aug. Wednesday.
SHUT OUT IN THE SECOND. "Farmers Sadly Disappointing Their Friends at Home."
The Farmers were shut out yesterday after noon by the Newport News combination...Foreman pitched the first four innings and only one hit and one run were made while he was in the box. His arm was sore, however, and he gave way to Leach in the fifth...
Foreman, p0 0 0 4 0
...Base on balls off Foreman 2...Struck out by Foreman 4...

24 Aug. Friday.
THE GAME THROWN AWAY. "Foreman Presented it to Norfolk in the Fifth Inning."
Norfolk was outplayed yesterday at every point by the Farmers...Foreman had pitched a good game up to this time, striking out seven Norfolk batters and holding them down to four hits. In the fifth he threw the game away, giving bases on balls, hitting a batter and pitching so wildly that Trost could not stop him. And so the fourth consecutive game was lost, but not through unfair umpiring, for the Farmers seem to have had a fair deal, but through wretched work in the box... It is needless to say that the patrons of the game in this city are disgusted...the opinion was unanimously expressed that the time had come for the management to take some decided step...If Foreman will not pitch ball, he ought to be put on the bench for the rest of the season, together with any other members of the team who are contributing daily to the defeats that are making it impossible for Petersburg to win the pennant...The sentiment here, if the managers of the club wish to know it, does not favor the division of the net earnings at the end of the season except among such players as are absolutely above suspicion...This will stop the ugly rumors that are in circulation...
Foreman, p0 0 0 1 0
...Bases on balls off Foreman 5...Struck out by Foreman 7...Wild pitches, Foreman 2...
SCORE BY INNINGS                   
Norfolk0 4 0 05000- 9
Petersburg420 00000- 6

25 Aug. Saturday.
DOWN WENT M'GINTY. "And Farmers are Fast Following His Example."
Norfolk, Va., August 24...The Farmers lost the game in the second inning when gross errors allowed six men to score, when not a man should have crossed home plate...
The Petersburg base ball association held a meeting yesterday afternoon and decided to put Foreman on the bench for the remainder of the season without pay. The action was due to the questionable way in which Foreman had been playing ball recently. It was also decided by the association to send letters to certain members of the team notifying them that they must play better ball in the future or suffer the consequences...

26 Aug. Sunday.
NORFOLK MADE IT THREE STRAIGHT. "Farmers Record for Last Week is Every Game Lost."
SCORE BY INNINGS                   
Norfolk1 2 0 000234- 12   12   2
Petersburg010 010000- 2    10    8

Pitcher Foreman, who has been suspended by the management for the remainder of the season without pay, has requested the INDEX-APPEAL to publish the following denial:
"In view of the many detrimental reports in circulation as to my having sold the game on Thursday last to Norfolk, I take advantage of this one mode of reaching the people, and clearing myself in the eyes of all those who were weak enough to believe that I would place my future reputation at stake as a ball player and ruin myself for years to come for the paltry reward of a few dollars. And hating to leave the city in which I made my debut as a professional ball player under such slanderous circumstances, I ask all to reflect before they pass a final opinion on the affair, and try to obtain some reliable, direct proof that I did throw this game to Norfolk for money. How could such a thing as this occur when it would be bound to find its way outside; and I have all to lose and nothing to gain by entering into an agreement that would hurt the club and place my chances of making a living as a base ball player out of question. Am I expected to win every game, and stand as a veteran and not a young, inexperienced player before a club whose chances for winning are conceded to be equal to Petersburg's? When the game is lost it is charged solely to me, although many games are lost in innings when a pitcher can be hit with more effect than he was at any time during the game. I hope the management will take steps to find out whether they had a just cause for my suspension from the club in justice to myself and those who do not belive these false assertions."

28 Aug. Tuesday.
THE TIDE HAS TURNED AT LAST. "And the Tar Heel Trio Were the Main Workers of the Miracle."
Richmond, August 27...
The general trend of opinion here is that Foreman did not sell the game in Norfolk, but simply became angered at what he conceived to be bad support and thenceforth pitched an indifferent game. It is almost universally believed among the base ball cranks that if the boy is given another trial he will pitch wonderful ball. Foreman is but 19 years old and altogether a boy in disposition; so much may be pardoned him on that account. If he has been guilty of any questionable ball playing, which is extremely doubtful, he is thoroughly repentant and it might be good policy to give him just one more show.

29 Aug. Wednesday.
M'LAUGHLIN GAVE IT TO THE CROWS. "The Farmers Would Have Won But for the Most One Sided Umpiring."
Richmond, August 28. With anything like a fair deal this afternoon, Petersburg would have won with ease. As it was, Richmond took the game by the score of 8 to 7 in eight innings...Foreman put the sphere over the plate time and again only to have McLaughlin give the batters their bases. The "little fellow" pitched good ball, but was taken out of the box at his own request, as he just could not induce McLaughlin to give him justice. His work was entirely satisfactory to the Petersburg management, although he unfortunately made a wild throw in the fourth to first base, which Stafford could not get. McLaughlin called it a blocked ball and allowed two runners to score, although Tate was easily thrown out at home plate...
Foreman, p0 0 0 0 1
...First base on balls - off Foreman 2...Hit by pitched ball - Stafford...Struck out - by Foreman 2...

1 Sep. Saturday.
WON IN SPITE OF ERRORS. "Farmers Take the Second Game from Newport News."
The feature of yesterday's game at Newport News was the admirable work of Foreman, and Trost who held him in first class style. Foreman pitched a steady, reliable, brilliant game in the face of ragged support. In other words, he played ball without regard to what the other eight members of the team were doing. If he sticks to this plan, he has a future before him. Stafford got a home run, but his work on first was not up to his standard...
Foreman, p0 0 1 3 0
...Home run - Stafford...Struck out by Foreman 13...Bases on balls off foreman 6...
Newport News1014457.436

4 Sep. Tuesday.
CROWS WERE SLAUGHTERED. "They Couldn't Touch Foreman, While Keenan and Nevins Were Easy."
Richmond, Va., September 3. Was it Clark? No. Was it the want of the proper kind of rooting? No. Well, then what was it? I will tell you in a very few words: the Crows lost to the Farmers because they could not hit Foreman...Richmond never had the ghost of a show before Foreman's invincible delivery, while the boys from the Cockade City simply paralyzed the delivery of Keenan and then proceeded to mutilate that of the Apollo Nevins. Richmond 3, Petersburg 20! R. H. P.O. A. E. Petersburg Foreman p............ 2 3 0 0 0
Foreman, p2 3 0 0 0
...Two base hits - Foreman...Stolen bases - Foreman...First base on balls off Foreman 4...Struck out by Foreman 1...
SCORE BY INNINGS                 
Petersburg0 8 6 321x- 20
Richmond000 1002-  3

7 Sep. Friday.
SOMMERS' CLAMS IN THE SOUP. "The Farmers Found Kissenger and Fry "Nice and Easy." the ball park yesterday afternoon...1,500 sturdy loyal the air with shout upon shout of victory until the Incomparable Foreman had struck the last man out and the dearest wish of Manager Somers heart - that of beholding Spaulding's pennant fluttering to the breeze from the grand stand of the Norfolk base ball park - had gradually faded...Norfolk scored one run in the fourth, four in the seventh and two in the eighth - thus making the total score 17 to 7. The game was called at the end of the eighth inning on account of darkness...Foreman tossed the sphere for the locals and did most effective work. The boy is certainly a wonderful pitcher and has a bright future before him if he learns to keep his head...
Foreman, p3 1 1 2 1
...Two base hits, Stafford...Home runs - Kelly and Foreman...Double plays - Pender, Knox and Stafford...Bases on balls - Foreman 1...Struck out by Foreman 6...Wild pitch - Foreman 1...

8 Sep. Saturday.
FARMERS SENT TO GRASS. "Defeated Yesterday by Their Errors in the First Inning."
[Foreman did not play.]
SCORE BY INNINGS                   
Petersburg0 0 0 006000- 6   11   6
Norfolk500 10011x- 8   11   2

9 Sep. Sunday.
At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon the Petersburg players were in their positions on the diamond at base ball park, and Umpire McDermott called "play ball." It was a one sided game. Foreman, who was in prime condition and ready to puzzle the Clams again with his deceptive curves, tossed the ball across the plate nine times, and Brian Boru Trost caught them just as he would have done had the Norfolk batters tried to connect with them. Then Umpire McDermott announced that as the Norfolk club was absent, contrary to the peace and dignity of the rules and regulations governing the national league, it became his duty to declare the game forfeited to Petersburg by the score of nine to nothing... [Note: Norfolk had claimed rough treatment by fans and, fearing for their safety, had left town.]

12 Sep. Wednesday.
DECK HANDS OVERWHELMED. "Their Pitcher was Batted Hard and Frequently and Foreman was Invincible."
..."Kid" Foreman occupied the box for the home team for seven innings, when Smith was substituted in order to give the little pitcher a rest. Foreman's curves proved a puzzle, the solution of which the visitors sought for diligently, but failed to discover...The locals made five home runs, including one each by Stafford, Farrell and Kiefer... R. H. P.O. A. E. Petersburg Foreman p............ 2 2 0 1 0
Foreman, p2 2 0 1 0
...Home runs- Stafford...Stolen bases- Foreman...Bases on balls- Foreman 4...Struck out- Foreman 11...

Newport News1104961.445

14 Sep. Friday.
THAT PENNANT COMES RIGHT HERE. "The Norfolk Aggregation Beaten in the Decisive Game."
Mr. Spaulding's pennant will come to Petersburg, and yesterday afternoon's game decided that matter. By forfeiting a game on the absurd plea that they were afraid to play here last Saturday - a pretense too preposterous to be worthy of a moment's consideration - Norfolk practically abandoned whatever chance they may have had to win out...once again did Foreman give evidence of the fact that he has the making of a great pitcher in him. When a hit would have brought in a run he had the alleged "heavy batters" at his mercy, and the only time they could score was when McCloskey got his base on a very suspicious case of "hit by pitcher"...
Foreman, p1 0 0 1 0
...Bases on balls - Foreman 1...Struck out by Foreman 9...Wild Pitch - Foreman 1...

SCORE BY INNINGS                   
Petersburg0 2 1 000021- 6   9   1
Norfolk000 002000- 2   8    3

Newport News1125062.446

Page created 30 May 2007, updated 4 February 2018 © Eve Gregory for VAGenWeb. E-mail