Nansemond County Transcriptions
Kay Stone's Nansemond Chronicles
~ submission Oct 22, 2007

Nansemond Chronicles 1606 -1800 VA Colony; Evelyn Hurff Cross; 1973 Not Indexed
pg 175. Hathaway's Wills & Deeds of NC Vol 2 pg 283
John Jarnagan & Richard Parker sold to John Williams all of property in Nansemond Co 3-23-1727.
Vol 2 pg 145. Thomas Jernigan of Nansemond Co, VA bought of George Hewes 8-9-1723
Test. John Hewes
Vol 1 p. 298 John Jonagan
test. in Nansemond Co 1-5-1716
pg 179. Vol 1 pg 298 John Holmes of Nansemond Co. 200A land in Nansemond Co
test by John Rales, John Janagan. 1-5-1716
pg 194. Bermuda Island at one time was a part of Old Dominion of VA.
pg 201. Vol 2 p 285. Rich'd Parker of Nansemond Co, John Jernagan sold to Wm (John) 3-20-1723 all Nansemond Co. Res.

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