St. Peters Parish, at a Vestry held at the Lower Church the 29 march, 1700.
Mr. James Bowker, minister.
Gideon Macon, Hene. Wyatt, James Moss, Wm. Bassett, John Lewis, John Park, Gent. Vestrymen. David Craford, Tho. Smith, Gent. Church wardens.
It is ordered that Mr. Hen. Wyatt & Mr. William Bassett do offiate as Church wardens for this insuing year in the place & stead of Mr. David Craford and Mr. Thomas Smith.
Regd WM. CLOPTON, Clk. Regt.
For St. Peters parish, Nek Kent County. At a vestry held at the house of Mr. James Moss 13th August, 1700.
Mr. James Bowker, minister.
Capt. Joseph Foster, Mr. Thomas Smith, Mr. Gideon Macon, Capt. John Lyddall, Mr. John Lewis, Mr. David Craford, Mr. James Moss, Capt. Nicho. Merewether, Mr. John Park, Vestrymen.
Mr. Hene. Wyatt, Mr. Wm Bassett, Church wardens.
Whereas the Lower Church of this parish is very much out of Repair and Standeth very inconvenient for most of the inhabittants of the said parish. Therefore ordered that as soon as conveniently may be a new Church of Brick Sixty feet long and twenty fower feet wide in the Cleer and fourteen feet pitch with a Gallery Sixteen feet Long be built and Erected upon the maine Roade by the School House near Thomas Jacksons, and the Clark is ordered to give a Copy of of This order to Capt. Nicho Merewether who is Requested to show the same to Will Hughes and desire him to draw a Draft of the said Church and to bee at the next vestry and Mr. Gideon Macon and Mr. Thomas Smith are Requested to treate with and buy an acre of Land of Thomas Jackson whreon to build the said Church and for a Church yard.
New Kent County. At a vestry held for St. Peters parish at the house of Mr. James Moss the 26 September, 1700.
Mr. James Bowker, minister.
Capt. Joseph Foster, Capt.
Jno. Lyddall, Mr. Thomas Smith, Mr. Jno Lewis, Capt. Nicho.
Merewether, Mr. James Moss, Mr. Gideon Macon, Mr. Jno. Parke,
Gideon Macon, Mr. Jno Parke, Church wardens.
The upper Inhabitants of this parish by their Pettiteon Setting forth that they Live very Remote from the Church, therefore pray that they may have a place apointed and preaching amongst them which is Refered to the Consideration of the next vestry.
Whereas there is Layed before this present vestry an order of Court held for New Kent County dated the 28th day of August last past wherein is Resighted an order of his Excellence and Councill dated at James City the To day of July, 1700, wherein the first part thereof signified that severall frauds and Abuces have been commited heretofore in Concealing County and parish tithes and Converting severall Gifts and Donations made to School and other Pious uses to other uses then were by the Donors Intended. and whereas the Said order Doeth direct that this vestry due Returne to the next Court held for this County aforesaid an exact List of all and Every Indeveduall Tythable in this parish this present yeare 1700 and a true and pfect acct.
Debtor and Creditor of the Parish Levy the last yeare 1699 and allso the Exact bounds and Limetts of this Parish. together with an acct. of what Gleabes or Gleabe Lands thereunto belonging of what value and Estimatin what gifts and Donations for the Advancement of scools and other pious uses when and by whom Given, &c. In answer to all which this present vestry doeth Return as followeth first an exact List of all and Every Indevidual Tythables in this parish which doeth amount to 738 tythables and allso an acct. Debtor and Creditor of this parish Levy the last year 1699 and alsoe that the Bounds of this Parish doeth begin at a Certain place on Pamaunkey River commonly known by the name of Capt. Bassett's ould Landing from thence Runing up.the Said River to the Extent of this County and soe over to Chickcohominy Swamp which Devides this from Henerico County and Soe Down the Said Swamp to the upper Eand of James City County and from thence by a line of marked trees to the place it first began and for the Gleabe Lands there is where the two Severall Churches Belonging to this Parish doeth Stand about 100 acres of Land at Each place of Little value and Estimation there being noe Improvement on either, and the Lower Church Speedely to be removed and as to Gifts and Donations for the advancement of schools and other pious uses there is not any in this Parish and the Clark is ordered to make Returne hereof to the next County Court.
Whereas Robert Magrime, who for some years past hath lived with the Hon'ble Jno. Lightfoot, Esq., and hath not been Listed this two years past and Mr. Gideon Macon offering to this vestry to take the said Magrime and keep him as long as he Can work and pay his Levys and keep him from being a Parish Charge During his natural life, therefore ordered'that the Sheriff sumon the said Mugrime to appear at the next Court to answer what the Court shall therein order.
This present vestry having taken into their Consideration the order of his Excellence and Councill baring date at James City the 10th July, 1700, together with an order of this County Court baring date the 28th August, 1700, this day Layd before them Conserning the Returning an acct. of the number of Tythables in this parish, together with the bounds and Limits of the Same in order to be Layd before the next Generall Assembly and the same being just at hand, and whereas this present vestry having Designed to build a Brick Church out of hand they have therefore thought good to Refer the laying of the Parish Levy for this present year and all other proceedings about the building the aforesaid Church till after the Eanding the Sessions of the next Gen'l Assembly, and all Persons that are Desirous to undertake any part of the said work Relating to the Building of the said Church shall have notice given of the time and place where the next vestry shall be held when they will then and there be Recorded.
Test: WM. CLOPTON, Clk. Vestry.
New Kent County Sct. At a vestry held for St. Peter's Parish at the uper Church the 25 November, 1700.
Mr. James Bowker, minister.
Capt. Joseph Foster, Mr.
Thos. Smith, Capt. Nicho. Meriwether, Mr. John Lewis, Mr. David
Craford, vestrymen.
Mr. Hene. Wyatt, Mr. Wm. Bassett, Church wardens.
St. Peter's Parish. Lbs. Tobacco.
To Mr. James Bowker, minister for one year | 16000 |
To Cask and Convenience for Ditto | 2240 |
To Wm. Copton, Clak of the parish for one year | 2289 |
To John Hilton; Sexton of the Lower Chur, 300 Cas 24 | 324 |
To John Webb, Sexton of the uper Church, 300 Cas 24 | 324 |
To Capt. Nicho. Merewether, acct. of Sheriff's fees | 40 |
To Mr. Geoe Clough his acct. of Clark's | 138 |
To Mr. David Craford, late Chur warden, the ball. of his acct | 1240 |
To Mr. Thomas Smith, late Chu'r warden, his 397 lb., 44 | 45 |
To Mr. Gideon Macon for 1 pr Large hooks and hinges | 60 |
To James Teate for worke done for Antho. Burross | |
To Mabell Wood, widdow, 500 Cask, 40 | 540 |
To Thomas Mims for maintaining ye wid. Faulkner and ye 1000 Ca | 1080 |
To Jno. Webb for washing ye Surplis & 2 days' work at ye Chu'h 70 Ca | 75 |
To John Hilton's acct. | 190 |
To Capt. John Lyddall the ball. of his acct. | 83 |
To Mr. Hene Wyatt, Chu Warden, his acct | 686 |
To Wm. Sanders for keeping Thos. Wilkinson one yea: 1000 Ca., 80 | 1080 |
To Clopton, his acct. for Recording proclamations and | |
Drawing over the Lists of tithables | 220 |
To James Sanders, his acct | 460 |
To Sallery of 27571 at 5 lbs. tobacco p Cent | 1378 |
To lie in the Collectors hands to reimburst the parish next Year | 00379 |
P. Conte, Wm. Timson | 29328 |
P. 752 tithables at 39 lb. tobacco p polo | 29328 |
It is Ordered that the parish Levy for this present year be thirty nine pounds of Tobacco p polo to be paid for Every tithable inhabitant in this parish to Defray the parish Charge, and that Capt. Nicholas merewether Receive and Collect the same and make payment to the several persons for whom it is Levyed and in Case of non payment to make Destress acording to Law and that the Clark * him a Copy of this Charge and take his Receipt for the same.
This present vestry doe hereby agree with Mr. James Bowker, minister for this ensuing year and to be paid sixteen thousand pounds of Tobacco and Cask Convenient as formerly.
Copa Test, WM. CLOPTON, Clk. vestry.
Ordered that William Clopton be Continued Clerk of that Parish and vestry for this insuing year and to be paid as formerly.
William Clopton being apointed Surveior of the highwayes in the place and stead of Stephen Crump and aploying himself to this defray for help to doe the work is ordered those tithables following, Vis: Capt. Thomas Bray, Stephen Michell, Stephen Nicholl, Jun., Will Forgison, William Crump, William Bourne, Stephen Crump, Richard Crump, the widdow Crump's tithables, Pelham more and John Crumps Jun: all which did formerly belong to Stephen Crump's presincts.
Registered p
WM. CLOPTON, Clk. Vest.
New Kent County. At a vestry held for St. Peter's parish at the house of Mr. John Lewis, 14 Febe., 1700-1.
Mr. James Bowker, minister;
Capt. Joseph Foster, Mr. James moss, Capt. John Lyddall, Mr.
Gideon Macon, Mr. Thomas Smith, Mr. David Craford, Mr. John
Lewis, Mr. John Park, Capt. Nicho. merewether, vestrymen.
Mr. Hene Wyatt, Mr. Win. Bassett, Chu'h wardens.
Where as at a vestry held for this parish the 13 Janue last the Clark was ordered to sum Mr. John Park Jne to be one of the vestry for this parish in the place and stead of Capt. Thomas Bray, Late dec't, who haveing appeared according sumon amd taken the oathe enjoyned by act of Parlament to be taken in stead of the oathes of alegence and Supremacy together with the oath of a vestryman: and subsented the test and associacion it admited into the vestry.
Mr. John Park, Jne aded.
Thomas Jackson having appeared at this present vestry hath agreed toe and with the said vestry to make one hundred thousand good and well burnt brick fit for building each and Every brick to be moulded in a Shod mould of 9 inches 3/4 in length and 4 3/4 in width and 4 inches 1/2 thick in the Cleer all the afore said bricks to be layd down or delivered upon the Ground where the Church is to be built and in consideration of the said work this vestry doe promise and agree to pay the said Jackson ten thousand pounds of Legall sweet-sented tobacco and Cask Convt in this parish this present year, 1701, and teen thousand pounds of Like qualified tobacco as aforesd and Cask Convt. in this parish in the year 1702.
Vincent Vaughn hath this day agreed too and with this present vestry to doe all the sawyers work belonging to the Church Compleated and workman Like be the same Either Plank or Skantling for one pound of Tobacco and Cask, to be paid Convt in this parish p feet, and to Lay all the said plank and timber down upon the Ground where the said Church is to be built as fast as the Carpenter shall require the same.
Recorded p Wm. CLOPTON Cl.
David Craford, Nicholas Merewether and Wm. Basserr absent whereas at a vestry held for this parish at the House of Mr. James Moss the 13th Augt, 1700 it was ordered and agreed that as soon as Conveniently could be made a new Church of Brick 60 feet Long 24 feet wide and 14 feet pitch in the Cleer with a Gallerey 16 feet long Should be built and Erected upon the main Roade by the School house neer Thomas Jacksons and for the performance and forwarding the said work accord ing to the aforesaid order this vestry do Request and apoint Jon Lewis and Gideon Macon, Gentn Supervisers and Directors of the said work to agree with and toe any workmen that shall offer themselves to undertake any part of the Sd work that hath not been allwady agreed with and for what ever the Superavisers doe agree for in Tobacco and Cask Convt this vestry doe promise to performe and abide by and make punctuall payment of the Same and that the Collector make noe payment to any workman but upon a note signd by the Sd Superviasers and the Superviasers are Requested to take bond with Good Securities of all workmen that have or shall undertake any part of the Sd work for due performance of the same, and that all bonds be taken paiable to the Superavisers and Directors for the use of the parish and that the Superavisers give bond in behalfe of the parish to all workmen for due payment of their tobacco according to agreement.
William Hughes, Carpenter, hath this day agreed toe and with this vestry to doe and performe all the Carpenters, Joyners and hewers work of a Church to be built neer the house of Thomas Jackson and acording to the Severall Drafts this day Subscribed by the said Hughes and to performe all the said work Compleated and workman Like of Length, breadth and pitch acording to an order of vestry dated the 13th Augt, 1700 and in Consideration of the sd work this vestry are to pay the Sd Hughes twenty-five thousand pounds of sweet sented tobacco and Cash Convenient in this parish that is to say one halfe at the * all after the Raising and Covering the said Church and the other halfe at the Compleate finishing the said work and when the whole work is finished if it be done to the Liking of the major part of the said vestry then this vestry doe promise to pay him, the Said Hughes, one thousand pounds of Sweet sented Tobacco and Cask Conv't over and above the aforesaid mencioned * * * and further the said Hughes doeth promise to Enter into bond with Good Securities when Required.
Recorded p
WM. CLOPTON, Clk. Vestr.
At a vestry held for St Peter's parrish at the House of Capt. nicho merewether the 4 June, 1701.
Mr. James Bowker, minister.
Joseph Foster, Nico. Merewether, John Park, Thos. Smith. Gideon
Macon, John Park, Jr., John Lewis, David Craford, Gent.,
Hene. Wyatt, Win. Bassett, Gent., Church wardens.
It is ordered that Mr. Hen'e Wyatt and Mr. Win. Basserr are Continued Church wardens for this ensuing year.
It is ordered by this present vestry that the Church wardens from time to time provide all such nailes and other necessarys as are necessary and Convent for Carrying on the building of a brick Church in this parish and that they hire some man to see the oyster Shoals measured and give a Receipt to the Sloopman for the same.
Upon the mocion of Mr. James Bowker, minister of this parish, whose sermons for thanksgiveing or upon Holydays should be preached it is the opinion of this vestry that the Sermons are successively preached one at the one and the other Church having noe Regard to Sabbath days.
Recorded p
WM. CLOPTON, Clk vest.
At a vestry held for St. Peter's Parish at the house of Mr.John Park the 22 October, 1701
Mr. James
Bowker, minister.
Joseph Foster, John Park, Thomas Smith, John Park, junr,
Gentlemen vest.
Wm. Bassett, Hen.e Wyatt, Gentn, Church wardens.
ST. PETER'S PARISH. Dr. Lbs. Tobacco.
To Mr. James Bowker, minir, for one year, 16,000 Lbs. C. C., 2240 | 18240 |
To William Clopton Cla'k, for one year | 2289 |
To John Hilton, Sexton of the Lower Chuh, 300 Ca., 24 | 324 |
To John Webb, Sexton of the uper Chu'h, 300 Ca., 24 | 324 |
To Wm. Bassett, Chu. ward., for Comu. wine, 180 C. C.,25 | 205 |
To Mr. Tho. Poindexter, p acct, 80 Ca., 6 | 120 |
To Mr. Henr. Wyatt, Chu. warden, p his acc't | 1341 |
To Thomas Wingfield, to keep a bastard child 8 months | 700 |
To Idem p acc't | 106 |
To Char Bryan, for keeping Eliz. Brown 9 weeks, 190 Ca.,15 | 205 |
To John Hilton, p acc't, 110 Ca., 9 | 119 |
To Nicho Gentry for Clothes for Mabell Wood, 899 Ca., | |
and Sunderall Charges for Idem | 971 |
To Tho. Mims for keep ye widd. Faulkner 1 year, 1000 Ca.,80 | 1080 |
To Wm. Sanders for keep Tho. Wilkinson 1 year, 1000 Ca.,80 | 1080 |
To Idem p acct | 60 |
To James Blackwell the ball of his acc't | 272 |
To Mr. Geo. Clough, Cla'r, his acc't of fees | 60 |
To Tho. Jackson, for one acre of land to build a Chuh upon acording to agreement | |
but to Lye in the Superaiviser's hands till it be acknowledged, 200 CC 28 | 228 |
To Tho. Jackson his 1st payment for bricks for ye Chuh 10000 C.C., | 11400 |
To the Superaivisers for vincent vaughn, Sawyer for plank | |
and timber for the S'd Chu'h, 12000 C. C., 1680 | 13680 |
To Idem for 120 hhds. Oyster Shoals at 45 Tobq per hhd 5400 C C., 756 | 6156 |
To Idem for Carting 120 hhds. Shoals at 25 p hhd., 3000 C. C., 420 | 3420 |
To idem to Lye in Ch'r wardens' hands to be desposed of | |
for nailes for ye Sd Chu'r, 2000 C. C5., 280 | 2280 |
To William Clopton for Record, procla | 110 |
To Saller of 63856 lbs. of Tobacco at 5 P cent | 3192 |
The Parish Levy being proportioned amountts to Eighty-four pounds of tobacco p polo, which same of Eighty-fouer pounds of Tobacco William Clopton is hereby ordered and impowered to Collect and Receive from Each and Every tythahle person in this parish, and in Case of non-payment to Levy the same by Destress, and that the same Clopton give bond to the Church wardens for the said Collection.
It is ordered by this present vestry that the Church wardens provide Three sufficient Laborers to atend the bricklayer or bricklayers in building a brick Church upon a acre of Land bought of Thomas Jackson upon Stone Swamp neer the said Jackson's house, and that they be ready some time in the month of March, and that they take Care the said Laborers have Sufficient Dyet, washing and Lodging for 6 months, and soe proportionable for a Longer or a Shorter time bein' for the Said wages and Dyet.
Whereas, this vestry taking into their serious Consideration the remotenes of the upper inhabitants of this parish from the upper Church, and not to hinder the propagation of Christianity, have Requested and accordingly ordered Mr. James Bowker, minister of the said parish, to preach a Sermon one Sabbath day in Every month at Such Convenient place as the aforesaid inhabitants shall pleas to apoint and the said Mr. Bowker is Likewise desired to give notice in the Churches what Sundays he will he absent upon 'the said ocation, and William Clopton, the Cla'k, is Likewise ordered to give his attendance with the minister.
It is ordered that Thomas Sneades bill of 500 lbs. of tobacco and Cask Lye in the hands of Mr. William Bassett, Church warden, and by him to be desposed of for nails for and towards the building the Church and to returne an acc't to the next vestry.
Mr. Henr wyatt hath this day agreed toe and with this present vestry to get 20000 Good Sound Sipres Shingles for Covering for the brick Church Each and every Shingle to be 18 inches in Length, and none to be more than 5 inches in breadth, or none over than 3 inches, and not to be Less than 1/2 an inch or more than 3/4 of an inch thick, and all to be well rounded and bundled up fit to be Layed into a Cart by the 10th Septembr next, and Delivered on this Side Chickahomana Swamp, where a Cart may Conveniently Come to take them up in the neck below and adjacent to the Land where Richard Scrugs now Lives with in the County of New Kent, and that he be payed for the same two thousand pounds of tobacco and Cask Conven't.
Convenient at the Laying the next Levy. Likewise the said Mr. Henry Wyatt doth further agree with this vestry to send for England in this present Shipping for Ironwork, Glass for Sash windows, and paint for the aforesaid Church acording as the Carpenter shall Give Directions, and to be alowed 45 lbs p Cent. from the Superaviser's notes * in tobacco and Cask. Convenient at the middle markuit price, and that Mr. Wyatt take his Directions for Sending for the aforesaid Goods from Mr. William Hughes, the Carpenter, who is to build the said Church.
Thomas Jackson hath this day agreed with this vestry to Cart all Shingles for Covering the Brick Church to be built in this parish from Chickahomany Swamp to the place where the said Church is to be built at 25 Lbs. of Tobacco and Cask, Conyenient p thousand, and to begin the said Carting by the 10th day of September next, and Soe to be Continued the same till they are all brout in place.
Whereas, Elizabeth Brown is in a very Deplorable Condition, and noe way able to help herself it is therefore ordered that Mr. Charles Bryan take the Said Eliz. and provide nessecarys for her. and to be alowed at the rate of 1200 Lbs. Tobacco p annum Soe long as She shall remaine in that Condition.
Ordered that John More forthwith Cleer and make good the Roads and Sutable briges from Coll. Lyddalls ould field to the mill upon black Creeke and thence to the Lower mill on the Same Creeke, and Soe back by Geo. Yorke into the main Roade by Coll. Lyddalls.
This present vestry do hereby agree with Mr. James Bowker, minister, for this ensuing year, and to be payed sixteen thousand pounds of Tobacco and Cask Convenient as formerly.
Ordered that Will. Clopton be continued Clak of this parish and vestry for this insuing year, and to be paid as formerly.
Rege'r p WM.
CLOPTON, CIk of Vest.
At a Vestry held for St. Peter's parish at the House of Capt. Joseph Foster.
Capt. Joseph
Foster, Mr. Thomas Smith, Majr Nicho meriwether, Mr. James
Moss, Mr. David Craford, Capt. John Lyddall, Mr. John Parks, Mr.
John Parks, Jur, Vestrymen.
Mr. Wm. Bassett, Mr. Henry Wyatt, Chur wardens.
In Compliance with an order of Court dated the 28 Januery last, it is ordered that the Clerke forthwith send out orders to the Severall Inhabitants of this parish to prosession their Lands.
Whereas, Mr. John Alford and Mr. Will. major made Complaint to this vestry that they have never had their Lands prossessioned acording to Law, the orders being Lodged in the hands of Coll. John Lightfott, who never put the Same in Execution' Therefore, ordered that John wilson, John Lightfoot, Esq'r, Mr. Will. major, Mr. John Alford, Danll Parks, Esq., and William Millington forthwith goe on prosessioning and reamark Each others bounds, and make returns of this order to the next vestry.
In Compliance with an order of the vestry of Blissland parish for prosessioning the bounds between this parish and the parish of Blissland, Capt. Joseph Foster, Mr. Thomas Smith, Mr. Henr Wyatt and Mr. John Park, Ju'r, or any two of them are re: quested to meet the Gent of Blissland parish at the House of Mrs Butts on the 16th of this instant, and prosession and reamark the bounds between the two parishes, and the Clerke is ordered to give a Copy of an order of vestry dated the 4 May, 1689, relating to the bounds between the Sd parishes to the Gen't apoynted.
Whereas, at a meeting of Certaine Gen't of the vestry of this parish at the House of Mr. Gideon Macon the 8th December, 1701 the power of Superavisers invested in the Church wardens for the time being it is, therefore, ordered that the power of Superavisers be still continued in the Said Church wardens.
Whereas, Mr. Gideon Macon, one of the vestry of this parish, is lately de cest, and Mr. John Lewis lately Departed this County, it is ordered that Mr. Henry Chilles be a vestryman in the place and stead of Mr. Gideon Macon, and Mr. Richard Littlepage be a vestryman in the place & stead of Mr. John Lewis, and the Clerke is ordered to Request them to meet at the next vestry.
Ordered that the Church wardens forthwith Send to Thomas Becket and Zackery Ellis or any other Bricklayers to Come and view the Bricks made by Thomas Jackson for the building a brick Church in this parish whither they are good and well burnt, fitt for building and that the viewers make Report thereof, and that the Church ,wardens pay them for their Trouble.
Rege'r p W.
CLOPTON, Clk vest'r.
At a vestry held for St. Peter's parish at the House of Mr. Hene. Wyatt, the 6 Aprill, 1702
Mr. James Bowker, minister.
Capt. Joseph Foster, Capt. John Lyddall, Maj. Nicho Meriwether,
Mr. John Park, Mr. John Park, Jnr.
Mr. Henr Wyatt, Mr. Wm. Bassett, Church wardens.
Whereas, at a vestry held for this parish the 4 March last, the Clerke was ordered to Request Mr. Hen'r Chilles. and Mr. Rich'd Littlepage to be Vestrymen in the places of Mr. Gideon Macon, accordingly, and Mr. John Lewis and Mr. Hen'r Chilles haveing this day appeared and taken the oathes injoyned by act of Parlament to be taken in Stead of the oathes of allegiance and Supremesy together with the oath of a vestryman and Subscribed the test and assosiacion is admited into this vestry.
Mr. Henry Chilles aded.
It is ordered that Mr. James Moss and Maj. Nicholas Meriwether doe offiate as Church wardens for this Insuing year in the place and Stead of Mr. Wm. Bassett and Mr. Hene. Wyatt.
Whereas, there is a great Church of Brick a building in this parish, and the Churchwardens Liveing somewhat remote from the said building, therefore, Capt. John Foster and Capt. John Lyddall with the Churchwardens as Superavisers from time to time to give their direction and assistance for Carrying on the Said work.
Stephen Moon aploying himself to this vestry of help to Cleer the Roades in his precincts is ordered beside what he had formerly all the tithables at the quarters of Mr. John Page and Mr. Geo. Poindexter.
Whereas, Mr. Hene. Wyatt and Mr. Wm. Bassett, Late Church wardens, have bought of and Supose to have paid Excep about 6 mos., Majr Nicolas meriwether one of the present Church wardens, 30m, 6 25m 10h 15m 20h and 10m 4d nails, the Said majr meriwether doeth promise to send (by the first oppertunity) the Said nailes to Robert Pasleys Landing, and Thomas Jackson is ordered to bring them up to his House and deliver them to the workmen from time to time as they shall have need of them for and towards the Carrying on the Said building.
p WM. CLOPTON, Clk vestr
New Kent County, Sct. At a vestry held for St. Peter's parish at the house of Mr. John Park, Ju'r, the 23rd Sept, 1702
Mr. James Bowker, minister.
Joseph Foster, John Lyddall, Nicho. Meriwether, James Moss, Hene.
Chilles, David Craford, Wm. Bassett, Hene. Wyatt, John Park, John
Park, Junr, Gen. Vestrymen.
ST. PETER'S PARISH. Dr. Lbs. Tobacco.
To Mr. James Bowker, minister, for 1 yer, 16000 C. C. 2240 | 18240 |
To Wm. Clopton, Clek, for 1 year | 2289 |
To John Hilton, Sexton of ye Lower Church, 300 Cs., 24 | 324 |
To John Webb, Sexton of ye uper Church, 300 Cs., 24 | 324 |
To Wm. Clopton, misscast Last year, 128 C. C., 101 | 829 |
To John Webb for wash ye Surplis | 50 |
To John Hilton for the Same | 50 |
To Jno. Gonton for Anth, Burrows p Mr. Bassett's obligation, 900 C. C., 126 | 1026 |
To Cha's Bryan for maint. Eliz. Browning 4 mo., 335 C. C., 46 | 381 |
To Mr. David Craford for 1 pr Stockins for Id., 25 C.C | 328 |
To Majr Nicho. Meriwether p acc't, 676 C. C., 94 | 770 |
To James Sanders for keep'g Thos. Wilkins 1 yr, 1000 Ca., 80 | 1080 |
To Idem for Cask of 700 Lbs: Toba., omitted Last year | 56 |
To Idem p acct, 125 C. C., 17 | 142 |
To James Sanders p acc't | 15 |
To Mrs. Alice Butts p acc't | 60 |
To Nicho. Amoss for keep 1 of Bur'll Chapell's Childr | 100 |
To Robt Pasly p acc't, 235 Ca., 18 | 253 |
To Tho. Mims for keep wid. faulkner 1 y'r, 1000 1., 80 | 1080 |
To Mr. James Moss p acc't | 36 |
To Mr. Tho. Poindexter, an error in a Levy and I700 | 39 |
To Mr. Henr Wyatt p acc't, 1165 C. C., for 978, 136 | 1301 |
To the Supervisers for vin. vaughn, 6000 C. C, 840 | 6840 |
To * * * * * * * * * * * | * * |
To the Superriser for Mr. Wyatt for paint, Glass, Lead, &c., for ye Brick Church | 4500 |
To Idem towards building a Church upon Mechams Creeke, 7000 C C, 98 | 7980 |
To Robert Pasley for Conv. for his acc't | 00016 |
98193 | |
To Sallery of 98193 Lbs. Tobacco at 5 lbs tobacco p * * | 04909 |
103102 | |
p 895 tithables at 115 Lbs. tobacco p polo | 102925 |
p Ball to reimburse ye ColIec'r nex year | 00177 |
103102 |
The parish Levy being proportioned amounts toe one hundred and fifteen pounds of Tobacco p polo which same of one hundred and fifteen pounds of Tobacco Maj'r Nicholas Meriwether is hereby irapowered to Receive and Collect of and from Each and Every tithable p'son within this parish, and in Case of non payment to make destress for the Same and to make payment accordingly as the same is proportioned, and enter into bond with Security for the said Collection.
It is ordered by this vestry that the Churchwardens forthwith bind out Sam'll Chapell, Burnell Chapell and William Mallitt, three poore Children of this parish.
Upon the petition of the upper inhabitants of this parish presented by John Kimburrow, James nuckols and Richard Corley Laying down that they are very remote from the Church, it is ordered that a new Church or Chapell be built upon the upper Side of mechamps Creeke adjoining to the Kings Roade forty feet Long and twenty feet wyde, framed and planked in Every respect like to the upper Church: Mr. John Kimburrow assuming to this vestry that he will Give two acres of Land Conventlent to the Saide roade and a Spring and Likewise all maner of Timbers for building the Said Church, and maj'r Nicholas Meriwether and Mr. Henrey Chilles are requested and impowered to agree with any workman or workmen that shall offer themselves to undertake all or any part of the said worke.
Upon the petition of Elizabeth Johnson, a poore woman, in this parish, it is ordered that Mr. John * * * keep the .said Elizabeth Johnson and toe find her sufficient Clothing, meete, drink, washing and Lodging, and all other nessicaries whatever, and to be paid for the Same Six hundred pounds of Tobacco and Cask p annum, and soe proportion * for a longer or shorter time.
Upon the petition of James Turner Setting forth that he has been visited with Lameness and sickness severall years in So much that he hath spent all his substance upon Phesitians and nessicaries, therefore, ordered that Samuell Waddy keep the same James Turner during Life and to find him sufficient Clothing, meate, drink, washing and Lodging, and all nessicaries, and to be paid twelve hundred pounds of Tobacco and Cask p annum, and soe proportionable for a longer or a shorter time the said Wadde assuring to this vestry to keep the said Turner for the Sume of 1200 lbs. of Tobacco, and bring noe Claime against the parish for the same.
This vestry do hereby agree toe and with Mr. James Bowker, minister, for the ensuing year and to be paid Sixteen thousand pounds of Tobacco and Cask Convenient as usuall.
Ordered that Wm. Clopton bee Continued Clerke for the ensuing year, and to be paid as usual.
Recorded p
WM. CLOPTON, Clk of Vest.
At a vestry held for St. Peter's Parish at the house of Mr. James Moss the 27th day of febe, 1702-3.
Mr. James Bowker, minister.
Capt. Jas. Foster, Mr. Henr Chilles, Mr. David Craford Mr.
Will Bassett, Mr. Jno. Park, Junr, Vestrymen.
Mr. James Moss, Mr. Nicho. meriwether, Chuh wardens.
Whereas, his Excellence by his Proclamation dated the. I6 Januery, 1702, Requiring the County Courts within this Colony to Give Strict Charge to the vestrys of their Respective Parishes to send by the Burgesses for next assembly a True account of their Respective parish Levys together with an account of any Gleabe belonging to the Said parishes, and of what value what Lands, Houses, Donations or Legases have ben given for the promoting of Scholes or for other pious uses when and by whom given and how Employed to the Eand the said accounts may be Layd before the Genell Assembly which order being now Layd before this vestry to Consider doe Returne as followeth, viz.: a true Copy of the parish Levy for the last year 1702, and that there is two parcells of Gleabe Lands Each Containing about 100 acres and noe improvement upon Either, and for Lands, Houses, Donations or Legases there is none Given.
James Knott, plasterer, doeth and hath this day agreed with this vestry to drive and naile on the Lathes and doe all the Lathing plastering and painting work that is to be done in, on or about a Brick Church now built in this parish, and to doe and performe all the said worke Compleated and workmanlike and to Enter upon the work with in a forth night and not to doe any other worke till it be Compleated and finished, and in Consideration of the Said worke this vestry doe promise to pay the Said James Knott foure thousand five hundred pounds of,Tobacco and Cask Convenient at the Laying of the next Levy, and the Said Knott to find him help to send him and Enter into bond to the Church wardens for the performance of the same.
Mr. Richard Littlepage haveing met at this vestry acording to Sumons and taken the oathes of alegence and Supremecy together with the oath of a vestryman and Subscribed to the test is admited to the vestry.
Mr. Richard Littlepage, Mr. Henr Wyatt, present.
Richard Hood upon his petition to this vestry is declared free from paying any parish Levy.
William Moore, a sick and Lame man, belonging to this parish, brought to this vestry by Wm. Martin, is promised to be alowed for his meate, drink, washing and Lodging Six hundred pounds of Tobacco p annum and so proportionable for a longer or a shorter time.
George Alais aplying himself to this for help to Cleer the roades in his precincts is ordered John Tyler, Richard maidlin, Nicholas Gentry, Thomas Tinsley, John Burley and all the tithables from thence up the North side of Totopatomoys Creeke.
Mr. Robert Anderson, Jun'r, aploying himselfe to this vestry for help to Cleere the roades in his precincts is ordered those tithables following all the tithables on the South side the Queene's high roade that goeth by afasven and so up the South Side of Totopotomoys Creeke to Chickhaminy Swamp and down the said Swamp to the north side of Beverdam Swamp and up the said Swamp to the head of Mattadecon Creeke and thence down the said Creeke to Mr. Lewis's mill.
Peter mafe upon his motion to this vestry is ordered to his tithables the tithables on Mr. Edloes plantation John Jones and Michael Johnson.
Cornelius Hall doeth this day agree to and with this vestry to doe and performe all the underpinning brick worke acording to the direction of Wm. Hughes, Carpenter, that is to be done in the Brick Church now built in this parish, and to be paid fouer hundred pounds of Tobacco and Cask Convenient for the same at Laying of the next Levy.
John Lydall present.
Thomas Jackson hath this day agreed with this vestry to find lumber sufficient for Lathes, Sand and wood to burn the Lime and bring the Same in place and to find sufficient helpe, to send the plasterer during the plastering the Brick Church and to give his assistance to Cornelius Hall while he is underpining the place for the pews and Communion table, and to be paid for the same five thousand pounds of Tobacco and Cask Convenient at Laying the next Levy and the Clerke is ordered to take his bond paiable to the Church wardens for the performance of the same.
James Moss and Nocholas Meriwether, Gentlemen, are chosen and elected Churchwardens for the Insuing year, and to begin their time from Easter next.
Reger. WM.
CLOPTON, Clk Vest.
At a Vestry held for St. Peter's Parish at the house of Mr. James Moss, 23 Apr., 1703.
Capt. Joseph Foster, Mr. Henr Wyatt, Mr. Wm. Bassett, Capt. John Lyddall, Mr. John Parks, Junr, Mr. Richd Littlepage, Vestrymen.
Majr Nicho. Meriwether, Mr. James Moss, Churchwardens.
Upon the petition of Mary Pyrant setting forth that she is very ancient, Lame and altogether unable to get her own Liveing, it is, therefore, ordered that she be alowed five hundred pounds of Tobacco and Cask p annum, and so proportionable for a Longer or shorter time.
Richard Harry upon his petition to this vestry is Declared free from paying any Parish Levy.
Ordered that the Clerk Request Capt Nathaniel West to be at the next vestry to be sworne a vestryman in the place of Mr. Thomas Smith, Late Dec't.
Whereas, the Reverend Mr. Richard Squire is Recommended by his Excellence to this parish as a minister fully quallified, and the parish being vaquent of a minister by the death of the Reverend Mr. James Bowker, this vestry doe, therefore, in the Behalf of this parish agree with the said Mr. Richard Squire to offlate as minister in the said Parish, as Mr. Bowker used to doe, that is to say, one Sunday in Every month. * *
At a vestry held for St. Peter's parish at the Brick Church the 13 July, 1703
Mr. Richard Squire, minister.
Capt. Jos. Foster, Mr. Henr Wyatt, Mr. Wm. Richd Mr. Richd Littlepage, Mr. John Parks, Mr. John Parks, Jur, Vestrymen.
Mr. James Moss, Maj'r Nicho. Meriwether, Churchwardens.
It is ordered that the pulpet in the said Brick Church be Sett upon the north Side thereof.
Mr. Richard Littlepage is Requested and acordingly joyned with Capt. Joseph Foster to be Superaviser of the worke to be done about the Brick Church in the place of Capt. John Lyddall, Late dect.
Mr. John Scott haveing mett att this vestry and taken the oathes of alegence and Supremacie together with the oath of a vestryman and Subscribed the Test, is admited to the vestry in the place of Capt. John Lyddall, Late Dec't.
Cornelius Hall, Bricklayer, hath this day agreed with this vestry to brick the Ile of the Brick Church from dore to dore Compleated and workman like and to be paid for the same Seven hundred pounds of Tobacco and Cask Convt at Laying the next Levy, and that he find all Laborers to doe the said worke and doe the said worke when Ever the Supervisors shall call for the Same.
Reg'd p WM.
CLOPTON, Clk Vestr.
New Kent County. At a vestry .held for St. Peter's Parish at the Brick Church ye 27th Octo'r, 1703.
Mr. Richard Squire,
Capt. Joseph Foster, Mr. Wm. Bassett, Mr. Jno. Parks, Capt.
Richard Littlepage Mr. John Parks, Jun'r, Mr. Jno. Scott, Mr.
Henr Chilles, Vestrymen.
Capt. James Moss, Majr Nicho. Meriwether, Churchwardens.
ST. PETER'S PARISH, Dr. Lbs. Tob'o.
To Mr. Ralp Bowker, Exec for Mr. James Bowker, for 5 month and | 7693 | ||
1/2 To C. C. for ditto at 14 p Cent | 1077 | ||
To Mr. Wm. Williams for 3 sermons | 1200 | ||
To C. C. for Ditto | 168 | ||
To Mr. Rich'd Squire from the 11 April to 11 January, 9 months | 12000 | ||
To C. C. for Ditto | 1680 | ||
To Will. Clopton Clarke for 1 year | 2289 | ||
To Jno. Hilton, Sexton of ye Lower Church, 300 Ca., 24 | 324 | ||
To Idem for washg ye Suplis and nailes for ye window | 60 | ||
To Jno. Webb, Sexton of ye upper Church, 300 Ca., 24 | 324 | ||
To Idem for washing ye Surplis | 50 | ||
To Mr. Geo. Clough, his acct of fees | 450 | ||
To Mr. John Stamp Sherr acct of fees | 45 | ||
To Will'm Clopton, his acct | 174 | ||
To Mr. John Scott his acct 215 C. C., 30 | 245 | ||
To Mr. Tho. Mims for ye wid. faulkner, 1 yr, 1000 Ca., 80 | 1080 | ||
To Wm. Martin for Wm. Moore, 600 Ca., 48 | 648 | ||
To the wid. Perant, 500 Ca., 40 | 540 | ||
To John Gonton for keep Antho. Burrows I yr, 1000 Ca. 80 | 1080 | ||
To Sam. Wadde for keep Jam. Turner 1 yr, 1200 Ca., 96 | 1296 | ||
To John Kimburrow for 1 y'r rent for the use of his house to preach in, 600 Ca., 48 | 648 | ||
To Tho. More for trouble a Ct. Indian Ross | 220 | ||
To Will. Atkinson, 600 Ca., 48 | 00648 | ||
33939 | |||
To Maj'r Nicho. Meriwether ye ball. of his acc't | 1387 | ||
To C. C. for Ditto | 193 | ||
To Mr. Jam's Moss his acct, 345 C. C., 46 | 361 | ||
To Cha's Bryan for Trouble abt Eliz. Browne | 100 | ||
To Madam Sarah Bray her acct, 540 C. C., 73 | 613 | ||
To David Clarkson his acct, 57 C. C., 8 | 65 | ||
To Mr. Geo. Poindexters acct, 200 C. C., 28 | 228 | ||
To Mr. Rich'd Littlepages acct, I518 C. C., 212 | 1730 | ||
To the widd. King for keep a bastard Child born at Mrs. Butts, | |||
6 months, 500 Ca., 40 | 540 | ||
To James Sanders for keep Tho. Wilkins,3 months, 8 days at 1000 p annum | 282 | ||
To Idem p acc't | 0195 | ||
6329 | 1/2 | ||
To ye Supervisers for Tho. Jackson p agrem 5000 Ca., 40 | 5400 | ||
To Mr. Wm. Major p acc't | 50 | ||
To Tho. Jackson his acc't regulated, 1840 Ca., 143 | 1983 | ||
To the Supervisers for Corn'l Hall, 700 C. C., 98 | 798 | ||
To Idem for Wm. Hughes 2 paymt 1250 C. C., 1750 | 14250 | ||
To Idem for Jam. Knott, 4500 C. C., 630 | 5130 | ||
To James Knott p acct | 75 | ||
To the Supervisers for Jno. Uppehew p ordr of Vincent Vaughn, 3223 C. C., 423 | 3446 | ||
To Idem for Vinct Vaughn ye ball. of his acct 601 C. C., 84 | 684 | ||
31916 | |||
To Jno. Kimburrow,
Ju'r, and Jam. Babbitt, Lawyers, but to Lye in Maj'r Merriwether and Capt. Chilles hands as Supervisors of the Chapell till the work be done, 2659 C. C., 272 |
2931 | ||
To Idem p acct, 200 C. C., 28 | 228 | ||
To Mr. Henr Chilles p acc't, 185 C. C, 25 | 210 | ||
To John Dod p acc't 65 C. C., 08 | 73 | ||
To the Supervisers of the Chapell for Jno. Dod, 6000 C. C., 840 | 06840 | ||
10282 | |||
Sum Totall | 82466 | 1/2 | |
So Saller of 82466 1/2 at 5 p cent | 4128 | ||
86589 | 1/2 | ||
Cr. p 936 Tithables at 91 lbs. Tobacco p polo | 86376 | ||
To the Collect'r for deposits to be p'd next year | 213 | ||
86589 | |||
P. Conte, Cr. | |||
P Colle Joseph Foster | 70 | ||
P Majr Merriwether for 1 Lock mischae | 50 | ||
P Mrs Butts, 500 Ca 40 | 540 | ||
P Capt. Lyddall for Eliz. Portlocks bastard, 500 Ca 40 | 540 | ||
The Parish Levys being proportioned amounts to | 1200 |
Ninety one pounds of Tobacco p polo which Sum of ninety one pounds of Tobacco William Clopton is hereby impowered and ordered to receive from Each tithable person in this parish, and in case of non payment to make destress, and that he make payment of the same to the Severall persons to whom it is Levyed an that he enter into bond with Sufficient Securitie to the Churchwardens for the use of the parish for the due payment of the Same.
Whereas this parish have been at greate Charge in building a Brick Church and Chappell and at present can not find a suitable place for a Gleabe doe therefore agree with Mr. Philip Levermore for the house and plantation where Capt. John Lyddall lived at the yearly rent of one thousand pounds of tobacco and Cask Conv't so long as the parish shall think fit to hire the same for the minister to Live upon, but if Mr. Levermore or his Lady should happen to Come into Virginia that then the said Plantation be immediately surrendered to them if Required.
Whereas Mr. Philip Levermore hath appeared at this vestry and agreed with the said vestry in behalfe of the parish that he doeth Lett them the Plantation whereon he now Lives Lately belonging to John Lyddall, Gen. dec't from year to year and Longer if the parish shall think fit, the parish paying him the Said Levermore the annual Rent of one thousand lbs. sweet sented tobacco and Cask Conv't for the same, and that the Church wardens take a Lene for the same.
Whereas upon the mocion of Mr. Richard Squire, this Parish doe Levy his Saller to the 11 day of Januery next.
Peter Maye did this day produce an order of Court whereto he is Sett Levy free.
Upon the mocion of Mr. John Kimburrow, it is ordered that he be paid proportionable at the rate of 600 lbs. Tobacco p annum.
Majr Nicho. Merriwether, upon his mocion to this vestry, is discharged from the last years Collection, and Every part thereof noe Claimers appearing against him.
This vestry doe hereby in the behalfe of the Parish agree with Mr. Richd Squire for the insuing year.
Will Clopton is Continued Clarke of parish and vestry for the insuing year.
It is ordered that Collr Joseph Foster and Capt Richard Littlepage be Supervisers of the Brick Church and maj'r nicholas merriwether and Mr. Hene. Chilles be superavisers of the Chapell upon mechumps Creeke, and that the Collector make noe payment of any Tobacco Levyd to them p their order.
Reger p Wm. Clopton, Clk. vest.
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