Charles Gore Departed this Life December 9th, 1721.
Elizth. wife of Wm Guilliam Dyed March 24th, 1724-5.
Edmond Green Dyed octr 8th, 1725.
Jno Gorton servt to James Crump Dyed Jany. ye 9th, 1725-6.
Margaret Guilliam Dyed Febry. 12th, 1725-6.
Jno Green of K. Wm County Dyed at Doc. Greenhils Novemb, 1726.
London a negro of Paschal Greenhill Dyed July ye 15th, 1728.
Frane. Dautr of Tho. Garwood Dyed october __, 1728.
Sambo a negro belonging to Hugh Grindley _br 3d, 1728-9.
Jno Hill departed this Lile ye 26th d. of January, 1687-8.
Will Harmon deceased ye 4th day of Jany., 1687-8.
Jude Harmon daugh. to Rob. Harmon deceased ye 28 d. of octo., 1687.
Sam Hopkins servant to Sam Firth deceased ye 20 d. of Feby., 1687-8.
Luke Howard deceased ye 1st d. of Feby., 1687-8.
John Hurlock obist. 24th Die of octob. anno., 1707.
William Hodkison servant of Mr Jno Alfords some time in May, 1708.
Thomas Harris Departed this Life March ye 20th Anno. Dom., 1708-9.
Francis Hill Junr Departed this Life December ye 26th, 1709.
Jno Howle Senr Departed this Life Jany. ye 4th, 1709.
Samuel Hill Departed this Life Jany. ye 24th, 1709.
Mary and Bridget Daughtrs of Jno Helton Departed this Life
Jany. 27th, 1709.
Elizabeth Hill Widw. Departed this Life Febry. ye 10th, 1709.
Thomas Henderson Departed this Life Febry., 1709.
Grace Hurlock Departed this Life April ye 11th Annoq. Dom., 1710.
Mercy Daughter of Robert Harris Departed this Life April 6th, 1710.
Hester ye wife of Robt Harper Departed this Life Xbr ye 6, 1714.
Mary Hill Departed this Life in February, 1717.
Francis Hill Departed this Life March ye 6th, 1717.
Charles Harper Departed this Life Ayril ye 3d, 1718.
Elizabeth Hillton Departed this Life April ye 18th, 1718.


Richard Harvey Departed this Life May ye 13th, 1718.
John Hancock Departed this Life June ye 24th, 1718.
Mary Hancock Departed this Life July ye 4th, 1718.
John Howle Departed this Life February ye 21st, 1718.
Rose a negro belonging to John Howle Died Febry. 12th, 1718.
Wm son of Samll Hubart Died ye 15th of June, 1716.
Mary ye wife of Martin Hulett Departed this Life November ye 7th, 1719.
Jane ye wife of Jno Hitchcock departed this life Jan. ye 14, 1719.
Joanna Hinson Departed this Life April ye 4th, 1720.
Mary Hilton Deceased March 2d, 1719.
Jno Hilton Deceased March 7th, 1719.
Mary Harper belonging to Mr Fra. Littlepage Died March 25, 1720.
James Henderson Departed this Life Augt 15, 1720.
Eliz. the wife of Wm. Howle Departed this Life Febry. 7 1724-5.
Jno son of Jno Hull Dyed Sept, 1726.
Alice Hutcherson Dyed April ye 9th, 1728.
John Englebrite buried ye 21 November, 1698.
Mary ye wife of Mr Robt Jarret obist 31st March, 1707.
Mr Robt Jarrott Departed this Life January ye 21st, 1709.
Sarah ye wife of Wm. Johnson Departed this Life 8br ye 28th, 1711.
William Johnson Departed this Life Novemb ye 6th, 1714.
Martha ye wife of orlando Jones Gent. Departed this Life May ye 4th, 1716.
Jenny a negro belonging to Tho. Jackson Died 9br ye 20th, 1718.
William Jackson Departed this Life Febry. ye 10th, 1718.
Thomas Jackson departed this life april 19, 1720.
Will a negro of Mary Jackson died april 14, 1721.
Jack a negro belonging to Lucy Jones Died June 22, 1721.
Mary Daughter of Robt Jarrat Deceased Augt 19, 1721.
Sarah wife of John Jackson Febry. ye 20th, 1724-5.
Elizbt. Johnson Died Febry 20th, 1725-6.
Elizbt. Jackson Deceased on ye 7th day of June, 1728.


George Laurance departed this life the 11th day of January, 1685-6.
Jno Longworthy departed this Life ye 19th of January, 1687-8.
Richd Lamb Deceased ye 3d of March, 1687-8.
Mr Richard Littlepage deceased ye 20th day of aprill, 1688.
Colo. John Lightfoot Esq: obijt xxviii Die Majs circa undecim:
Host: & anno Lins, 1707.
Toby a negro belonging to Sherwood Lightfoot Departed this
Life 8br ye 7th, 1713.
Jack a negro belonging to Jno Lewis Esq: Died Febry:, 1714.
Tom a negro belonging to Jno Lewis Esq: Departed this Life april ye 23d, 1715.
Wm. a negro boy of Mr Thos Lightfoot Died, 1715.
Elizabeth wife of Owen Lewis Departed this Life 9br ye 4, 1716.
Kate a negro woman belonging to Esq: Jno Lewis Died ye 24th of Xbr 1716.
Terpin a negro belonging to Sher: Lightfoot Gent; Died 8br, 1716.
Elizabeth Daughter of Owen Lewis Departed this Life May 16th, 1717.
Judith a negro of Jno Lewis Esq: Departed this Life May 18th, 1717.
a negro belonging to Mr Thomas Lightfoot Died Xbr ye 15th, 1717.
Richard Littlepage Gent. Departed this Life March ye 20, 1717.
Wm. Lucas Departed this Life 7ber ye 3d, 1718.
Bug a negro boy of Mr Fra: Littlepage Drowned in July, 1719.
Wm. Proctor Departed this Life September, 1719.
Robert Coapland a Taylor belonging to Madam Littlepage was
drowned 9br 3d, 1719.
Sampson a negro of Madam Littlepage was drowned 9br ye 3d, 1719.
Elizabeth Lewis wife of Owen Lewis died march 27, 1719.
Elizabeth Daughter of Owen Lewis died april 4, 1720.
Hunt a negro of Mr. Sherwood Lightfoot Died May 5, 1720.
2 negros belonging to Mr Goodh. Lightfoot Died, 1720.
Matthew a negro of Mr. Sherwd Lightfoot Died Febry: 16, 1720-1.
a mulatto child of Mr Sherwd Lightfoots Died octo., 1721.


a mulatto child of Mr Sherwd Lightfoots not named Died Sept., 1721.
George a mulatto of Mr Sherwd Lightfoots Died March 28th, 1721-2.
Charles an Indian belong, to Capt Goodrich Lightfoot died octo.
9th, 1722.
Hannah a mulatto belonging to Sherwood Lightfoot died octo:
20th, 1722.
Frayzer sonn of Thos Lightfoot died March 30th, 1723.
Forester son of Jno Lucas Dyed ye 21st of Augst, 1723.
Coll. George Lyddall Died Jan: 19th, 1705.
Sam a negro belonging to Mr Sherwd Lightfoot Dyed April 28th, 1725.
Charles a negro belonging to Mr Sherwood Lightfoot Died Apl 15, 1726.
Franc. Lightfoot Died Febry 19th, 1725-6.
Elizth. Langford Died Febry ye 7th, 1725-6.
Cuffee a negro of Mr Sherwd Lightfoots Dyed May ye 3d, 1726.
Grace a negro belonging to Do. Dyed April 17th, 1726.
Will a negro belonging to Do. Dyed May ye 12, 1726.
Bobb a negro of Mr Jno Lang was killed with thunder Apl 18, 1727.
Danll. a negro of Mr Sherwd Lightfoot Dyed Apl 30th, 1727.
Moll a negro belonging to Do. Dyed Augst 7th, 1727.
Wm. Lewis Dyed Augst 3d, 1727.
Mary Lillingston Dyed March 4th, 1728-9.
Majr Sherwood Lightfoot Dyed April 26th, 1730.
Angelica Daughter of Henry Lacy Dyed May ye 14th, 1730.
Ursula Daughter of Do. Dyed June ye 3d, 1730.
Margery ye wife __ Thom. Buttler departed this Life ye 8
day of octobr, 1686.
Thom. Mask deceased ye 15th d. of February, 1687-8.
Jno Morfield deceased ye 18 d. of February, 1687-8.
Anne wife of Jno Medlock Dyed the 23 March, 1699-1700.
Wm. Mutton Departed this Life at Steph. Mitchells senr
october ye 31st. 1709.
Daniel Mackdaniell Departed this Life Decemr ye 15th, 1709.
James Martin Departed this Life Jany. ye 27th, 1709.
Wm. Martin Departed this Life Jany. ye 30th, 1709.


Edward Morgan Departed this Life June ye 3d, 1710.
William Millington Departed this Life June ye 14th, 1710.
Thomas Mims Departed this Life April ye 28th, 1711.
Susanna Murront Departed this Life May ye 6th, 1712.
Anne wife of Capt James Moss Departed this Life March 9, 1712.
Mary wife of Stephen Moon Departed this Life March 20, 1712.
Elizabeth wife of Jno Meux Departed this Life Augt 7th, 1713.
Stephen Moon Departed this Life Jany. ye 29th, 1713.
Dick a negro child of Mr Jno Meux Departed this Life Xbr
ye 15th, 1714.
Stephen Mitchell Departed this Life May ye 6th, 1715.
John son of W Jno Meux was drowned June ye 26th, 1715.
Wm. Major Departed this Life 8ber ye 4th, 1716.
Elizabeth Daughter of Tho. Moss Departed this Life May ye 20th, 1717.
Wm. Thompson Moss Departed this Life May ye 15th, 1717.
Wm. Mallett Departed this Life September ye 7th, 1717.
Mary Daughter of Peter Moon Departed this Life 8br 12th, 1717.
Lucy Daughter of Edmd Moore Departed this Life Feb. 12th, 1717.
John Moore Departed this Life March 12th, 1717.
Tabitha Daughter of Wm. Morriss Departed this Life June ye 4th, 1718.
James Moore Departed this Life ye 9th of July, 1718.
Edward Moore Departed this Life August ye 2d, 1718.
Elizabeth wife of Jno Moore Departed this Life Jany. ye 19th, 1718.
Milington Meanly son of Richd Departed this Life 8br 6th, 1718.
Anne Daughter of Mr Geo. Massie Departed this Life 8br 5th, 1718.
Robert Morress Departed this Life ye 15th day of Decembr, 1718.
Margaret Madox Departed this Life Decembr ye 31st, 1718.
John Madox Departed this Life Jany. ye 6, 1718.
Catherine ye wife of Rich4 Martin Departed this Life 25th 8br, 1718.
Nanny a negro of Pelham More Died August, 1710.


Peter Massey Departed this Life December 25, 1719.
Jno son of Jno Martyn Deceased april ye 9th, 1720.
Peter Moon Died april ye 8th, 1720.
Eliz. Moon Died april ye 9th. 1720.
Ben a negro belonging to Steph Moon Died March 23, 1719.
Cate a negro of Mr Tho. Massie Died april 25, 1720.
Robt Morriss Deceased Decembr, 1720.
Stephen Mitchell Deceased April 8th, 1720.
Madam a negro belonging to Tho. Moss Junr Decd July 23, 1721.
Jno Simons a carpenter belonging to Mr W. Merriwether died
7br, 1721.
Will a negro belonging to Ditto Died Sept, 1721.
Sarah Daughter of Richd Meanly Died augst 20th, 1722.
Kate a negro girl belonging to Capt Massie Died June 10th, 1722.
Penny a negro girl belonging to Capt Moss Died Augst 12th, 1722.
William Cook an orphan boy belonging to Mr Meux died
Novr 14th, 1722.
Sarah a mulatto belonging to Richd Ross died october 18th, 1722.
Thos Major Died novr 19th, 1722.
Jane ye Daughter of Richd Meanly Died Janry 23d, 1722-3.
Elizth. Daugh: Wm. Mosse Dyed october ye 8th, 1724.
Anne the wife of Jno Macon Dyed Febry: 15th, 1724-5.
Jno son of Geo. Marchbanks Janry 26, 1725-6.
Pelham Moore Dyed Janry; 9th, 1725-6.
Peter a negro belonging to Edwd Moore Dyed Febry 6, 1725-6.
Stephen Moore Dyed Decemr ye 11, 1726.
Leason son of Steph Mitchell Dyed Decemr, 1726.
Frans. Moore Dyed March ye 12th, 1726-7.
Jno Meux Dyed March ye 19th, 1726-7.
Elizth. Meanly Dyed April ye 7th, 1727.
Enoss Indian Dyed at Robt Moore’s Decr 15th, 1726.
Mary Mitchell Dyed april ye 2d, 1727.
John Moore Departed this Life 7br ye 26th, 1727.
Nathaniell Maning Departing this Life october ye 11th, 1727.
Alice Mitchell Dyed april ye 2d, 1728.
Sarah ye Daughter Wm. Moss Dyed May ye 7th, 1728.
Jane Morriss Died May ye 8th, 1728.
Benj: Morriss Dyed octobr 16th, 1729.

Mary Moore Dyed March ye 11th, 1729-30
Catherine Daughter of Pelham Moore Dyed Janry ye 8, 1729-30.
Mary Daughter of Edwd Nash Departed this Life June ye 30th, 1715.
Martha Daughter of Mr John Netherland Dyed 7br 26th, 1725.
Jno Newbey Dyed at Docr Greenhill’s Janry 1st, 1726-7.
Mary Nash Dyed April 26th, 1729.
John Ossling Junr Departed this Life Febry ye __, 1709-10.
John Ossling Senr Departed this Life 9ber ye 14th, 1710.
Robin a negro belonging to Jno Otey Died ye april ye 16th, 1719.
William son of Jno Otey Deceasd Sept 20, 1721.
Martha Daughter of Jn Otey Deceasd octor 3, 1721.
Mary ye wife of Edwd Ossling Deceasd June 14, 1723.
Edward Ossling Dyed Decemr 11th, 1726.
Ann Ossling Dyed 7br 20th, 1729.
George Phillips departed this Life ye 29th d of March, 1687-8.
Richd Perre Deceased ye 27th d of Februa, 1687-8.
Jonathan Price deceased ye 8 d of May, 1687.
Jno Poiner servant to Mr Vincent Goderds Deceased Jan. ye 6, 1688-9.
Peter Pratt servt to Samll Avis dyed the 14 Novr, 1700.
John Parke Senr Departed this Life January ye 17th, 1709-10.
Jarrott Pattison Departed this Life November ye 17th, 1710.
William Pains Departed this Life April ye 28, 1713.
Rowland Pierson Departed this Life June ye 12th, 1713.
Elinor Pasly Departed this Life February ye 27th, 1713.
Mary Parke widow Departed this Life 9br ye 17th, 1714.
George Poindexter Departed this Life march ye 12th, 1716.
Susanna Powel Departed this Life april ye 20th, 1718.
Edward Patison Departed this Life Janry ye 6th, 1718.
Tom a negro belonging to Wm. Perkins Died Xbr 28, 1718.
Sarah a negro belonging to Wm. Perkins Jany: 4, 1718.
Frances Penstone Departed this Life april 15, 1719.
Jane Price Departed this Life July ye 30th, 1719.
Wm. son of Thos Pinchback Departed this Life June 1st, 1722.
Thomas Pattison Dyed on Whitsunday, 1725.
John Parke Departed this Life 9ber ye 28, 1725.
Jover a negro woman belonging to Mr Frans. Parke Died 9br, 1725


Alexander Pattison Dyed March ye 8th. 1725-6.
Jack a negro of Jacob Poindexter Dyed Decemr 3, 1726.
Jno Pully Dyed at Robt Weaver’s Janry 18th, 1726-7.
Jenny a negro of Jno Parish Dyed Decembr 29th, 1726-7.
Sampson a negro belonging to Charles Pearson Deceasd Decembr, 1727.
Tom negro belonging to Mr Geo. Poindexter Dyed octo’ 21St, 1729.
Launcelott Ray deceased ye 24 d of February, 1687-8.
Mary ye wife of Robert Richardson I)eparted this Life 8br
ye 24th, 1710.
Thomas son of Jos Roe Departed this Life 7br ye 9th, 1715.
Mrs Eliz: Roober Wparted this Life 8br ye 13th, 1716.
George Ross Departed this Life march ye 14th, 1716.
Evan Raglin Departed this Life may ye 30th, 1717.
Wm. son of Richd Ross Departed this Life 8br 24, 1717.
Peter a negro of Evan Ragland Died March ye 24, 1717.
Thomas Ragland Departed this Life Febry 15, 1719.
Sarah wife of Henry Richardson Deceased Decembr 6th, 1720.
Henry Richardson Dyed Septembr I7th, 1726.
Henry Richardson Junr Dyed Janry ye 2d, 1726-7.
Anne Ross Dyed Decermbr ye 29th, 1726.
Susannah ye daughter of Thomas Spencer departed this life
ye 4 day of Novembr, 1686.
David Smith departed this Life ye 17th d. of January, 1687-8.
Thom. Stephens departed this Life ye 3d of Jan., 1687-8.
Will Spears Deceased ye 2d of March, 1687-8.
Mr. Richd Squire sometime Min. of ye P’ish obijt. xii Die
December & Sepulterat Mch, 1707.
Frances Daughter of Natt. Smith Departed this Life ye 24th
day of May, 1708.
Anne ye wife of Jno Speare Departed this Life ye 5th day of June, 1708.
Francis Stone Departed this Life ye 5th day of June, 1708.
Ruth ye Daughter of Roht. Speare Dcparted this Life Xbr 18th, 1708.
Susanna wife of Mr. Thomas Sharp Minr. of St. Paul’s Parish
Departed this Life May ye 17th and were Buried in St. Peter’s
Parish Churchyard on May ye 19th, 1709.


Martha ye wife of John Stils Departed this Life 8ber ye 4th. 1709.
Elizabeth Daughter of Jno Sanders Departed this Life Sept. ye 6th, 1712.
John Simpson Departed this Life June ye 30th, 1713.
David son of Tho. Strange Departed this Life 9br 28th, 1714.
Elizabeth Stringer Departed this Life 7br ye 25th. 1715.
Sarah Sanders Departed this Life January ye 25th, 1716.
John Spear Departed this Life March ye 27th, 1716.
Mitchel Strange Departed this Life April ye 20th, 1717.
James Sanders Departed this Life Febry. ye 9th, 1717.
William Sanders Departed this Life February 17th, 1717.
Alice Spear Departed this Life ye 2d of March, 1717.
Charly Spear Departed this Life ye 18th of Marc., 1717.
Sarah a negro of Wm. Stone Died Xbr ye 2d, 1718.
Elizabeth wife of Wm. Stone Departed this Life Jany. 17th. 1718.
Anne Strange Departed this Life Jany. ye 29th, 1718.
Wm. Stone Departed this Life Jany., 1718.
Nathaniel Smith Departed this Life November ye 7th, 1719.
Ruth ye wife of Robert Speere Died March 12, 1719.
Jane Daughter of Robt Speere Died March 29, 1720.
Edward son of Robt Speere Died March 8, 1720.
Margt wife of James Smith Died April 11, 1720.
William Stegall Departed this Life March 19, 1719.
Mr. Thos Sharpe Minister of this Parish Departed this Life
Septemb 3d, 1720.
Jane Sullevant a servt woman Deceasd Augt 25th, 1720.
Paul a boy at Sarah Saunders Died July 14, 1721.
Moses Stegall Deceasd Augt 19th, 1 to charge to Robt
Wingfield, 1721.
Dinah Smith Daughter to Samll. Smith Died Jany. 10th, 1721/2.
Johannah Shailer Departed this Life June 23rd, 1722.
Suky a negro girl belonging to Madam Sharp died Janry 13th, 1722.
Robert Spear senr died Febry. __, 1722.
Mary Spear Dyed March ye 12th, 1724-5.
George son of Saml. Smith Dyed June 17th, 1725.
Eliz. ye wife of Grove Sanders Dyed 7br 18th, 1725.


Alex. Strange Dyed 9br ye 2d, 1725.
Elizth. Sanderson Dyed Febry. 20th, 1725-6.
Wm. Sims Dyed Febry. 17th, 1725-6.
Robt Speare Dyed Febry: 20th, 1725-6.
Thos S. Anderson Dyed Febry: ye 24th, 1726-7.
Sarah Sproson Dyed Aprl 28th, 1726.
Saml Smith Dyed Febry: 6th, 1726-7.
Phillis negro belonging to Md. Sharpe Dyed April 2, 1729.
Dorothy Smith Dyed march 2d, 1729-30.
John Scott Dyed october 23d, 1729.
Mrs Catherine Sharpe Dyed october 29, 1729.
Wm. son of Arther Sladyen Dyed 7ber 25th, 1730.
Henry Terakries servant to Mr Thom. Smith departed this
life ye 4 day of Septemr, 1686.
Jno Turner sone to Henry Turner departed this Life
ye 18 of Jan., 1686-7.
Sara wife to Henry Turner Departed this Life ye
20th d of Febry, 1686-7.
Mitchell Tucker deceased ye 25th of Febry:, 1687-8.
Lenore Thomson deceased ye 18 d of Aprill, 1688.
Will. sone to Will. Turner deceased ye 15 d of Febry:, 1687-8.
Robert Tomson Dyed the 12 Aprill, 1702.
Anne Dauter of James Teate Dyed ye 3d Novr, 1702.
Ofan. Daughter of James Teate Dyed ye 13 Apr., 1703.
Judith Thomson Departed this Life March ye 14th, 1709.
Wm. son of Wm. Timson Departed this Life February ye 12th, 1710.
Henry Turner Departed this Life December ye 17th, 1715.
George Turner Departed this Life March ye 6th, 1717.
Thornas Tudor Departed this Life March ye 12th, 1717.
James Turner Departed this Life Jany. ye 18th, 1718.
Jams. Taylor Departed this Life Jany. ye 25th, 1719.
Wm. Thorpe Departed this Life Augt 21, 1720.
Rebeca Tuder Deceased September 17th, 1721.
Richd Taylor servt to Wm. Adams Deceasd Augt, 1721.
Lucy Little Daughter of Mary Taylor Dyed Febry. 9th, 1722/3.
Jeremiah Tomlinson Dyed at Docr Greenhils oct. 29th, 1726.
Michael Tucker Dyed in March, 1726-7.


Phillis a negro belonging to Henry Talman Dyed 7br 27th, 1727.
Jenny a negro belonging to Do. Dyed 7ber 28th, 1727.
Phillis a negro belonging to Eliz. Taylor Dyed Febry.
16th, 1728-9.
Sara wife to Abraham Venable deceased ye 13 day of
Febry., 1687-8.
Isaac son to Abraham Venable deceascd ye 13 day Febry., 1687-8.
Jno Ussory deceased ye 7th February, 1687-8.
Nohome daugh. to Amar uriah deceased ye 26 d. of March, 1688.
John Upshiere Junr Departed this Life August ye 10th, 1713.
William Vaughan Departed this Life March 16, 1719.
Jno Vaughan Dyed at Mr. Poindexters Jany. 20th, 1724-5.
Elizabeth Vaiden Departed this Life 7br ye 23d, 1730.
Mathias Wood Departed this Life ye 16 day of octob, 1686.
Mr. James Walters deceased ye 17th of August, 1687.
Sam. sone to Sam. Waddy deceased ye 3d of Jan., 1687-8.
Jane Daugh: to Sam. Waddy deceased ye 15 d. of Jan., 1687-8.
Jude Warran deceased ye 23d of February, 1687-8,
Jane Winfree deceased ye 29 d. of February, 1687-8.
Jne. Warran deceased ye 2d of March, 1687-8.
Eliz. wife to Thom. Wilkinson deceased ye 6 d. of
Febry., 1687-8.
Catheriane Woodrowe deceased ye 12 d of Febry., 1687-8.
Jane Daugh: of John Webb Dyed the 3 May, 1700.
John Will-son Departed this Life on ye 23d day of August, 1709.
James son of Wm. Wilson Departed this Life June ye 3oth, 1709.
Elizabeth Daughter of Jacob Winfrey Departed this Life
Augt ye 23, 1709.
Jno Waddill Senr Departed this Life December ye 20th, 1709.
Samuel Weaver Departed this Life Jany. ye 25th, 1709.
Peter Warrin Departed this Life Jany. ye 30th, 1709.
Mary the wife of Tho. Ashcroft Departed this Life 20th of
Febry., 1711-12.
Mary Wild Departed this Life December ye 7th, 1712.


Elizabeth Winfrey Departed this Life March ye 27th, 1714.
Anne Daughter of Win. Walker Departed this Life 7br 26th 1714.
Nanny a negro woman belonging to Mr. Wm. Waddill Departed this
Life 9br ye 17th, 1714.
Will a negro man belonging to ye sd Waddill Departed this
Life Xbr, 1714.
Mary ye wife of Thomas Winkfield Departed this Life Jany.
ye 31st, 1714.
Moll a negro girl belonging to Jno Whitlock Departed this
Life July 26, 1715.
Deliliah Wells Departed this Life Augt ye 4th, 1715.
Elizabeth Williamson Departed this Life 7br 9th, 1715.
Agnes Waddill Departed this Life February ye 8th, 1716.
James Whitlock Departed this Life March ye 29th, 1716.
Elizabeth wife of Edwd Walton Departed this Life
April 5th 1717.
Wm. Walker Junr Departed this Life 7br ye 23d, 1717.
Jno Pettery a servt of Charles Waddill Departed this
Life 7br 28th, 1717.
John Wildmore Departed this Life Febry. ye 9th, 1717.
Alice Whitlock Departed this Life Febry. 7th, 1717.
Charles Winfrey Departed this Life Febry. 2d, 1717.
Mary Winfrey Departed this Life on ye 6th of May, 1718.
Wm. Walker Departed this Life September ye 12th, 1718.
Sue a negro woman of Wm Waddills Died 8br ye 9th, 1719.
Charles son of Chas Waddill Departed this Life April 3d, 1720
Charles Waddel senr Departed this Life April 9, 1720.
John Simons servt to Judith Waddell Died May ye 5, 1720.
Edward Walton Departed this Life april 27, 1720.
Eliz. Wicker Departed this Life augt 16, 1720.
John son of James Waddil Deceased July 13, 1720.
James son of Jno Waddill Deceasd Septemr 3rd, 1720.
Thomas Wingfield Deceasd Dececemt 19, 1720.
Susanna Waddill Deceasd March ye 7, 1720-1.
Jack a negro of Geo. Wilkinson was drowned June 18, 1721.
Benj. son of Benj. Wicker Died Augt 18, 1721.
Francis Walton Died November 27, 1721.
James Waddill Died December 28th, 1721.


John Walton Died Jany. 23d, 1721/2.
Rebecca Waddill Died March 3d, 1721/2.
Pompey a negro belonging to Lewis Watkins Dyed oct. 6th, 1723.
Jenny a negro woman belonging to Cha. Winfree Dyed Mch 14, 1723/4.
Bess a negro woman of Hen Wyatts Dyed 11 of November, 1724.
Sarah Daug. of Anth. Waddy Dyed Decemb 9th, 1725.
Anth. Winston Dyed Decemb 14th, 1725.
the Daugh of Antho. Waddy Dyed 7ber 8, 1725.
Margaret Wood Dyed Feby. 25, 1725-6.
Rachel Watson Deceased Decemb 27th, 1726.
Mary Walton Dyed Jany. ye 7th, 1726-7.
Thos. Weaver Dyed March ye 15, 1726-7.
Mrs. Mary Weaver Dyed octob ye 27th, 1727.
Eliz. Weaver Dyed June ye 5, 1728.
Major Willis Dyed Augt ye 12th, 1728.
Bowler Willis Dyed october ye 8th, 1728.
Ann Watkins Departed this Life Decr 14th, 1729.
Doll a negro belonging to Geo. Wilkinson Dyed Feb. 14, 1730-1.
Rebecca Webster Died october 30th, on Sunday about noon. 1743,
in the 74 year of her age.
Jno son of Thomas Yarbrough Departed this Life Augt ye 13th, 1777.
John Yeates Departed this Life ye 16th of May, 1718.

James son of Fra. Amoss Born 8br ye 15th, 1716.
Judith Daughter of Samll. Allen Born August ye 16th, 1716.
Sarah Daughter of Francis Apperson Born ye 16th of April. 1777.
Hannah a negro girl belonging to Richd AIIin Born May ye 8th, 1717.
Frances Daughter of John Alford Born 8br ye 4th, 1717.
Julius son of James Alford Born in September, 1717.
Hannah Daughter of Wm. Allin Baptised 9br ye 17th, 1717.
John son of Thomas Apperson Born April ye 1st, 1718.


Major son of Thomas Anderson Born March 17th, 1717.
Peter son of John Apperson Born Augt ye 19, 1718.
Francis son of Wm. Apperson Born ye 20th day of December, 1718.
Toby a negro of Jno Aldridge Born Jany. 6th. 1719.
Mary Daughter of Francis Amoss Born August ye 9th, 1719.
Frances Danghter of Jno Alford Born 8br ye 4th, 1717.
Cuffee a negro of Jno Alford Born June ye 22d, 1719.
Elizabeth Daughter of Jno Alford Born July ye 1st, 1719.
Eliz. Daughter of Wm. Adams Born Jany: 26, 1719.
Doll a negro girl of Mr. Ebenez. Adams born March 29, 1720.
Joyce Daughter of Wm. Allen born Jany: 29, 1719.
Beck a negro belonging to Wm. Atkinson born Jany: 20, 1719.
Agathy Daughter of Jno Austin was born March 3, 1720.
Dick a negro of Jno Aldridges born June 20, 1714.
George a child belonging to Richd Allen born 10br 25, 1721.
Lucy a negro belonging to Jno Alford born June 22, 1721.
Simon a negro belonging to Jacoby Aldridge born Sepr 9, 1721.
Bowler sonn of Mr. Ebenezer Adams born april 19th, 1722.
Lucy a negro girl belonging to Mr. Adams born June 1st, 1722.
Flora a negro belonging to Mr. Adams born Sept 18th, 1722.
Hagar a negro girl belonging to Mr. Adams born octbr 21st. 1722.
Sue a negro girl belonging to Jacoby Aldridge born octr 2d, 1723.
Mary Daughter of Jno Austin born Nor 4th, 1723.
Henr. son of Wm. Atkinson born March 9, 1723/4.
Jno a negro boy belonging to Do. born Febry. 26th, 1723/4.
Phillip son of Richd Austin born June 16th. 1724.
Wm. son of Ebenr. Adams Gent. born July 4, 1724.
Unity Daughter of _____ Alford & Grace born 16 Decr at
3 morn., 1724.
Charity Daw___ born 16 of Decemr at noon, 1724.
Punch a negro boy belonging to Ebenr. Adams Gent. born Jany.
5, 1724-5.
Alex: son of John Askew born Jany. 27th, 1724-5.
Jack a negro boy belonging to Richd Apperson born May 5, 1725.


Judah Daughter of Robt Allen born 7br 31st, 1724.
Aggey a negro girl of Mr. Richd Allen born May 27th, 1725.
Judith a negro belonging to Mr. Ebenezr Adams born 24 Jany:, 1725.
George son of Richd Apperson born June ye 24 & Dyed ye 25, 1725.
Joe a negro boy of Mr. Ebenr. Adams born Febry. 10, 1725.
Jane the Daught of Jno Austin born April ye 12th, Bap. 22d, 1726.
Jenny a negro girl of John Alford born Jany:, 1725-6.
Geo. son of Valentine Adams born april ye 14th, 1726.
Richd son of Ebenr. Adams Gent. born May ye 17th, 1726.
Wm. son of Valentine Amoss born October 25, 1726.
Edmund a negro of Mrs. Elizth. Allen born Febry. 26, 1726-7.
Anne ye Daughter of Robert Allen born April ye 16, 1726.
Roger a negro belonging to Jacoby Aldridge born June 27th, 1727.
Jenny a negro belonging to Ebenz. Adams Gent. born Octr 14, 1727.
Anne ye Dar. of Jno & Anne Askew born Octr 29, baptizd Decr 3d, 1727.
Orson a negro belonging to Richd Apperson born octb ye 19th, 1727.
Sam a negro belonging to Mrs. Eliza. Allen born March ye 4th, 1727-8.
William ye son of John Austin born July ye 7th, 1728.
Tabitha ye Daugh of Ebenr. Adams Gent. born July ye 7th, 1728.
Jane & Susanna negros belonging to Wm. Atkinson bapt 7ber ye 29, 1728.
Iris a negro belonging to Ebenezr Adams Gent. born april 4, 1728.
Jacoby Daughter of Robt & Eliza. Allen born July 16, bapt Nov 17, 1728.
James a negro belonging to Mr. Ebenezr. Adams bapt April 6, 1729.
Rose a negro belonging to Mr. Ebener. Adams born July 22, 1729.


Wm. son of John & Elizth. Apperson born July 17th, bapt Augt 10th, 1729.
Ann Daught of Abram Alloway born March 20, bapt May 17, 1720.
Sue a negro belonging to Mr. Ebenr. Adams born 22 of June, 1730.
Lucy a negro girl belonging to Jacoby Aldridge born May ye 3, 1730.
Harry a negro belonging to Richard Apperson born Jany: 11th, 1729-30.
Eliz. ye Daur of Jno & Anne Askew born Jany. 13, 1729-30.
Giles a negro boy belonging to Wm. Atkinson horn Dec. 31, 1730.
John son of Jno Baily Born ye 31st of October, 1716.
Thomas son of Tho. Baily Born February ye 12th, 1716.
Samuel son of Samuel Buxton Born March ye 10th, 1716.
John son of Tho. Butts Gent. by Catherine his wife born
January ye 27th, 1716.
Catherine Daughter of ye Reverend Mr. Wm. Brodie by Catherine
his wife born ye 7th Day of December, 1716.
Mary Daughter of Thomas Bassett Born April ye 4th, 1717.
Lyddiall son of Mr. Jno Bacon Born, 1717.
Hannah a negro girl of Wm. Bassetts Esq: Born April ye 4th, 1715.
Samuel son of Samll. Bug Born 7br ye 16th, 17I7.
Benjamin son of Samll. Buxston Born 8br, 1718.
John son of Jno Chandler Born Febry: ye 6th, 1718.
Abraham a negro boy of Mr. Tho. Butts Born July ye 1st, 1719.
Jack a negro boy of Mr. Robt Burbridge Born 12th of July, 1719.
David son of Thomas Bassett Born ye 7th day of 9br, 1719.
Frances the Daughter of Thomas Butts Gent and Catherine his wife
Born the 10th day of November, 1719.
Stephen son of Sr Stephen Brown baptizt January 28th, 1719.
Esther a negro of Coll: Bassett born May 4, 1720.
Jno son of Richd Brooker horn July 1, 1720.
Wm. son of John Bailey born Septemr 4, 1720.
Sherwd. son of Saml Bugg born July 8, 1720.
Dorothy & James 2 negro children belonging to Mr. Tho. Bray
baptizd July 30, 1721.


Paul a boy of Mary Bourns senr born May, 1721.
a negro belonging to Coll: Basset born June 26, 1721.
Paul a negro belonging to Mr. Tho: Butts born Augt, 1721.
Phillis a negro belonging to Ditto born Augt, 1721.
Edmd sonn of Jno & Susanna Bacon born Aprll 8th, 1722.
Lucy Daughter of Jno & Ann Baily born Novr 27th, 1722.
Billy a negro boy belonging to Jno Brothers born Jany: 10th, 1722-3.
Jacob sonn of Samll. Bugg born Febry 16th, 1722-3.
Judith a mulatto girl belong, to Robt Burhridge Aprl 11th, 1723.
Peter & Samll. sons of Alice Bryant born Sept 26th, 1723.
Phillis a negro girl belonging to Madm Bassett born 17th Apll, 1724.
Wm. a mulatto slave belonging to Mary Bourn born Febry 24th, 1724-5.
George & Charles 2 boys belonging to Mr. Theo. Butts born Oct: 2, 1724.
Dorothy a negro girl belonging to Ditto born November 2, 1724.
Parke son of Jno Bailey by Anne his wife born March 6th, 1724-5.
Frank a negro belong to Coll: David Bray born March 12th, 1724-5.
James son of Edwd Bailey born April 28th, 1725.
David son of Richd Beer born 27 May, 1725.
Franc. Dr of Mr. Wm. Brown born March 11th, 1724.
John son of Tho. Barns horn oct. ye 4th, 1725.
Anne Dr of David Binns born Oct. 27th, 1725.
Wm. son of Jno Bassett born 7br 17th, 1725.
Sarah Daugh. of Saml. Bugg horn oct. 24th, 1725.
David son of David Binns born April ye 12th & April 25th, 1726.
Jno son of Charles Bolton was born Augt ye 22d, 1726.
Jenny a negro girl belonging to Madm Basset born Augt 12th, 1726.
Anne ye Daugh: of Jno Bassett horn July ye 17th. 1726.
Sarah ye Daught of Tho. Butts born Jany: 4th, 1725-6.
Bess a negro girl belonging to Ditto born Febry: 1725-6.
Drary ye son of Edward Bailey born Jany: 8th, 1726-7.
Charles & George negros belonging to Mr. Wm. Browne
born June 15th, 1727.
Elizth. ye Daught of Wm. Browne born July ye 17th, 1727.


Patty a negro belonging to Ditto born 7br ye 1st, 1727.
Hannah a negro of Jno Brothers was born 7br 29th, 1726.
Martha the Daught of Robt Bailey born Sept 10th, 1727.
Sarah Dar of Jno & Anne Baily born oct. 4 & bapt oct. 29th, 1727.
Anne ye Dar of Jno & Susanna Bacon born oct. 29th &
bapt. Decemr 11, 1727.
Jules a negro boy belonging to CoIl. David Bray born Febry.
1st, 1727-8.
Betty a negro belonging to Ditto born Decemr ye 1st, 1727.
Anne Daught of Wm. & Amy Burk born Jany. 8th & bapt
March 24th, 1727-8.
Lucy a negro belonging to Wm. Atkinson born March ye 28th, 1728.
Jenny a negro hehonging to Mr. Ebener. Adams Dyed March 29th, 1728.
Jils a negro belonging to Ditto born April ye 4th, 1728.
Sarah ye Daugh. of Tho. & Margery Barnes born Feby. 9th,
bapt Mar. 10th, 1727-8.
Isaac ye son of Isaac & Elizth. Vaiden born Jany. 24th,
bapt Mar. 2d, 1727-8.
Susanna ye Daugh. of Joseph & Elizth. Bradley born Febry. 18, 1727-8.
Harry a negro boy belonging to Saml Buxton Aprl 4, 1728.
Beck & Chinnah negros belonging to CoIl. David Bray born May 2, 1728.
Geo. a negro belonging to Mr. Wm. Bassett born Sept ye 2d, 1728.
Nelly, Mary & Sarah negros of Mr. Wm. Browne bapt oct: 6th, 1728.
Child of Tho. Bassett born July ye 3d, 1728.
Edmund son of Saml. & Sarah Bugg horn 7br 24 bapt Novemr 10, 1728.
Wm, son of John & Eliza. Bottom born Augt 9th bapt Feb. 16, 1728-9.
Xtopher son of David & Eliza. Binns born Feby 10 bapt Mar: 16, 1728-9.
John son of Robt & Mary Baily born March 11, 1728-9, bapt May 11th, 1729.


Edwd a negro of Mr. Wm. Brown bapt July 20th, 1729.
Sue a negro belonging to Thomas Barnes born Augt 14, 1729.
Enee a negro belonging to CoIl. David Bray born Augt 20, 1729.
Charles son of Edwd & Frane. Baily born Augt 28 bapt oct. 5, 1729.
Lucy a negro girl belonging to John Baily born 7br 19, 1729.
Amy a negro girl belonging to Majr Jno Custis Born 7br ye 8th, 1716.
Mary Daughter of WaIter Clopton Born 8br. ye 29th, 1716.
Jack a Negro boy belonging to Steph. Crump Born Febry. ye 3d, 1716.
Stephen son of Robt Cade Born 7br. ye 17th, 1715.
Alice a Negro girl belonging to Majr Jno Custis Born Febry. 15th, 1716.
Anne daughter of Tho. Cotterell Baptised March ye 31st, 1716.
Margaret daughter of Robt Clopton Born ye 8th day of April, 1717.
Wm, son of Jno. Cooke Born February ye 23rd, 1716.
Guy a negro of Maj: Jno. Custis Born June ye 9th, 1717.
Hercules a negro of Majr Custis Born 8br. 5th, 1717.
Elizabeth daughter of Robt Cade Born ye 29th of April, 1717.
Will a negro girl of Jno. Conors Born ye 2d of May, 1718.
Hannah a negro girl of Robt Clopton Born Febry. ye 5th, 1717.
Anne daughter of Steph. Crump Born May ye 10th, 1718.
Susanna ye Daughter of Robt Cade Born February ye 25th, 1718.
John Son of Jno. Chandler Born February ye 6th, 1718.
Ned a Negro boy of George Crumps Born February, 1718.
Bock a Negro girl belonging to John Custis gent. Born
7br. ye 27th, 1719.
Waldegrove Son of Wm. Clopton by Joyce his wife Born November ye 19th
& baped Decemr 22d, 1719.
Jane a negro girl of Majr Jno. Custis Born Xber ye 28th, 1719.
Abigal a negro girl of the sd. Jno. Custis born Xber ye 29th, 1719.
Frank a negro boy of Steph. Crumps born Jany 12, 1719.
Dick a negro of Robt Clopton born Novemr 18, 1719.


Dogg a negro of Maj. Custis born Decemr 26, 1719.
Cassaud a daughter of Rich. Crump baptisd Apl. ye 29, 1720.
Jeremy a negro belonging to Maj. Custis born June 25th, 1720.
Anne daughter of Wm. Clopton & Joyce his wife born Jan. 16 &
baptized March ye 15th following, 1720-21.
Nanny a negro of Richd Crump born February 8, 1720-21.
John son of Robt Cade was born Feb: 16, 1720.
Walter son of Walter Clopton born March 24, 1720-1.
Beck a negro of Maj. Custis was born March 25, 1721.
James Crump son of James Crump born Jany 23d, 1721-2.
Sue a negro boy belonging to Major Custis born Novr 25th, 1721.
Sarah a negro Girl belonging to Maj. Custis born March 23d, 1721-2.
Jemeny a negroe boy belonging to Steph Crunip born June 14th, 1722.
Wm son of Wm. Clopton Junr & Joyce born Feby 12th she &
Wm. bap. Ap. 29, 1721-2.
_____ a negroe girl belonging to Richd Crump born Oct. 14th, 1722.
Dinah a negroe girl belonging to Majr Custis born Decr 25th, 1722.
Frances daughter of Robt Clopton born Febry 2d, 1722.
Robt Sonn of Robt Cade born March 28th, 1723.
Lucy Daughter of Stephen Crump born 7br 13, 1723.
Elizth. Daughter of Jno. Chandler born Oct. 28th, 1723.
George son of Wm. Clopton Junr & Joyce his wife born Jany 14 &
baptizd ye 16 of March following, 1723.
Sarah a negro girl belonging to David Clarkson born June 29, 1724.
Simon a negro boy belonging to Clarkson born July 1st, 1724.
Joseph & Mary, negros belonging to Wm. Chamberlain Bap. 5 ApI., 1724.
Dick a negro boy belonging to Maj. Jno. Custis born Febry 6, 1723-4.
Phebe a negro Girl belonging to Do. born Feb. 7, 1723-4.
Anne daughter of Wm. Chamberlain born 14th March, 1723-4.
Mary a negro girl belonging to Do. born 19 Janry, 1723-4.
Stephen a negro boy belong to Majr Jno. Custis born 14 June, 1724.