Pages 544-567  ======   ======  Pages 588-610  



An act to amend the act, intituled "An act for improving the Navigation of Appamattox river, from Broadway to Pocahuntas bridge."
(Passed November 30, 1792.)
      Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That it shall and may be lawful for the Appamattox company to demand and receive tolls, when they shall make the river capable of being navigated in any season from Broadway to Pocahuntas bridge by vessels drawing nine feet water; any thing in the seventh section of the act, intituled, An act for improving the navigation of Appamattox river from Broadway to Pocahuntas bridge, to the contrary notwithstanding. When the Appamatox company may demand tolls.

An act to explain and amend an act for opening and extending the navigation of Appamattox river.
(Passed December 26, 1792.)
      SECT. 1. WHEREAS the act of assembly passed in December, seventeen hundred and eighty-seven, for opening and extending the navigation of Appamattox river; hath among other matters therein contained, enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the trustees therein appointed, or a majority of them, to agree with the owners of any land, through which the said canal is intended to pass, for the purchase thereof, and in case of disagreement, or in case the owner thereof shall be a feme covert, under age, non compos, or out of the state, the like proceedings shall be had to estimate the value thereof by a jury, as are directed and prescribed by the act, intituled, An act for opening and extending the navigation of Patowmac river, and such valuation shall be paid by the Preamble.



said trustees to the owner of the said land, or his legal representative, and on payment thereof, the said land shall thenceforth be vested in the said trustees, and their successors, in fee, for the purposes of this act. And whereas doubts have arisen whether the trustees appointed to carry the said act into execution, have a right to lease or sell any part of the land which may be bought or condemned in manner aforesaid, and any portion of the water passing through the canals, which may be cut through the same for the purpose of erecting water mills or other useful works: For plain declaration of the law therein,
      SECT. 2. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That the trustees legally appointed for opening and extending the navigation of Appamattox river, and their successors, shall have full power and authority to lease or sell any part of the lands which may be purchased or condemned in manner directed by the said recited act, and the use of so much of the water passing through the same as may be necessary for such mills or other useful works, as may be proposed to be erected thereon, and which in their opinion may be disposed of without prejudice to the navigation of the said river, and to make such deeds or conveyances for the same, as may be necessary for conveying to the person or persons so leasing or purchasing, and to their heirs or assigns, all the right and interest which the said trustees may lease or sell, agreeably to the authority in them vested, and the proceeds of the said sales or leases shall be applied by the said trustees in the same manner as the tolls are directed to be applied by an act, intituled, An act for opening and extending the navigation of Appamattox river. Trustees may dispose of the land vested in them,

and the use of the water passing through the same.
      SECT. 3. Provided always, That before the said trustees shall have power to lease or sell any of the said lands, they shall call a meeting of the subscribers for opening and extending the said navigation, giving at least four weeks notice of the time and place of such meeting, in some one of the Richmond newspapers. And the said trustees in making leases or sales of any lands, or in disposing of the use of any waters passing through the canal of the said river Appamattox, shall conform to such rules and regulations therein, as a majority of the subscribers then assembled, shall direct. under the direction of the subscribers.
      SECT. 4. And whereas the said trustees are required by the aforesaid recited act, to begin the work as near to Banister's mill, as circumstances will admit, and doubts



have arisen whether they have a right to open the navigation below the said mill: Be it therefore enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the said trustees, and their successors, to open the navigation as near to the said mill, either above or below the same, at such places, and in such manner, as in their opinions will be most for the benefit of the said navigation. Navigation may be opened below Banister's mill.
      SECT. 5. And be it further enacted, That Francis Eppes, John Royall, Neil Buchanan, Roger Atkinson, jun. and Edmund Harrison, gentlemen, be appointed trustees, in addition to the number formerly appointed, for the purpose of carrying into full effect the act aforesaid, any four of whom shall be sufficient. Other trustees added to the former.
      SECT. 6. Provided always, that nothing in this act contained, shall be construed to allow the said trustees to make sale of any mill seat, except between Atkinson's and Banister's mills.

No mill seats to be sold, except between Atkinson's and Banister's mills.


An act concerning certain Tobacco inspections within the town of Petersburg.

(Passed, December 8, 1792.)
      SECT. 1. WHEREAS it is represented to the present General Assembly, that the proprietors of the warehouse in the town of Petersburg, called Boyd's and Bollingbrook, are willing to rebuild the same of brick or stone, to be covered with slate or tile, and make the gates of iron, in case a reasonable time is allowed them to complete the same. Preamble.
      SECT. 2. Be it therefore enacted, That the proprietor of Boyd's warehouse, shall, on or before the first day of May next, give bond to the court of Prince George county, and the proprietor of Bollingbrook warehouse, give bond to the court of Dinwiddie county, each in the penalty of one thousand pounds for the faithful and full performance of the conditions herein mentioned; they and each of them are and shall be compelled to erect the same of brick or stone, to be covered with slate or tile, and make the gates of iron. Provided, that the said proprietors shall be and they are hereby required, under the aforesaid penalty, to Boyd's and Bollingbrook warehouses to be rebuilt of brick or stone, and covered with slate or tile.




begin to rebuild the said warehouses and construct one fourth part of each, in manner aforesaid, on or before the first day of October, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, and one other fourth on the first day of October in each succeeding year, until the whole shall be completed.
      SECT. 3. This act shall commence in force from and after the passing thereof.

Commencement of this act.

An act to establish an inspection of tobacco on the lands of John Scott, in the county of Albemarle.
(Passed November 10, 1792.)
      SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the General Assembly, That an inspection of tobacco shall be, and the same is hereby established on the land of John Scott, at his ferry in the county of Albemarle; to be called and known by the name of Scott's warehouse, the proprietor whereof shall build the same at his own expense, of brick or stone, to be covered with slate or tile, and make the gates of iron. Inspection established on Scott's land, in Albemarle.
      SECT. 2. There shall be allowed and paid annually to each of the inspectors at the said warehouse, the sum of one hundred and thirty-four dollars, for their salary. Inspectors salaries.
      SECT. 3. The inspectors at the said warehouse, upon the delivery of their notes, or an order where they have not issued notes, shall deliver the tobacco for transportation with a manifest for the same, the name of the skipper of the batteau or canoe, with the marks, number and weight of the tobacco, and stamped with the warehouse name; which tobacco, with the manifest, shall be delivered to the inspectors at Byrd's, Shockœ, Rockett's, Manchester, Rocky-Ridge, Trent's, or Johnson's, who are hereby required to receive the same, and enter the said tobacco agreeable to the said manifest, in books to be by them provided and kept for that purpose, and grant their receipts for the same, to the owners thereof, to be delivered for exportation when quireder. [required.] Manifests to be delivered with each load of tobacco.

Where the tobacco is to be delivered.



The inspectors at the said warehouses are hereby empowered to examine and weight any tobacco to them delivered, when required by the owner thereof, and if found to be damaged or embezzled, the same shall not be entered in the books, but remain in the warehouse subject to the direction of the owner, in like manner as other damaged tobacco. The inspectors at each of the said warehouses of Byrd's, Shockœ's, Rockett's, Manchester, Rocky-Ridge, Trent's, and Johnson's, shall demand and receive for all tobacco brought to the said warehouse by virtue of this act, the same warehouse rent as is allowed for tobacco re-landed from on board any vessel, and be appropriated in the manner directed by law for the appropriation of the tax or rent on such re-landed tobacco. What warehouse rent is to be paid therefor.
      SECT. 4. The duty on tobacco inspected at the said warehouse shall be the same, and collected, accounted for, and paid in like manner as is directed and prescribed by law for other tobacco inspections, except where it shall be otherwise particularly directed by this act. The duty, how to be collected.
      SECT. 5. If the quantity of tobacco inspected at the said warehouse shall not be sufficient to pay the usual charges and the inspectors salaries, the deficiency shall not be paid by the public.

      SECT. 6. No tobacco shall be received, nor shall any inspectors be appointed at the said warehouse, until the court of the county of Albemarle, shall be of opinion, and enter the same of record, that the warehouse is built according to the directions of this act.
Deficiency of inspectors salaries not to be paid by the public.

When the inspection shall commence.
      SECT. 7. This act shall commence and be in force from and after the passing thereof.

An act to establish an inspection of tobacco on the lands of William Cabell in the county of Amherst.
(Passed November 8, 1792.)
      SECT. 1. WHEREAS it is represented to the present General Assembly, that it would be of great utility and public convenience to establish an inspection of tobacco Preamble.



at the confluence of Tye and James rivers, on the lands of William Cabell, in the county of Amherst, the proprietor whereof is willing to erect the necessary buildings at his own expence.
      SECT. 2. Be it therefore enacted, That an inspection of tobacco shall be, and the same is hereby established at or near the confluence of Tye and James rivers, on the lands of William Cabell in the said county of Amherst, to be called and known by the name of Tye river warehouse. Inspection established near the confluence of Tye and James rivers.
      SECT. 3. There shall be allowed and paid annually to each of the inspectors at the said warehouse, the sum of one hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents, for their salary. Inspectors salaries.
      SECT. 4. The inspectors at the said warehouse upon the delivery of their notes, or an order where they have not issued notes, shall deliver the tobacco for transportation, with a manifest for the same, expressing the owner's name, the name of the skipper of the batteau or canoe, with the marks, numbers and weights of the tobacco, and stamped with the name of the warehouse; which tobacco, with the manifest, shall be delivered to the inspectors, either at Byrd's, Shockœ, Rockett's, Manchester, Rocky-Ridge, Trent's, and Johnson's, who are hereby required to receive the same, and enter it agreeable to the manifest, in a book to be provided and kept for that purpose, and grant their receipts to the owners thereof for the same, to be delivered for exportation when required. The inspectors at the last-mentioned warehouses are hereby empowered to examine and weight any tobacco delivered to them, when required by the owner thereof, and if found to be damaged or embezzled, the same shall not be entered in the books, but remain in the warehouse subject to the directions of the owners, in like manner as other damaged tobacco. Manifests to be delivered with each load of tobacco.

Where the tobacco is to be delivered.
      SECT. 5. Provided always, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the owner of any tobacco inspected at the said warehouse from shipping the same without its being delivered or reinspected at any other warehouse. But may be shipped without being delivered at any other warehouse.
      SECT. 6. And be it further enacted, That the inspectors at each of the said warehouses of Byrd's, Shockœ, Rockett's, Manchester, Rocky-Ridge, Trent's, and Johnson's, shall demand and receive for all tobacco brought to the said warehouses by virtue of this act, the same Warehouse rent to be paid therefor.



warehouse rent as is allowed for tobacco re-landed from on board any vessel, to be appropriated in the manner directed by law for the appropriation of the rent of such re-landed tobacco.
      SECT. 7. The impost and duty on tobacco inspected at the said warehouse, shall be the same, and collected, accounted for, and paid in like manner, and under the like penalties, as is directed and prescribed by law for other tobacco inspections. The duty, how to be collected.
      SECT. 8. And be it further enacted, That when it shall appear to the court of Amherst county, that a sufficient number of houses are built at the said inspection for the reception of tobacco, they shall then proceed to recommend fit persons to serve as inspectors at the said warehouse. When the inspector shall commence.
      SECT. 9. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That if the quantity of tobacco inspected at the warehouse, shall not be sufficient to pay the usual charges, and the inspectors' salaries, the deficiency shall not be paid by the public. Deficiency of inspectors' salaries not to be paid by the public.


An act to establish an inspection of Tobacco in the town of St. Taminy.

(Passed October 27, 1792.)
      SECT. 1. WHEREAS it has been represented to the present General Assembly that it would be of great utility to establish a warehouse for the reception and inspection of tobacco in the town of St. Taminy and county of Mecklenburg: Preamble.
      SECT. 2. Be it therefore enacted, That an inspection of tobacco shall be, and the same is hereby established on lot numbered "nine" in the plat of the said town, the property of James Blanton, who shall build convenient warehouses at his own expence, to be called and known by the name of Saint Taminy's warehouse. Inspection established on Blanton's land in St. Taminy.
      SECT. 3. There shall be allowed and paid annually to each of the inspectors at the said warehouse, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, for their salary. Inspectors' salaries.



      SECT. 4. The inspectors at the said warehouse, upon the delivery of their notes, or an order where they have not issued notes, shall deliver the tobacco for transportation, with a manifest of the same, expressing the owner's name, the name of the skipper of the batteau or canoe, or owner or driver of the waggon, when delivered to the latter, with the marks, number, and weight of the tobacco, and stamped with the warehouse name, which tobacco, when delivered to a waggon, shall be by the driver thereof delivered with the manifest to the inspectors at any of the warehouses which now are or shall be hereafter established in the towns of Petersburg, Manchester or Osborne's, who are hereby required to receive the same, and enter the said tobacco agreeable to the said manifest, in books, to be by them provided and kept for that purpose, and grant their receipts for the same to the owners thereof, and be delivered for exportation when required. The inspectors at the last mentioned warehouses are hereby empowered to examine and weigh any tobacco to them delivered, when required by the owner thereof, and if found to be damaged or embezzled, the same shall not be entered in the books, but remain in the warehouse, subject to the direction of the owner, in like manner as other damaged tobacco Manifests to be delivered with each load of tobacco.

when the tobacco is to be delivered.
      SECT. 5. And be it further enacted, That the inspectors at each of the said warehouses in the towns of Petersburg, Manchester, or Osborne's, shall demand and receive for all tobacco brought to the said warehouses by virtue of this act, the same warehouse rent, as is allowed for tobacco re-landed from board any vessel, and be appropriated in the manner directed by law, for the appropriation of the tax or rent on such re-landed tobacco Warehouse rent to be paid therefor.
      SECT. 6. The impost and duty on tobacco inspected at the said warehouse, shall be the same, and collected, accounted for and paid lin like manner as is directed and prescribed by law for other tobacco inspections, except where it shall be otherwise particularly directed by this act. The duty, how to be collected.
      SECT. 7. So soon as convenient houses for the reception of tobacco shall be built by the said James Blanton, the court to the said county of Mecklenburg, shall recommend fit persons to be commissioned inspectors thereof. Inspection when to commence.



      SECT. 8. No person shall be obliged to receive any notes for tobacco passed at the said warehouse in discharge of any tobacco contract heretofore entered into.

      SECT. 9. Provided always, that if the quantity of tobacco inspected at the said warehouse shall not be sufficient to pay the usual charges and the inspectors' salaries, the deficiency shall not be paid by the public.

      SECT. 10. This act shall commence and be in force from the passing thereof.
The tobacco not a tender in discharge of certain contracts.

Deficiency of inspectors' salaries not to be paid by the public.

An act to establish a Town and inspection of Tobacco on the lands of John Hoomes, in the county of Caroline.
(Passed November 2, 1792.)
      SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the General Assembly, That fifteen acres of land, the property of John Hoomes, lying on the north side of Mattapony river, adjoining the bridge, called Dogue Town, in the county of Caroline, shall be, and they are hereby vested in Edmund Pendleton, John Taylor, John Baylor, John Hoomes, Edmund Pendleton, junior, Mungo Roy, and Anthony New, gentlemen, trustees to be by them, or a majority of them, laid off into lots of half an acre each, with convenient streets, and established a town by the name of Milford. Town of Milford established on Hoomes's land in Caroline.

      SECT. 2. So soon as the said lands shall be laid off, into lots, the said trustees, or a majority of them, shall proceed to sell the same at public auction for the best price that can be had, the time and place of such sale, being first advertised two months in the Virginia Gazette; and to convey the said lots to the purchasers in fee, subject to the condition of building on each a dwelling-house fixteen feet square at least, with a brick or stone chimney, to be finished fit for habitation within three years from such sales to the said John Hoomes, or his legal representatives. Lots, when and how to be sold.
      SECT. 3. The trustees of the said town, or a majority of them, are hereby impowered to make such rules and Powers of the trustees.



orders for the regular building of houses therein, as to them shall seem meet, and to settle and determine all disputes about the bounds of the said lots.
      SECT. 4. So soon as the purchasers of lots in the said town shall have built thereon, according to the conditions of their respective deeds of conveyance, they shall then be entitled to, and have and enjoy all the rights, privileges and immunities, which the freeholders and inhabitants of other towns in this state, not incorporated, hold and enjoy. Privileges of the purchasers of lots.
      SECT. 5. In case of the death, resignation, or removal out of the county, of any one or more of the said trustees, the vacancy thereby occasioned shall be supplied by the remaining trustees, or a majority of them, and the trustees so chosen, shall have the same power and authority, as if they had been appointed and named in this act. Vacancies in the trustees, how to be supplied.
      SECT. 6. And whereas it is represented that it will be of public utility to establish an inspection of tobacco on the lands of the said John Hoomes, adjoining the said town, who is willing to build the necessary houses at his own expense: Be it therefore enacted, that an inspection of tobacco shall be, and the same is hereby established on the lands of the said John Hoomes, adjoining the said town of Milford, in the county of Caroline, to be called and known by the name of York warehouse. Inspection of tobacco established on Hoomes's land adjoining the town.
      SECT. 7. There shall be allowed and paid annually to each of the inspectors at the said warehouse, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars for their salary: Provided always, that if the quantity of tobacco inspected at the said warehouse shall not be sufficient to pay the usual charges and the inspectors' salaries, the deficiency shall not be paid by the public. Inspector's salaries.

      SECT. 8. The inspectors at the said warehouse upon the delivery of their notes, or an order, where they have not issued notes, shall deliver the said tobacco with a manifest of the same, expressing the owner's name, the name of the skipper of the boat, batteau or canoe, with the marks, number and weight of the tobacco, and stamped with the warehouse name; which tobacco with the manifest, may, at the option of the owner, either be delivered from such boat, batteau, or canoe, for exportation, or delivered to the inspectors at Todd's or Aylett's warehouse, who are hereby required to receive the same, and enter it agreeable to the manifest, in books to be by Manifests to be delivered with each load of tobacco.



them provided and kept for that purpose, and grant their receipts for the same to the owners thereof, and be delivered for exportation when required. The inspectors at Todd's and Aylett's warehouse are hereby empowered to examine and weigh any tobacco to them delivered, when required by the owner thereof, and if found to be damaged or imbezzled, the same shall not be entered in the books, but remain in the warehouse, subject to the direction of the owner, in like manner as other damaged tobacco. The inspectors at Todd's and Aylett's warehouse, shall demand and receive for all tobacco brought to the said warehouses, by virtue of this act, the same warehouse rent as is allowed for tobacco re-landed from on board any vessel, and be apporpriated in the manner directed by law for the appropriation of the tax or rent on such re-landed tobacco. How the tobacco may be disposed of.

Warehouse rent to be paid therefor.
      SECT. 9. The impost and duty on tobacco inspected at the said warehouse, shall be the same, and collected, accounted for, and paid in like manner, as is prescribed by law for other inspections, except where it shall be otherwise particularly directed by this act. The duty, how to be collected.
      SECT. 10. Provided always, That nothing herein contained shall be construed, so as to affect any contract or contracts made payable in tobacco previous to the passing of this act. Certain tobacco contracts not to be affected by this act.

An act to establish an inspection of Tobacco in the town of Lynchburg, and county of Campbell.
(Passed October 23, 1792.)
      SECT. 1. WHEREAS it hath been represented to this present General Assembly, that it would be of public utility to establish another inspection of tobacco in the town of Lynchburg, and county of Campbell. Preamble.
      SECT. 2. Be it therefore enacted, That an inspection of tobacco shall be, and the same is hereby established on the land of John Lynch, towards the east end of the said town of Lynchburg, near Union or Rock-spring, Inspection established on Lynch's lands in Lynchburg.



and between Lynch street and the river, the proprietor of the said land to build convenient houses at his own expense, to be called and known by the name of Spring warehouse.
      SECT. 3. There shall be allowed and paid annually to each of the inspectors at the said warehouse, the sum of one hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents, for their salary. Inspectors' salaries.
      SECT. 4. The inspectors at the said warehouse, upon the delivery of their notes, or an order, where they have not issued notes, shall deliver the tobacco for transportation, with a manifest for the same, expressing the owner's name, the name of the skipper of the batteau or canoe, with the marks, number, and weight of the tobacco, and stamped with the warehouse name, which tobacco, with the manifest, shall be delivered to the inspectors at Byrd's, Shockœ's, Rockett's, Manchester, Rocky-Ridge, Trent's, or Johnson's, who are hereby required to receive the same, and enter the said tobacco agreeable to the said manifest, in books to be by them provided and kept for that purpose, and grant their receipts for the same to the owners thereof, and be delivered for exportation when required. The inspectors at the said warehouses are hereby empowered to examine and weight any tobacco to them delivered, when required by the owner thereof, and if found to be damaged or embezzled, the same shall not be entered in the books, but remain in the warehouse subject to the direction of the owner, in like manner as other damaged tobacco. Manifests to be delivered with each load of tobacco.

The tobacco, where to be delivered.
      SECT. 5. The inspectors at each of the said warehouses of Byrd's, Shockœ's, Rockett's, Manchester, Rocky-Ridge, Trent's, and Johnson's, shall demand and receive for all tobacco brought to the said warehouses by virtue of this act, the same warehouse rent as is allowed for tobacco re-landed from on board any vessel, and be appropriated in the manner directed by law for the appropriation of the tax or rent on such re-landed tobacco. What warehouse rent to be paid therefor.
      SECT. 6. The duty on tobacco inspected at the said warehouse shall be the same, and collected, accounted for, and paid in like manner, as is directed and prescribed by law for other tobacco inspections, except where it shall be otherwise particularly directed by this act. Duty, how to be collected.
      SECT. 7. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That if the quantity of tobacco inspected at the said Deficiency of inspectors' salaries



warehouse shall not be sufficient to pay the usual charges, and the inspectors' salaries, the deficiency shall not be paid by the public. not to be paid by the public.

CHAP. LXVII. An act to establish a town in the county of Loudoun.

(Passed November 12, 1792.)
      SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the General Assembly, That seventy acres of land, lying near Newgate, in the county of Loudoun, the property of John Stewart Alexander, Presley Carr Lane, George Ralls, Mary Lane, and Francis Adams, shall be, and they are hereby vested in Leven Powell, Joseph Lane, David Stewart, Thomas Blackburn, William Alexander, Hugh Stewart, Samuel Love, John Orr, Charles Eskridge, William Lane, junior, William Lane, (the third) John Stewart Alexander, Francis Adams, Presley Carr Lane, and George Ralls, gentlemen, trustees, to be by them, or a majority of them, laid off into lots of half an acre each, with convenient streets and established a town by the name of Centerville. Town of Centerville established on lands of Alexander and others, in the county of Loudoun.
      SECT. 2. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That the trustees shall cause the main street of the said town to be laid off in such direction as to bind on the lands of Francis Adams, and Mary Lane, on one side, and Presley Carr Lane, George Ralls, and John Stewart Alexander, on the other. Main street, how to be laid off.
      SECT. 3. So soon as the said land shall be laid off into lots, the trustees, or a majority of them, shall proceed to sell the same at public auction, for the best price that can be had, the time and place of such sale being previously advertised two months successively in the Virginia Gazette; the purchasers to hold the said lots respectively, subject to the condition of building on each a dwelling-house sixteen feet square at least, with a brick or stone chimney, to be finished fit for habitation within three years from the day of sale, and to convey the said Lots, when and how to be sold.

Conditions of the sales.



lots to the purchasers in fee simple, subject to the condition aforesaid, and shall pay the money arising from the sale of the said lots, to the said John Stewart Alexander, Presley Carr Lane, George Ralls, Mary Lane, and Francis Adams, or their legal representatives, in such proportions as the lots severally owned by them in the said town, shall amount to. Powers of the trustees.
      SECT. 4. The trustees to the said town, or a majority of them, are empowered to make such rules and orders for the regular building of houses therein as to them shall appear proper; and to settle and determine all disputes concerning the bounds of the said lots. Powers of the trustees.
      SECT. 5. In case of the death, resignation, or removal out of the county of one or more of the said trustees, the vacancy thereby occasioned shall be supplied by the remaining trustees, or a majority of them, and the person so elected shall have the same power and authority as if he had been particularly named in this act. Vacancies how to be supplied.
      SECT. 6. If the purchaser of any lot in the said town shall fail to build thereon according to the conditions of their respective deeds of conveyance, the trustees of the said town, or a majority of them, may thereupon enter into such lot and sell the same again, and apply the money for the benefit of the inhabitants of the said town. May sell lots forfeited by breach of the condition of the sales.
      SECT. 7. This act shall commence and be in force from and after the passing thereof.


An act concerning the town of Springfield, in the county of Hampshire.

(Passed October 27, 1792.)
      SECT. 1. WHEREAS by an act of the General Assembly, passed in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety, intituled, "An act to establish several towns," it was among other things enacted, that one hundred acres of land, lying at the cross-roads in the county of Hampshire, the property of William and Samuel Abernethy, should be vested in certain trustees, to be laid off into lots of half an acre each, with convenient streets, Preamble.



and established a town by the name of Springfield: And whereas it hath been represented to this present Assembly, that the said William and Samuel Abernethy had, previous to the passing of the said recited act, laid off the said one hundred acres into lots of one quarter of an acre each, and sold many of them, for which bonds were executed by the purchasers, but no conveyance made by the said William and Samuel Abernethy:
      SECT. 2. Be it therefore enacted, That the lots in the said town of Springfield, shall contain only one quarter of an acre each, as originally laid out by the proprietors thereof, and that the name of "Andrew Humes," shall stand in the stead and place of "Andrew Hughes," (as was meant and intended, but the name mistaken) as one of the trustees of the said town. Each lot to contain one quarter of an acres.
A mistake in naming one of the trustees rectified.
      SECT. 3. And be it further enacted, That the trustees of the said town, or a majority of them, shall, and they are hereby empowered, to convey to the purchasers all the said lots sold by the said William and Samuel Abernethy previous to the passing of the said recited act, according to the terms of such sale. Trustees to convey lots sold before the town was established.
      SECT. 4. So much of the said recited act, as comes within the meaning of this act, is hereby repealed. Repealing clause.
      SECT. 5. This act shall commence and be in force from and after the passing thereof.


An act to establish a town at the Court-house, in the county of Patrick.

(Passed November 17, 1792.)
      SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the General Assembly, That the lots and streets, as the same are already laid off at the court-house in the county of Patrick, shall be, and are hereby established a town by the name of Taylorsville; and Archelaus Hughes, Abraham Penn, James Lyon, Samuel Clark, Francis Turner, James Armstrong, William Banks, William Carter, Charles Foster, and George Penn, gentlemen, are constituted and appointed trustees thereof. Town of Taylorsville established at Patrick court-house.



      SECT. 2. The trustees of the said town, or a majority of them, are empowered to make such rules and orders for the regular building of houses therein as to them shall seem best, and to settle and determine all disputes about the bounds of the said lots. Their powers.
      SECT. 3. In case of the death, resignation, or removal out of the county of one or more of the trustees, the vacancy thereby occasioned shall be supplied by the remaining trustees, or a majority of them, and the person so elected shall have the same power and authority, as if he had been particularly named in this act. Vacancies, how to be supplied.


An act for establishing a town in the county of Wythe.

(Passed October 29, 1792.)
      SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the General Assembly, That one hundred acres of land lying in the county of Wythe, and given to the said county by Stophel Zimmerman and John Davis, a part of which is already laid off into lots and streets, be and the same is hereby vested in Alexander Smyth, Walter Crockett, William Ward, Robert Adams, James Newell, David M'Gavock, Jesse Evans, and William Caffee, gentlemen, trustees, so much thereof to be by them, or a majority of them, laid off into lots of half an acre each, with convenient streets, as will make up the quantity of sixty acres, and establish a town by the name of Evansham, and the residue of the said one hundred acres, shall be and remain as a common to, and for the use and benefit of the inhabitants of the said town. Town of Evansham established.
      SECT. 2. The said trustees, or a majority of them, shall on receipt of the purchase money, or bond and approved security for the payment thereof upon demand, convey to the different purchasers, or their assigns, the lots sold by the commissioners appointed by the court of the said county to lay off the said town. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That if any purchaser of a lot in the said town from the commissioners, shall fail Trustees to convey lots sold by the former commissioners.




for the space of six months from and after the passing of this act, to pay the purchase money, or give bond and approved security to the said trustees for the payment thereof, as aforesaid, every such purchaser shall forfeit his claim, and the trustees may enter on every such lot, and make sale thereof in like manner as if the same had never been sold.
      SECT. 3. So soon as the said trustees shall have laid off so much of the said one hundred acres of land into lots and streets as is herein before directed, they shall sell the said lots at public auction on some court day, having given three months previous notice thereof in the Virginia Gazette, taking bonds with good security for the payment of the purchase money, on such credit as they shall judge reasonable, and shall convey the said lots to the purchasers in fee-simple, and pay the money arising from the said sales to the order of the court of the said county of Wythe, deducting ten per centum for collecting and charges. Lots when and how to be sold.

Purchase money how to be disposed of.
      SECT. 4. The said trustees, or a majority of them, shall have power from time to time, to make such rules for the building of houses in the said town, as to them shall seem most convenient and conducive to the good of the inhabitants; to settle and determine all disputes about the limits or boundaries of the lots; to make rules and orders for the clearing, cleansing and keeping in good order the streets thereof; and also to abate and remove all nuisances in the said town; and if any person shall build or begin to build any wooden chimney or chimnies therein, the trustees shall cause all such to be pulled down and demolished. Powers of the trustees.
      SECT. 5. In case of the death, removal out of the county, resignation, or legal disability of any of the said trustees, it shall be lawful for those remaining to choose some other good and lawful inhabitant of the said county, to supply such vacancy, and the person so chosen, shall have the same power as any trustee appointed by this act. Vacancies, how to be supplied.
      SECT. 6. So soon as the owners of lots in the said town shall have built thereon a dwelling-house, the dimensions of which shall be equal to twelve feet square at the least, they shall then be entitled to all the privileges and advantages that the inhabitants of other towns in this state, not incorporated, have and enjoy. Privileges of the owners of lots.
      SECT. 7. No person shall permit their swine to run Swine not to



at large in the said town, on pain that the same shall be liable to be killed by any inhabitant thereof. be permitted to run at large in the town.


An act for establishing several Towns.

(Passed November 10, 1792.)
      SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the General Assembly, That one hundred and eighty acres of land, the property of the county of Montgomery, whereon the courthouse and other public buildings are erected, as the same are already laid off into lots and streets, shall be, and the same are hereby established a town by the name of Christiansburg, and Byrd Smith, James Barnett, Hugh Crockett, Samuel Eason, Joseph Cloyd, John Preston, Christian Snido, James Charlton, and James Craig, gentlemen, constituted and appointed trustees thereof. Town established at Montgomery courthouse;

By the name of Christiansburg.
      SECT. 2. That fifty acres of land lying on the north side of Aquia creek, in the county of Stafford, the property of George Brent, shall be, and they are hereby vested in Travers Daniel, jun. Baily Washington, John Cooke, Daniel C. Brent, John R. Peyton, Valentine Peyton, John Murray, Robert Brent, Thomas Mountjoy, John Mountjoy, Elijah Threlkeld, and Nathaniel Fox, gentlemen, trustees, to be by them, or a majority of them, laid off into lots of half an acre each, with convenient streets, and established a town by the name of Woodstock. On Brent's land on Acquia creek in Stafford.

By the name of Woodstock.
      SECT. 3. That forty acres of land in the county of Franklin, the property of Moses Grier, shall be, and they are hereby vested in John Early, Jacob Boon, John Northsinger, Daniel Barnhart, Samuel Thompson, William Wright, jun. William Turnbull, and Swinfield Hill, gentlemen, trustees, to be by them, or a majority of them, laid off into lots of half an acre each, with convenient streets, and established a town by the name of Wisenburgh. And that thirty-two acres of land lying in the county of Franklin, the property of Daniel Layman and Stephen Peters, as the same are already laid off into lots and streets, be, and they are hereby established a town by the name of Germantown, and Swinfield Hill, George On Grier's land in Franklin.

By the name of Wisenburgh.
And on Layman and Peter's land in Franklin.
By the name



Turnbull, Jacob Harkrider, Daniel Pearry, Jubal Early, John Forgarson, and Tobias Miller, gentlemen, constituted and appointed trustees thereof. of Germantown.
      SECT. 4. So soon as the said lands of George Brent and Moses Grier shall respectively be laid off into lots, the trustees of each, or a majority of them, shall proceed to sell the same at public auction, for the best price that can be had, the time and place of such sale being previously advertised, two months successively in the Virginia Gazette, and to convey the said lots to the purchasers thereof in fee, subject to the condition of building on each a dwelling-house sixteen feet square at least, with a brick or stone chimney, to be finished fit for habitation within five years from the day of sale, and pay the money arising from such sales to the proprietors of the said lands respectively, or their legal representatives. Lots in Woodstock and Wisenburg when and how to be sold.
      SECT. 5. The trustees of the said towns respectively, or a majority of them, are empowered to make such rules and orders for the regular building of houses therein, as to them shall seem best, and to settle and determine all disputes concerning the bounds of the said lots. Powers of the trustees.
      SECT. 6. If the purchaser of any lot in the said towns of Christiansburg, Woodstock, Wisenburgh, and Germantown, shall fail to build thereon within the time herein before limited for that purpose, the trustees of the said town where such failure happens, may thereupon enter into such lot and sell the same again, and apply the money for the benefit of the inhabitants of the said town. Purchasers to build on their lots, or forfeit them.
      SECT. 7. In case of the death, resignation, or removal out of the county of one or more of the trustees of the said towns respectively, the vacancy thereby occasioned, shall be supplied by the remaining trustees, or a majority of them, and the person so elected, shall have the same power and authority as if he had been particularly named in this act. Vacancies in the trustees how to be supplied.
      SECT. 8. This act shall commence and be in force from and after the passing thereof. Commencement of this act.




An act to establish a town in the county of Buckingham.

(Passed November 10, 1792.)
      SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the General Assembly, That ten acres of land, the property of John Horsley, in the county of Buckingham, shall be, and they are hereby vested in David Bell, John Moseley, Charles Patteson, William Dieuguid, William Perkins, junior, Philip DuVal, James Dilliard, Charles Moseley, Josias Jones, Henry Flood, and David Kyle, gentlemen, trustees, to be by them, or a majority of them, laid off into lots of half an acre each, with convenient streets, and together with the lots already laid off adjoining thereto by the said Horsley, established a town by the name of Dieuguidsville. Town established on Horsley's land in Buckingham,

By the name of Dieuguidsville.
      SECT. 2. So soon as the said ten acres of land shall be laid off into lots, the trustees, or a majority of them, shall proceed to sell the same at public auction, for the best price that can be had, the time and place of sale being previously advertised for two months successively in the Virginia Gazette, and to convey the said lots to the purchasers thereof in fee, and pay the money arising from the sale of the said lots to the said John Horsley, or his legal representatives. Lots when and how to be sold.
      SECT. 3. The trustees of the said town, or a majority of them, are hereby authorised to make such rules and orders for the regular building of houses therein, as to them shall seem proper, and to settle and determine all disputes concerning the bounds of the said lots. Powers of the trustees.
      SECT. 4. In case of the death, resignation, or removal out of the county, of any of the said trustees, the vacancy thereby occasioned shall be supplied by the remaining trustees, or a majority of them, and the person so elected, shall have the same power and authority as if he had been particularly named in this act. Vacancies, how to be supplied.
      SECT. 5. This act shall commence and be in force from and after the passing thereof.

Commencement of this act.


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