Nansemond County Transcriptions
Kay Stone's Upper Parish Deeds
~ submission Oct 28, 2007

Nansemond County, Virginia, Deeds Conveying Land In The Upper Parish; contributed by Fillmore Norfleet

28 June 1736. Walter Price of the Upper Parish to Moses Riddick of the Upper Parish. For L20 "credit in a store in Virginia." 150 acres "at the 4th Branch, it being part of a tract of land ... formerly granted to Humphrey [Griffin] containing 407 acres ... by a patent dated 21 Jan. 1717, adjoining Larcom's Road, together with one half of the pocoson ground of the entire grant." Signed: Walter Price and Sarah Price, his wife. Witnesses: Lemuel Riddick, Humphrey Griffin, Henry Lawrence. Acknowledged in Nansemond County Court 28 June 1736. Copy teste, Christopher Jackson, Cl. Crt.

A patent was issued to Walter Price and Thomas Dyas 26 April 1683 for 400 acres in the Upper Parish, "nigh the run of Barbicu Swamp", adjoining Winborn's land and Chillcott's head line. (Virginia Patent Book 7, p. 392). John Chillcott's account book with an item dated 1694 passed to John Granbery, Jr., between 1695 and 1723 (Julian Hastings Granbery, John Granbery of Virginia [New York, 1964], p. xi.) Moses Riddick, whose will was dated 12 Aug 1790 (Chancery petition of Thomas Fiveash Riddick (1781 - 1830), undated, suit compromised ca. 1823-24, Riddick Papers, loc. cit.) Was the son of John Riddick who owned 550 acres of land in 1704 (Quit rent roll, 1704, Nansemond Co., Va.) and lived on a "Plantation on the White Marsh" according to the will of his daughter Jean (or Joan) Riddick, dated Nansemond County 29 Jan 1752. (Riddick Papers, loc. cit. The witnesses were Solomon Riddick, Mills Riddick and her brother Moses Riddick, also appointed an executor.)

5 May 1746. Richard Nusum of the Upper Parish to Charles Jennings of Elizabeth City Co., Va. For L12. 103 acres at "a place called the Wagon Road" adjoining the Cypress Swamp, the land of Thomas Gwinn, near a "branch on the land I formerly sold ... Jennings called Axleys"[i.e. Oxley's], the land "being part of that land the said Nusum bought of Mr. John Duke ... and is now in the possession of said Jennings." Signed: Richard Susum. Witnesses: James Griffin. Receipt dated 5 May 1746 for L12 made by Richard Nusum to Charles Jennings. Recorded "At a Court held for Nansemond County June 9th 1746."

9 April 1748. Jotham Lacitter, planter, of the Upper Parish, to Moses Riddick, planter, of the Upper Parish. For L6.10.0. 50 acres adjoining the Forks Branch, "being part of a tract of land granted to George Laciter father to the said Jotham Laciter ... by a pattent dated ..." 1740, adjoining "Moses Riddicks own land which he purchased of Walter Price standing in the West line of the said Laciters pattent," Mills Riddick and Jotham Laciter. Signed: Jotham Laciter. Witnesses: John Campbell, Mills Riddick. Deed acknowledged and receipt given at the Court held 11 April 1748. Copy teste: J. Wright, Cl. Ct.

20 Dec 1755. Humphrey Griffin to Thomas Harrell. For L30. A tract Humphrey Griffin "bought of Abraham Riddick containing" 276 acres "only 25 acres that the said Humphrey Griffin sold to John Harrell out of the same patent," adjoining John Harrell's land. Signed: Humphrey Griffin. Witnesses: Willis Riddick, Ely Brinkley, Joshua Spivey, James Powell. Recorded at Nansemond County Court 12 Jan. 1756. Teste: Lemuel Riddick, Clerk. 15 Sept. 1762. Christopher Gwin of the Upper Parish to Moses Riddick of the Upper Parish. For L40. 125 acres adjoining land of (William) Sp(e)ight, "a line between Spight & Gwin", a dividing line between Christopher Gwin and Asahal Gwin, thence up the swamp. Signed: Christopher Gwin, Alice Gwin his wife. Witnesses: Willis Riddick, Jacob Sumner, Joseph Booth, Jethro Riddick. Receipt of L40.0.0 from Christopher Gwin signed 15 Sept. 1762. Deed recorded at a Court held 11 Oct. 1762. Teste: Lemuel Riddick, Clk. Ct.

27 Dec. 1762. Thomas Gwin and John Gwin to Moses Riddick of the Upper Parish. For L40, "that is to say 20 pounds to Thomas Gwinn & 20 to John Gwinn." 250 acres, "that is to say" 125 acres of Thomas Gwinn and 125 acres of John Gwin" in the Upper Parish, adjoining the Bull Branch, land of Bryan Oquinn and William Sp(e)ight, "as will appear by Deed from Thomas Gwinns father to Thomas Gwin and John Gwinn Party to these presents bearing date" 24 April 1761. Signed: Thomas Gwinn, John Gwinn. Witnesses: Willis Riddick, Joseph Booth, Ezekias Riddick. Thomas Gwinn, with the three witnesses, signed the receipt 27 Dec. 1762. Recorded at a Court held 10 Jan. 1763. Teste: Lemuel Riddick, Cl. Ct.

8 June 1767. John Jones and Philisha [Pugh] his wife, "of the town of Suffolk", to Moses Riddick Senr. of Nansemond County. For L8. A plantation of 112 acres. Beginning "at the Middle Trudge Path" to a patent line made by one Humphrey Griffin, the land being "Part of a Parcel of land Patented by one Humphrey Griffin" 24 Feb. 1717 "and by him sold to Walter Price by deed Bearing Date 26th July 1736, Which said Price sold the Land hereby conveyed unto his Nephew Joseph Price Part of the Pattent aforesaid by Deed ... Proved in Nansemond County Court which said Joseph Price sold the said Land to Samuel Riddick by Deed Dated 13th August 1750, who soon after departed this life, having just made his will to his wife Ruth Riddick, who also soon after died testate & gave the said piece of land to her Brother John Giles, this said John Giles sold the same land by deed bearing date the 13th day of April 1762 to John Jones party to these presents." Signed: John Jones, Pheleshea Jones. Recorded at a Court held 10 Aug. 1767. Teste: Lemuel Riddick, Cl. Ct.

12 March 1770. Thomas Jinings of the County of Elizabeth City, to Jethro Riddick. For L25. 250 acres made up of two parcels of land, one in the Upper Parish containing 147 acres "as by Patent granted to Samuel Smith & by Smith sold to Richard Nusum & by said Nusum by his deed dated "10 July 1740" to Charles Jinings, father to Thomas", also "one other parcel of land the said Charles Jinings, the father, purchased from Nusum by Deed bearing the date the 5th May 1746 containing" 103 acres, and "is part of the Land purchased by Richard Nusum from John Duke, all of which deeds have been recorded" in Nansemond County Court. The two parcels of land contain 250 acres, which were "by the said Charles Jinings by his last will given unto his son Thomas Jinings." Signed: Thomas Jinings. Witnesses: Nathaniel Flemyng, Lemuel Riddick, Ja Gibson, Tho. Brikell. Receipt given by Thomas Jinings 12 March 1770, with the same witnesses. Deed recorded at Nansemond County Court 9 April 1770. Teste: Lemuel Riddick, Clk. Ct.

19 Feb. 1788. Abraham Sumner of Gates Co., N.C., to Jethroe Riddick of Nansemond Co., Va. For L200 "lawful money of the State of Virginia." The plantation of 400 acres "whereon Jacob Sumner formerly dwelt in the County of Nansemond," adjoining the Mill dam, the land of Joseph Ellis, Kedar Raby, Willis Wiggins, Jethro Riddick &c" for "500 years ... paying ...yearly during the said term one ear of corn upon the 25th day of March in each year if demanded, provided ... Abraham Sumner ... will ... pay unto Jethro Riddick &c the sum of L175 with legal interest ... in ... twelve months after the signing of these presents, then these presents shall cease ... and Abraham Sumner will pay the aforesaid sum to Jethroe Riddick" and if not paid "Jethro Riddick ... may enter ... and occupy ... the premises ... clear from me ... Abraham Sumner." Signed: Abraham Sumner. Witnesses: Noah Wiggins, Willis Wiggins, Joseph Thompson. "This lease recorded" 13 Oct. 1788. Teste: Wm. Ely, D. Cl.

[no day or month] 1802. Daniel Duke and Christian "his now wife", of Gates Co., N.C., William Woodward and Sarah "his now wife", of Suffolk Parish in Nansemond County, and Pleasant Spivey "widow and Relict of Joshua Spivey, deceased" to Edward Riddick, of the Upper Parish. For $870.75. 243 acres, a plantation on the south side of the "Great Sypress Swamp" adjoining the Main Run of said Cypress Swamp at John Brinkley's line, the land of Elisha Griffin, C. Griffin, Near Elliott's branch, Henry Griffin's and Hezekiah Norfleet's corner, to John Brinkley's line. Signed: Daniel Duke, William Woodward, Christian Duke, Sarah Woodward, Pleasant Spivey. Witnesses: John Smith, John Savage, Jesse Griffin. Recorded 11 Jan. 1808. Teste: Wm. M. Poole, Deputy Clerk.

9 Sept 1802. Thomas Harrell and Martha, "his now wife", of the Upper Parish to Edward Riddick, of the Upper Parish. For L93. 93 acres, a tract of wood-land in the Upper Parish on Plumtree branch, "but now called the Golden Spring Branch", adjoining land of Abraham Harrell, John Norfleet, and others, Joseph Cowper's patent. Signed: Thomas Harrell, Martha Harrell. Witnesses: Amos Harrell, James Riddick, James Lassiter. Recorded in Nansemond County Court, 13 Sept. 1802. Teste: Wm. M. Poole.

6 June 1804. John Norfleet, of the Upper Parish, to Joshua Harrell, of the Upper Parish. For $200.00. 60 acres of wood-land in the Upper Parish beginning at the Cypress Swamp at the main run, along Norfleet's Mill Run to the mill, thence along the Mill Branch to the land of Jesse Grifen, Edward Riddick, Jesse Warran, and Jesse Felphs. Signed: John Norfleet. Witnesses: Gabriel Harrell, Jesse Holland, Thomas Holland.

22 Oct 1804. John Norfleet to Edward R[iddick] Cunningham. For L270. 118 acres in the Upper Parish adjoining the great Cypress Swamp and land of Abram Harrell, Thomas Harrell and Jesse Griffin. Signed: John Norfleet and Elizabeth Norfleet. Witnesses: Abraham Riddick, William Hurdle, Edward Riddick. Receipt given by John Norfleet and Elizabeth Norfleet to Edward Cunningham, 23 Oct 1804. Witness: Edward Riddick. Recorded 10 June 1805. Teste: Wm. M. Poole, D[eputy] C[lerk].

1 Jan 1811. Miles Ellis, of the Upper Parish, to Jesse Griffin, of the Upper Parish. For L1.16.0. 3 acres beginning at the corner of said Ellis and Griffin, adjoining land of Samuel Wilkins, Gall Pond Branch, Brian Griffin. Signed: Miles Ellis. Witnesses: Abraham Lassiter, Elisha Griffin, Bryant Griffin. Recorded 11 March 1811. Teste: John C. Littlepage. Endorsed: "March 11, 1811, ack. & or. Recorded page 238."

28 Jan. 1811. Elisha Norfleet and "his now wife Martha" of the Upper Parish to Edward Riddick of the Upper Parish. For $64.75. 18 ½ acres in the Upper Parish "by a late Resurvey", beginning at Miles Griffin's corner at the road, Riddick's Spivey land, Elisha Griffin's line. Signed: Elisha Norfleet, Martha Norfleet. Witnesses: John Goodman, Abraham Harrell, Priscilla Harrell. Admitted to record 11 Feb 1811. Teste: J. C. Littlepage.

18 Jan 1812. Washington Smith and Lemuel R [iddick] Cunningham to Edward Riddick. For $610.00. 118 acres "formerly belonging to Edward R. Cunningham dec'd" in the Upper Parish bounded by "the Greate Cypress Swamp" and the land of Abraham Harrell, Edward Riddick and Arthur Jones. Signed: W. Smith, Ann Smith, Lemuel R. Cunningham. Witnesses: Benjamin Goodman, John Goodman, James Riddick. Ordered recorded 18 July 1812. Teste: H[arrison] Minton, Dp. C. Ordered recorded, Ann Smith "having been privately esamined" 12 Oct 1812. Test: H[arrison] Minton, D[eputy] C[lerk].

27 May 1824. Edward Riddick and Ann his wife, of the Upper Parish, to Willey [Wiley] Parker, of the Upper Parish. For $137.00. 25 acres in the Upper Parish, "part of the Land said Riddick bot of Thomas Harrell", adjoining the "Golden Spring Branch (formerly Plumtree Branch)", corner of Willey Parker's other land, and land of Abram Harrell. Signed: Edward Riddick, Nancye Riddick. Witnesses: Jethro Riddick, Reuben Harrell, James Byrd. Deed acknowledged 29 May 1824. Teste: John T. Kilby, D.C. Recorded 31 May 1824, "Book No. 19, page 312".

9 Sept 1830. Dem(p)sey Jones to Jethro Riddick. For $80.00. 32 acres "in the upper part of the ...County of Nansemond" adjoining "corner of Norfleet Jones, Miles Griffin & Edward Riddick and Wiley Parker". Signed: Demsey Jones. Witnesses: B[urwell] Riddick, Norfleet Jones, Miles Griffin. Admitted to record 23 Oct 1830. Teste: John T. Kilby, D.C. "Recorded Book No. 23, Page 360".

27 Nov 1830. Dem(p)sey Jones to Norfleet Jones. For $102.64 ½. 47 acres in the Upper Parish adjoining Miles Griffin's line, corner of Edward Riddick and Jethro Riddick. Signed: Demsey Jones. Witnesses: Admiral Brinkley, Miles Lassiter. Admitted to record 27 Nov. 1830. Teste: John T. Kilby, D.C. Recorded Book No. 23, page 286.

25 June 1831. Edward Riddick and Nancy Riddick, his wife, to Jethro Riddick. For $100. 382 acres consisting of two tracts in Nansemond County, one of 264 acres and one of 118 acres, the 264 tract being the same that "Edward Riddick derived title to by three separate deeds", one deed from Thomas Harrell and his wife Martha Harrell dated 9 Sept. 1802 for 93 acres, and recorded 13 Sept. 1802; another dated 14 March 1808 of 100 acres, and recorded 11 July 1808; and the third deed for 96 acres recorded sometime in 1815, making the whole 289 acres, "Edward Riddick some time in" 1824 "selling off twenty-five acres of the 289 acre tract leaving 264 acres as above", adjoining land of Jethro Riddick, Miles Griffin, Samuel Wilkins, Abram Riddick and others, William Lee and John Harrell, Wiley Parker, Jethro Harrell, etc. The tract of 118 acres being the same Edward Riddick derived title to from Washington Smith and Ann his wife and Lemuel R. Cunningham, by deed recorded 13 July 1812, adjoining land of Jethro Harrel and the "Cypriss Swamp", Jethro Riddick, Abram Harrell and Wiley Parker, Miles Griffin and Demsey Jones. Signed: Edward Riddick, Nancy Riddick. Witnesses: John Harrell, H[amlin] L[ee] Eppes, Nathaniel Booth. Admitted to record 29 Dec. 1831. Teste: John T. Kilby, Clk. "Recorded book No. 30, page 271."

11 Feb 1833. Norfleet Jones to Jethro Riddick. For $110. 47 acres in the Upper Parish on the northwest "side of the main road leading from Suffolk to Edenton", adjoining land of Miles Griffin, Jethro Riddick, it being the same land Norfleet Jones "purchased from Dempsey Jones, being a part of the land which said Dempsey Jones purchased, sold by an order of Nansemond County Court for the purpose of effecting a division among the heirs of Arthur Jones, dec'd which the sd Arthur Jones dec'd purchased from Jesse Griffin &c". Signed: Norfleet jones. Witnesses: Dempsey Jones, Wiley Parker, James Lassiter. Deed admitted to record 23 March 1833. Teste: John T. Kilby, Clk. "Recorded Book No. 31, page 228."

13 Feb 1833. William Griffin to Jethro Riddick. For $105. 37 acres in the Upper Parish adjoining land of "Edward Riddick and others", it being the same tract "of which Elisha Griffin died seized" and which he by his last will and testament (duly made on the 19th day of April 1815 and recorded in the County Court of Nansemond, June 12, 1815) gave to his wife Mourning Griffin, during her life, and after her death to the above named Wm Griffin (his son) and the said Mourning Griffin having lately departed this life the said William Griffin is now possessed of the tract." Signed: William Griffin. Witnesses not named. Admitted to record 13 Feb 1833. Teste: John T. Kilby, Clk.

Note: Sources for Nansemond Co., VA information.
Virginia Patent Books
Gates Co., NC, marriage bonds
Nansemond Co., VA., Fee Book
The Vestry Book of the Upper Parish, Nansemond County, Virginia, 1743 - 1793; Wilmer L. Hall, ed.
Nansemond Co., Va., Will Book 7, re-recorded
Quit rent roll, 1704, Nansemond Co., Va.

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