At a Vestry hold at the uper Church of St. Peters parish this 28 day of April, 1692.
Mr. Jacob Ware minister.
Mr. James Moss, Mr. Wm. Bassett, Mr. Tho. Smith. Mr. John Parks, Mr. Cornl Dabboni, Mr. Jno. Roper.
Capt. Matt. Page, Mr. Hen. Wyatt, Church wardens.
It is ordered by this present vestry yt Capt. Joseph Foster & Mr. James Mos do offiate as Church wardens of this parish two whole years from this present time acccording to a former Costom of this vestrie upon the petti. Of Thomas Kerby to be Levy free & ye sd Kerby having appeared to this vestrie that his is free from publique & County Levy. It is therefore ordered by this present vestry yt henseforward yt sd Thomas Kerby pay no parish Levy.
Regd pr me CHARLES TURNER, Clk of Vestrie.
At a Vestry hold at the
house of Capt. John Lydall on ye behalf of ye St. Peters
Parish on this 20th day of December, 1692.
Mr. Jacob Ware, Minister.
Capt. Jno. Lyddall, Mr. David Craford, Mr. Thos. Smith, Mr. John
Roper, Mr. Corn. Daboni, Mr. Hen. Wyatt, Mr. Gideon Macon, Mr.
John Parker, Mr. Wm. Bassett.
Capt. Jos. Foster, Mr. James Moss, Church wardens.
St. Peters parish Debtor to this following Charge, viz:
Tobb, | |
To Mr. Jacob Ware minister wth Casque & Convense. | 12000 |
To Chas. Turner Clk of ye parish & Sexton of ye lower | |
Church with Casque & Conveniense | 2250 |
To Edward Clark Sexton of ye uper Church | 0250 |
To Charles Turner for ye washing ye Communion Cloath & Surplice | |
& scousing ye plate | 0150 |
To Capt. Joseph Foster for * * & Commu. Wine | 0385 |
To. Capt. Batthorst Acct of Mr. Winn Edward for * * upon ye | |
Dividing of two parishes | 0250 |
To Mr. James Moss pr Acct being Church warden | 0140 |
To Capt. Matt Page as by Acct for Comu. Wine | 0150 |
To Mr. Jno. Lightfoot ye keeping & bording a lame woman as | |
by agreement with Mr. Waytt Church warden | 0550 |
To Mr. Wm. Bassett wch should have been raised in ye year 1689 | 0091 |
To Rich. Cox for making a window frame for ye lower Church | |
behind ye pupitt & finding nails & for ye glass | 0050 |
To Richard Scrugg for keeping Mary Fisher being a poor child | |
& for finding it Cloathes as per notiace | 1200 |
To Mr. Gideon Macon for Charges about a Deed of Sale concerning | |
Ye land belonging to the uper Church | 0055 |
To Mr. Wyatt as by Accto 900 Lbs. Of Tobb. He having allowed | |
His deed and being 406 remain Due | 0507 |
To Rowland Foster for keeping Susana Barnes one whole year | |
& finding Cloathes | 1200 |
To Geo. Bradby for keeping John Bhadshow four months & one | |
Day & burying him | 0433 |
To Lyonell Morriss for keeping ye widow foulkner one year | 1000 |
To Wm. Millington for keeping Eliz. Green about five months & boarding her | 0500 |
To Robt. Sporlock for keeping Thos. Rodge & Burying him | 0300 |
To Mabell Wood Widow towards her maintance | 0500 |
To Chas. Turner for ye clearing wood round ye lower Church this present year | 0050 |
To Steph. Crump for a pair of Doftailes | 0040 |
22051 | |
To Cask for 22051 lbs. Tobb. At 8 pesent . . . . . . . 1764 | 1764 |
To Cask for 500 lbs of Tobb. To be paid by Mr. * * . . . 40 | 40 |
To Convene for ye Minister & * * . . . . . . . . . . . 855 | 855 |
To Soll for * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1235 | 1235 |
25945 |
To remain in the Church
wardens hands to give an Acct at the laying of ye next Levy
0031 3/4 lbs. Tob
It is ordered by this psent vestry yt Capt. Joseph Foster & Mr. James Moss Church wardens do collect 50 Lbs & 1/4 of Tob. From Each Tithable to defray ye above Charge.
It is ordered yt Chrles Turner doe offiate as Clk of this parish sexton of the lower Church this ensuing year & to be allowed at ye rate of 2250 Lbs. of tobacco and Cask convenient pr annum.
It is ordered yt Mabell Wood widow be allowed after ye rate of two hundred pounds of Tob. & Cask yearly doeing ye vestry pleasure.
It is ordered yt Mr. Warkman be allowed after ye rate of one thousand pounds of Tob. Cask pr year for keeping yr widow faulkner this ensuing year & to be paid at ye laying of ye next Levy.
Whereas it appeared to this vestry yt Thomas Jackson did take his sister Mrs. Green into his Care and first brought her into this parish. It is ordered by this vestry yt ye sd Jackson do keep this parish harmless of all trouble & Charge yt may Arise by this said Eliza. Green & to reimburse this parish five hundred pounds of Tob. & Cask paid to William Millington for his Care in looking after & bording her ye sd Eliz. Green & yt ye Church wardens are ordered to take care yt ye same be effectually done.
It is ordered yt ye Church wardens do take Care to secure ye tobacco to this parish by bill from Saml Bogg being by a fine according to law. In obedience to a late act of Asssmbly made at James City 1691 yt each vestry deivded their parish into & certain precincts to so mark ye bounds of last mans land some time between ye month of September & ye last of March. It is therefore ordered yt ye do give out orders to ye severall precincts as has been formerly divided by this vestry.
Benjamin Bolsly being appointed Surveyor of the high way do in ye place & stead of Mr. Geo. Pargitor & making his Survey to this vestry for help. It is therefore ordered yt he have all the Tithables on ye south side of the road from Mattodequin Creek up to Capt. Pages mill to board & make good ye sd Roade according.
Registered p me, CHARLES TURNER, Clk Vesty.
At a Vestry hold at ye house of Mr. James Moss on ye behalf of St. Peters parish this 8th day of Mars 1692-3.
Capt. Matt. Page, Mr. David Craford, Mr. Thom. Smith, Mr. Jno. Roper, Mr. Gideon Macon, Mr. Hen. Wyatt, Mr. Cornl Dabboni, Mr. John Parks, vestrymen.
Capt. Jos. Foster, Mr. James Moss, Church wardens.
Whereas Mr. Jacob Ware late minister of this parish did at ye Vestry hold ye 20th day of December, 1692, desire a presentation to his Excell. to be minister of this parish wch proposistion did likewise ye vestry and ye vestry now having made and confirmed ye same therefore order Capt. Jos. Foster & Mr. James Moss Church wardens doe request Mr. Jacob Ware to accompany them to his Ex. & to whose ye Church wardens are ordered and desired in the behalf of this vestry to go to his Excell. yt ye said Mr. Jacob Ware may be restored to this parish wth an induction to be our minister.
At a vestry held at the house of Mr. James Moss on ye behalf of St. Peters parish this 25th day October, 1693.
Mr. Jacob Ware minister.
Capt. Jno. Lydall, Mr. Henry Wyatt, Mr. Geo. Smith, Mr. Wm.
Bassett, Mr. Conl Dabboni, Mr. Jno. Parks, Vestrymen.
Capt. Jo Foster, Mr. James Moss, Church wardens.
St. Peters parish Dr. to this following Charge
To Mr. Jacob Ware wth Casqt Considering two months wanting | |
in paying & sd Mr. Ward acct one agt ye other | 12720 |
To Chas Turner as Clk of this parish & Sexton of ye Lower Church | 2385 |
To Edward Clark, Sexton of ye uper Church | 250 |
To Mrs. Butts for keeping Margaret Swanson & her Bastard child | |
Sixty-eight days | 680 |
To Jon. Giles for keeping Margaret Swanson & child 11 days & Other attendance | 175 |
To. Richd Scruggs for keeping Mary Fisher after ye rate of | |
one thousand pounds of Tob. Pr year & p*** | 1034 |
To Wm. Booth for keeping ye Widdow Davis two months after ye rate | |
of one thousand pounds of Tob. Pr year | 167 |
To Mr. Robt Napier for keeping ye widdow faulkner and for some | |
things she hath had as p Acct after ye rate of 1000 Lbs. Tob. | |
Pr year, according to a former order of this to Mr. Warsman | 1160 |
To Benj. Bulkly as by agreement & Acct for paling in ye Uper Church | 2700 |
To Capt. Matt Page as p Acct | 1896 |
To Mr. Jas. Moss as Church Warden pr Acct | 940 |
To Wm. Daniell for falling and removing two trees from ye uper Church | 0025 |
To Chas. Turner for laying of Lower Church Alley | 0060 |
To. Capt. Foster for two bottles of wine for A Communion at ye | |
Rate of a penny p pound for Tob. | 0060 |
To Mabel Wood, widdow, towards her maintanance | 0500 |
To Capt. Foster & Mr. Moss for their expense James Towne | |
concerning ye presenting of Mr. Ware in order to his induction | |
according to a former order, they giving an Acct next Levy | 01000 |
To Jon Webb for Clearing round ye uper Church yard & burning | |
ye leaves to secure ye same this present year | 0050 |
To Chas. Turner for clearing room ye lower Church to secure ye same | 0050 |
To Capt. Lyddall for a Case to secure ye Register Book | 0060 |
To Thomas Miller p agreement wth ye Church warden for carrying | |
Margaret Swansons child from Mrs. Butts to Mr. Mosss house | 0030 |
To Casks for 25944 lb. Of Tob. At 8 pct is | 2075 |
To Ditt. For 28019 of tob. At 5 pct is | 1400 |
29419 | |
CR. | |
By 539 Tithables at 55 lbs of Tob. P polo is | 29645 |
To remain in ye Church wardens hands to give an acct | 00226 |
At ye laying of ye next Levy | 00183 |
By Samuel Waddy | |
By what remains in ye Church wardens hands last year | 031 3/4 |
00440 |
It is ordered yt Capt. John Lyddall, high Sheriff of New Kent, Co. do collect 55 lbs. Of Tob. From each Tithable in this parish for defraying the above charges, aking payments to ye severall creditors & give an acct of ye same at ye next vestry.
It is ordered yt Capt. John Lyddall do collect from four Tithables belonging to Geo. Pargior according to wch is raised p polo they not being in the list of Tithables.
It is ordered that Capt. Joseph Foster ye Bill of ye Saml Bugg into the hands of Capt. Jno Lddall & yt he take care to review ye same & render an Acct thereof at ye laying the next Levy.
Registered. CHARLES TURNER, Clk of Vestry.
At a Vestry hold at ye house of Mr. James Moss on ye behalf of St. peters parish this 1st day of May, 1694.
Mr. Jacob Ware, Minister.
Mr. Thos. Smith, Capt. Matt. Page, Mr. Gideon Macon, Capt.
Jon Lyddall, Mr. David Craford, Mr. Jno. Roper, Mr.
Jon Parks, Mr. Hen. Wyatt, Vestryman.
Mr. James Moss, Church warden.
It is ordered by this present vestry yt Capt. John Lyddall & Mr. John Parks do offiate as Church wardens of this parish two years ensuing ye date of this present vestry according t a former order & * * *
Mary Fisher, an orphant child, having been a Charge to this parish for some time past, & Mr. Jacob Ware offering to this vestry for some time past, & Mr. Jacob Ware offering to this vestry to have ye sd orphant bound to him thro vestry considering ye same, do, therefore order yt ye Church wardens doe bind yesame orphant to Mr. Ware according to law.
It is ordered yt Mr. William Clopton do have lawfull noatise of ye next vestry, he being chosen & elected as vestryman in ye Room & stead of Mr. Cornelius Dabboni, Deasd.
This vestry understanding yt Mr. John Bouston, late of this parish, in his last will & Testament did bequeath some part of his estate to ye use of this parish. It is, therefore, ordered yt James Austin doe bring ye sd will to ye next vestry whereby ye sd vestry may be sattisfied yt ye Case may be take on thereof.
Registered. CHARLES TURNER, Clk of Vestry.
At a vestry hold at ye house of Mr. James Moss on the behalf of St. Peters Parish this 2nd day of Octobr, 1694.
Mr. Jacob Ware, Capt. Joseph
Foster, Capt. Matt, Page, Mr. James Moss, Mr. Da. Craford, Mr.
Jon Roper, Mr. Wm. Bassett.
Capt. Jon Lyddall, Mr. Jnn Parks, Church wardens.
St. Peters Parish, Dr., to ye following Charge:
To Mr. Jacob Ware, minister | 12720 |
To Charles Turner as Clk of this Parish | 2120 |
To Jon Webb as sexton of ye uper Church | 0250 |
To Jon Webb for clearing about ye Church, to secure ye same | 0050 |
To Jon Hillton as Sexton of ye Lower Church | 0250 |
To Jon Hillton for clearing about ye Church, to secure ye same | 0050 |
To M. Robt Napier for keeping ye widdow Faulkner one whole year | 01000 |
To Mabell Wood, widdow, for her years maintanance | 00500 |
To Mr. Curteen for keeping William Wittin 8 days & burying him | 00400 |
To Capt. Page for Communion Wine | 00060 |
To Mr. James Mos as Church warden as p acct | 00160 |
To Mr. Wyatt for Communion Wine | 00060 |
To Capt. Foster for Delinqt Tithables in ye year 1691 | 0037 |
To Charles Turner for ye washing ye Surplice & commu: Cloathe, | |
Scouring ye plate being usually allowed | 00150 |
To Mr. Jacob Ware for Cloathes for Mary Fisher, an orpht | 00153 |
17960 | |
Cr. Pd fine laid on Mary Turber | 01332 |
By wh laying in Church wardens hands | 00440 |
16187 1/4 | |
To Casqs for 16187 ¼ of Tob at 8 p cent, is | 01294 |
To Ball. For 17589 1/4 of Tob. At 5 p cent, is | 00874 |
18355 1/4 | |
By 534 Tithables at 35 lbs. Of Tob. Pr polo | 18690 |
To remaine in ye Church wardens hands to give an acct | |
at ye laying of ye next levy | 335 |
It is ordered yt ye Church wardens do Collect 35 Lbs. Of Tob. From each Tithable in this parish to defray ye above Charge making payment to ye severalle Credits and render an acct of ye same at ye next vestry.
It is ordered yt Tho. Mimb be allowed for keeping ye widdow Faulkner this ensuing year after ye rate of 1000 lbs. Of Tob. & Cask.
It is ordered that ye Church wardens take Care in receiving ye fine due from Mr. Macon Concerning Richd Rhodes & his servant woman and render an acct thereof at ye next vestry.
It is ordered that ye Church wardens take Care to take out A Copy of Bousters Will & present ye same soe far as ye parish * * lye therein.
Whereas divers of ye parishoners have so petitioned to this vestry yt course may be taken with some persons for their mis.
It is, therefore, ordered yt ye Church Wardens doe take care demeanors at ye Church in ye time of Divine service.
to give in their presentments agt all such persons for ye future yt they may be proceeded against according to law.
Registered pr
me CHARLES TURNER, Clk of ye vestry.
At a vestry hold at ye house of Mr. James Moss in ye behalf of St. Peters parish octobr ye 10, 1695.
Mr. Jacob Ware, Mr. James
Moss, Mr. Thomas Smith, Mr. David Craford, Mr. Hen. Wyatt, Mr.
Jon Roper, Mr. Wm Clopton, vestrymen.
Mr. John Parks, Church warden.
ST. PETERS PARISH, Dr., to ye following Charge:
To Mr. Jacob Ward, Minister | 12721 |
To Chas. Turner as Clk of ye parish | 2120 |
To Jon Webb as Sexton of ye uper Church | 250 |
To Jon Hillton for clearing about ye Church to secure the same | 50 |
To Mr. Job Howes p acct of Ch. Fees for persons summoned to | |
ye Court p ye Church wardens | 40 |
To Jno. Webb, Sexton of ye yper Church for clearing abot ye same | 50 |
dens order | 40 |
To Mr. William Clopton for 4 summons pr ye Church war- * * * * | 250 |
To Thomas Wingfield for keeping Hanah Ross child one year | 1000 |
To Mr. Parks as Church warden for Acct for W. Pedley | |
for having a bastard child | 150 |
To Thos. Wingfield p acct of charge for Hanah Ross child | 71 |
To William Walker for acct paid to ye widdow Faulkner & | |
To Mary Gibson upon acct drawn by ye Church wardens | 208 |
To Jos. Gibbs pr acct for ye care of Boe wounded by ye Indians | 2000 |
To Edward Burnett for keeping Gulshell 8 weeks & burying him | 350 |
To Mr. David Craford as by acct for Cloathing of Rich.: Boe | |
& some lining to Edward Burnet for Thos. Gulshell | 558 |
To Mabel Wood, widow, for her maintanence | 500 |
To Thomas Gibson for keeping a bastard child a year and a half | 1500 |
To Thomas Minne for keeping ye widow Faulkner one whole year | 1000 |
To Thomas Minne for one pair of shoes for ye widow Faulkner | 00040 |
22897 | |
To Casqs for 22897 Lbs Tob. a 8 p cent., is | 1831 |
To Sall for 24728 Lbs Tob. a 5 p cent., is | 1236 |
25964 | |
CRET | |
By tobacco in Capt. Lyddalls hands ye half year | 335 1/4 |
By 538 Tithables at 48 Lbs. Of Tob. pr polo | 25824 |
By 538 Tithables at 48 Lbs. Of Tob. pr polo | 25824 |
To lie in ye Church wardens hands to give an acct | |
at ye laying of ye next levy | 186 |
It is ordered that ye Church wardens doe collect 48 Lbs. Of Tob. from each Tithable in the parish to defray ye above Charge, making payments to the severall Creditors & render an acct of ye same at ye next vestry.
est CHARLES TURNER, Clk of ye vestry.
At a Vestry hold at ye Lower Church of St. Peters Parish, on the behalf of ye sd parish this 5 day of Jany, 1695.
Mr. Jacob Ware, minister.
Mr. James Moss, Mr. Thos. Smith, Mr. Gideon Macon, Mr. Hen.
Wyatt, Mr. Jon Roper, Mr. Wm. Clopton.
Mr. John Parks, Church warden.
Whereas, Mr. Jacob Ware was inducted as minister of this parish, and for some time ye Induction did soe remain, and now publishing & declaring his intention of leaving this parish, & upon a motion of this vestry toward considering ye sd Induction, he doth utterly renounce & lay downe ye same as never hereafter to take any advantage ov any person by from or under him any ways relating to ye same, and yt this parish have full and free liberty to provide a minister to serve ye sd parish as fully & freely as though no such thing as an induction had ever been and doth likewise now surrender up to ye Church wardens in ye behalf of this parish ye Church belongings thereto, and this vestry doth descard Mr. Jacob Ware hath fully effiated for in Tob. hath been raised for him by the parish.
per CHARLES TURNER, Clk of ye vestry
At a vestry hold at ye Lower Church of Snt Peters parish on ye behalf of ye sd parish this 10th day of Aprill, 1696.
Capt. Jo. Foster, Capt. Matt Page, Mr. Jas Moss, Mr. Thos. Smith, Mr. Hen. Wyatt, Mr. Will Bassett, Mr. John Roper, Mr. Thos. Smith, Mr. Gideon Macon, Church wardens.
It is ordered yt Mr. Gideon Macon & Mr. William Clopton doe officate as Church wardens of this parish two years ensuing ye date hereof in ye Room & Stead of Capt. John Lyddall & Mr. John Parks, who have officiated ye time aforesaid.
Capt. Matt. Page acquainting this vestry of ill rec * * * * of ye being removed out of this parish and County. It is therefore ordered yt Mr. John Lewis be appointed as a vestryman in ye Room & Stead of ye sd Capt. Page, ye sd Mr. Lewis being present at this vestry.
It is ordered yt ye Church wardens doe make application to his Excellency concerning a minister for this parish being now vacant. This Parish being vacant of a minister & ye vestry considering ye necessity and want thereof did request Mr. Monrowe hath agreed & doth promise to offisiate at ye uper Church ye first Sunday after Easter next, & yt day three weeks at this Lower Church in ye afternoon & so to continue untill this parish be provided with a minister; it is, therefore ordered yt ye Church wardens take Care to provide yt ye Sd Mr. Monrowe may have passage over ye River on those particular days aforementioned.
Registered pr
At a Vestry hold at ye uper Church of St. Peters Parish in ye behalf of this sd parish this 16 day of November, 1696.
Capt. Joseph Foster, Capt. Jon Lyddall, Mr. James Moss, Mr. Thos. Smith, Mr. David Craford, Mr. Jon Lewis, Mr. Hen. Wyatt, Mr. Jon Parks, Mr. Wm. Bassett.
Mr. Wm. Clopton, Church Warden.
Whereas, Mr. Nicholas Moreau hath been recommeded by his Excell. and Mr. Camesery unto this parish and appearing to this vestry as a minister fully qualified this parish being vacant of a minister and ye vestry being desirous of ye advancement of Gods Glory & ye continuance of ye Sacred function in this parish do therefore in ye behalfe of ye sd Parish Covneant agree wth ye sd Mr. Moreau to offiate as minister thereof for this ensuing year from ye day and date of this present vestry & he ye sd Mr. Moreau do offiate one Sunday at ye one Church and ye other Sunday at ye other as other ministers have done heretofore, and to be allowed for ye same according to law, but if not well understood by this parish then by agreement this parish to be at their liverty at ye expiration of ye aforesd year.
TURNER, Clk of Vestry.
At a vestry held at ye uper Church of Snt. Peters Parish in ye behalf of ye sd parish this 16th day of November, 1696.
Mr. Nicholas Moreau,
Capt. Joseph Foster, Mr. Jno Lewis, Capt. Jon Lyddall, Mr.
Hen. Wyatt, Mr. James Moss, Mr. Jon Parke, Mt. Thos. Smith,
Mr. Wm. Bassett, Mr. Daniel Craford.
Mr. Wm. Clopton, Church warden.
St. Peters Prish, Dr. to ye following Charge:
To Mr. Monroe, minister for nine sermons at 250 Lbs of Tob pr serm | 2250 |
To Charles Turner as Clerk of this parish | 2120 |
To Idem for serving extraordinary when no minister | 250 |
To Jon Webb as sexton of ye uper Church | 250 |
To Idem for clearing around ye sd Church to secure ye same | 50 |
To Jon Hilton, Sexton of ye lower Church | 250 |
To Thos. Wingfield for keeping Hanah Ross child 1 year & | |
for finding same necessarys | 1075 |
To John Giles for keeping Rich Bowe who was wounded p ye Indians | 2750 |
To Mabell Wood Widdow for her maintanence | 500 |
To Mr. Job Howes for lb feed concerning Eliza Pedlys having a | |
bastard child | 110 |
To Jon Gunton for three bushll Indian Corn delivered | |
to Anthony Burruss | 60 |
To Thom. Minns for keeping ye widdow faulkner 1 year & providing | |
her a pr of Shoes as per acct | 1040 |
To Tho. Gibson for keeping a Bastard Child 10 months & a half | 850 |
To Mr. Jon Lightfoot for keeping Anna Chapman 14 mons & | |
for * * trouble with her | 1450 |
To Jon Hilton for mending some pews & pales abot ye lower Church & | |
fetching Mr. Monrowe once over ye River with Mr. Littlepages overseer | 110 |
To Capt. Lyddall pr acct for delinqt Tithables & goods for | |
cloathing Richd Bowe wounded by Indians | 855 |
To James Nees for himself & two horses going wth Mr. Moreau minister | 0150 |
14270 | |
To Casqs for 14370 lbs. Tobo at 8 p Ct. is | 1149 |
To Sallr for 15519 lbs. Tob. at 5 p Ct. is | 775 |
16294 | |
By 541 Tithables at 30 lbs. Tobr p polo is | 16230 |
To be repaid ye Church wardens at ye laying of ye next levy | |
being now wanting | 64 |
Totall | 16294 |
It is ordered yt ye Church wardens do take Care to collect from each date Tithable person in this parish, 30 lbs. Of Tob. For ye defraying of ye above Charge & to make payment to ye severall persons unto whom it is proportioned.
It is ordered yt ye Church wardens take Care to receive ye moyete of ye fine due from Mr. Gideon Macon concerning Rich. Rhodes & his servant woman & render an acct. thereof at ye next vestry.
Whereas Anthony Burrass of this parish is stricken blind & his wife is very ancient by what means they are incapable of getting their living & that ye sd Anthony addressing himself to this vestry for a maintanence.
It is therefore ordered yt ye Church wardens forthwith cause ye sd Anthony Burros to convey over unto them for ye use of this parish forever his plantation, Cattle, horses & hoggs & yt there be allowed to each of them five hundred pounds of Tob. Casqs for their maintanence during their or either of their natural lives or till he may be recovered of his eve sight.
It is ordered yt ye Church wardens take care as soon as may be binde out Hanah Rosss child now at Thomas Wingfields to any person that shall be willing to take ye same according to law.
It is orderd yt ye Church wardens forthwith endeavour to find out some person yt may take & keep Anna Chapman now at Mr. Lightfoots house at as little Charge to ye parish as they can.
It is ordered yt the Church wardens doe by the first opportunity Return his Excell. Humble thanks for his Care & kindness in Recommending to this parish a minister.
Mary ye wife of William Leah declaring to this vestry yt her husband aforesaid is willing to keep Richard Bowe this ensuing year and Mr. Tho. Smith assume yt what shee did declare her sd husband would performe. It is therefore ordered yt Wm. Leah do keep ye sd Richard Bowe this ensuing year ye vestry finding him Cloathes during ye sd time & ye sd Leah to be allowed after ye rate of foure hundred pounds of Tob. & casq p year.
Jeffery Daniel making appear to this vestry yt he is discharged for paying any Publique or County levy p order of Coort. It is likewise ordered by this present vestry yt ye sd Jeffery Daniel pay noe parish levy for ye future.
Samll Buggs Bill was this day delivered to Mr. Wm. Clopton
Church warden to receive and give acct. of at ye laying ye next levy.
Registered p
order of vestry p CHARLES TURNER, Cl. of ye vestry.
At a vestry held at ye house of Mr. Wm. Bassett on ye behalf of Snt Peters parish this 19th day of Jany 169*
Mr. Nicholas Moreau,
Capt. Joseph Foster, Mr. Hen. Wyatt, Capt. Jon Lyddall, Mr.
Wm. Bassett, Mr. James Moss, Mr. Jon Roper, Mr. John Parke,
Mr. Wm. Clopton, church warden.
Whereas this vestry did upon ye presentation of Mr. Nicholas Moreau, minister on ye 16th day of November last past agree with ye sd Mr. Moreau as minister of this parish and to offiate ye ensuing year from ye date aforesaid and yt sd Mr. Moreau having considered ye aforesd agreemt and finding many disadvantages yt may attend to him in ye performing ye same did appoint a vestry, ye which vestry have accordingly met & ye sd Moreau acquainting this vestry his desire to returne for England & therefore to be acquitted from ye aforesd agreement. This vestry doe consent to ye same if it be Mr. Moreaus pleasure so to doe or other way or to continue minister as aforesd Mr. Henry Wyatt assuming to this vestry yt he will pay unto Mr. Moreau wt. Tob. is due to him from this parish for ye time of his offiating in this parish, And this vestry hath promise to repay to sd Mr. Wyatt at ye laying of ye next levy ye wch paying Mr. Moreau doth like and request.
Registered p
St. Peters Prish at a Vestry held at the house of Mr. Gideon Macon this 18th day of Decr 1697.
Capt. Joseph Foster, Mr.
Thomas Smith.
Capt. John lyddall, Mr. John Lewis, Mr. James Moss, Mr. Will.
Mr. Gideon Macon, Church warden.
Charles Turner, late Clerk of this Vestry, being dead William Clopton in his stead to offiate in his place and to have the same allowance the late Clerk had.
Capt. Thomas Bray is elected to be one of the vestry of this parish in place and stead of Will Clopton who was this day chosen Clark of the vestry & requested to be at the next vestry to take the oath according to Law & that the Clark give him notice thereofe.
St. Peters Parish, Dr.
To Nicholas Moreau, minister, 16000 Commt 800 | 168000 |
To Charles Turner, Late Clerk | 2289 |
To John Hilton, Sexton of the Lower Church | 270 |
To Idem for Clearing about the Church | 54 |
To John Webb, Sexton of the uper Church | 270 |
To Id for Clearing abt yd Church & wash ye Surplis | 108 |
To Robert Walker p acct. of Smiths work | 150 |
To Anto. Burrows for himselfe and wifes maintainance but to Lye in | |
the Church wardens hands for his use. Severall payments taken out | 540 |
To Edm. Bedford for keep Eliz. wimsherfers Child Six wekes | 270 |
To Idem for fees abt Pedley | 15 |
To Capt. Lancelott Bathurst for the fees | 30 |
To Mr. Job Howes for Clarks fees | 173 |
To John Lightfoot, Esq. P acct. regulated | 847 |
To Mr. Hene Wyatt for Cloathes for ye wid. Faulkner | 292 |
To Thom. Mims for keeping ye wid. Faulkner one year | 1080 |
To Idem for one pr Shooes for her | 30 |
To Capt. John Lyddall for Rellfe of Anth. Burrows | 540 |
To Macon & Clopton, Church wardens p acct. for Antho. Burrows | 1188 |
To Mr. Macon balance of an acct | 15 |
To Will' Clopton p acct. as Church warden | 65 |
To Mabell wood, widow | 540 |
To wille Leake for keeping Hene Bow one year | 432 |
To Sallery for 25662 at 5 p Cent | 1283 |
27491 | |
P. Centra. P. Cap John Lyddall paid Edmond Badford for six weeks | |
nursing two children | 0270 |
p Mr. Nicho. Morean for is servant womans find | 540 |
P Capt. Lyddall for 1/2 Perdys find | 270 |
P Wm. Clopton upon the moyetee of a find Recd of Mr. Macon, | |
p Servt and overseer | 1512 |
p 575 Tithables at 42 Lbs. Tobacco p polo | 24150 |
p Capt Lancelot Bathurst for Deposits to bd showed him in the next Levy | 749 |
27491 |
Registered p.
Wm. Clopton, Clk Vestry.
St. Peters Parish At a Vestry held at the uper Church the 14th June, 1698.
Capt. Joseph Foster, Mr.
Hen. Wyatt, Mr. Jno. Roper, Mr. Wm. Bassett, Mr. James Moss, Mr.
Dan Crawford, Mr. Jno. Parke, Capt Tho. Bray, vestrymen
Mr. Gideon Macon, Church warden.
Mr. Gideon Macon, Mr.Thomas Bray and Mr. John Roper the oaths enyoyned by act of Parliament in Stead of the oaths of Alegence and Supremacy Duly Administered to them by Capt Joseph Foster and also doe subscribe to be Conformable in all things relating t the Church of England as it is now Established. Gideon Macon.
Signed Thomas Bray,
John Roper.
Mr. David Craford and Mr. Thomas Smith were this day elected and Chosen Church wardens of this parish for this present year.
The Church wardens of this parish are ordered forthwith to Caus the Lower Church yard to bee fenced in with a Good Ditch and that there bee a Good gate with Sader posts on that side next to the Road.
It is ordered that the Church wardens forthwith Caus the uper Church to be put in Good repair.
Stephen Crump applying himself to this vestry for help to Cleer the Roads in his presints is ordered the sd tithables following, viz.: Capt Thomas Bray, Step. Mitchell, Step. Mitchell fun, Will Fergisson, Will Bournd, Will Crump, Pelham moore, and his own family and the aforementioned help to Cleer to the new mill Damm upon the Black Creeke.
Registered p WM. CLOPTON, Clk. To Vest.
Alexander Mackeney, producing an order of Court to this vestry for help to Cleer the roads in his presints is ordered those familye following, viz.: Christopher Clarke, Thomas Stanley, Edwd Clarke, Thomas wharton, Nicholas Purde, Will Martin, Jno. Martin, Edmund Harris, Will Reese, Thos. Hrris Barnell Chappell, martin martin, Thomas Delahay, John Aldridge, michael Johnson, John Jones, Thomas moss, Saml moss, John Willmore Garrat, Robert Ellison, Francis Amos.
Mr. Hen. Wyatt producing an order of Court for help to Cleer the Roads in his presints is ordered the sd following Tithables, viz.: will makgeehe, Edw. Tony, Will Walker, Robert Allin, will Daniell, John Yeomans, Richard Scruggs, James Neenes, Thomas Ashcraft, Edwd Flinch, Thomas Wilkinson, John Rayle, Evan Raglan, Mr. Thomas Smiths quarter, Edwd Morgan, Will Dollard, Thomas martin, Thomas Gibson, Will Gardner, Christopher Baker, William Johnson, Peter Moss, Robert Hughes, Thomas Howard, Geo. Bradbury, Hene Turner, Thomas minns.
WM. CLOPTON, Clk of Vestry.
St. Peters Parish, July the 10th, 1698.
Capt. Joseph Foster, Capt.
Jno. Lyddall, Mr. Jams Moss, Capt. Thomas Bray, Mr. John
Lewis, Mr. Jno. Parke, Mr. Wm. Bassett, Mr. Hene Wyatt,
Mr. David Craford, Church warden.
Whereas Mr. James Bawker having appeared as a minister fully
qualified before this vestry, this parish being vacant of a
minister, this vestry being desirous of the advancement of
Gods glory and the continuance of the Sacred function in
this parish doe therefore in the behalf of the sd Parish
Covenant and agree with the said Mr. James Bowker toe offiate as
minister thereoffe; it is therefore ordered by this present
vestry that the aforesaid Mr. James Bowker doe offiate as
minister of this parish one Sunday at the one Church and the
other Sunday at the other, as other ministers have done
heretofore and his time to begin from the 26th day of
June last past and to continue till the 2nd day of
December next & to be paid * *
Clk. to ye vestry.
St. Peters Parish July the 10th, 1698. At a vestry held at the uper Church.
Mr. James Bowker, minister.
Capt. Josph Foster, Mr. John Lewis, Capt. John Lyddall, Mr.
John Park, Mr. James Moss, Mr. Will. Bassett, Capt. Tho. Bray,
Mr. Hen. Wyatt, vestryman.
Mr. David Craford, Church warden.
Whereas Capt. Thos. Bray by the Information Willm Hughes hath informed this vestry that there is a man child Lately brought to the house of Richard Gillam in this parish and noe parents Can be found for the same: the Church wardens are therefore ordered forthwith to take Care that the said Child be returned to the place from whence it Came or to Caus the said Gillam to give good Securities to save the parish harmles.
It is ordered that the Church wardens forthwith take out a Copie of Brusters will and prosecute the same soe far as the parish Interest Lyes.
WM. CLOPTON, Clk. to vestry.
St. Peters at a Vestry held at the House of Mr. Gideon Macon this 18th day of December, 1697.
Capt. Jose. Foster, Mr.
Thos. Smith, Capt. John Lyddall,
Mr. John Lewis, Mr. James Moss, Mr. Willm Bassett,
Mr. Gideon Macon, Church warden.
Capt. Lancelott Bathurst, high Sheriffe of New Kent County, is ordered to Collect from each tithable person in this parish forty-two pounds of Tobacco: to defray the parish Charge and make payments to the severall persons to whom it is proportioned and in cas of non payment to make Destres according to Law, and that this Clark deliver a copy of Charge to Capt. Bathurst and take his Receit for the same.
WM. CLOPTON, Clk. Of the vestry.
St. Peters Parish, New Kent Co. At a Vestry held at the uper Church Octo. the 3rd, 1698.
Mr. James Bowker, minister.
Capt. John Lyddall, Mr. James Moss, Mr. John Roper, Capt. Jos.
Foster, Mr. Will Bassett, Mr. Hen. Wyatt, Mr. John Lewis, Mr.
John Park, vestrymen.
Mr. David Craford, Mr. Thos. Smith, Church Wardens.
St. Peters Parish. Dr.
To Mr. James Bowker, minister for 1/2 the year | 8000 |
To Idem for Cash & Convenience of ditto | 1120 |
To Will Clopton, Clk | 2289 |
To Idem for reeding Homiles there bein noe minister | 250 |
To Will Major pr acct | 148 |
To Mr. Thom. Smith, p acct | 1670 |
To Idem p acct | 1140 |
To Mabel Wood, widdow | 540 |
To Mr. John Roper | 10 |
To Wm. Sanders for is brol goeing to James * * * | 150 |
To Will Leake for keeping Hene Row & burial of him | 700 |
To Gideon Macon, p acct | 280 |
To John Gonton for Corne for Antho. Burrows | 65 |
To Mr. James Moss | 30 |
To John Hilton Sexton, of the Lower Church | 300 |
To John Webb, Sexton of the uper Church | 300 |
To Will Clopton p acct | 456 |
To Thom. Mims for maintaining ye wid. Faulkner one year | 1080 |
To Capt. Lancelott Bathrust for Deposito. last year | 854 |
To Idem p acct. for The fees | 100 |
To John Gonton for goeing to Court to prove Anthony Burrows | |
deed of sale to the parish | 40 |
To Mr. David Craford & Mr. Thom. Smith, church wardens for ye | |
maintance of Antho. Burrows and wife | 1728 |
To Capt. Matthew Page for 6 Bushl of Corne for Antho. Burrows In 1696 | 129 |
To Mr. Craford & Mr. Smith, Church wardens, towards the getting of Blocks | 648 |
To Idem for getting timber and bringing it in place | 648 |
To Thoms Ponton for Covering the uper Church but to Lye in the Church | |
wardens hands till the work be dun | 1693 |
To Idem for blocking the uper Church making 2 hors blocks And Steps to | |
both doors, but to Lye in the Church wardens hands till the work be dun | 1728 |
To Sallery of 26096 Lbs. Tob. At 5 p cent is | 1305 |
Lbs Tob. | 27401 |
P. Conte, Cr. |
By 618 Tithables at 44 Lbs. P polo | 27192 |
By Capt. Lancelott Bathurst for deposito. to be allowed the next year | 00209 |
27401 |
Capt. Lancelott Bathurst, high Sheriffe of this County, is ordered to collect from each tithable inhabitant in this parish forty-foure pounds of Tobacco to defray the parish charge and that he make payment to the several persons for whom it is Levyd: and in case of non payment to make destress according to Law, and that the Clerk give a Copy of this Charge to the said Capt. Bathurst and take his receipt for the same. Will. Clopton was this day sworn Clark of this vestry.
Anthony Burrows being sent for to this vestry doth accept and is contented with one thousand six hundred pounds of Tobacco and Cask yearly for himself wifes maintainance during their Lives.
Whereas at a vestry held for this parish on the 27th Septr, 1697, it was ordered that Mr. Gideon Macon, Mr. John Roper and Will Clopton should meet sutch Genl as the vestry of Blissland parish should apoynt & remark the line between the two prishes, which order hath not yet been executed: it is therefore ordered that Mr. Thomas Smith, Mr. Hen. Wyatt and Mr. John Roper or any two of them doe meet such Genlmen as the vestry of Blissland parish shall apoynt: and at such time as they shall apoynt and reamark the said Line.
Whereas Mr. James Bowker, at a vestry on the 10 July, 1698, did agree with this vestry to preach in this parish til the 26 day of December next following, and this vestry Considering the uncertinty of another meeting doe therefore Covenant and agree to and with the said Mr. Bowker for the next ensuing year and the time to begin from the 26th day of December next following: to offiate as formerly and to be paid Sixteen thousand pounds of Tobacco and Cask Convenient for the year.
Mr. John Alford aplying him self to this vestry for help to Cleer the Roads in his presints, it ordered all the tithable which formerly belonged to David Clarkson and within his presints.
WM. CLOPTON, Clk. of ye vestry.
St. Peters Parish, at a vestry held at the uper Church the 19th March, 1698/9.
Mr. James Bowker, minister.
Capt. Joseph Foster, Capt. Jno. Lyddall, Mr. James Moss, Mr. John
Lewis, Mr. Hen. Wyatt, Mr. Will Bassett, Mr. John Parke,
Mr. David Craford, Mr. Thos. Smith, Church wardens.
Mr. Nicholas Meriwether was this day chosen vestryman in the place & stead of Mr. John Roper, late dect and the oathes injoyed by act of Parlament duly administered onto him by Mr. James Moss and did likewise sincerely promise and sware as a vestryman of this parish that he would be Conformable in all things Relating to the Church of England as it is now Established.
Upon the petition of Thos. Wilkins it is ordered that the Church wardens provide such things as are necessary for him.
Upon the motion of Mr. David Craford, Church warden, Jeffrey Davis is ordered the same.
It is ordered by this present vestry that Capt. John Lyddall Carry Anthony Burrows in his sloop to the Springs in Maryland and provide such necessarys for him as he shall think fitt; and to be paid for his Charge and trouble at the laying the next Levy.
Mr. David Craford and Mr. Thom. Smith are Chosen and Elected wardens of this Parish for this Insuing year.
Clk of Vestry.
St. Peters Parish. At a Vestry held at the uper Church the 20th Sept. 1699.
Mr. James Bowker, minister.
Capt. Joseph Foster, Mr. Nicho. Meriwether, Capt. John Lyddall,
Mr. Will Bassett, Mr. John Lewis, Mr. Hene. Wyatt, Vestrymen.
Mr. David Craford, Mr. Thomas Smith, Church wardens.
Whereas Mr. Charles Turner, late Clark of this vestry, hath omitted the Registring Severall orders of vestry and Baptizmes therefore ordered that Will. Clopton the present Clark, Comit all such orders of vestry and Baptizmes as he thinks verily to be of the hand writing of the late Clark or signed by the Gentlen of the vestry in the Register book of this parish.
Capt. Lancelott Bathurst, Late high Sheriff of this County, having undertaken the last years Collection of the parish Dues, and having fully satisfied the same is Discharged.
This vestry doe agree with Mr. James Bowker, minister for this next ensuing year, and to be paid Sixteen thousand pounds of tobacco and Cask Convenient as formerly.
Whereas Thomas Ponton, at a vestry held at the uper Church of this parish the 3rd October, 1698, did agree with the said parish to Double Cover the said uper Church as pr his Bond of the above date may more Large appear and the sd Ponton failing to Come to work accordingly and the timber Lyeing upon Soyle this vestry Doth therefore agree with John King Carpenter, of this parish, to performe Thomas Pontons bargin evere Respect and the said King doth promise to begin upon the said work upon the second day of October next. * * *
St. Peters Parish. Dr., 1699.
To Mr. James Bowker minisster for one year | 16000 |
To Idem for Cask & Conve. Of Ditto | 2240 |
To Wm. Clopton, Clark of the parish for one year | 1189 |
To Idem for a Register Book | 114 |
To Mabell Wood, widdow | 540 |
To Jno. Hilton, Sexton of ye Lower Church, 300 Ca 24. | 324 |
To Id. for Cask of 300 omited Last year | 24 |
To Jno. Webb, Sexton of ye Uper Church 300 Ca-24 | 324 |
To Idem for Cask of 300 omited last year | 24 |
To Capt. Lanclt Bathurst for Deposito. Last year | 238 |
To Idem for Sheriffs fees | 40 |
To Mr. Job Howes for Clak fees | 219 |
To Thomas mims for maintaining ye wid. Faulkner 1 yr | 1080 |
To Jno. Hillon for grubing round ye Church &c | 50 |
To Tho. Mims for 1 pr Shoes for wid. Faulkner 30 lb., &c. | 34 |
To Jno. King for work done abt ye Lower Church | 100 |
To Tho. Smith, Chuh warden, p acct | 168 |
To Mr. David Craford, Chuh warden, p acct 445 lb 62 | 507 |
To Capt. Jno. Lyddall p acct | 1275 |
To John Webb for washing ye Surplis | 50 |
To Wm. Sanders by Mr. Smithes, note as Church warden for | |
maintaining Thos Wilkinson, 500 1 a 40 | 540 |
To Capt. Lanct Bathurst, Late she. For Delingt tithables | 176 |
To Thos. Moss for keeping Lettice Bayle the time of her Lying in | 300 |
To Alexr mackeney for keeping Anne Peggs the time of her Lying in | 300 |
To Mr. David Craford, Chuh warden p ball. Of his acct. | 1512 |
To Wm. Clopton, Clk for Registering Severall orders and | |
Baptizmes omited by the Late Clk | 500 |
To James Blackwell for 20 Cutte timbl at 30 p cut 600 Ca. 48 | 648 |
To Mr. David Craford and Mr. Thos. Smith, Church wardens for | |
ye maintaninance of Ant. Burrows | 1728 |
To Salle of 31344 at 5 p Cent | 1567 |
To Lye in the Collectors hands to reimburse the parish next year | 0213 |
33124 | |
P. Coute Cr. Lb. Tobacco | |
P. 676 titables at 49 lb. Tobacco p polo | 33124 |
Capt. John Ldyall is ordered to Collect for each tithable inhabitant in this parish forty nine pounds of Tobacco to Defray the parish Charge and mak payment to the severall psons for whom it is Levyed and in Case of non payment to make Destress accoding to Law and that the Clark give a Copy of this Charge to the sd Capt. Lyddall and take his receipt for the same.
Ordered that William Sanders take care and provide sufficient meate, Drink, washing and Lodging for Thomas Wilkins and to be alowed one thousand pounds of Tobacco and Cask for the year.
This vestry doe give Anthony Burrows the mare which he formerly acknowledged to the parish.
Whereas by order of vestry the Church wardens of this parish were ordered to presente James Austin conserning Brustors Estate and the vestry now considering the Same the Church wardens are ordered to desist from any further prosecution.
Whereas Lettice Bayle was delivered of a bastard Child at the house of Thomas moss sum time the last winter, and being summonded to Court upon her oathe doth lay the same to Thomas Harris. Therefore ordered that the Church wardens prosicute the said Harris according to Law.
Registered p WM. CLOPTON, Clark, Registe.
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