Nansemond County Transcriptions
Kay Stone's ~ Deeds & Wills
~ submission Oct 21, 2007

Recorded Nansemond Co. Deeds and Wills, 1693-1733
Some deeds and wills destroyed in the Nansemond Co., Virginia fire, 1734

[August 1734] CHAP. XXIII. An Act for the relief of such persons as have suffered, or may suffer, by the loss of the Records of Nansemond County, lately consumed by Fire. I. Whereas in the month of April last past, the house of Christopher Jackson, clerk of the county of Nansemond, wherein the records of the said county were kept, was, together with the greater part of the said records, by accident of fire, burnt and consumed; and this assembly being willing to afford all possible relief to the persons concerned in the said misfortune, whose estates, titles, and interests, may be affected thereby: Be it enacted.....[see remainder of Act at end of text].

1696 James Doughtie, father of Edward Doughtie, purchased of Thomas Jornigan, son of Thomas Jornigan, the plantation whereon the said Edward now lives, lying on Evan's creek, in Nansemond County, being part of a patent for seven hundred acres of land, formerly granted to one Mulford.

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