Buffoe was born March 7th, Harry was born May ye 20th,
Hannah was born July ye 10th, all belonging to
Madm Lightfoot, 1711.
Jack a negro was born ye ____ 1708, Robin was born October
18th, 1709, Faller was born Feb. ye ioth, 1711,
Will was born March 13th, 1711, negroes belonging
to Mr Sherwood Lightfoot.
Richard a negro child belonging to Capt Richd Littlepage
Baptised August ye 14th, 1711.
Hannah Daughter of Betty one of Madm Lightfoots negroes Xnd 9br ye 17th, 1711.
Betty Peters wife a negroe belonging to ye sd Lightfoot Xnd 9br ye 17th, 1711.
Negroes belonging to Mr Goodrich Lightfoot Registered:
Tomson a negro born in ye year 1705.
Edward Bretty born in ye year 1705.
Mrs Juda a negro girl born in ye year 1707.
Frank a negro born in ye year 1707.
Evans born in ye year 1709.
Rebecka born in ye year 1711.
Angelico Daughter of Nicho Lewis Born March ye 20th &
bapt. April ye 27th, 1708.
Anne Daughter of Mr Goodrich Lightfoot Born 7br ye 22nd, 1708.
Mary Daughter of Mr Sherwood Lightfoot Born September ye 9th, 1707.
Frances Daughter of Mr Sherwood Lightfoot born October 31, 1708.
John son of Mr Sherwood Lightfoot Born November ye 13th, 1711.
Sue a negro girl belonging to Mr Sherwood Lightfoot Born July ye 27th. 1712.
John son of Mr Goodrich Lightfoot Born Febry. ye 7th, 1711.
Sue a negro girl belonging to Mr Goodrich Lightfoot Born June ye 20th, 1712.
Edmond son of Richd Littlepage Gent. Born May ye 16th, 1712.
Easter a mulatto-belonging to ye sd Littlepage Born March 10th, 1711-12.


Richd a negro belonging to ye sd Littlepage Born June ye 12th, 1714.
Peace a negro belonging to Capt Richd Littlepage Born 7br ye 10th, 1713.
Goodrich son of Mr Goodrh. Lightfoot Baptised Febry. ye 14th, 1713.
Daughter of Gwin Lewis Born Mar. ye 17th, Baptis. April ye 25, 1714.
Buck a negro belonging to Mr Tho. Lightfoot Born June 6th, 1714.
Sherwood son of Sherwd. Lightfoot Born May ye 1st, 1714.
Alice negro belonging to Do Born July ye 12th, 17__.
Mary ye Daughter of Thomas Moreman & Eliz. his wife bapt.
ye 29th day of Augt, 1686.
Robert son of Jno Mochi & Mary his wife baptised ye 24
day of October, 1686.
Gedeo ye sone of Gedeon Macon his wife natt the 20th of
June & bapt. ye 22 June, 1682.
Ann ye daughter of Gedeon Macon & Martha his wife natt
ye 15 day of Decem. bap. 2d Feby., 1685.
Sarah a negro girl belonging to Mr Gedeon Macon borne ye
29th day of Jan’y, 1682.
Will a negro boy belonging to Mr Gedeon Macon born ye 2d
day of Febry., 1683.
Elizth. daughter of Robert Morris & Rebeca. his wife
baptis. ye 13th day of Decembr, 1685.
Eliz. daughter to Pillomore bapt ye 25th of December, 1687.
Will son to Robert Morris bapt ye 1st d. of Aprill, 1688.
Peter sone to Stephen Moore born ye 24th of Jan’y, 1683.
Henry sone to Nicholas Mills bapt ye 10th of Aprill, 1687.
Will sone to Thomas Moss bapt. ye 17 of February, 1688-9.
Will sone to Tho. Macheke bapt ye 10 day of Octo., 1689.
Tho. son to Rich Martin bapt ye 10 day of Octo., 1689.
Andrew son to Tho Moorman bapt ye 4 day of Novemr, 1689.
Mary Daughter to Edward Morriss bapt ye 30 day of Jan’ y, 1689-0.
Pellom sone to Pellom Moor born ye 4 of Febry. & bapt ye
13th of March, 1689-0.
Eliz. daut. to Jno Massey bapt ye 27 of Sepr, 1691.


Mark son to John Macoy bapt ye 7 Decembr, 1690.
Martha daug. of Tho. & Mary Michell baptis. July the 17, 1698.
Thomas son of Willm. Martin & Mary his wife bapt 10th July, 1698.
John son of Jno Martin natin. ye 8th Apl 1697 bapt 10th October, 1698.
Judith Daughter of John Mask born ye 14th April and
baptized the 10th July, 1698.
Mary daughter of John Moore baptized the 11th November, 1698.
Richd Nicholas son of Richd Madlin by Susana bapt April 10, 1699.
Jno son of John Murron bapt. ye 25 June, 1699.
Nicholas son of Nicholas Meriwether Gent. by ELiz. his wife born
the 11th July and baptized the 6 Augt following, 1699.
Charles son of Robt Morris by Eliz. bapt ye 27 Augt. 1699.
John son of Jno Moore bapt ye 13 Dec, 1699.
Mary daut of Will. Martin ____, 16__.
William son of Gedeon Macon Gent. born the 12 Nov., 169_.
Anne Daugh. of Nicho Meriwether Gent. bapt the 15 July, 169_.
Marlmeduke son of Peltham Moore bapt the 9 June, 16__.
Robt son of Robert Morris bapt the 9 June, 16__.
Amy Daugh of Edward Morgan bapt the 9 May, 16__.
Daniell son of Michall. Johnson bapt ye 16 May, 1699.
Margaret Daugt of Wm Millington Jur bapt 5 Novembr, 169_.
Thomas son of Edwd Machen by Anne bapt Nov. 5, 1699.
Frances Daugt of Wm Major bapt the 19 Novr, 1699.
John son of Step. Michell Jur natin the 19 Decr. 1698.
Mary Daugh of James Moore baptiz. the 7 March, 1699-1700.
Mary Daugh of Jno Mask bapt the 31 Mac, 1700.
Cassanora Daugh of Pelham Moore bapt the 7 Aprill, 1700.
Peter son of Thomas Masse bapt the 14 Aprill, 17__.
Thomas son of Richd Melton hapt the 28 ____, ____.
Robert son of Edwd Morgan bapt the 14 July, 170_.
Nicholas son of Geo. Moor bapt. the 21 July, 17__.
___id son of Thomas Mims Jur born the 1st January, 17__.
_____ the Daugh of David Machen born the 22 of December, 17__.


Moll mulatto slave belonging to Capt Nicholas Meriwether
born the 2d of November, 1699.
Stephen son of Stephen Michell Jur born the 24 December 1699.
Rebeca daut of John Moore baptis. the 2 Febry., 1700-1.
Robert son of Willm. Martin baptis. the Aprill, 1701.
William son of John Mask born the 6 May, 1701.
George son of John Medlock Jur baptis. ye 3 June, 1701.
Sarah Daugh of Danll. Mackgert baptised the 3 May, 1702.
William son of Pelham More baptised the 7 May, 1702.
Mary Daugh of Richd Melton baptiz. the 10 May, 1702.
Geo. son of Geo. Marr baptized the 18 March, 1701-2.
John son of Wm Major baptiz. the 17 May, 1702.
Richard son of Richd Macdlin baptiz. the 5 July, 1702.
Negro children belonging to Mr Gedeon Macon, viz:
Nann born July, 1692.
Moll born the 6th Novembr, 1695.
Merrea born Jany., 1695.
Phill born ye 17 Jany, 1696.
Isack born Jany. ye 28, 1697.
Sarah borne Sept, 1698.
Will borne Novr ye 25, 1700.
Liddia borne ye 1st Apr, 1701 and
Trefana borne the 24 December, 1701.
William son of Jno Medlock baptised the 19 July, 1702.
Timothy son of Jno Mask borne ye 20 June, 1702.
Elizabeth Daugh of James Moore baptiz. the 2 Augt, 1702.
Sarah Daugh of John Madox baptis. ye 27 Sept, 1702.
Elizabeth Daut. of Tho. Marcey baptis. ye 6 Novr, 1702.
Frances Daut of Edwd Moore baptis. ye 13 Dec., 1702.
William son of Mr Gedeon Macon & Martha his wife borne
the 11 Novr, 1693.
John son as above borne the 17 Decr, 1695.
James son as above borne the 28 October, 1701.
Jude daut of Tho. Moore baptiz. 23 May, 1703.
Elizabeth daugh of Nicholas Meriwether Gent. by Elizabeth
his wife borne the 20 June and baptised the 3 July
following anno., 1703.
Robert son of Jno Marrow baptiz. the 18 July, 1703.
Elizabeth daugh of Step. Michell born the 20 Febry, 1702/3.
Anne daut of Jno Moore baptiz. ye 10 Octob, 1703.
Thomas son of Jno Medlock Jur baptized 21 Novemb, 1703.
Thomas son of Wm Major baptis. the 28 Novemb, 1703.


William son of Geo. Merideth baptiz. 19 Dec. 1703.
Bathia daut of James Martin baptiz. 27 Febry, 1703/4.
Elizabeth daut of Wm Martin baptised the 21 May, 1704.
_____ Daugh of Geo. Moore bap. 24 ____, 1704-5.
Robt _____ Maddox bapt. 24 Febry, 1704-5.
Marg daugh. of Geo. Massie bapt 6th Aprill, 1705.
Anne Daugh of Stepd. Michell Junr bapt. 20 Jan., 1705.
Geo. son of Jno Martin bapt 24 March, ____.
Unity Daugh of James Martin bapt. 24 March, ____.
Edward ye son of James Niches. & Elizabeth his wife baptised
ye 7 day of Nov., 1686.
Wm son to James Neeves bapt ye 4 of this instant Oct., 1691.
James sone of James Neeves baptiz. September the 25, 1698.
Isabell daut of James Nuckolls baptiz. the 14 Nov., 1697.
James son of James Nuckolls baptis. the 30 June, 1695.
Bouth son of Robt Napier & Marg. his wife borne ye 1st of Octr, 1692.
Frances daugh of Robt Napier & Mary his wife borne Febry. ye 5th, 1694-5.
Robt son of Robt Napier & Mary his wife borne 7br ye 16th, 1697.
Katherine Daughter of Robt Napier & Mary his wife borne 8br ye 12th, 1700.
Elize. Daughter of Robt Napier & Mary his wife borne 10br ye 25th, 1704.
Tho. son of James Neaves bapt Mar. 18th, 1704-5.
Walter son of Wm & Susanna Norris born ye 21st Xbr, 1707.
Mary Daughter of Edward Nash Baptised June ye 24th, 1711.
Thomas son of Wm Nickles Baptised July the 26th, 1713.
Micheal son of Michal Nash baptised July 18th born ye 17th of June, 1714.
Mary Daughter of Edwd Nash by Mary his wife Born June ye 29th, 1715.
Amesen Daughter of Martin Martin bapt 6th of Aprill, 1706.
Anne Daughter of Charles Massie bapt 20th Aprill, 1707.
Susanna Daughter of Jno Maddox bapt. 19th, 1707.
James son of Mr Thomas Massie Bapt May ye 16th, 1708.
Phillis Daughter of Stephen Moon Jur Bapt June ye 13th, 1708.
Thomas son of Thomas Mims Born Febry. ye 15th, 1707-8.


Anne Daughter of Martin & Sarah Martin Bap Aug. ye 9th, 1708.
Henry son of Jno Martin & Sarah his wife Baptised August ye 18th, 1708.
Anne Daughter of James Martin & Rebecca his wife Bapt. Aug. ye 18th, 1708.
Mary Daughter of Step. Michell Jur & Mary his wife Bapt. Aug. ye 22d, 1708.
Edward son of Joseph Morris Born ye 5th day of 8br 1708.
Judith & Anne Daughters of Saml Mosse Xned Febry. ye 7th, 1703/4.
David son of Wm Martin Baptised March ye 6th, 1708-9.
Bess a negro girl belonging to Jno Moore Born April ye 20th, 1705.
George a negro boy belonging to ye sd Jno. Moore Born May ye 24th, 1707.
James son of Thomas Mosse Baptised March ye 13th, Born Jany. 27th, 1718-9.
Anne Daughter of Mr Jno Meuks Bapt. May the 14th, Born April 15th, 1709.
Sampson & Will negroes belonging to Wm Millinton Born April ye 30th, 1709.
Elizabeth Daughter of Jno Moore Born August ye 25th, 1690.
Stephen son of Step. Moon Jur Born October ye 12th, 1705.
James son of Jno Moore Born March ye 23rd, 1693/4.
Jno son of Jno Moore Born September ye 28th, 1706.
Martha Daughter of Jno Moore Born Febry. ye 5th, 1708-9.
Elizabeth Daughter of Charles Marssie Born 9br 5th & Bapt. Xbr ye 4th, 1709.
Martha Daughter of Thomas Mitchell Born Sept. ye 22d, 1697.
Thomas son of Tho. Mitchell Born Jany. ye 3d, 1701.
Archelas son of Tho. Mitchell Born ye 9th of Febry. 1703.
Millinton son of Richd Manly Baptised February ye 9th, 1709.
Jno son of Mr Jno Meux Born June ye 5th, 1707.
Mary a negro belonging to Mr Jno Meux Born February ye 11th, 1709.
Mary ye Daughter of John Martin Born April ye 19th, 1709.
Dick a negro belonging to Jno Martin Born June ye 15th, 1705.


Hanah a negro belonging to Jno Martin Born May ye 2d, 1708.
Betty a negro belonging to Jno Martin Born April ye 3d, 1709.
__ras a negro belonging to Rebea. Martin Born Jany. ye 22d, 1705.
Valentine son of Martin Martin Baptised June ye 18th, 1710.
Anne Daughter of Lionel Mims Baptised June ye 18th, 1710.
Benj. son of Tho. Mims Baptised June ye 13th, 1710.
Peter son of Peter Moon Baptised ye 15th day of 1710.
Stephen a negro boy belonging to Stephen _____, Senr.
Born Aug. 17th, 1710.
Elizabeth Daughter of Tho. Moore Baptised Jany. ye 8th, 1710.
Susanna Daughter of Edward Morris Baptised Jany. ye 8th, 1710.
Evan son of Stephen Mitchell Born Jany. ye 16th,
Baptised Feb. 18th, 1710-11.
Richard son of Mr Jno Meux Baptised March ye 31st, ____.
Thomas son of Jno Martin Baptised Jany. ye 13th, ____.
Will sone to Jno Oslin born of An his wife and
bapt. ye 18th of March, 1687-8.
Sam son to John Oslin bapt ye 18th of Oct, 1691.
John son of Jno Ottey Born July ye 19th, 1713.
Mary Daughter of Jno Otey Born July ye 17th, 1715.
John son of Stephen Moon Baptised Jany. ye 13th, 1711-12.
Robin a negro belonging to Mr Tho. Massie Born Apll. ye 3d, 1708.
Matthew son of Cornelius Matthews Born 9br ye 5th, 1711,
Bapt Apll. 13th, 1712.
Joel a negro belonging to Cha. Massie Born July ye 5th, 1709.
Peter a negro belonging to ye sd Massie Born December ye 24th, 1711.
Susanna Daughter of John Martin Born May ye 20th, 1711,
Bapt July 27th, 1712.
William son of Daniel Mackhany Born July ye 15th, 1712.
Jenny a negro belonging to Mr Jno Meux Born October 7, 1711.


Richard son of Richd Meanly Born September ye 17th, 1712.
Katherine a negro belonging to ye sd Meux Born. October, 1711.
Elizabeth Daughter of Peter Moon Bapt. December ye 14th, 1712.
Sarah Daughter of Thomas Mims Born May ye 19th, 1712.
Lucy Daughter of Edward Moore Born February ye 4th, 1712.
Michael son of Jno Madoxs Baptised May ye 31st, 1713.
Valentine son of Stephen Mitchell Jur. Baptised 7br ye 27th, 1713.
Charles son of Jno Morris Baptised December ye 13th, 1713.
Rebecca Daughter of Jno Martin Born August ye 18th,
Bapt. Febry. 14th, 1713.
Robert Moore son of Jno Moore Born April ye 17th, 1713.
Jack a negro boy belongjng to Jno Moore Born July 7th, 1712.
Sarah Daughter of Jno Moore Born February ye 6th, 1713.
Joyce Daughter of Tho. Moss Baptised April ye 4th, 1714.
Thomas son of Wm Moss Baptised April ye 11th, 1714.
John son of Thomas Martin Baptised April ye 18th, 1714.
Billy a negro belonging to Capt James Moss Born Jany., 1709.
Jack a negro belonging to ye sd Moss born in October, 1713.
James son of Thomas Moore by Elizabeth his wife Born Febry
ye 7th, 1713.
Charles son of Charles Massie Born October ye 13th, 1714.
Stephen Chappall a Parish child bound to ye sd Charles Massie
was born in May, 1705 and Baptised in June, 1712.
Pompey a negro belonging to ye sd Cha Massie Born Feb'y ye 10th, 1713.
Sarah a negro girl belonging to Edwd Moore Born Jany, 1713.
Mary the Daughter of William Plant and Eliz. his, wife
baptised ye 11th July, 1686.
Edward the sone of Edward Pinick & Elizabeth his wife
baptized ye 15th day of Aug, 1686.
Mr George Poindexter senior negroes born one call Harciffirs
ye 2d day of July, 1681.
one negro called Polliphemus a boy born ye 15th day of
August, 1681
one negro girl called Arianite born ye 20th day of July 1682.


one negro gils called Joseline born ye 5 day of May, 1686.
Richard son of Susanna Pines born ye Nov 22d, Baptised
ye 30th of this same instant 1676.
one negro boy borne September ye 31st, 1682.
Charles son of George Person and his wife Baptised ye 1st
day of February, 1685-6.
Sara daug. to John Parks Junr bapt ye 8th of Aprill, 1688.
James sone to Susanna Piram bapt ye 24th of Aprill, 1687.
Anne daugh. to Will Plant & EIiz. his wife bapt ye 3d
day of January, 1688-9.
Wm sone to Tho. Patteson bapt ye 30th day of January, 1689-0.
Eliz. Daugh. to Capt Matt. Page by Mary his wife Nat ye 6th of
Jany. bapt ye 16th, 1689-0.
Negros belonging to Capt Matt. Page born as followeth:
Salt born ye 1st of July, 1678,
Sue born ye 5 of Aug’t, 1678.
Gregory born ye 8th of Oct, 1678,
Massy born July ye 3d, 1686,
Kate born Oct. 22, 1682.
Beck bo. No. ye 2d, 1682,
James bo. Jan. 17. 1682,
Polle bo. Oct ye 20th, 1683.
Madam bo. March 7, 1684,
Beauty bo. March 17, 1684,
Weny bo. March 27, 1685.
Daniell bo. Apll. 16, 1686,
Hannah bo. July 8, 1686,
Pegg bo. Aprll ye 24th, 1687.
Epon bo. May 25, 1687,
Tom bo. July 12, 1687,
Dick bo. ye Decem. 15, 1688.
Sam bo. Augt 5, 1689,
Bety bo. Oct. 21, 1689, at ye Qrt. as followeth:
Doll bo Feb. 7. 1683,
Matt bo June 21, 1685,
Betty bo Oct. 8, 1685.
Margaret bo. Aprll 29, 1687,
Jeny bo Decem 1st, 1688,
Frank bo. June 6th, 1688-9.
William son to William Pullam Nat. ye 3 August bapt ye 3 of Sept., 1690.
Tho. son to Thomas Pontin bapt. ye 21st of June, 169_.
one negro belonging to Mrs Susan Poindexter born ye 1st day of Febry, I693/4.
Susana Poindexter buryed the 15 July, 1693.
Anne Daugh. of Humpe. Parish and Mary his wife bapt 4th Sept. 1698.


Anne Daugh. of Willm. Perkins by Eliz. his wife bapt 12 March, 1699-0.
Elloner daut of Robt Pasly by Eloner his wife bapt 26 March, 1699.
Rowland son of John Pecke by Jane bapt the 25 June, 1699.
Eliz. Daugh. of Gabril Pickring bapt the 12 December, 1696.
Will son of Edwd Penick, bapt. the 25 August, 1694.
John son of Eliz. Pedley bapt the 30 June, 169_.
James son of Willm. Pullum baptis. the 2 May, 1690.
Sarah Daugh. of David Pattison baptis. the 24 March, 1699-1700
Benj. son of Willm. Pullam baptis. the 31 March, 17__.
Susanna Daugh. of Tho. Poindexter Born the 6 Febry., 169_.
Eliz. Daugh. of Mr Thomas Poindexter born the 14 February, 1699-1700.
Willm. son of Tho. Ponton baptiz. the 12 May, 1700.
Jane Daut of Henry Parish born 22 Dec., 1699, baptz. 21 July, 1700.
Joseph son of John Peace baptis. the 73 October, 1700.
Frances daut of John Park Jur baptis. the 16 Febry., 1700-1
Hene. son of Humphrey Parrish baptis. the 27 Aprill, 1701.
James son of James Pyrant baptis. the 27 Aprill, 1701.
Anne daut of Wm Perkins baptis. the 4 May, 1701.
William son of Peter Plantine baptis. the 1st October, 1701.
Anne Daugh. of David Pattison baptis. the 2 November, 1701.
Elizabeth & Mary daughters of Mio Prerdd baptiz. 15 March, 1701/2.
Sarah Daugh. of Tho. Poindexter borne ye 12 May, I70_.
Anne Daugh. of Wm Pullam baptis. ye 22 Novb, 1702.
Susannah daut of Jno Peace bapt. the 21 Jan., 170_.
Wm. son of James Pirant baptis. ye 28 March, 1703.
Judith daughter of Jeremyah Peirce baptis. 24 July, 1703.
John son of Charles Person baptiz. Sept. 19, 1703.
Frances & Kate negroes belonging to Mr. Geo. Poindexter
bapt. Febry. 4th, 1704-5.
Francis son of James Perry baptm. ye 13 Jany., 1705.
David son of David Pattison born ye 14th 8br, 1705.
Judith Daughter of Mr Geo. Poindexter born ye 14 Jany. &
baptized ye 8 Jany., 1705.


Margaret Daughter of Robt Pasly borne ye 25 June, 1706.
Aniss Daughter of Robt Pasly born ye 17 Xbr, 1691.
Mary Daughter of Robt Pasly born ye 25 8br, 1693.
William son of Ro. Pasley born ye 26 July, 1696.
Robert son of Ro. Pasley born ye 16 8br, 1701.
Solomon son of Robt Pasley born ye 4 9br, 1703.
William son of Wm Perkins baptis. ye 25 Augt. 1706.
Jane a negro belonging to Coll. Parke born Xbr, 1705.
Anne Daughter of ______ Prior begot o. ye 5 Jany., 1706-7.
Hannah Daughter of Nicho. Perday baptised 6 April, 1707.
John son of Mr John Parke Jun. bapt 19th July, 1707.
John son of Geo. Pattison baptised 12th 9br, 1707.
Thomas son of Tho. Pattison Baptised Febry. ye 4th, 1707.
Anne Daughter of Robt Peasley Baptisd Nov. ye 2 1st, 1708.
Thomas son of David Pattison Baptised January ye 13th, 1708-9.
Anne Daughter of William Perkins Born January ye 26th, 1708-9.
Phillip son of Mr Geo. Poindexter & Mary his wife baptised Decr ye 26, 1708-9.
Edward son of Thomas Pattison Baptised ye 13th of June, 1710.
Anne Daughter of Henry Porter baptised Febury ye 25th, 1710-11.
Robert son of James Perry Baptised September ye 30th, 1711.
Judith Daughter of Wm Perkins Baptised Jany. ye 27th, Born Dec. ye 15th, 1711.
Joseph son of Jno Parish Baptised Septem. ye 20th, 1713.
Frances Daughter of Wm Pierson Baptised Decem. 13th, 1713.
Elizabeth Daughter of Edward Patison Bapt March 21, 1713.
Charles son of ______ Person Baptised Augt 8th, 1714.
Philip a negro girl belonging to Mr Jno Parke Born July 12th, 1713.
Thomas son of David Pattison Born Decem. ye 13th, 1708.
Charles son of ye sd David Born May ye 6th, 1711.
Jonathan son of ye sd David Born June ye 6th, 1713.
Frances ye Daughter of ye sd David Born Decem. ye 19th, 1715.
Susanna ye Daughter of Jane Purdie Born April 25th, 1716.


Jane Daughter of Edward Pattison Born May ye 12th, 1716.
Elizabeth Daughter of Wm Pryer Born May ye 7th, 1716.
Mary Daughter of Geo. Poindexter Jur. born 7br ye 5th, 1715.
James & John Sons of Richd Littlepage Gent. by Frances his wife
born July ye 14th, 1714.
Peg a negro girl belonging to Madm Barbara Levermore Born _____, 1703.
William son of Nicho. Lewis by Eliz. his wife Born March ye 22d, 1715.
Mary a negro girl belonging to sigr Jno Lewis Born May ye 15th, 1715.
John a negro boy belonging to ye sd Lewis Born June ye 18th, 1715.
Matthew a negro boy belonging to Mr Sherwood Lightfoot born 8br 1, 1715.
Farr a negro boy Born 8br ye 8th belonging to do., 1715.
Bely a negro boy belonging to Capt Richd Littlepage Born 9br ye 9th, 1715.
Elizabeth Daughter of Owin Lewis Born Febry 6th, 1715.
George a malato belonging to Madm Eliz. Littlepage Born Decbr ye 29th, 1715.
Judith daughter of Richd Littlepage Gent. Born July ye 31st, 1715.
Mary ye Daughter of John Roper Junior & Susan his wife
baptized ye 11th day of Aprill, 1686.
James the sone of Thoms. Rice & Marie his wife baptized ye 4 day of Aprill, 1686.
Elizabeth Daughter of John Randall & his wife baptized ye 13 day of June, 1686.
Will sone of Thomas Renall & Mary his wife baptized ye 5 day of Decemb, 1686.
Phillis Daughter of Will Rost & Eliz. his wife baptiz. ye 24 of January, 1685-6.
Thomas sone to Elinor Realy servant to Mr Sam. Firth born ye 26 of Decem., 1686.
Mary daughter to Jno Roper senr. bapt ye 25th of August, 1687.
Alice daughter to Jno Raylee bapt ye 27th day of November, 1687.
Richd son to Will Ross bapt ye 3d of March, 1687-8.


Mary daughter to Jno Roberts bapt ye 1st d of Aprill, 1688.
Thom. son to Thomas Rice bapt ye 24th day of June, 1688.
Edward son to Thomas Rice bapt ye 17 of Aprll, 1690.
Judith daughr to Thomas Renalls bapt ye 19 of July, 1688.
Susanna daugt to Jonas Renall bapt ye 21 of Decemb, 1690.
Eliz. daught to Robert Rickman bapt 22d day of Febry., 1690-1.
ELiz. daught to Tho. Renalls Bapt 15 of March, 1690-1
John son of Tho. Reid & Marcey his wife Bapt the 18 Septemb, 1698.
Ruth Daughter of Wm Rost baptiz. 6 of Nove. 1694.
Lydia Daught of Wm Rost baptiz. 11 of November, 1694.
Jno son of Will. Raxford baptiz. the 9 Decr, 1694.
Mary daut of Tho. Reid baptiz. the 15 July, 1694.
Jane daugt Thomas Reynolds baptiz. the __, ____.
Leticia daut of Tho. Renolds baptiz. the 4 April, 1697.
Phillip son of Tho. Reynolds by Mary baptiz. 15 October, 1699.
Anne daut of Jno Roper bapt the 18 Febry., 1699.
Alice daut of Tho. Reid baptiz. the 29 September, 1700.
Jane daugt of John Roper baptiz. the 1st December, 1700.
Henry son of Geo. Rhodes baptiz. the January, 1700-1.
William son of William Ross baptiz. the 15 June, 1701.
Elizabeth daught of Jno Rayle Baptiz. the 17 May, 1702.
Marcy daut of Tho. Reid baptiz. the July, 1702.
Rebecca daut of Jno Roper baptiz. the 20 July, 1702.
Mary daut of Chas Roades baptiz. the 7 Febry., 17O2/3.
William son of Wm Reynolds bapt 12 May, 1706.
William son of Jno Roper baptised April the 2d, 1708.
William son of Robert Richardson baptized Sept ye 28th, 1708.
Anne Daughter of Robt Richardson baptised Sept ye 26th, 1708.
Elizabeth Daughter of Wm Reynolds Baptised ye 7th 9br, 1708.
William son of Evan Ragling Junr Born May ye 1st & bapt ye 29th, 1709.
Judith Daughter of James Raymond Baptised April ye 9th, 1710.
Elizabeth Daughter of Richd Ross Baptised December ye 17th, 1710.


John son of Evan Ragling Junr Baptised March ye 13th, 1710.
Joseph son of Jno Rooper Born 8br ye 13th, Baptised Jany. 6, 1711-12.
Edmond son of Robt Richardson Baptised June ye 1st, 1712.
Bathsheba Daughter of Wm Reynolds Born 8br ye 12th, 1711.
William son of Richd Ross Baptised 8br ye 12th, 1712.
Isaac son of Thomas Raglin Baptised August ye 2d, 1713.
Elizabeth Daughter of Robt Richardson Born August ye 2d, 1713.
Lucy Daughter of Wm Reynolds Born April ye 17th, 1714.
Charles son of Charles Richardson Born May ye 20th, 1714.
Thomas son of Joseph Roe Born July ye 1st, 1714.
Anne Daughter of Richd Ross Born Jan’y ye 25th, 171_.
Elizabeth Daughter of James Raymond Born 7br ye 11th, 1714.
Henry son of Robt Richardson Born June ye 3rd, 1715.
Jacob son of Thomas Raglin Born October ye 22d, 1715.
John son of James & Unity Raymond Born Sept 10, 1717.
Wm son of Ditto Born Octor 10th, 1719.
John son of Ditto Born Aug. 10th, 1720.
Rebecca ye daughter of Richard Snoroe & Mary his wife
Baptsd ye 1st day of Aug., 1686.
Elizabeth ye Daughter of Jno Savory & his wife Baptized
ye 17 day of October, 1686.
John ye sone of David Smith & Elizabeth his wife Baptised ye
24 day of Octob, 1686.
Mary ye daughter of Robert Sporill & Ann Butterfield Bapt ye
20 day of September being aged according to ye testimony
of Mr. Thom. Mitchell & others 4 years the 5 of Octo, 1686.
Susannah ye daughter of Thomas Spencer & Ann his wife Baptiz. ye
3 day of Novbr, 1686.
Will ye sone of Will Stone & Mary his wife Baptiz. ye 15th of
January, 1682.
John ye sone of Ditto & Mary his wife Baptized ye 15th of January, 1685.
Negros of Thom. Spencer one negro borne being a genhu ye
19th of Decem., 1665.
one negro boy born the 10th of August, 1674.


Elizabeth Smith daughter of Geo. Smith & Mary his wife bapt
Octo ye 29, 1673.
Mary daughter to Ann Spain bapt ye 23rd of January, 1687-8.
Eliz. Daught to Robert Spurlock bapt ye 1st d of Aprill, 1688.
James sone to Thom. Stanly bapt ye 15th of Aprill, 1688.
Susanna daughter to Thom. Smith & Mary his wife bapt ye 16 of Aprill, 1688.
Henry son to Jno Snead bapt ye 8th day of May, 1687,
George sone to Robert Speare bapt. ye 23d day of Septemr, 1688.
Mary daught to Timothy Serwoll bapt ye 3d day of January, 1688-9.
Rebecca Daut to Thomas Sneade bapt ye 3d day of Jany., 1688-9.
Jno son to Tho. Renalls bapt ye 18 day of Febry., 1684.
Andrew son to Andrew Spradlin bapt ye 21 of Novemb, 1689.
Thomas son to Thomas Stanly bapt ye 23 of Novemb, 1689.
John son to Henry Scruggs bapt ye 25 day of May, 1690.
William son to John Snead bapt ye 9 of Novemb, 1690.
Margt daugt to William Ston bapt ye 25 of Jany., 1690.
Tho. son to Thomas Spencer born ye 5 of Sept, 1689.
Negros belonging to ye sd Spencer:
Nan bo. 10 of Decemb, 1685,
Tom bo. Oct 5, 1687.
Richd son to Richd Skiner bapt ye 15 of Feby, 1690-1.
John son to Tho. Stanly bapt ye 11 of Octo, 1691.
Allex. son to Alexander Strainge bapt ye 18 of Octo, 1690-1.
Eliz. daught of James & Eliz. Stringer bapt July 17, 1698.
Will son of Jno Sandwich & Mary his wife bapt 10 July, 1698.
John son of John Strong bapt the 13 Novr, 1698.
Mary Daughter of Geo. Sheperson Baptiz. 13 Novr, 1698.
David son of Tho. Smith Gent. by Mary his wife born the 1st March
and baptised the 3d March, 1698-9.
Frances daut of Robt Spurlock by Rebecka wife bapt. March 12, 1698-9.
Samll. son of Samll. Stegall by Jane his wife bapt March 26, 1699.
Margaret daut of Richd Skiner by Mary bapt ye 6 August, 1699.
John son of Jno Stiles baptiz. the 31 Jany., 1698-9.


Judith Daut of Allex: Straing bapt the 6 December, 16__.
Wm son of Will Sanders baptized the 14 November, 1694.
Jno son of James Stringer baptiz. the 9 Decemb, 1694.
Eliz. Daut of Absalom Smith baptiz. the 19 Decemb, 1697.
John son of Geo. Shepherdson baptiz. the 25 July, 1697.
Charles son of Natha Smith bapt the 9 May, 1697.
Sarah Daut of Wm Sanders baptis. the 23 May, 1697.
William son of Thomas Smith Gent. by Mary his wife
born the 25 March, 1686.
Thomas son of Mr Smith as above born the 11 October, 1669.
Major son of Mr Smith as above born the 12 March, 1692/3.
Mary daut of Mr Smith as above born ye Augt, 1696.
Michael son of Allex. Strainge by Anne bapt 22 Octo., 16__.
Martha Dauter of Ande. Spradlin by Anne bapt November the
12, 1699.
Edwd son of Robert Speere by Ruth bapt 19 Novr, 1699.
James son of Geo. Speere baptis. 19 Novr, 1699.
Thomas son of James Sanders by Sarah bapt 19 Novr, 1699.
Salomon son of Tho. Simons bapt the 31 Decemb, 1699.
Anne daut of Absalom Smith baptis. the 31 March, 1700.
Mary daut of John Sanders baptiz. the 14 Aprill, 1700.
Thomas son of William Sanders baptiz. the 11 August, 1700.
William son of Will Stevens baptiz. the 29 Septembr, 1700.
John son of Nathaniel Smith baptiz. the 20 Octo, 1700.
Wille. son of John Strong baptis. the 5 Jany., 1700-1.
John son of Nathl. Smith born the 17 Septb, 1700.
Rebecca daught of Robt Spurlock baptis. the 4 May, 1701.
James son of James Smith born the 14 Febry., 1700-1.
John son of ames Sanders baptiz. the October, 1701.
John son of Robt Speere baptis. the 25 Decemb, 1701.
Elizabeth daut of Allex. Strainge baptiz. Aprl, 1702.
Elizabeth daught of Tho. Smith Gent. by Mary bor.
March the 28, 1701.
Susannah daut of Wm Sanders baptiz. the 24 Febry., 1702/3.
Jude daut of Robt Spurlock baptis. ye 2 May, 1703.
George son of Jno Strong baptis. 23 May, 1703.
Mary daut of Nathll. Smith baptis. 17 Octo., 1703.
Anne daut of Geo. Speere baptis. 30 Octo., 1703.
Jno son of Geo. Sheperdson baptis. the 21 Novemb, 1703.


Alice dau of James Sanders baptis. ye 5 March, 1703/4.
Ruth daut of Robt Speere baptis. ye 14 May, 1704.
Anne daught of Allex Strainge baptis. ye 11 June, 1704.
Anne daut of Tho. Skropbe baptis. ye 15 October, 1704.
Richard son of Robt Spurlock bapt ye 29 Apr., 1705.
Mary Daughter of Wm Sanders bapt ye 13th May, 1705.
Robert son of Robert Spear bapt. ye 20 Jany., 1705.
Hannah Daughter of Richd Scrugs bapt 11 Febry., 1705.
Elizabeth Daughter of Robt Spear bapt ye 24 March, 1705-6.
James son of James Smith bapt 25 Aug., 1706.
Robert son of Alex. Strange bapt ye Jany., 1706-7.
Robert son of Robt Spurlock bapt ye 11 May, 1707.
William son of Mr Wm Smith born May, 1707.
Frances Daughter of Nathaniel Smith baptised Mar. ye 4th, 1707.
Hannah Daughter of James Saunders Baptised May ye 19th, 1708.
Moses son of Samll Stegall & Elizabeth his wife bapt 7br ye 5th, 1708.
William son of Jno Scruges Born the 28th of July, 1708.
Major son of Wm Sanders & Elizabeth his wife Xnd Xbr ye 25th, 1708.
Samuel son of Capt Jno Scott Baptised Febry. ye 6th, 1708-9.
Robert ye son of Will Tornes and Sarah his wife baptized
ye 12th day of August, 1686.
Susanna daughter to Thom. Tiler bapt ye 23d of Jany., 1687-8.
Robert son to Rob. Thomson bapt ye 24 of Aprill, 1687.
Henry sone to Sam. Thomas bapt ye 16 of Sept, 1688.
An daugt to James Tate bapt ye 29 of August, 1689.
Sara & ____ daughters to Wm Turner born ye 7th of Sept, 1689.
John son to William Tally bapt ye 24 of Octo., 1689.
Robt son to James Pate born ye 27 of Febry. & bapt ye 27 of March, 1691.
Sara daughter to John Tiler bapt ye 18 day of May, 1690.
Edmond son to Edwd Tony bapt ye 25 of May, 1690.
David son to Robt Thomson bapt ye 4th of Sept, 1690.
Geo. son to Sam. Thomas bapt ye 26 of octo., 1690.


Hannah daught to Geo. Turner nat Jany. 14, bapt Febry.
ye 4, 1690-1.
Francis son to Henry Turner bapt ye 22d of March, 1690-1.
Susannah daught to Charles Turner by Mary his wife bapt ye 30th
of octobr natt. ye 1st of ye instant, 1692.
Hannah daughter of Charles Turner by Mary his wife born
ye 9 day of November, 1694.
John Taylor buried July the 16, 1698.
Sarah daugh of Jno & Mary Taylor bapt July the 17, 1698.
Tho. son of Shurle Tisdale and Elizabeth wife bapt the 7 Augt, 1798.
Robt son of Geo. Turner and Judith his wife bapt the 7 Augt, 1698.
James son of James Teute baptiz. the 11 Novembr, 1698.
Hannah daugt of Robt Thompson baptiz. the 22 Januy., 1698-9.
Anne daugt. of Tho. Tharp by Anne his wife bap the 11 June, 1699.
Robt son of Tim. Terrill baptiz. the 25 Decembr, 1697.
Will son of Will Talle baptiz. the 19 Septembr, 1697.
John son of John Taylor baptiz. the 5 Jany., 1695.
Mary daut of James Tate baptiz. the 20 Aprill, 1694.
Susanna daut of Robt Thomson bapt the 25 Febry., 1696-7.
Joseph son of Timothe Terrill born 16 Novr & bapt 31 Decr, 1699.
Mary daut of Jonathan Tomson bapt the 28 Jany., 1699.
Anne daut of John Tyler bapt the 17 March, 1699-1700.
Anne daut of Will Talle bapt 17 March, 1699-1700.
Pennenah daut of Geo. Turner bapt the 21 July, 1700.
Eliz. dauter of Shurley Tisdale baptiz. the 24 Novembr, 1700.
Ufan daut of James Teate baptized ye Jany., 1700-1.
Martha daut of Robt Tomson bapized the 31 Augt, 1701.
Elizabeth daut of Tho. Tharp bapt. the 31 Augt, 1701.
Susannah daut of Wm Talle baptiz. the 15 Mar., 1701/2.
Issabella daut of Tho. Tudor baptiz. the 19 Aprill, 1702.
Elizabeth daut of Jonathan Thomson baptiz. 19 Aprill, 1702.
William son of James Teate baptiz. the 12 Aprl, 1702.
Mabell Daught of Richd Thurman baptiz. May 24, 1702.
Will, son of Geo. Turner bapt ye 17 Jany., 1702/3.
Sarah daugt of William Turner baptised the 21 Febry, 1702/3.


Mary daugt of Tho. Tinsley baptis. ye 9 Febry., ____.
Eliz. daugt of Cornett Tinsley baptis. ye 4 Aprl, ____.
John son of John Tyler baptiz. ye 4 July, 1703.
Elizabeth daut of Geo. Turner Jur bapt 13 Febry., 1704.
William son of Will Turner baptized ye 9 Aprl, 1704.
Phillip son of Richd Thurmand baptiz. ye 21 May, 1704.
Elizabeth daught of Wm Turner bapt 18 March, 1704-5.
Mary ye Daughter of James Taylor & Elizabeth born 11 Aug., 1705.
Anne Daughter of Mitchell Tucker bapt. 6 April, 1707.
Mary Daughter of Tucker bapt 29 Xbr, 1707.
William son of James & Elizabeth Taylor Born Mar. ye 7th, 1707-8.
Alice Daughter of Tho. Tisdale Baptised Sept the 19th, 1708.
John son of William & Hannah Thompson Born Sept ye 21st, 1708.
Anne Daughter of Alexander Tony Baptised March ye 13th, 1708-9.
Thomas son of Thomas Tudor Baptised May ye 18th, 1709.
Jonathan son of Jonathan Tompson Baptised July ye 3rd, 1709.
Anne Daughter of Henry Turner Baptised March ye 4th, 1709.
George son of James Taylor by Elizabeth his wife Born March
ye 20th, 1709-10.
Sarah Daughter of James Turner Baptised Febry. ye 18th, 1710.
Elinor Daughter of Thomas Tuder Baptised 7br ye 30th, 1711.
Charles son of Henry Turner Born Jany. ye 25th & Baptised
April ye 20th, 1712.
Honor Daughter of Alex. Tony Born Febry. ye 20th Baptised
May ye 4th, 1712.
Elizabeth Daughter of James Taylor by Elizabeth his wife
Born 7br 26th, 1712.
Anne Daughter of James Turner by Judith his wife Baptised
Xbr 7th, 1712.
Agnes & Elizabeth Daughters of Michael Tucker Born June 2d, 1714.
Charles son of James Turner Born 8br ye 10th, 1714.
John son of Henry Turner Born July ye 10th, 1714.


Christian Daughter of James Taylor by Eliz. his wife Born
June ye 10th, 1715.
Agnes Daughter of William Turner Born December ye 10th, 1715.
Elizabeth Daughter of Jno Turner Born January ye 1st, 1715.
Mary Daughter of Ed. Tony Born Jany ye 8th, 1715.
Francis Daughter of James Taylor by Eliz. his wife Born Jany
26th, 1716.
Susanna Daughter of James Taylor by Elizabeth his wife Born
9br 8th, 1719.
Elizabeth ye Daughter of Jno Urssery & Mary his wife baptis.
ye 29 day of August, 1686.
Mattise a negro boy borne ye 15th day of May belonging to
Jno Vaughan, 1684.
Sarah daughter to Jno Vekett bapt ye 23rd of octo., 1687.
Dina a negro girl borne ye 22d day of June belonging to Jo
Vaughan, 1692.
& a negro boy named Witt borne ye 25 day of May, 1693.
& a negro girl named betty borne ye 24 day of Aprill, 1696.
John sone of Mr Jon. Vaughan borne ye 25 day of Novemb, 1695.
Judith Daut of Amer Via baptiz. the 11 Aprill, 1699.
Sarah Dauter of Willm. Vaughan baptiz. the 27 May, 1694.
Frances Daut of Wille. Vaughan baptiz. the 24 Septemb, 1699.
Abraham son of Abraham Venables baptiz. the 27 Aprill, 1701.
Margaret Dauter of Amer Via baptiz. the 3 Augt, 1701.
William son of Jno Vaughan baptiz. the 2 November, 1701.
Elizabeth Dautr of Jno Upshew baptiz. the 25 December, 1701.
Mary Daut of Amer Via baptiz. ye 27 Febry., 1703/4.
Sarah Daut of Jno Upshew baptiz. ye 15 octo., 1704.
Tryphena Daut of Jno Upshear baptiz. 13th Aprill, 1707.
Phillis a negro girl belonging to Madam Squires Born June
ye 13th, 1709.
John son of Richard Scruggs Baptised Augt ye 21, 1709.
Elinor Daughter of Alex. Strange Baptised Jany. ye 14th, 1709.
Anne Daughter of Mathw. & Hannah Simes Baptisd Jany. ye 29th, 1709.