Abram a negro boy belong to Stephe. Crump born June 17, 7724.
Anthony son of Thos. Christian born June ye 9th, 1724.
John a negro boy belonging to Majr. Custis born Decemr 27th, 1724
David Son of Richard Crump born Jany ye 26th, 1724-5.
John son of Josiah Coleman born Decemr 12th, 1724.
Wm. Goodall son of Sarah Cook born Febry. 10th, 1724-5.
Jesse son of James Crump born March 3rd. 1724-5.
Judy a negro girl belong to Robt Clopton born May 17th, 1725.
Robt son of Walter Clopton was born June ye 4th, 1725.
Wm. son of Robt Clopton born Novem. ye 11th, 1725.
Temperance Dt. of Wm. Crump Jur born May 20, 1725.
Easter negro belonging to Maj. Custis born 15 of 9br, 1725.
Jos. son of Jno. Chandler born Feb. 4 & bapt March 6, 1725-6.
Jammey a negro boy belonging to Walter Clopton born 31st Mch, 1726.
Jenney a negro belonging to Maj. Jno. Custis born 1st March, 1726.
Edward Pey son of Wm. & EIizth. Chamberlain born Janry 20th, 1725-6.
Dick a negro boy of Sussannah Clarkson born April, 1726.
Frank a negro Jno. Clarkson born June, 1726.
Henry a negro boy belonging to Majr. Jno. Custis Augst ye 1st, 1726.
Martha Daughtr of Jno. Carloss born July 7th, 1726.
Anne ye Daughtr of Mark Clark born July ye 17th, 1726.
Pompey a negro boy of Robt Clopton born Sept 27th, 7726.
Tomson a negro boy of Maj. Jno. Custis born Decemr 25th, 1726.
Moll a negro girl of Do. born Decr 31th, 1726.
Will a negro belonging to Stephe. Crump born Dect 26th, 1726.
Betty a negro of Maj. John Custis born Janry, 1726-7.
Nathl. ye son of Richd Crump born March ye 4th, 1726-7.
Croyoon a negro belonging to Col Custis born Janry 1st, 1728-9.

Carried to ye back of E.


John son of Peter Ellmore born December ye 6th, 1719.
Mourning England born April ye 1st, 1718.
Frances Daughter of Alexr Ellis born May, 1720.


Lamar a negro belonging to Genral Ellison born May 24, 1721.
John son of Peter Elmore born Janry. 22d, 1724-5.
Peter son of Peter Elmore born October ye 9th, 1726.
Sarah Daughter of Wm. Elmore born May ye 17th, 1727.
Anne ye daughter of Thos. Evans born July ye 3rd, 1727.
Charles ye son of Thos. Edwards born Janry 26, 1726-7.
Lucy the Daughter of Wm. & Elizth. Elmore born Augst
bap. 7br 7, 1729.
Lucy the Daughter of Wm. & Eliza. Ellmore.
Billey a negro boy belonging to Maj. Jno. Custis born Apl. 1st,
1727 and Dyed Apl. ye 15th, 1727.
Nanny a negro belonging to Richd. Crump born March 20th, 1728-9.
Mary ye Daughter of Auther Crew born April ye 11th, 1727.
Jesse a negro of Mr. Wm. Chamberlayne born May ye 10th and
bapt Aug. ye 20th following, 1729.
Nat a negro belonging to Do. born June ye 12th, 1727.
Julius a mulattoe boy belonging to Do. bapt Aug. 20th, 1727.
Deverex ye son of Walter Clopton born Aug. 30th, 1727.
Sussannah ye Dat of Wm. & Elizth. Chandler born Oct. ye 10th and
bapt Novr 12th, 1727.
Jno. son of Humphrey & Amy Chappel born Febry 14 & bapt March
ye 24th, 1727-8.
Gedion ye son of James & Anne Christian born Feb. 5 & bapt
March 24, 1727-8.
Ned a negro belonging to CoIl. Jno. Custis born March ye 30th, 1728.
Mary Dat. of Jno. & Mary Chandler born March 24 & bap. Apl. 14, 1728.
Dick a negro belonging to CoIl. Jno. Custis born Apr. ye 7th, 1728.
Matt a negro belonging to Ditto born May ye 28th, 1728.
Thomas ye son of Wm. & Eliztb Chamberlayne born Septr 13, 1727.
Venus a negro girl belonging to Wm. Clopton Junr born March 20, 1727-8.
Robt son of Robt & Mary Clopton born July 28th bapd 7ber 1st, 1728.


Judith a negro belonging to Coll. Jno. Custis born Augt 1st, 1728.
Abram a negro belonging to Do. born 7ber 20th, 1728.
Charles a negro belonging to Do. baptized July ye 28th, 1728.
Guy, Richd, Matthew & Sarah negroes belongg. to Do bapt Octob 6, 1728.
Mary ye Dar of Jno. & Mary Chandler born Mch. 24 bapd Apl. 14, 1728.
John son of Wm. & Marcy Crump born 7ber 20th bapd Octobr 20, 1728.
Morris a negro belonging to Coll. Jno. Custis born Febry 20th, 1728-9.
Jenny a negro girl belonging to Ja. Clarkson born Novr 13, 1728.
Rebecca Dr of Mark & Isabella Clark born December 20th
baptized March 30, 1729.
Joe a negro belonging to Coll. Jno. Custis born Apl. 16. 1729.
Moll a negro belonging to Robt Clopton born March 31st, 1729.
Mildred Dr of James & Venibia Crump born Apl. 19 bap. May 18th 1729.
Lewis a negro belonging to Coll. Custis born Augt 10, 1729.
Robt son of Wm. & Eliza. Chandler born 25 of August
Baptized October 5, 1729.
Margaret Dat of Walter & Mary Clopton born 7br 9th
baptized Octobr 12, 1729.
Kitt a negro boy belonging to Do born Octobr 8, 1729.
Robbin a negro boy belonging to Richd Crump born Nor 22, 1729.
Sarah negro belonging to Wm. Chamberlayne bapt Decr 7, 1729.
Easter a mulatto belonging to Coll. Foster born the 12 of August, 1705.
Harry a negro belonging to Col. Jos. Foster born 7br, 1714.
Philis a negro belonging to ye sd Col. Jos. Foster Born July, 1715.
Jony a negro belonging to ye sd Col. Jos. Foster Born May, 1716.
Thomas son of Mr. Jos. Foster Born Apl. ye 16th, 1716.
Janey a mulatto belonging to ye sd Joseph Foster Born, 1711.
Charles a mulatto belonging to ye sd Jos. Foster Born, 1712.
Jony a mulatto belonging to ye sd Jos. Foster Born Augst, 1714.


Pressle a negro belonging to Madm Field Born 9br ye 4th, 1716.
Mary Daughter of Jno. Foster Gent. Born January ye 10th, 1716.
Anne Daughter of Thos. Fussell Born 7br ye 27, 1717.
Sarah a negro belonging to Madm Alice Field Born December ye 6, 1717.
John & Esquire 2 negros belonging to Jos. Foster Junr born Xbr, 1718.
Jack a negro boy belonging to Mrs. Lucy Foster Born July 2d, 1719.
Betty a negro girl belonging to Madm Field born 8br 4th, 1719.
Susanna Daughter of Henry Finch Born ye 25th day of 7br, 1719.
Judith a negro belonging to Tho. Fussell born Augt 14th, 1720.
Ludlow a negro of Madm Alice Fields born March 12, 1720-1.
Billy a negro belonging to Martha Finch born July 1, 1721.
William son of Wm. Forsbush born June 5, 1721.
Saless a negro of Madam Alice Fields born June 26, 1721.
Sue a negro belonging to the Late Deceased Madam Fields Estate
born Febry. 21st, 1721-2.
Lucy Fluellin Born Sepbr 23d, 1719.
William son of Henry Finch born Decembr 12th, 1722.
George sonn of Ann Ferguson born March 3d, 1723.
John a mulatto belonging to Jos. Forster born Apl 1st, 1722.
Sarah Daughter of Frae. Fussel born octr 11th, 1722.
Sarah Daughter of Wm. Forbess born Jany: ye 10th, 1723-4.
Mary a mulatto girl belong to Jos. Foster Gent. bapt 26 July, 1724.
Nan a negro girl belonging to Martha Finch born 20 Decr, 1724.
Stroud the son of Jno Finch born Febry. 2nd, 1724-5.
Jno son of Henry Finch born June ye 17th, 1725.
Jesse ye son of Alex. Flower was born 10br 4th, 1725.
Charles son of Tarleton & Hannah Fleming born Decr 10th, 1725.
Jno son of Jos. & Franc Fox born 9br ye 26, 1725 &
bapt 10ber 19, 1725.
Wm. son of Mary Fielding Bapt 10ber 19th, 1725.
Joseph son of Danll. Farell born octb 8th. 1725.
Edward son of Henry Finch born octob 2d bapt Feb. 22, 1728.
Richard ye son of Danll. & Eliz. Farell Novemb ye 28th, 1727.


Sarah ye Daughter of Jno Fergison born June ye 15, 1727.
Peninnah Dr of John & Peninnah Fergison born July 24
Baptized Augt 24th, 1727.
Charles son of John & Sabra Finch born octr 27, 1728.
Thomas ye son of Wm. & Eliza. Firth born March ye 5th, 1729-30.
Robin a negro belonging to Henry Finch born July 8th, 1730.
Frances Daughter of Tho. Grant born ye 14th of 8ber 1716.
Edward son of Edward Green born ye 8th of March, 1717.
Alexander son of Jno Gawlin Born ye 8th of November, 1717.
Mildrett Daughter of Thomas Grant Born August ye 29th, 1719.
Eliz. Daughr of Jno Gawling born June 7, 1720.
Ellinor Daughter of Hugh & Mary Grinley born July 8th, 1722.
Wm. son of Jno Gannaway born augst ye 31st, 1723.
Joseph son of Forest Green born July ye 1st, 1724.
Sussannah Gilbert Departed this Life 21 of 7ber, 1724.
Richd son of Wm. Guilliam born October 26, 1724.
Mary daughter of Hugh Grindley born 8 April, 1725.
John Son of John Green born August 17, 1725.
Elizth. Dr of Jno. Guilliam born ApI. 7, 1726.
Billy a negro of Dr. Greenhills born Augst 8, 1726.
Frans. Daught of Hugh Grinley horn Febry 7th, 1726-7.
Wm. son of Thos. Green born March ye 7th, 1726-7.
Mary ye Daughr of James & Eliz. Goodall born Sept 15th, 1725.
Martha ye Daughr of Forrest Green born Augst 17th, 1727.
Thomas ye son of James & Elizth. Goodall born Octobr ye 5th
and bapt No, 19th, 1727.
Geoe. a negro belonging to Mr. Paschal Greenhill born
Febry ye 2d, 1727-8.
Sarah ye Dar of Jno. & Martha Guilliam born April 25th
bapt May 26th, 1728.
Jaunny a negro belonging to Paschel Greenhill born May 26, 1728.
Lucy a negro belonging to Ditto born Sept ye 12, 1728.
Frans. ye Dar. of Thomas & Sarah Garwood born 7ber 10th,
bap 7ber 27th, 1728.


Jonny a negro girl belonging to Wm. Jordian born Mch 4, 1728.
Zacharias Son of Jno. & Eliza. Green born Febry 27 bapt. Apl 6, 1729.
Richard Son of John & Martha Gilliam born March 2
Bapt. Easter day following, 1729-30.
Sussannh Dar of Forrest & Mary Green born Janry 16th, 1729-30.
Jack a negro belonging to Wm. Jordian born March ye 14th, 1729-30.
William son of Thomas & theodosia Goodwin Born Janry 2nd, 1748-9.
William son of Samll. Hubbart Born 8br ye 27th, 1716.
Agnes Daughter of Thomas Howle Born 4br, ye, 1716.
Wm, son of John Howle Born February ye 27th, 1716.
Wm. son of Anne Howle Born February ye 24th, 1716.
John son of Jno. Howl Born ye 3rd Febry Bapt Novr 8th, 1718.
Judith, daughtr of Matthew Hardon Born March ye 3d, 1718.
John son of Richard Howl was born Septemr 20 children of Edwd
Harris & Elizabeth his wife viz., 1719.
Edwd son of Edw’d Harris was born Novemr 27, 1704.
Sarah Daughter of Ditto was born January 20, 1705.
Judith Daughter of Ditto was born January 5, 1707.
John son of Ditto was born April 24, 1710.
Thomas son of Ditto was born June 14 1712.
Ussery son of Jno. Hitchcock was born June 18, 1715.
Mary Daughter of Sam Hubbard born June 28, 1721.
James son of Jno. & Katherine Hitchcock born March 16th, 1721-2.
Lucy Daughter of Samll. & Ellenor Hubbard born Janry 1st, 1722-3.
James son of John Howl born Septr ye 7th, 1723.
Samll. son of Jno. Hall born Augst ye 30, 1723.
Mary Daughter of Jas. Hitchcok born Janry 5, 1723-4.
Sussannah Daughter of Jno. Howle born April 2, 1725.
Jane Daughter of James Howle born 9th of 7ber, 1725.
Sarah Daughr of Richd Head born Augst 15, 1725.
Elizth. ye Daughtr of Saml. Hubbert born Decemr 21st, 1726.
George ye son of Charles Hughes born Octobr ye 2d, 1726.
Peter a negro of Wm. Hopkins born Decembr 13th, 1726.
Phillis a negro girl of Jno. Howle born March ye 10th, 1726-7.


George son of George Wilton born May ye 26th, 1727.
Frans. ye Daughter of Michael & Grace Warfield born 7br 26
bapt. 9ber 26th, 1727.
Crespin Grinley ye son of Anne Heaton born June ye 6 1727 &
bapt. Janry 21, 1727-8.
Thos. son of Thos. & Anne Howle born May ye 5th
bapt. June 2d, 1728.
Edward son of Edward Harris born Febry ye 6th, 1726-7.
Anne ye Dar of Wm. & Frans. Hopkins born July 20th
Bapt. Augst 2d, 1728.
Wm. a negro belonging to Judith Hardyman bapt. 7ber 29th, 1728.
Jeremiah son of Thomas & Lucy Hilliard horn Febry 26 and
baptized March 23, 1728-9.
Saml. son of Saml. & Elinor Hubbard born Augst 9, 1728.
Eastor a negro belonging to John Howle born Apl. 6th, 1729.
James a negro of Thos Hilliard bapt. July 20, 1729.
Annis Daughtr of Chas. & Eliza. Hughs born July 21 bap.
Augst 17, 1729.
Joe negro boy belonging to Wm. Hopkins born 7ber 10th, 1729.
Absolom son of Jno. & Mary Howl born April 26, 1730.
Epaphroditus son of Thomas & Anne Howle born 5th March, 1729-30.
Richard Dr of Jno. & Anne Harris born Febry 20th, 1729-30.
Eliza. the Daughter of Edmond & Unity Harris born August 1st, 1730.
Ursula the Daughter of thos. & Tresel Henderson born Febry 23
bapd Apl. 5, 1730.
Phillis a negro belonging to Judith Hardyman born Apl. 20th, 1729.
Saml. son of James & Joyce Hill born Decr 26th, 1730.
Mingo a negro belonging to Do. born June ye 30, 1730.
Robbin a mulatto son of Dorothy Howel born March 18th, 1739.
a negro belonging to Martin Hulett born April 2d, 1731.
Thomas son of Thomas & Lucy Hilliard born March ye 4th and
baptized April ye 18th following, 1730-1.


Joe a negro boy belonging to Wm. Hopkins born Septr 10th, 1729.
Absalom of Jno. & Mary Howle born April 26, 1730.
Epaphroditus son of Thomas & Anne Howle born 5 March, 1729.
Richard son of Jno. & Anne Harris born february 1st, 1810. [?]
Mary Daughter of Wm. Jackson Born 1716.
William Willis Johnson son of John Johnson of Blissland Parish
Born January ye 3rd, 1716-17.
William son of Jno. Jackson born September ye 29th, 1717.
David son of Jno. Jones Born October ye 26, 1717.
Elizabeth Daughter of John Jackson Born 7br. ye 20th, 1719.
Mossias son of Mossias Jones & Lucy his wife born March 21, 1721.
Mary daughter of Robt Jarrat born July 10, 1721.
Frances Daughter of Jno. Jackson born July 29th, 1722.
Matthew a negro boy belong to Mary Jackson born 20 Sepr, 1723.
David son of Robt Jarrott born December 23d. 1723.
Mary daughter of Desorex Jarrott born May 5th, 1724.
Robt son of Robt Jarratt born Decemr 26th. 1724.
Jno. son of Jno. Johnson born March 1st, 1724-5.
Pompy a negro belonging to Deborex Jarratt born 17 June, 1725.
Archolaus son of Debrix Jarrott born Janry 5, 1725-6.
Mary daughter of Frans Johnson born Febry 9th, 1725-6.
Henrietta ye Dr of Matthw. & Susanh. Jouet born Apl. 20, 1727.
Anne ye Dar of Deverix & Elizh. Jarratt born Novr 13, bapt. Decr
24, 1727.
Susannah ye Dar of Robt & Sarah Jarratt born Novr ye 16 &
bapt. Janry ye 14, 1727.
Will a negro belonging to Robt Jarratt born on Christmas day, 1727.
Wm. son of Wm. & Mary Johnson born June ye 9th & bapt.
July ye 7th, 1728.
Franc. son of Franc. & Jane Johnson born May ye 25th, 1728.
Mary Dar. of Elizabeth Jugo born 7ber. 29, 1729.
Wm. son of Richd & Judith Jones born Janry 2d bapt Feb. 22, 1729-30.


Fanny Dar. of Devorix & Eliza. Jarratt born Janry 15 bapt Feb.
22, 1729-30.
Mary Dar of James & Jane Johnson born May 2d bapt. June 7, 1730.
Moll a negro belonging to Mary Jackson born 24 July, 1728.
Isaac son of Frances & Jane Johnson born Febry 5th, 1729-30.
Richard son of Abram & Jane Johnson born Janry 18th, 1729-30.
A negro girl belonging to Jno. Lewis Esq. Born May 25th, 1716.
Elizabeth daughter of Sherwood Lightfoot born 9ber. ye 23rd, 1716.
Betty a negro girl belonging to Mr. Tho. Lightfoot Born March
31st, 1717.
Mary daughter of Mr. T: Lightfoot Born 8ber ye 2d, 1717.
John son of Jno. Lucas Born ye 29 of 7br., 1717.
Frances Daughter of Tho. Lightfoot Born 8br. ye 8th, 1717.
John son of Nicho. Lewis Born November 22, 1717.
Vead a negro belonging to Mr. Sherwd Lightfoot Born ye
15th of Xbr., 1717.
Ross a negro belonging to ye sd. Lightfoot Born Janry ye 2d, 1717.
Lucy a mulatto Girl belonging to Mrs. Eliz. Littlepage born
17 Xbr., 1717.
Mary a negro Girl belonging to Mr. Chas. Lewis Born April
ye 15th, 1718.
George a negro belonging to the sd. Chas. Lewis Born ye 5th
of May, 1718.
George a negro belonging to ye sd. Chas. Lewis Born May
ye 6th, 1718.
_____ a negro belonging to Jno. Lewis Esq Born 7br., 1718,
Beky a negro Girl belonging to Jno Lewis Esq. Born March 17, 1718.
Hannah a mulatto belonging to Mr. Sherwood Lightfoot was born
April ye 26th, 1719.
Daniel a negro born ye 30th of May belonging to ye sd.
S: Lightfoot, 1719.
Ned a negro boy belonging to ye sd. S. Lightfoot Born June
ye 23rd, 1719.


Dick a Negro boy belonging to ye S: Lightfoot Born July 4th, 1719.
Susanna Daughter of Richd Littlepage Gent. Born Janry 22 7717.
Joe negro Boy belonging to Mr. Francis Littlepage
Born June ye 30, 1718.
Robert a negro belonging to Mr. Fra: Littlepage born
January &c, 1718.
Nanny a negro Girl belonging to ye sd. Mr. Littlepage
Born March &c, 1718.
Charley son of John Lucas Born December ye 25th, 1719.
Jno. son of Jno. Langford born January ye 8th. 1719.
Elizabth. Daughter of Owen Lewis born Decernr 10, 1719.
Anne Daughter of Mr. Thos Lightfoot born Augst 7, 1720.
John son of Charles Lewis Gent. was born Octor 8, 1720.
Tamer a Negro of Charles Lewis Gent. born March 20, 1720.
Teney a Negro of Cha. Lewis Gent. born March 15, 1720.
Ann a Negro of Mrs. Frances Littlepage Baptisd May 21: 1721
Susanna a white child belonging to a servt of ye said Is Frances
Littlepage baptizd May 21, 1721.
Tom a negro belonging to Mr. Sherwd Lightfoot born Apl. 10, 1721.
Watts & Esther negroes of Mr. Sherwd Lightfoots born Augst 1st, 1721.
Grace a negro belonging to Mr. Sherwd Lightfoot born Augst 26, 1721.
Squire a negro belonging to Jno Lewis Esq. born May, 1721.
Cate a negro belonging to Ditto born May, 1721.
A mulatto of Mr. Sherwd Lightfoots born 7br 26, 1721.
George a molatto of Mr. Sherwd Lightfoots born Febry 12, 1721/2.
Philip Louch son of Wm. Louch born Janry 25th, 1721/2.
Judith Daughter of John & Mary Labamore born Jan. 16th, 1721/2.
Forrester son of Jno Lucas born July 15th, 1722.
Lucy a malatto Girl of Shwd Lightfoots born Septr 30th, 1722.
Frayzer Sonn of Tho. Lightfoot born March 30th, 1723.
Henry sonn of Tho. Lightfoot born March 30th, 1723.
Henry sonn of John Langford born Sept 20th, 1722.


John son of John Langford born Feb. 6th, 1723/4.
Susanna a negro girl belonging to Mrs. Franc Littlepage born 1722.
Mary a negro girl belonging to ye aforesd born May 26th, 1724.
James son of Nichos. Lewis born March 9th, 1723/4.
Wm. a negro boy belonging to Mrs. Franc Littlepage born June 23d, 1724.
George a negro boy belonging to Mr. Sherd. Lightfoot born Decr. 10, 1724
Cuffee a negro boy belonging to Ditto born Janry 4th, 1724-5.
Will a negro boy belong, to Sherd. Lightfoot born Febry: 1st, 1724-5.
Sam a negro belonging to Ditto born March 6th, 1724-5
Mary Lines born March 4th, 1724-5.
Mary Daug: of Tho. Lightfoot born may 24. 1725.
Mary a negro girl beknging to Mrs Franc. Littlepage born June, 1724.
Elizth. a negro belonging to Madm Littlepage baptsd July 25, 1725.
Eliz Daughtr of Hen: Lacy born 7br 20th & bapt 10b 19, 1725:
Dick a negro boy belonging to Hen: Lacy born 7ber 25, 1725.
Eliz: Daughtr of Jno Langford born Jany 4, 1725-6.
John son of Walter & Margaret Leigh born Jany 16, 1725.
Judith Daughr of Dorothy Howell a mulatto Servt to Mr.
Sherwood Lightfoot born, 1725.
Jenny a negro of Mr. Sherd. Lightfoot born march 19, 1726-7.
Spy a negro belonging to Do. born Augst 2d, 1726.
Christian a negro girl belonging to Mrs. Franc Littlepage born, 1726.
Sarah a negro belonging to Do born, 1727.
Charles a negro of Mr. Sherd. Lightfoot born octr ye 16th, 1727.
Poll a negro belonging to Mr. S. Lightfoot born in Decemr, 1727.
Ursula ye Daughter of Henry & Angelica Lacy born Sept 4th
Baptized october ye 29th following, 1727.
Judith Daur. to Madm Littlepages mullatto Sarah born Septr 20
Baptized November ye 5th following, 1727.
Jane ye son of Robt & Jane Lewis was born Jany ye 1st
bapt Jany. 13th, 1727-8.


Edward ye son of Jno. & Rebecca Langford born March 6
bapt. May 11, 1728.
Wm. a negro belonging to Mrs. Frans. Littlepage
bapt. oct: 6, 1728.
Nancy a negro girl belonging to Majr Sherd Lightfoot born
August ye 8th, 1729.
Matthew negro belonging to Sherd Lightfoot born Novr 19th, 1729.
Walter son of Walter & Margaret Leigh bapt Decr 7, 1729.
Joyce Dar of John & Mary Lancaster born March 6d, 1729-30.
Ruth Daughter of Steph: & Phillis Moone born Janry 9, 1713.
Mary Daughter of John Mackquery Born May ye 30th, 1716.
Cate a negro girl belonging to Mr. Jno. Meux born July, 1716.
Taylor a negro boy belonging to Capt James Moss born
october ye 8th, 1716.
Susanna Daughter of Tho. Martin Baptized Jany ye 6, 1716.
Philis. Daughter of Sarah a negro belonging to
Mr. Wm Macon born 8br 29th 1714.
Jeny Daughter of Mall a neg: belonging to ye sd Macon
Born April 26, 1715.
Anne Daughter of Moll a negro belonging to ye sd Macon
Born July 1st, 1717.
Mary Daughter of Peter Moon Baptised 8br ye 11th, 1717.
Jacob son of Stephen Moon Born 8br ye 3d, 1717.
Thomas son of Mr. Thomas Massie Born August the 2d, 1716.
Gedion son of Cha. Massie Born ye 17th of Decemr, 1716.
Betty a negro girl of Mr. Jno Meux Born ye 19th of April, 1718.
Tabitha Daughter of Wm. Morriss Born ye 2d of May, 1718.
Elisabeth Daughter of Wm. Meanlly Born March ye 2d, 1717.
Wm. son of Mr. Thomas Massie Born May the 28th, 1718.
Thomas son of Stephen Mitchell Born July ye 2d, 1718.
Thomas son of Mr. Thomas Massie Born August ye 2d, 1716.
Peter son of Charles Massie Born August ye 29th, 1718.
Robin a negro boy of Cha. Massies Born ye 4th day of May, 1718.
John son of Edward Moore by Frances his wile Born Augst 7th, 1718.
Tom a negro boy belonging to Edwd Moore Born July 9, 1718.
Susanna Daughter of Edwd Morgan Born March ye 8, 1718.


Mingo a negro boy belonging to Mr. John Meux Born Xbr ye 31, 1718.
a negro girl belonging to James Mosse Gent. Born May ye 12, 1719.
David a negro belonging to Mr. Jno Meux Born July the 14th, 1719.
William son of John Maddox Born January 11, 1719.
Thomas son of Martin Martyn born June 4, 1720.
William son of Stephen Moon born april 21. 1720.
James son of Wm. Martyn was born July 24, 1720.
Mary Daughter of Mr. Tho. Massie was born January 1719-20.
William son of Wm. Merriwether born Sepr 13, 1720.
William son of Tho. Martyn born April 14, 1721.
Isaac son of Richd Meanley baptizd april 27, 1721.
Jno son of Edward Morgan born March 24, 1721.
James son of William Moss born July 15, 1721.
Jenny a negro of Capt Moss born August 1, 1721.
Phillis a negro belonging to Pelham More Junr born July 3. 1721.
Mary Daughter of Capt James Moss born August, 1721.
John son of Capt Tho. Massie born octr 3d, 1721.
David son of Cha. Massie born Sepr 3, 1721.
Lewis a negro of Mr. Jn Meuxes born June 1st, 1721.
Sarah May Daughter of Elizabeth May born Sept 2nd. 1721.
Martha Daughter of Wm. Macon Gent. Born Augst 12th, 1722.
Doll a negro belonging to Do. born August 21st, 1722.
Kate a negro girl belonging to Capt Massie born May 10th 1722.
Beck a negro girl belonging to Capt Macon born Sept 29th, 1722.
Hannah Daughter of Jno Meanly Born Jany ye 18th, 1722/3
Jane Daughter of Stephen & Phillis Moone born octr 21st, 1722.
Rachel a negro girl belong to Capt Macon born Novemr 5th, 1722.
William sonn of William May born May 9th, 1723.
John sonn of William Meanly born March 17th, 1723.
Eliz. Daughter of James Moore born apr 3rd, 1723.
Jane Daughter of William Martin born March 23rd, 1722/3


Amy Daughter of Edwd Morgan born Augst ye 17th, 1723.
Ned a negro boy belonging to Jno Mux born augst 20th, 1723.
Susanah Daughter of Thomas Martin born Septr ye 12th, 1723.
John ye son of Wm. Moss born Novemr ye 18th, 1723.
Jane ye Daughter of Richd Meanly born Novemr 28th, 1723.
Anne Daughter of Wm. Macon Gent. born octr 21st, 1720.
Mary Daughter of Aforesaid born 9th day of March, 1723.
Mary Daughter of Cha. Massie born Decr 3d, 1723.
Lucy Daughter of Thos. Macon a negro belong to Madm Littlepage
born Feb. 13, 1723/4.
Jno son of George Marchbanks born 16th March, 1723/4.
Leason son of Steph: Mitchel born May 30th, 1724.
Catherine Daughter of Pelham Moore Junr born July 2d, 1724.
Anne Daughr of Alex: Moss born 7br ye 30th, 1724.
Unity ye Daughter of Thos: Martin born Decenr 26th, 1724,
David son of Wm. McCommick born Febry: 3d, 1724/5.
Mary Daught of Wm. May born Febry: 17th, 1724/5.
Wm. son of Richd Martin born April 24th, 1725.
Fanny a negro belonging to James Moss born in May, 1725.
Susannah Daugh: of Wm. Morriss born July ye 9, 1725.
Archelaus ye son of Thos: Mitchell Junr born July 27, 1725.
Judith a negro belonging to Cha: Massie born 7ber ye 3d, 1725.
James son of Cha: Massie born octor 16th, 1725.
Susannah Daughr of John Meanly born Augst 30th, 1725.
George son of Geo: Marchbanks born Sept. 28th, 1725.
Judith ye Daught of Stephen Moone born Augt 7th, 1725.
Jno ye son of Mr. Jno Netherland born octobr ye 4th, 1726.
Cate a negro belonging to Do. born Augst 22d, 1726.
Fanny a negro belonging to Do. born Decer 10th, 1728.
William son of James Nance Jany: 20, 1726/7.
Dorothy a negro belonging to James Nance bapt. July 20th, 1729.
Wm. ye son of Wm. & Sush: North born 15th of July bapt.
Augst 16th, 1730.
Benja. son of John & Sarah Netherland born 7ber 11th
bapt. 7ber 28th, 1730.
Martha Daughter of Grezel Maccomick bapd 10ber 19th, 1725.
Jno son of Jno & Margt Martin born Novembr 24th & bapt
Jany: 30th, 1725.


Batt a negro boy belonging to David McGill born Novemr 9, 1725.
Peter a negro boy of Capt Wm. Marston born Novemr 17, 1725.
Mars a negro boy of Pelham Moore born Febry: 13, 1725.
Absolom son of Richd Meanly born Novemr 10th, 1725.
Wm. son of Wm. Martin & Sarah his wife Jany: 1st and
bapt Feby: 20th following, 1725.
Michael ye son of Stephen Mitchell was born March 17th 1725/6
And was bapt April ye 17th, 1726.
Franc ye Daughr of Robt Morgan born July 2d, 1726.
Sarah the Daughr of Wm. Moss born Sept 5th, 1726.
Sarah ye Daugr of Wm. Meanly born July 28th, 1726.
Lucy ye Daughr of Martin Martin born Augt 20th, 1726.
Edward ye son of Edward Morgan born October 1st 1726.
Nicholas ye son of Wm. Morris born November ye 5th. 1726.
David ye son of Robt Martin born March ye 24th 1726-7.
John ye son of James Moore born June ye 14th, 1727.
Jack a negro boy of Charles Morris born April ye 10th, 1727.
Wm. ye son of Mr. Wm. Macon & Mary his wife born Jany: 4th 1725.
Robbin a negro belonging to James Moss born in May, 1727.
Nathanael ye son of Charles Massie born August ye 2d, 1727.
James ye son of James Moore was born ye 13th of Novr, 1718.
Mary ye Daughter of James Moore born Febry: 1st, 1721.
Rebecca ye Daughter of James Moore born Augst ye 13th, 1725.
Henry ye son of Wm. Macon Gent. & Mary his wife
born 7br 1st, 1727.
Susannah ye Daughr of Pelham & Sarah Moore born 7br 13th, 1727.
Mary ye Daughr of Wm. McCormick born oct. ye 18th, 1727.
Nanny a negro belonging to Tho. Michel born 7ber 25th, 1727.
Peter a negro of Ed. Morgan born Augst ye 4th, 1727.
Mary ye Dar. of Marmaduke & Hannah Moore born Sept. 19th
bapt oct. 29th, 1727.
Judith ye Dar. of Wm. & Tabitha Morris born oct. 16th, bapt
Novr 12th, 1727.
Susanna Dar of Richd & Frances Martin born octr 17th & bapt
Nov. 19th, 1727.


Wm. son of Thos. Marston born Novemr ye 7th & bapt
Novemr 22d, 1727.
Anne ye Dar of Tho: & Elizth. Mitchell born Janry ye 3d,
bapt March ye 3d, 1727-8.
Jenny & Venus negros belonging to Capt Tho: Massie born
March ye 1st, 1727-8.
Elizh. Dr of Thos. Martin born March ye 14th, 1727-8.
Stephen ye son of Steph: Mitchell born April 24th &
bapt May ye 4th, 1728.
Phebe a negro girl belonging to Wm. Marston born April
ye 13th, 1728.
________ a negro belonging to Richd Meux born June ye
11th, 1728.
Martha Daughter of Jno. Otey born July ye 23rd, 1717.
William son of John Otey born March 18: 1719.
John Son of Samuel Osling Born 7br 27th, 1718.
Sarah [Hannah] Oslin Daughter of Saml. Oslin born Febry
20th, 1721/2.
Sam son of Samll: Ossling born June ye 17th, 1724.
Doll a negro girl belonging to Mr. Jno. Otey born 17 Mch.,
and bapt JuIy ye 22d following 1726-7.
David son of Saml. Ossling born Sepr 7th, 1726.
Jesse ye son of Saml. & Mary Ossling born March 31st bapt
Apl. 27, 1729.
Susanh: ye Dar of Owen & Catherine Ohern born March 2d, 1729/30.
Lucy a negro belonging to Thomas Mosse Junr born
Decemr 19th, 1730.
Richard ye son of Arnal & Rebecca Man born Janry 25
bapt May 12, 1728.
Betty a negro belonging to Capt Thos Massie born Augst, 1728.
Lucy a negro belonging to Charles Massie born June 28th, 1728.
John ye son of John Meanly born July 6th bapt July ye 30th, 1728.
Patty a negro girl belonging to David Mackgill born Augst 5, 1728.
Charles of Gresel Macomick born Octobr bapt Nov 24th, 1728.
Hannah Daughr of Edwd & Hannah Morgan born No. 9th, 1728
bap. Apl. 27, 1729.


Eliza. Daughter of Wm. & Ann Morris born Apl. 8 bapt. May 11th, 1729.
Dick a negro belonging to Marmaduke Moore born Apl 11th, 1729.
Jude a negro boy belonging to Thos Moss Junr born July 25th, 1729.
Eliza. Dar of Robt & Eliza. Morgan born Augst 12 bapt 7ber. 21, 1729.
Wm. son of Saml & Bathia Mosse born 7ber. 19th bapt Novr 2d, 1729.
Cesar a negro belonging to Thos Mitchel born October 15, 1729.
John son of Robt & Mary Moore born Janry 23d bapt Mch 20th, 1729-30.
Anthony son of Pelham & Sarah Moore born Apl 3d bapt May 3d, 1730.
Wm, son of Archelius Mitchel born Apl. 14, bapt May 31, 1730.
Elizth the Daughter of Stephen & Ann Martin born June 1st &
bapt Aug: 3d, 1730.
Jemmy a negro belonging to William Marston born 15 of June, 1730.
Thomas ye son of Thos & Elizth. Mitchel born July 16 bap.
Augst 30, 1730.
Joyce ye Daughter of Thos Mosse & Susanna his wife born Aug.
bapt 7ber. 6, 1730.
Eliza. the Daughter of James Mosse baptized June ye 13th. 1730.
Cecilla Daughter of Charles Massie born October ye 3d, 1729-30.
Robert ye son of James & Agnis Moore born Decr. ye 8, 1729.
Isaac ye son of Thomas Middlebrook born Janry ye 12th. 1727-8.
Dick a negro belonging to Edwd Morgan born May 11th, 1730.
Betty Daughter of Stephen & Margaret Moone born Janry 21, 1729-30.
James a negro belonging to Chas. Moss born 28 Novr. 1730.
Lucy a negro belonging to John Martin born March, 1729-30.
Nanny a negro belonging to Thomas Marston born Augst 1st, 1731.
Joan a negro belonging to Do. born Novemr ye 1st, 1732.
Cate a negro belonging to Do. born April ye 1st, 1733.


Joel son of Thos. & Mary Mekins, free negroes born Octr 29, 1747.
Daniel [David] son of Do. born Aprill 17th, 1749.
Isaac Son of Mary Mekins, a free negroe woman, Aprill 19, 1754.
Daniel, son of William Moore & Susanna his wife born ye 24 June, 1739.
George Poindexter Departed this Life March ye 12th, 1716 [very smudged entry]
Susanna Daughter of Robert Predy Born June ye 23d, 1717.
Sarah Daughter of Wm. Perkin Born June ye 29, 1717.
Obadiah son of David Patison Born February ye 10th, 1717.
Edward son of Edwd Patison Born May ye 5th, 1718.
William son of Wm. Brier Born March ye 30th, 1719.
Julius Ceaser son of Sarah Poindexter Born May ye 31st. 1719.
Elizabeth Daughter of John Philips Born the 19th of August, 1719.
Robert son of William Peasley was born January 10, 1719.
James son of Alexr. Pattison born May 25, 1720.
Gideon son of David Pattison born July 7th, 1720.
Eliz: daughter of Matthew Pond born June 10, 1721.
William son of Jacob Poindexter born July 13, 1721.
Eliz: Daughtr of Wm. Paul was born July 12, 1721.
Wm. sonn of Thos. & Eliz: Pinchback born March 8th, 1721/2.
Jameston son of Alexr. Patterson born Octr 14th, 1722.
William sonn of William Peasley born April 13th, 1722.
Mary Daughter of Thos. & Eliz: Pinchback born April 19th, 1723.
Jno. ye son of Wm. Pearson born Augst ye 19, 1723.
James ye son of David Patterson born Febry ye 10th, 1722/3.
Jacob son of Jacob Poindexter born Sept 25th, 1723.
Sue a negro girl belong to Jacob Poindexter born Decr. 1st, 1723.
Cuffee a negro boy belonging to Wm. Peasley born March 9, 1723/4.
Billy a negro boy belong to Geo. Pearson Apl. 30, 1724.
Frans. Daugr of Wm. Paul born June ye 17th, 1724.
Thomas son of Wm. Peasley born 10th of 7ber, 1724.
Jones & Susannah negros belonging to Mr. Geo: Poindexter was
baptized Janry ye 3d, 1724/5.
Alexr. son of Alexr. Pattison born Janry 30th, 1724/5.
Anne Daughr of David pattison born March 19, 1724/5.


Hannah Daughr of Charles Pearson born 12 Apll & bapt may:
15th following, 1725.
Thos. son of Thos. Pinchback born Janry 8th and bapt 27th
of Feb: following. 1725/6.
Henry son of Jacob & Sarah Poindexter born Feb: 16 & bapt
March 27 following, 1725/6.
Wm. Son of Nicholas Pryor born 7ber. 26th & bapt Ap. 10th, 1725.
Sam a negro of Wm. Peasley born June 25th, 1726.
John son of Wm. Pall born Febry ye 17th, 1726/7.
Tom a negro of Jacob Poindexter born May ye 15, 1727.
Geo: ye son of George Pearson born March 23, 1726/7.
Bess a negro of Wm. Peasley born July ye 14th, 1727.
Sam a negro of George Pearson born July ye 10th, 1727.
Negroes belonging to Mr. Geo. Poindexter born:
Moll born Janry ye 9, 1711.
Tanner born in March, 1713.
Jones born March 31, 1714.
Lucy born Janry 18, 1715/16.
Bess born July, 1718.
Sampson born in May, 1720,
Sue born in July, 1721.
Ned born in Augst, 1724.
Sarah born June ye 28, 1724.
Tom born Febry 14, 1725.
Isaac born Janry ye 14, 1726/7.
Judith born in Febry, 1727/8.
Jemmy born Christmas day, 1722.
Frank a negro belonging to Jacob Poindexter born
March ye 14th, 1727/8.
Susannah ye Dar of Charles & Hannah Pearson born March ye 20th
& bapt April 28, 1728.
Danl. a negro belonging to Martha Pattison born Janry 14, 1727/8.
Susanh. Dar. of Wm. & Eliza. Pattison born July 31, 1725,
bapt May 14, 1728.
Thos. son of Jones & Eliza. Parish born Janry 9th, 1724/5.
Edward son of Ditto born Feb: 25, 1727/8.


John son of John & Agnes Foster born Janry 31st bapt May ye 14, 1728.
_______ ye Dar of David Pattison born
Augustine ye son of Wm. & frans. Pasley born June ye 9th &
bapt July 7th, 1728.
Jno. & Rebecca negros belonging to Jacob Poindexter bapt
7ber. 29, 1728.
Sarah Dr of Thomas & Eliza. Pinchback born 7ber. 4th
bapt Octobr 20, 1728.
Elizth. Daughr of Stephen & Jane Pepper born July 14th
bapt Augst 14, 1729.
Aggey a negro girl belonging to Jacob Poindexter born March
18, 1729/30.
Sarah Dar of John & Mary Pearson born March ye 26, 1730.
Edward the son of Eliza. Parish weh. is now the wife of James Sims
was born May the 20th, 1730.
Dick a negro belonging to Geo. Poindexter born October, 1729.
Sarah negro belonging to Martha Pattison born Octobr 15, 1729.
Ann the Daughr of Wm. & Mary Pearson born Janry ye 17, 1729/30.
Elizth. Daughter of Thos & Elizth. Pinchback born febry 4th
bapt Mch. 4, 1730.
Elizabeth Daughter of Anne Patteson, a free malatto woman
born July 29th, 1750.
John son of Thomas & Elizabeth Pinchback borne April 28th, 1732.
Daniel son of Thos & Catherine Butts born 7ber. 20th, 1729.
Osilla Dar of Fidkin Barker born April 20th, 1730.
Thos the son of Charles & Judith Bolton born June 14 bapt
Aug. 3d, 1730.
Major a negro belonging to Colo. David Bray born Febry 20, 1729/30.
Ann ye Daughter of Wm. & Amy Burk born Janry
ye 8, 1728/9. [a line has been drawn through this entry.]
Jemmy a negro bay belonging to Catherine Broadie born Mch.
22d, 1729/30.
Ellenor Daughter of Jno. & Eliza. Bassett born Decr ye 7th, 1729.
James ye son of Jos. Vaughon born August ye 11th, 1729.