Nansemond County Transcriptions
Kay Stone's Nansemond Index Clerk's Fee Books
~ submission Oct 22, 2007

Nansemond Co, VA Index Clerk's Fee Books 1774 (1789-1800); Hugh S. Watson Jr. Gen. Soc; 1978
pg 174. Jornegan, vs Riddick Hunter 1789
Jornegan, Wm (Nd) Michl & Edward Howell exors of, vs Cutchen (1798 607
Jornigan, Hardy (Nd) vs Copeland 1797 531
Jornigan, Hardy vs Henry Copeland (Nd) 1797 511
Jornigan, Hardy vs Wm Jinkins admr of. LOA; 1797 550
Jornigan, Wm Edw & Michl Howell exors of, vs Boon &, & vs Cutchen & 1797 676

Nd - Nansemond
1637 (was Upper Co of New Norfolk)
* Given name or abbr. if any, legal action, given name etc, Surname, abbrev of Co of page if any; given page of given, yr of entry & microfilm pag no.

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