1890 Veterans Schedule
Persons who served in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps of the United States during the war of the rebellion (who are survivors), and widows
of such persons, in Bellefonte Dist, County of Nottoway, State of Virginia, enumerated in June, 1890.
50 50 Matthew Smith Pvt Co F 7 Conn Inf 09 Sep 1861 - 08 Sep 1864 3y 0m 0d
156 156 William H Simmonds Pvt 35 NJ Inf Jun 1864 0y 0m 0d
Persons who served in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps of the United States during the war of the rebellion (who are survivors), and widows of such persons, in
Haytokah Dist, County of Nottoway, State of Virginia, enumerated in June, 1890.
40 41 Kris William Sgt Co E 5 Penn Cav 30 Jul 1861 - 07 Aug 1865 4y 0m 8d
84 85 Alfred W Waterman Pvt Co A 11 NH Inf Aug 1862 - Jun 1865 2y 0m 0d
160 164 Sewell W Dewitt LTC 4 OVI Inf 15 Sep 1861 - 15 Jul 1865 3y 10m 0d
112 130 William E Supplee Pvt Co K 6 Penn Col 08 Dec 1861 - 07 Aug 1865 3y 7m 1d
67 78 James H Lawrence Pvt Co C 138 Ind Inf 11 May 1864 - 27 Sep 1864 0y 4m 16d
149 166 Wesley Smith Pvt Mich Inf 10 Oct 1863 - 12 Oct 1864 1y 0m 2d
292 306 Charles Morgan Pvt Co F 19 Col T Inf 24 Aug 1864 - 15 Jan 1867 2y 4m 20d
206 215 John Feuhrer Pvt Co C 138 Ind Inf 15 Oct 1864 - 16 Nov 1865 1y 2m 0d
Persons who served in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps of the United States during the war of the rebellion (who are survivors),
and widows of such persons, in _________________________, County of Nottoway, State of Virginia, enumerated in June, 1890.
16 16 Thomai C Jones Pvt Co F 31 NY Inf 12 Jul 1863 - 18 Jul 1865 2y 0m 6d
274 278 William Ham Cor Co F 8 Miss Inf Aug 1862 - Jul 1865 2y 11m 0d