The vestry held for St. Peter's parish the 27 march, 1704.


Mr. Richard Squire, minister; Joseph Foster, Wm. Bassett, John Parke Jun’r, David Crafford, John Parke, John Scott, Hene. Chiles, Gen’tmen vestrymen.
James Moss, Nicho. Meriwether Gent: Church wardens.

It is ordered that maj'r nicholas merriwether send for Glass, Lead Sodder and Casments for the Chappell and to be paid for the same in Sweet Sented Tobacco and Cask Conv't at, the middle marquit price with fifty p Cent. upon his Goods.

Rege'r p WILL CLOPTON, Clk. rege.

At a vestry held for St. Peter's Parish in New Kent County the 3 Aprill, 1704.


Mr. Richard Squire, minister; Joseph Foster, Rich'd Littlepage, David Crafford, John Parke, Hene. Chiles, John Parke, Jun'r, Jno. Scott, Gent Vestrymen.
James Moss, Nicho. Meriwether, Gent'n Church wardens.

This vestry taking into their serious Consideration the Largeness of this parish there being two Churches and one Chappell in the same, and the major part of the parish being desirous of a devision becase they Cannot have the word of God duly preached to them, doe accordingly agree upon a devision and that it begineth at the mouth of maddadecun Creeke so up the Said Creeke to Mr. Lewis mill, thence down the Queens high Roade to the rowling Roade that goeth from Edward mores to Geo'r Turners so along the Said Roade including the Said more in the upper parish, thence along the Said Roade to the Plantation of John Baughan Senr who is to be in the upper parish, thence upon a Line between the plantation of Nicholas Lawson and John Sandige the said Lawson to be in the Lower parish and Sandige in the upper and soe upon a Straite Line to Chickahamany Swamp including Edw Clark in the uper parish and Capt. James Moss and Maj'r Nicholas Merriwether Church wardens are Requested by this vestry to Suplicate his Excellence by way of Petition for his Concurrence with this order which if he be pleased to grant that the Lower parish may Continue the name of St. Peter and that his Excellence would be pleased to give a name to the upper parish as to his wisdom may seem meete and the Gleabe Lands w'ch are about 200 acres remaine as they were that is 100 acres in the Lower parish to remaine to the Brick Church and 100 acres to remaine to the upper Church and what plate or ornaments in the parish to be Equally divided betwen both parishes and that which is Called by the name of the upper Church to be left in Good Repaire and that the Chapell to be finished all at the Cost of both parishes and Mr. Richard Squire was Requested by this vestry to declare what parish he would make Choice of (if his Excellence were pleased to admit of a Division who accordingly accepts) of the Lower parish.

Regeristered p. WM. CLER: Rege.


St. Peter's Parish, June the 1st 1704.

Pursuant to an act of Assembly made at a Generall Assembly begun the 20th Aprill, 1704 for the division of this Parish the free houlders and hous keepers of this parish have this day meet and Chosen and Ellected a vestry for the said parish who are Capt. Richard Littlepage, Mr. Geo. Poindexter, Mr. Will Bassett, Mr. Rich'd Allen, Mr. Thomas Butts, Ju'r, William Clopton, Collo. John Lightfoot, Mr. John Foster, Mr. John Parke; Jun'r, Mr. John Scott, Mr. Thomas Massie, Mr. William Waddell, who have accordingly taken the oathes pointed by Law subscribed to the Test and to be Conformable to the Doctrin and Dissiplin of the Church of England, all the above gentlemen Except Mr. William Bassett and Mr. John Parke Ju'r, Sworn before Coll'e Joseph Foster.


At a vestry held for St. Peter's parish the 1st June, 1704.


Mr. Rich'd Littlepage, Cot. Jno. Lightfoot, Mr. Geo'r Poindexter, Mr. Jno. Foster, Mr. Rich'd Allen, Mr. Jno. Scott, Mr. Tho. Butts, ju'r, Mr. Thos. Massie, Will Clopton, Mr. Wm. Waddell, vestrymen.

This vestry doe agree with Mr. Richard Squire, minister of this parish to be paid according to Law and to Eand the year upon the first day of Jan'r next. Present: Mr. Rich'd Squire, minister.

Capt. Richard Littlepage and Capt. John Scott are Chosen and Elected Church wardens of this parish for the insuing year.

The Church wardens are requested and impowered to forewarne Robert Hughes from building or Cleering upon the Gleab Land and in Case he will persist in building or Cleering upon the Said Land then to Commence Sute against him and imploy an atturney or atturneys against him and Likewise to get the Church yard very well paled in and Cleered as they shall think fitt.

WM. CLOPTON, Cler. Rege.

Att a vestry held for St. Peter's parish the 14th June, 1704.


Mr. Richard Squire, minister; Col. Jno. Lightfoot, Wm. Clopton, Mr. Geo. Poindexter, Mr. Jno. Foster, Mr. Rich'd Allen, Mr. Tho. Massie, Mr. Tho. Butts, Ju'r, Mr. Wm. Waddell, Vestrymen.
Capt. Rich'd Littlepage, Capt. Jno. Scott, Church wardens.

Mr. Will Bassett and Mr. John Parkes, Ju'r, being Elected two of the vestry for this parish and haveing appeared according to notice given them have had the oathes apointed by Law duely administered to them by John Lightfoot, Esq'r and Likewise subscribed the Test and to be Conformable to the Church of England, as by Law Established are admitted to the vestry.

Present: Mr. William Bassett and Mr. John Parkes, Ju'r.

William Clopton not any way Relinquishing or foregoing the place and office of a vestryman, but that he is Continued in the full power and office of a vestryman is Continued Clerke of this vestry and parish till the 1st day of Januery next, and to be paid as formerly.

John Hilton is Continued Sexton of this Parish till the first day of Januery next, and to be paid at the rate of five hundred and forty pounds of Tobacco p annum.

Upon Reeding of his Excellence in Council his order Con cerning S'r Edw'd northe Knight her maj'ter att'r Gen'ell his opinion on the acts of Assembly of this Collony relating to the Church and perticularly Concerning Inductions the Clarke is ordered to Commit the same regester.

Rege p. WM. CLOPTON, Cle'k reg'e.

On Consideration of the Laws of Virginia provision being made by the act Entitulated Churches to be built or Chappell of Ease for the building a Church in Each parish and by ye act intitaled ministers to be Inducted that ministers of each parish Shall be Inducted on the presentation of ye paritioners and ye Church wardens being by the Act Entitled Church wardens to keep the Church in repaire and provide * aments to Collect the minister's dues & by ye Act for the better support and maintain ance of the Clergy provision being made for ye ministers of the parishes by the Said Act for Inducting ministers ye Governer being to Induct ye ministers to be presented & thereby he being Constituted ordinary & as Bishop of the Plantation and with a power to punish ministers preaching Contrary to ye Law: I am of opinion the Advowson & right of presentation to the Churches is subject to ye Laws of England, there being no Express Law of ye Plantation made further Concerning the same therefore, when ye Parishioners present their Clark & he is Inducted by the Governer (who is to and must Induct on the presentation of ye parishioners) ye Incumbant is for his Life and Can not be displaced by the parishioners; if ye parishioners do not present a minister to the Governor w'thin six months after any Church shall become voyde ye Governer as ordinary Shall and may Collate a Clerk to Such Church by Laps & his Collate shall hould ye Church for his life if the Parishioners have never presented they have a reasonable time to present a minister, but if they will not present, being required so to doe ye Governer may allso in their default Collate a minister in Inducting ministers by the Governer on the presentation of the parish or his own Collation he is to see ye ministers be quallified according as ye act for Inducting ministers requires. In Case of ye avoydance of any Church the Governer as ordinary of ye Plantation is according to ye Statue of 28 [-] 8 Chap. 11th ecl. 5th to appoint a minister to officiate till the parish shall present one or ye six months be Lapsed and such person appointed to officiate in ye vacancy is to be paid for his service out of the profits thereof from the time ye Church shall become voide. By a Law a bond stated no minister is to officiate as such tilt he hath showed to ye Governer ha is quallified according as ye Said Act for Induction directs, if ye vestry do not levy ye Tobacco ye Court then must decree ye same to be Levyed.

EDW'D NORTHE, July 29th, 1703.

At a Council held at Williamsburg ye 3d day of March, 1703.

Present: His Excellency in Councill.

Upon reading at this board S'r Edwarde Northe Knight her ma'te Attorney Generall his opinion upon ye acts of Assembly of this Collony relating to ye Church & particularly concerning Induction of ministers & His Excellency is pleased to order yt a Copy of the S'd S'r Edw'd Northe his opinion be sent to ye Church wardens of Each parish within this Colony Requiring them upon receit thereof forthwith to Call a vestry and there to Cause the Same to be read and Entered in the vestry booke to the Land the Said vestrye may offer to his Excellence what they think proper thereupon.


At a Vestry held for St. Peter's parish in New Kent County the 7th July, 1704.


Mr. Richard Squire, minister; John Lightfoot, Esq'e Mr. Rich'd Allen, Mr. Geo. Poindexter, Mr. Wm. Waddell, Mr. Jno. Foster, Mr. Tho. Massie, Mr. Wm. Bassett, Wm. Clopton, vestrymen.

Mr. John Scott, Church warden.

Capt. John Scott, Capt. Rich'd Littlepage, Mr. William Bassett, Mr. Rich'd Allen and Mr. Thomas Massie or any fouer of them are Requested to meet such gentlemen of the vestry of St. Palls parish to run the Dividing Line between this parish and the parish of St. Pall and that it be done by the County Suvaeior at the Charge of both parishes and the Clerke is ordered to waite on the Church wardens of St. Pall's parish with a Copy of this order that it may be done forthwith.

John Lightfoot, Esq r, Cap. Richard Littlepage, Capt. John Scott, Mr. George Poindexter and Mr. Thomas Butts or any fouer of them are Requested to meet such Gentlemen as shall be apointed by the Gentlemen of the vestry of St. Pall's parish to Devide what orniments were belonging to this Parish when it Was all in one and Likewise to adjust and Settle all maner of accts. belonging to the Said parish when it was all in one intire parish according to the order for the Devision of the Said parish and the Gentlemen of St. Pall's parish are Requested to meet at the Brick Church and to give the Gen'ts of this parish a forthnight's notice for the time of meeting.

Capt. John Scott and Capt. Richard Littlepage, Church wardens, are Requested and acordingly ordered to Imploy a Carpenter to build one Dwelling House 20 feet Long and 16 feet wide, with an Inside Chimney, posts in the Ground 8 feet pitch’t double joiest and Lofted upon the Gleabe Land belonging to this parish formerly Given by Reece Hughes. Whereas Edw'd Morgan Complaines to this vestry that he hath in his house a very poore, Lame and impotent woman named Jane Clarke, ordered that he keep the Said Jane Clarke and to be alowed as others are in the same Case.

Rege. p WM. CLOPTON, Cle'k Veste.

At a Vestry held for St. Peter's parish ye 18th day August, 1704.


Mr. Richard Squire, minister; Mr. Thos. Butts, Mr. Wm. Waddill, Mr. Geo. Poindexter, Mr. Thos. Massey, Mr. Rich'd Allin, Wm. Clopton, vestrymen.

Capt. John Scott, Capt. Rich'd Littlepage, Church wardens.

Whereas the Church wardens have lald before this vestry Sr Edw'd Northe her Maj'hgt Att'r Gen'lle opinion Concerning Inductlons & his Ex'cye ord'r in Council on the Same together w'th his Ex'cye Proclamation Requiring ye Vestrye to give him all act w't Gleabe lands in ye Respective parishes in Virga & wt building thereon & likewise whethere they have Rec'd any of ye Great Bibles Sent in by S'r Geofrey Geofrye to be this vestry answer that they are not for Inducting the Minister nor for any dislike they have to him, but that the whole p'sh in Gen'll is agt.

Gleabe Lands no building upon it at present there being some dispute in law about it & for ye Great Bibles sent in by S'r Geof'y Geofreys do not know of any that hath been brought heither, orderd ye Clerk Send a Copy of this ord'r to ye Sec'rs office.

Ordered by the Church wardens forthwith a good pr of Stocks to be Built & Set up just w'th out ye Church yard & to be Paid at ye laying ye next levie.

Ordered yt Pelham Moore Scoure up ye dich about ye old Church to ye full Depth & width it was at first, & cut Quite through ye place where people went in & doe it between this & ye last of October & to be pd three hundred pounds of Tob'o & Cask Conv't at Laying ye next Levy.

Mr. Richard Squire is Requested to preach two Sermons in every year at the old Church, commonly known by ye name of ye Broken back'd Church.

Recorded p WM. CLOPTON, Clk veste.


New Kent County.

At a meeting Capt. Rich'd Littlepage, Capt. Jno. Scott, Jno. Lightfoot, Esq'r, Mr. Tho. Butts, Gen't in trust for St. Peter's Parish & Mr. David Craford, Maj'r Nicho. Merriwether, Mr. Henry Chiles. Capt. Rob't Allderson & Mr. Jno. Moss, Gen't in truste for Saint paul's pr'sh at ye Brick Church in St. Peter's pr'sh ye 29th Aug't, 1704.

St. Peter's pr'sh. Dr.    
To Mr. Rich'd Squire for 5 moneths, CC 6665    
To CC for Do. 933    
To Wm. Clopton, Clerk for 5 months 895    
To Jno. Hilton Sexton for 5 months, I25 CC 10 135    
To Idem for washing Surples 25    
To Jno. Webb for 5 mo'th, 125 CC 10 135    
To Idem for washing ye Surples 25    
To Tho. Mimms for widdow faulkner, 5 mon'ths, CC 450    
To Wm. Martin for Wm. Moore 270    
To ye widdow Pyrant for five mo's 225    
To Peter Plantine for Antho. Burrows, 5 mo's 450    
To Sam'l Waddy for James Turner 540    
To Jno. Kimbrow for 5 mo'hs 270    
To Wm. Atkinson for 5 mo'hs 270    
To Mrs. Roper for a bastard child 450    
To Nicho. Mills for keeping a bastard child 403    
To Maj'r Nicho. Merriwether ye ball. his acct 1447   1/2
To Sam'l Waddie his acct 700    
To Joseph Baughn, Chain Carrier 30    
To Jno. Landige ye Same 30    
To Thos. Snead ye Same 30    
To Rich'd Clark, Ju'r, for pleating ye Surveyor 100    
To Jno. White's acct Regulated 180    
To ye Church wardens of both pr'she for ye Trouble about ye division of ye parish 400    
To Capt. Scott for Trouble about ye Survey'r 100    
To Capt. Littlepage for paid Care foot ye Glazer L3-18s-6d at 1d p pound 949    
To Convey for * * * 56    
To Ja * * * aesd. work 1190    
* * * 166    
* * * w Junr. 5*    
To Capt. Robt. Anderson 45    
To Thos. Jackson, his acct. 1179    
To Coll. Joseph Foster, 500 6d nailes 20    
To Idem p acct. more 140    
To Mr. Geo. Poindexter's acct. Regulated L1 13s 9d, at 10 p C 338    
To David Clarkson p acct. 140    
To Mrs. Alice wiat ye Ball. her acct. p 20 lbs 10s at 10qd p cent 108    
To Capt. James Moss his acct. 170    
To Capt. Geo. Clough's acct. 163    
To Vincent Vaughn's acct. 808 C.C. 113 921    
To Wm. Clopton's acct. 2330    
To Jno. Hilton's acct. keeping goody Ashle 380    
To ye Collector for ye minister's Rent, 3 mos. 250 C.C. 35 285    
To Wm. Clopton for Extreordinary Trouble about ye Devision, &c., 600, 100 700    
To Jno Hilton's atendance here to Sall at 5 p Cent 1404    
In all 29503    


By 947 Tithables at 31 p polo is 29357    
By ball. due to ye Colect'r 00146    
St Paul's pr'sh Dr.    
  L- s- d    
To ye half of ye Church plate & Table Cloath 2- 5- 0    
To Ball. due St. Paul's parish 0- 5- 0    
  2-10- 0    
By halfe of Mr. Henry Wyatt Legacy 2-10- 0    

Whereas we, the Subscribers, were apointed by both parishes to adjust & Settle all accts. between ye S'd parishes & having this day mett p'suant to ye Same, doe find ye pr'sh debt to amount to Twenty Nine Thou'd five hund'r & three pounds of Tobo. w'ch being divided by 947 ye Number of Tithables for this pr sent year amounts to 35 lbs. Tobo. p polo, Saving 146 lbs. Tobo. to be paid by both p'rish's to ye Colect'r next year, each Tithable in both ye S'd pr'shs for Derraying ye afores'd Charge upon ye division of ye plate & all other ornaments there is due to St. Paul's p'rishes five Shill's, & if there should happen to be any mistake or Error of either Side to be Equally Rectified.

John Lightfoot, Thos. Butts, Nicho. Meriwether, David Craford, Rich'd Littlepage, Jno. Scott, Henry Chiles, Robt. Anderson, jun'r, John Mask.


At a vestry held for St. Peter's p'sh in New Kent County ye 1st Nov'r, 1704.


Mr. Richard Squire, Minister.
Coll. John Lightfoot, Mr. Wm. Waddill, Mr. Wm. Bassett, Mr. Rich'd Allen, Mr. Jno. Park, Jun'r, Mr. Tho. Massey, Mr. Jno. Foster, Wm. Clopton, vestrymen.
Capt. Rich'd Littlepage, Capt. John Scott, Church wardens.

St. Peter's Parish Dr.
To Rich'd Squire for 7 months 9335
To CC for Ditto at 14 p cent 1306
To Wm. Clopton, Clerk, for 7 months 1394
To Jno. Hilton, Sexton, for 7 months 315
To Tho. Mims for widow faulkner 7 months 630
To Wm. Martin for Wm. More 10 weeks 125
To Mrs. Roper for a bastard child 7 mon 630
To James Stringer, p acct. 350
To Capt. John Scott, p. acct. 490
To Wm. Martin p his acct. Regulated 310
To James Sanders p acct 400
To Tho. Jackson p acct 1200 CC 168 1368
To Jno. Hilton p acct 50
To Jno. Hilton for keeping Widd. Ashle 7 mon 630
To Capt. Rich'd Littlepage p acct. 3550 4047
To Tho. Mims for a pr. Shoes for wid. * * 40
To Wm. Clopton p acct. 100
To Rich'd Harvey for his Troub. * * ye Church 100
To Mr. Levermore for 9 mos. rent 855
To Ex. pd toward a Bell, but to Lye in ye Collector's hands till it be ordered  
p ye Church wardens 1500 CC 210 1710
To Capt. Littlepage acct. 454
To Sall'r of 24639 at 5 p Cent 1232
To Ball. due to ye p Church 233
By 502 Tithables at * * pole 2610*

The Parish Levey being proportioned to fifty two pounds of Tobo. pr polo w'ch with thirty one upon ye Settlement before ye Division of ye parish amounts to Eighty three pounds of Tobo. p polo, w'ch Sume of Eighty three pounds of Tobo. p polo Capt. James Moss, Sherife of this County, is hereby impowered & ordered to Receive & Collect of & from Each & Every Tythable p'son w'thin this p'sh, & in Case of non payment to Levy ye Same by Distress.

Coll. Jno. Lightfoot, Capt. Rich'd Littlepage, Capt. Jno. Scott, Mr. Tho. Butts, & Mr. Jno. Park, Ju r, or any 4 or 3 of them are Requested to meet Such Gent as ye Gent of St. Paul's p'sh Shall apoint at ye Lower Church of their p'sh one Wensday ye 8th of this Enstant by tenn of ye Clock in ye forenoon in ord'r to ye Settle of Severall accts. belonging to both p'shes.

Rich'd Squire, Clerk; Jno. Park, Jun'r, J. Lightfoot, Wm. Waddill, Wm. Bassett, Rich'd Allin, Jno. Foster, Wm. Clopton,
Rich'd Littlepage, Jno. Scott, Church wardens.


At a Vestry held for St. Peter's ye 6th Jan'e, 1704.


Mr. Rich'd Squire, min't: Jno. Lightfoot, Esq'r, Mr. Jno. Foster, Mr. Wm. Waddill, Mr. Tho. Butts, Mr. Rich'd Allin, Wm. Clopton, Mr. Wm. Bassett, Mr. Tho. Massey, Mr, Jno Park, Jun'r, Mr. Geo. Poindexter.

Capt. John Scott, Church warden.

The order of Vestry made w'th Mr. Rich'd Squire, min'r, bearing date of ye first day of June, 1704, is Received for ye insuing year.

Ordered that Wm. Clopton be Clerk of this Vestry & to be paid five hundred pounds of Tobacco p annum.

Ordered that Mr. Norris is chosen Reader of this p'sh & to be allowed eight hundred pounds of Tobacco p annum.

Ordered that John Hilton be Sexton of this Church & to be paid five hundred & fifty pounds of tobo. p annum.


Jno. Foster, Jno. Lightfoot, Rich'd Allin, Jno. Parke, Ju'r, Tho. Butts, Tho. Massey, Jno. Scott, Wm. Waddill, Wm. Bassett.

Chu'r wardens, Wm. Clopton, Geo'e Poindexter.


At a vestry held for St. Peter's p'sh in New Kent County ye 14th of May, 1705.


Mr. Wm. Bassett, Mr. John Parke, Jun'r, Wm. Clopton, Mr. Geo. Poindexter, Mr. Tho. Massey, Mr. Rich'd Allin, Mr. Wm. Waddill, vestrymen.

Capt. John Scott, Church warden.

Mr. Wm. Bassett & Mr. Geo. Poindexter are Chosen & Elected Church Wardens & to act & doe therein accordingly from this time till Easter next.

Wm. Clopton, one of the Surveyors of this County, applying himselfe to this vestry for help to clear ye Road in his presinct is ordered all ye tythables belonging to those persons following, viz.: Madd. Sarah Bray, Dan'l Park, Esq'r, Ju'r Ashew, Steph. Mitchell, James Crump, Wm. Burrow, Steph. Mitchell, Ju'r, Wm. Forgasen, Robt. Crump, Wm. Crump, Jno. Waddill, Jun'r Rich'd, Crump, Steph. Crump, Chas. Barker, Tho. Shroasby, Eliza Crump, widdow & Tho. Brigman.

Jno. Scott,' Tho. Massey, Jno. Park, Jun'r, Wm. Clopton, Wm Waddill, Geo. Poindexter, Rich'd Alin, Wm. Bassett, Chu'r wardens.


At a Vestry held for St. Peter's p'sh in New Kent County 7ber ye 10th. 1705.


Mr. Rich'd Squire, min'r; Capt. John Scott, Mr. Rich'd Allen, Mr. Tho. Butts, Mr. Wm. Waddill, Mr. Jno. Park, Jr., Wm. Clopton, Mr. Jno. Foster, Mr. Tho. Massie.

Mr. Wm. Bassett, Mr. Geo'e Poindexter, Ch. Wardens.

Mr. Tho. Butts, Mr. Geo. Poindexter & Mr. Jno. Park, Jun'r, or any two of them, are apointed to meet Such Gent'm as Shall be apointed by ye Vestry of St. Paul's parish at Such times & place as ye Gen'n of St. Paul's parish Shall apoint.

Ordered yt ye Church wardens forthwith bring Suit agt. ye Extr'e of Jno. LyddaI1, Gent. late of this County, dec'd for a Legacy Left to this p'sh by ye S'd Lyddall.

Whereas there was a Leese taken by this p'sh Philip Levermore, as marrying ye Ex'trx of Mr. Lyddall, Gent Dec'd for ye house & Plantation where (ye S'd) Jno. Lyddall Lately lived upon at ye annual Rent of 1000 lbs. Tobo. & Cask Conv't p annum & ye Parish being desirous to acquit them Selves of yt Leese or agreement Mr. Richard Squire doth hereby agree to & w'th this p'sh & hereby acquit ye S'd p'sh of & from ye Sd Leese at ye end of this yeare ye Parish paying him ye S'd Mr. Squire ye Same Sume of tobo. they were to have paid Mr. Levermore till such time yt ye Parish can provide a Suficient Gleabe for ye min'r to live upon.

Ordered yt Mr. Geo. Poindexter & Mr. Wm. Bassett, Ch'r wardens, to be a Saile from Rob't Hughes to this ps'h for all that Land Given to this p'sh by his father, Rees Hughes.

Rich'd Squire, Wm. Bassett, Geo. Poindexter, Church wardens.

Jno. Scott, Thos. Butts, Jno. Foster, Jno. Park, J'r, Thos. Massie, Rich'd Allin, Wm. Waddill, Wm. Clopton.


At a vestry held for St. Peter’s p’sh in New Kent County ye 15 octob'r 1705.


Capt. Rich'd Littlepage, Capt. Jno. Scott, Mr. Tho. Butts, Mr. Rich'd Allin, Mr. Wm. Waddill, Mr. Tho. Massie, Mr. Wm. Clopton.
Mr. Wm. Bassett, Mr. Geo. Poindexter, Chu. Wardens.


To Mr. Rich'd Squire, C. Clr., for 1 year 16000
To Cask & Conv't to Do 2240
To Mr. Wm Norris, Cl. of ye Ch'r, for 1 year 800
To C.C. to Do. 112
To Wm. Clopton, Cl. to ye Vest'r., 500 C.C., 60 560
To Mr. Hilton, Sexton for 1 year 540
To Rob't Hughes for ye Gleabe land, 2100 C.C. 294 2394
To Eliza. King, Wid., her acc't 985
To Mr. Rob't Napier p acc't 300
To Wm Gardener his acc't Regulated 1575
To Idem. for Cask of 1200 of ye same 00096
To Rich'd Scruggs p acc't Regulated, 545 Ca., 44 589
To Jno Hilton for keeping widd. Ashile, 5 mo. 450
To Geo. Austin his acc't Regulated 749
To Wm. Hughes p acc't 300
To Capt. Richard Littlepage p acc't 30
To Edw'd Morgan p acc't 585 Ca., 68 923
To Mr. Upshere p acc't & keeping a bastard child 12 mos. at ye 12 of Nov'r & Clothes 1280
To Capt. Rich'd Littlepage p acc't, 1200 Ca., 1000 Do, 80 125
To Capt. Scott for a Stann 40
To Thos. Jackson acc't 50
To Tho. Mims for keeping widow Faulkner 1 yr, 1000 Ca. 80 1080
To Mr. Geo. Poindexter p acc't 653 C.C. 91 744
To Capt. Littlepage, She'r, p acc't of fees, 60 660
To Wm. Clopton p ball. his acc't 709
To Jno. Hilton his acc't Regulated 300
To Sam'l Smith for his Right for ye Gleabe land given by his father, Geo. Smith,
to this p'sh, but to Lie in ye Collector's hands till he acknowledges ye same
from him & his heirs
To C.C. to Do. 112
To ye Collector to give to Coll. Lightfoot serv'ts for their trouble about ye
plates, &c
To Rich'd harve for Service Done to ye Church 500
To Capt. Richard Littlepage for building one house 20 feet long & 16 feet wide w'th
an Inside Chimney 8 foot Pitch with a Shead on one Side & a Partition in ye Same w'th
two doores, ye house to be lofted w'th Clapboard w'th a Lock & Key & hinges to ye
outward Doore, all to be done w'th Strong & workman like & to be finished by ye last
day of Jan'r next, & Capt. Littlepage asumes to enter into bond w'th ye Ch'r W'ns for
ye due p'formance of ye same.
C.C. 210
To Sall'r of 4797 at 5 p cent 238
To Sall'r of 36431 at 5 p ct. 1821
P. Thos. Jackson 1000
P. Capt. Moss to pay Mr. Levermore for rent 1000 C.C., 140 1140
P. Capt. Moss part of wt. was left in his hands for a bell 570
P. 533 Tytha's at 69 lb. p. polo 36777
Pa. Deposito. to be p'd ye Collector next year 143
The p'sh Levy being Proportioned am'tt to 69 lb. Tobo. p pole with Sume of 69 lbs
tobo Capt. Rich'd Littlepage is hereby impowered to Collect according to Law & make
paym't thereof to ye Severall p'sons for whom it was Levied

Geo. Poindexter, Wm. Bassett, Ch'r War.
Rich'd Littlepage, Jno. Scott, Tho. Butts, Rich'd Allen, Tho. Massie, Wm. Waddill, Wm. Clopton.


At a Vestry held for St. Peter's parish in New Kent County ye 3Ist Dec'r, 1705.


Capt. Jno. Scott, Mr. Tho. Butts, Mr. Rich'd Allen, Mr. John Parke, Jun'r, Mr. Wm. Waddill, Wm. Clopton.

Mr. Wm. Bassett, Mr. Geo. Poindexter, Chu'r wardens.

This vestry doe order & agree yt Mr. Rich'd Squire be Continued minister of this p'sh for this Ensuing year & be paid as formerly.

Ordered that Mr. Wm. Norris, Co. Clerk of this p'sh & Vestry & to be paid at ye rate of one Thous'd Three hundred pounds of Tobacco & Cask, Ct., p annum, but if ye S'd Mr. Wm. Norris doth not come to live in this p'sh by Easter day next then this agreement to be Void.

Mr. Wm. Bassett, Mr. Geo. Poindexter, Mr. Jno. Scott, Tho. Butts, Rich'd Allen, Mr. Parke, Jr., Wm. Waddill, Wm. Clopton.


At a Vestry held for St. Peter's Parish in New Kent County ye 16th day of March, 1705/6.


Jno. Lightfoot,Esq., Mr. Jno. Scott, Mr. Jno. Foster, Mr. Rich’d Allen, Mr. Tho. Massie, Mr. Jno. Parke, Jun'r, vestrymen.

Mr. Wm. Bassett, Churchwarden.

Whereas, there has been an order of Court dated Jane'y 28th, 1705-6, for processioning according to Law, & for dividing the p'shes into precincts.

The Vestry having met accordingly have ordered ye Church of the Vestry to give notice to the people of this p'sh to procession as has been usuall ordered that Mr. William Bassett & Mr. Thomas Massie give notice to two g’n the Vestry of the upper pa'sh to meet them about processioning of this P'ish Line, & that they give timely notice to bring their Children to see the S'd processioning. Ordered that Mr. Thomas Butts & Mr. Geo. Poindexter give notice to two of the Vestry of the Lower P'ish to meet them ab't processioning of the P'sh line & yt ye give timely notice to bring their Children to See the procession. Geo. Poindexter.

Ordered that a Vestry is to be held for this p'sh ye 25th of this instant March, it being Easter munday aft nine of the Clock in the morning.

Registered p Wm. NORRIS, Clk Vestry.


At a Vestry held for St. Peter's P'ish in New Kent County, May ye 4th, 1706.

Geo. Poindexter, Rich'd Allen; Church wardens.
Jno. Scott, Wm. Bassett, Wm. Clopton, Wm. Waddill, Jno. Parke, Jun'r.

Ordered that Mr. Geo. Poindexter & Mr. Rich'd Allen are chosen & elected Church wardens for the ensuing year & to Expire next Easter, but that Mr. Rich'd Allen shall continue a year longer, & also that every Vestryman w'c shall be chosen from this ensuing time shall continue two years.

Ordered that the Church wardens so provide necessary ornaments for the Church, according to Law.

Registered p WM. NORRIS, Clk of Vestry.


At a Vestry held for St. Peter's P'ish New Kent County, October ye 11th 1706.

Mr. Rich'd Squire, min.


Capt. Rich'd Littlepage, Capt. John Scott, Mr. Wm. Bassett, Mr. Wm. Waddill, Mr. Wm. Clopton, Mr. Tho. Butts, Mr. Jno. Parke, Mr. Thos. Massie.
Mr. Geo. Poindexter, Mr. Rich'd Allen, Ch. Wardens.

To Mr. Rich'd Squire, min'r, for 1 year 16000
To C. C., for Do 240
To Wm. Norris, Cl'k of the Church. & Vestry 1300
To C. C., to Do 182
To Jno. Hilton, Sexton, for 1 year 570
To Wid'o Austin for keeping Wid. Ashley 1/2 year, Ca 540
To Jno. Hilton's acc't 228
To Do. acc't for keeping & burying, Mary Wilkinson 400
To Do. acc't for fetching & Carrying ye Plate from Mr. Poindexter 100
To Rich'd Scruggs for keeping a sick child 1/2 year Ca 540
To Tho. Hughes' acc't regulated 200
To Capt. John Scott's acc't 290
To Mr. Walker for keeping Fem'e Berass from ye parish 100
To Jno. Upshear for keeping a p'ish child 1 year 1188
To Tho. Wm's for keeping wid'w faulkner us. p 1080
To Peter Lespleete for keeping & burying El. Tomson 200
To Rich'd Harvey for service to ye Church 114
To Mr. Geo. Poindexter's acc't to 13L., 12s 9d., at 10 p.c 2707
To Do. Assignee of Rob't Napier 200
To Do. Assignee Eliz. King 590
To Do. Assignee of Wm. Gardiner 300
To Do. for Services Done 145
To C. C. to his acc'ts 531
To Mr. Tho. Massie for Liquor in giving ye procession 16
To Mr. Wm. Bassett for Services done 170
To Capt. Cloughan acc't fees 976
To Capt. Moss, Shr. acc't 50
To Capt. Littlepage, Shr. Accts 00030

Built in y'r 1703 The Brick Church Cost Building above 146073 Lbs. of Tobo. as may be found by Examining ye accounts when ye Severall payments were made.


The agreement between Mr. Rich'd Squire and the Vestry of St. Peter's parrish ye 25th 8br. 1706.

Agreed that Mr. Rich'd Squire be paid four thousand pounds of Tob'o, C.C., viz.: two thousand pounds of Tob'o, C. C., to be paid at ye next Levy in 1707 & two thousand lbs. Tobo. more C.C., to be p'd at ye Laying of ye next Levy in 1708, for w'ch paym't to be duly made to ye S'd Mr. Squire, Do hereby acquit ye S'd parish forever from providing any glebe or Leasing auy plantation for him During his time of being min'r, but if the S'd Mr. Squire Should die or leave the p'ish before the expiration of four years, then to refund to the S'd p'ish ye S'd Sume of four thousand pounds of Tobo. C. C., after ye proportion of one thousand lbs. of tobo, C.C., p ann'm to the true intent of this agreem't it yt Mr. Squire is only to refund proportionably according to his continuance.

Ordered that Wm. Norris be continued Clk of the Church & Vestry this ensuing year & yt he be p'd Eighteen hundred pounds of tob'o C.C., for his S'd Service.

Richard Squire, Thos. Butts, Wm. Clopton, John Parke, Jun'r, Thos. Massie, Wm. Waddill, Wm. Bassett.

Geo. Poindexter, Rich'd Allen, Chu'h Wardens.

Recorded by Wm. NORRIS, Clk of the Vestry.


At a Vestry held for St. Peter's p'ish in New Kent County May ye 8, 1707


Mr. Jno. Foster, Mr. Geo. Poindexter, Mr. Will. Bassett, Mr. Jno. Parke Jun'r, Mr. WiI1 Waddill, Mr. Tho. Massie.
Mr. Rich'd Allen, Chr. Warden.

Mr. Wm. Clopton is elected churchwarden to assist w'th Mr. Richard Allen this ensuing year according to all order of Vestry, &c.

Whereas, Mr. Charles Fleming by an order of Court was appointed Surveyor for makng rodes to his mill & to apply himself to ye vestry of St. Peter's p'ish for Assistance to make ye S'd rodes, the Vestry therefore, in p'sance to sd order. has appointed help for clearing ye said rodes, viz.: Capt. James Moss, Sam'll Jordan, William Norris, Tho. Ashcroft, Capt. Wyatt, Jr., Tho. Henderson. Jno. Ashburton, they, and all their male tithables to assist in making ye S'd rodes.

Whereas, Jno. Hilton petitioned to ye vestry for being acquitted from paying ye parish Levy the S'd John Hilton's petition is granted according to ye order of Court to ye Same effect April 28th, * * *.

Jno Foster, George Poindexter, Will Bassett, John Parke Jun, Wm Waddill, Tho: Massie, * * arke
* * Allen Chr. Ward

Registred by Will: Norris, Clk. of the Vestr.

At a Vestry held for St. Peters Parish in New Kent County Octobr. 25th; 1707.


Mr. Tho Butts, Capt. Jno Foster, Mr. Wm: Bassett
Mr. Geo Poindexter, Mr. Wm Waddill, Mr. Tho Massie:
Mr. Richd. Allen, Mr. Wm Clopton: ch wardns.

St. Peters Parish - Dr. lbs Tobo
To Mr. Richd Squire min for one year 16000
to C.C. to Do. 2240
to W Norris Cl of Chr & Vestry 1800
To C.C. to Do. 252
to mr, Squire p agreem't: of himself & Vestry to be pd this yer: 2000
to C.C. to Do. 280
to Jno; Hilton Sexton for one year 570
to Capt. Moss's acct: allowed 205
to Tho Mims for keeping wid Faulkner ut Sup. 1080
to Wm. Gardner for keping a bastard Child 6 mo & for clothes 624
to C.C. to Do. 87
to Tho: Ashcroft for keeping a bastard Child * year 650
to C.C. to Do. 91
to Capt. Littlepage for 3 barrlls. tar * * * 600
to C.C. to Do. 84
to Tho: Jackson for tarring ye Chr: * * * 700
to C.C. to Do. 98
to Capt. Cloughs acct. allowed 32
to Capt. Thompsons acct. 84
to Mr. Cloptons acct. 32
to Mr. Poindexters acct. allowed wth. C.C. 462
to Jno Hiltons acct. allowed 400
to rais * * for Mr. Poindexter * * * * *
to C.C. to Do. * *
to Sallary for 34471 lbs Tobo: * * * * 01723
P Cont. Cr.  
By 580 titheables at 62 p pole is 35960
by 49 Left last year & 185 this year Due is 00234

The Parish Levy being proportioned & amounting to 62 p pole was ordered to be put into Capt. Thompsons hands to Collect who is to give bond & Security to ye Chr wardens for making good paymt. to those for whom its Levyed.

Ordered that Collo. Jos Foster be Elected Vestryman in the place of Collo. Jno. Lightfoot Esqr. Decd. & to tale ye oath of a vestryman as ye Law enjoyns.

Charles Fleming complaining to this vestry that ye help formerly allotted him for making rodes to his mill is insufficient its therefore ordered that James Austin, Peter Elmore & Elmore, David BeI1 & John Bacon, they & all * added to his former help.

David Claxton, appointed by an order of Court Surveyor for Clearing ye ridge rode & applying himself to this vestry for help it was accordingly granted or to Collo. Foster, Mr. Wm. Smith, Mr. * Jr., Mr. Jno. Butts, Mr. Jno. * & the Surveyors own hands they & all those male tithables to assist in Clearing ye ridge rode.

Whereas Tho. Mimms complains that his allowance for keeping wid. Faulkner is too little, the vestry have ordered it increased for ye future 1100 lbs. tobo. C C & * * if she lives.

Thos. Ashcroft being allowed 600 lbs. tobo. C C according to agree’mt for keeping a bastard child a year * * S'd child die before time expire proportionable to ye time.

Whereas there is 5000 lbs. Tobo. C C Levyed for Mr. Geo. Poindexter in part of pay toward ye plate ornament sent for by him for the Church's use upon w'ch he is to advance but 50 per cent. & to allow 10 p ct. for ye tobo. so Levyed, its ordered to take the tobacco aforesaid out of ye Collector's hands this year & to Discount it when ye p'sh receive ve things so Sent for.

Thos. Butts, Geo. Poindexter, Thos. Massie, Jno. Foster, Wm. Waddill, Wm. Bassett.
Rich'd Allen, Wm. Clopton, Church wardens.

Registered. WM. NORRIS, Clk. Vest.

The agreement between Mr. Daniel Taylor, mins'r & the vestry of St. Peter's p'sh of 30th xbr., 1707.

Agreed that Mr. Taylor officiate as minister of this p'sh for three months, viz.: ye three first Wednesdays in Januery, February, & March & to be allowed 500 lbs. tob'o C.C. for each sermon he shall preach on those days, but if shall officiate after ye sd time of 3 mos. be expired then for each time so officiating to receive after ye rate of ye annuall Sallary of 16000

Reg'r p WM. NORRIS, Clk, Vest.


At a Vestry held for St. Peter's Parish in New Kent County at the Brick Church February the 4th, 1707.


Coll Joseph Foster, Mr. George Poindexter. Mr. Jno. Parke, Jun'r, Capt. Jno. Foster, Capt. Jno. Scott, Mr. Tho. Massey, Mr. Wm. Bassett, Mr. Wm. Waddill.

Mr. Rich'd Allen, Mr. Wm. Clopton, Chu'r Wardens.

Ordered that James Taylor officiate as Reder and Clerk of the Vestry, and to be paid at the usal Rate Excepting Cask.


WM. CLOPTON, Church Wardens.

Jno. Foster, Thos. Massie, Jo. Foster, Wm. Bassett, Jno. Parke, Jun'r, Wm. Waddill, Jno. Scott, Geo. Poindexter.



At a Vestry held at the Brick Church of St. Peter's p'sh, in New Kent County, Feb'ry the 15th, 1707.


Capt. John Foster, Mr. Jno. Parke. Jun'r, Mr. Win. Bassett, Mr. Wm. Waddill, Mr. Geo. Poindexter.

Mr. Rich' Allen, Church Warden.

Ordered that Mr. Rich'd Allen, Church warden and Mr. Wm. Waddill Shall forthwith go Down to the President with a Complaint that the p'sh Church Doore were Shut up Against the Vestry & the Parishioners. Rich'd Allen, Ch. Ward.

Jno. Parke, Jun'r, John Scott, John Foster, Wm. Waddill, George Poindexter, Wm. Bassett.

Reg'd JAMES TAYLOR, Clk. Vest.


At a Vestry held for St. Peter's Parish at the p'sh Church in New Kent County March the 3rd, 1707-8.


Capt. John Scott, Mr. Geo. Poindexter, Mr. Jno. Parke, Jun'r, Capt. John Foster, Mr. Wm. Bassett, Mr. Wm. Waddill, Mr. Richard Allen, Church Warden; Capt. Jno. Scott, one of Her Maj'ties Justices of the Peace for this County, Administered this day the oaths Appointed by Law to Coll. Joseph Foster one of

the gentlemen of the Vestry of St. Peter's Parish.

Reg'd p JAMES TAYLOR, Clk. Vest.

Jno. Parke, Jun'r, Wm. Waddill, George Poindexter, Jno. Foster Jno. Scott, Wm. Bassett.

Rich'd Allen Ch'r Warden.


At a Vestry held at St. Peter's Parish Church in New Kent county April the 2nd 1708.


Coll. Joseph Foster, Mr. Tho. Butts, Mr. Wm. Waddill, Capt. Jno. Foster, Mr. Wm. Bassett, Mr. Tho. Massie,

Mr. Rich'd Allen, Mr. Wm. Clopton, Ch. Wardens.

Whereas Mr. Daniel Taylor hath Complyed with a former Agreem't made with their Vestry. It's further Agreed with the S'd Mr. Daniel Taylor to Continue Preaching once a fortnight. To begin on Sunday the Eighteenth Day of the Instant Aprill and So on. Are to be paid for his so preaching Proportionable to 16,000 lbs of Tobo. p Annum and Cask.

Mr. Jno. Parke, Jun'r, is Elected Church warden to Assist Mr. Wm. Clopton this Ensuing year as usual.

Tho. Massie, Rich'd Allen, Tho. Butts, Jno. Foster, Wm. Waddill, Jo. Foster; Will Bassett.

Wm. Clopton, Ch. Warden.

Reg'd by JAMES TAYLOR, Cl. Vestry.


At a Vestry held at St. Peter's Parish Church in the County of New Kent, May ye 19th, 1708.


Mr. Geo. Poindexter, Mr. Tho. Massie, Coll. Joseph Foster, Capt. John Scott, Mr. Tho. Butts, Mr. Wm. Waddill, Capt: Rich'd Littlepage, Capt. Jno. Foster, Mr. Wm. Bassett, Mr. Rich. Allen.

Mr. Jno. Parke, Jun'r, Ch. warden.

Whereas, Mr. Sam'll Grey, min'r, at the Request of the vestry, has Preached A Sermon at St. Peter's Parish Church, And being unanimously Liked of, Wee the S'd vestry doe Agree with the S'd Mr. Sam'll Grey to Entertain him as our Min'r on the first Sunday after the Tenth of October next Ensuing upon the Same Terms which wee agreed with Mr. Rich. Squire.

Ordered That There be a vestry held at St. Peter's p'sh Church on Monday next, being ye 24th of this Instant. And Likewise ye Clerk is ordered to Give Notice on the next Sunday that there is a Dwelling house to be Built upon the Gleeb Land, And if any undertakers are Designed to undertake it, they are Desired to be at ye S'd vestry.

Jno. Parke, Jun'r, Ch. Warden.

Wm. Bassett, Wm. Waddill, Rich'd Allen, Rich'd Littlepage, Jno. Foster, Geo. Poindexter, Tho. Massie, Jo. Foster, Jno. Scott, Tho. Butts.

Reg'd p JAMES TAYLOR, Cl. V.


At a Vestry held at ye Schoolhouse at ye Brick Church for St. Peter's Parish in ye County of New Kent, May ye 24th, 1708.


Coll. Jos. Foster, Mr. Tho. Butts, Mr. Wm. Bassett, Mr. Wm. Waddill, Capt. Jno. Scott, Mr. Geo. Poindexter, Mr. Rich'd Allen, Mr. Tho. Massie.

Mr. Wm. Clopton, Mr. Jno. Parke. Jun'r, Ch. wardens.

Whereas Mr. Sam'll Gray, Min'r, hath p a former Order of Vestry made an Agreem't with this Vestry to be Entertained as Min'r in October next ensuing. The S'd Mr. Gray appearing at this vestry. And Agreed with this vestry to Begin to Preach in our Parish on Sunday ye 13th of June next Ensuing.

Whereas, Capt. Rich. Littlepage hath Agreed with this vestry to Build upon ye Gleeb Land a Dwelling house whose Dimensions are as followeth, viz.: Thirty-six feet in length, eighteen feet wide, Eight feet cleer from ye uper part of ye Cell. to ye uper part of ye Plate, Two Inside Chimneys, A pair or Strairs to go up in ye Clossett in ye Hall & a Closset in ye Chambers all ye frame to be Sawn & framed such as ye new way of Building is.

The Hall to be fourteen feet & ye Chamber twelve feet, two Rooms above & a Closset in ye iner Room, above, the floors to be laid above & below with Plank & Wainscotted above & below with Plank w’th Doors & Mantelpieces & in ye Hall two Transom windows, in ye Chamber one Ditto. In ye Chamber above each one Dormer window, three lights & a light at each end of ye house above Stairs & a small light in ye Closset below. To be weaher boarded w’th featheredge plank & a Gable ended & Covered w’th Plank & shingles w’th Cypress Shingles ye Covering & weatherboards to be well Tarred. The Chimney to be close larthed & plastered w’th Lyme & hair. The Backs & hearths Brick and ye house underpinned with Brick & Cornished each Side under ye eves. And to find Nayles, Lathes, Catches, Hinges, Locks, Glass & Casements & to finish all workmanlike, Turn & Go by ye last day of October next ensuing. For ye w’ch Building of ye S’d house according to ye Dimension aforesaid, We ye s’d vestry do agree with ye Capt. Rich’d Littlepage to pay him Thirty-two thousand pounds of sweet sented Tobo., Caske & Convenience with Proviso ye S’d Capt. Rich’d Littlepage Enter into a Bond with the Supervisers to finish the house According to ye Dimensions afores’d by ye Last day of Octorber next ensuing.

Mr. Geo. Poindexter & Mr. Wm. Waddill are elected & chosen Supervisers to see the Gleeb house built, according to ye Dimensions in ye above order. And also are Requested to take Bond of Capt. Rich’d Littlepage for ye Performance of ye above agreement.

Wm. Bassett, Tho. Massie, Jno. Scott, Wm. Waddill, Sam Gray, Tho. Butts, Rich’d Allen, Jos. Foster, Geo. Pondexter.

Wm. Clopton, Jno. Parke, Jun’r, Ch. Wardens.

Reg’d p JAMES TAYLOR, Clk. Vest.


At a vestry held at St. Peter’s Parish Church, in New Kent County, Aug’t 13th, 1708, &c

Whereas, Mr. Peter Massie being appointed Surveyor of the highways he Complaining to this vestry that the Assistance which he hath allowed is not sufficient to Clear the S’d Roade. It’s therefore ordered that Mr. Tho. Massie’s Male Tithables, Jno. Spheares, Edm. Harris & Charles Massie Give their Allowance in Clearing the S’d Surveyors roads belonging to his Precincts.



At a Vestry held at the Gleebs House in St. Peter’s Parish in the County of New Kent, October ye 30th, 1708.


Mr. Sam’l Gray, Min’r; Mr. Wm. Waddill, Coll. Joseph Foster, Capt. Jno. Scott, Mr. Thos. Butts, Mr. Geo. Poindexter, Capt. Rich’d Littlepage, Capt. Jno. Foster, Mr. Wm. Bassett, Mr. Rich’d Allen, Mr. Tho. Massie.

Mr. Jno. Parke, Jun’r, Ch. Ward.

St. Peter’s Parish, Dr. L. Tobo.
To Mr. Sam’l Gray, Min’r, from ye 18th of June to ye last of
8br 23 serm.
To C C to Ditto 911
To Mr. Gray More p Agreement 500
To C C to Do 70
To Mr. Dan. Taylor, Min’r for 3 Sermons at 500 p Agreem’t 1500
To C C to Do 210
To Mr. Dan. Taylor for 3 Sermons more Proportionable, &c 922
To C C to Do 129
To James Taylor Read’r & Clerk of ye Vestry for 9 Mon 1350
To Conveniency to Do 35
To Jno. Hillon, Sexton, for one year 570
To Capt. Clough’s Acct. Allowed 186
To Geo. Bradby 300
To Wm. Gardner for keeping A B Child 13 Mon. 1100
To C C to Do 154
To Tho. Mines for keeping ye Wid’w Faulkner 12 mon. 1100
To C C to Do 154
To Sam’l Bugg Allowed for work done at the Gleeb Plantation 500
To Rich. Crump, Acco. Allowed 300
To Mr. Rich. Allin & Mr. Wm. Waddill, Allowed for Expenses Going to
Town, Two Journeys, Each 100 p Journey
To Mr. Rich. Allin for 3 Bottles of Wine 90
To Jno. Helton’s Acco. Allowed 00325
To Capt. Littlepage’s Acct. Allowed 231
To Capt. Littlepage for building the Gleb House as by Agreement
p an Order of Vestry
To Ditto for an Addition to the House by Agreem’t 1200
To C C to ye whole 332,000 of Tob’co 4648
To Geo. Poindexter Acco. Allowed 440
To Mr. Geo. Poindexter Acco. Allowed for Plate and Ornaments for
ye Church
To C C for 14700 pd of Tob’co 2058
To Sallary of 72150 pd of Tob’co at 5 p cent 3617
To Peter Warren’s Acco. 40
To Sallary for 3420 hds of Tob’co Cr at 5 p cent 171
To Dar. Clark for going for ye Min’r 200
To Capt. Littlepage for Building a Stable upon the Glebe
As p Agreem’t by Mr. Gray
To C C to Do 98
To Sallary for 998 pds of Tob’co at 5 p cent 00049
Com. Dr. L. Tob L. Tob.
P Madam Levermore 1000
To C. C. to Do. 140
To Capt. James Morse 1000
To C. C. to Do 140
P Madam Squires 1000
To C. C. to Do. 0140
p 551 Tythables at one hundred and thirty-three pounds of Tob’co poll 073283
To A Deposit to pay the Collector next year 000322

The Parish Levy being proportioned amount to one hundred Thirty three pound of Tobacco p Poll. Which sum of 133 pd of Tob’co Capt. Rich. Littlepage is Ordered to Collect and pay it to those for whom it is Levyed upon Proviso; the S’d Rich. Littlepage Enter into Bond with the Church wardens according to Custom.

Ordered that Mr. Samuel Gray, Min’r, be continued as by a former order of Vestry.

Ordered that James Taylor be Continued Clerk of the Church and Vestry for the Ensuing year. And to be paid as usual.

Ordered that Jno. Hilton be Continued Sexton, and to be paid as usual.

Ordered that Mr. Thomas Massie furnish the Widow Morriss with such necessaries as he Shall think fitt. And bring in his charge at the next Levy Laying. This Vestry doth Agree with Capt. Littlepage to pay him Tob’co C C at one peney the pound at the next fall, For what Lead and oyl he shall think fit to use about the Gleeb house.

S. Gray, Wm. Bassett, Rich. Allin, Jno. Scott, Geo. Poindexter, Wm. Waddill, Tho. Massie, Jo. Foster, Rich. Littlepage, Tho. Butts, Jno. Foster.

Registered p JAMES TAYLOR, Cl. Vest.


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