Highland Recorder. Fri. January 5, 1894.
Mr. Jay Simmons, son of "Old Uncle Lewis," who has been in the West for 11 years, came home last Saturday. This was a pleasant surprise for his aged parents.
Highland Recorder Jan. 17, 1896 Pg. 3, Col. 1
Died - Yesterday evening, at 6:30 o''clock, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. S.D Simmons, near Monterey. Malinda Simmons, wife of Lewis Simmons, age 78 years. She leaves behind an aged husband whose feeble step indicates that they who have fought life's battle together through many weary years will not be separated long by the grave. The remains of the decease will be interred at the old graveyard on Mr. S.C Hevener''s farm, tomorrow morning at 11 o''clock.
Eureka Herald March 14, 1912 page 1.
Aaron Wimer, an old and well known citizen of Salt Springs Township, died at his home March 3, 1912. The deceased was born in Pendleton Co., West Virginia, in 1837. He was married to Elizabeth Simmons in 1858. To them were born eleven children, five of whom died in infancy. He is survived by the widow and six children, all of whom were present at the time of his death. They are, Ephriam Wimer of Claremore, Okla., S.K. Wimer and Mrs. David Mitchell of Fall River, Mrs. John Morgan and Mrs. W.C. Adams of Coyville, and Mrs. W.J. Richardson of Eureka. Mr. Wimer came to Kansas in 1868 and settled in Coffey County. Two years later he came to Greenwood County where he has resided since. He had been in poor health for some time. He had a congestive chill and lived but a few days afterwards. Mr. Wimer was an old soldier. He served four years in the Confederate Army and was in Pickett's command. Interment was in Caley Cemetery March 1th, 1912.
Highland Recorder Fri. Sept. 29, 1893.
Mr. David Mauzy is suffering from the bite of some kind of a insect inflicted on his face while he was cutting corn. Mr. Hanson Teter expects to move Dry Run. Messrs. Sul. Sieg and Wm. Wilson were registed at the Harold house one day last week. Mr. Minor Simmons is finnishing his house and will move into it soon. Mr. John Hever of New Hampden like. Mr. Os. Calhoun, the popular P.M. of New Hampden was out on a flying trip yesterday to some where. Mr. Martin Colaw of the committee on District Teachers Oganization informs us that there will be a meeting of the teachers of this district at Spring Run Academy on Sat. Oct. 7 at 9 a.m. All teachers schools officials and others interestd in the subject of education are requested to attend. Allan Bane.
Highland Recoorder Fri. Apr. 13, 1894
Highland Recorder Fri. Oct. 11,1895
Highland Recorder Fri. Nov. 29, 1895
Highland Recorder Fri. Dec. 6, 1895
Highland Recorder Fri. Jan. 10, 1896
Highland Recorder Fri. Sept. 20, 1895
Staunton Spectator Wed. Apr. 15, 1885
Staunton Spectator Wed. Jan. 19, 1887
Rev. W.H Woolf, the methodist minister appointed to take charge of Monterey circuit, the present conference year, expects to reach here, by the 21st. Inst., his family coming few days later.
Mr. John Waybright and sister, Miss Mary, left this morning to visit friends near Staunton.
Mr. James H. Trimble recently found a large dirk knife on the mountain east of Monterey, near what is known as the Solder's Path. The blade is about a foot long and is covered with rust. The handle is composed of material that was not affected by exposure. On a part of the handle next to the blade withother letters almost obliterated, is the word Lee. It is thought by some that the knife was the property of General Lee, he having lost it while here in 1862; however this is only guess work. Let the owner be who he will,
it is certainly a formidable weapon at short range if used properly.
Miss Mary E. Armstrong, who has been in declining health for a year or more, died at the home of her brother in Fauquier county, on Friday evening last. Miss Mary was a native of Highland, a daughter of the George Armstrong, and had a large relationship in this county.
Mr. John Waybright, who has lately joined the U.S. army, has been stationed at Key West, Fla.
Mr. John Byrd who has been visiting his friends in Highland, has returned to the Solder's Home in Richmond.
Phares. - On the 6th. inst., on North Fork, Pendleton county, W. Va. Mr.Ambrose Phare, in the 97th. year of his age. He was the oldest person in that county.
Hottinger-Craun.-On the 5th. instant, at the District Parsonage, Staunton, by Rev. J.C Dice, Mr. Wm. H. Hottinger and Miss Eliza A Craun, both of Augusta county.