Pages 583-592  ======   ======  Pages 602-611  





      Charles Carter, esq. the surviving trustee of William Byrd, esq. authorised to convey lots and lands sold under Byrd's lottery, and a deed of trust 446.
      Cate a slave, the property of Benjamin Bilberry emancipated 372.
      Tax on cattle 189, 504. Cattle belonging to this state or United States, how recovered from those who have the unlawful possession 218. Tax on cattle, in specie 504.
      Troop of cavalry, for protection of Illinois 26. Four troops for eastern frontier 27. Cavalry to be raised during existing invasion 28. State cavalry reduced 215. Cavalry for relief of South Carolina, how formed 223. Horses how furnished 224. Volunteer cavalry to be called into service 312. To be credited to their division of militia 312. Cavalry entitled to same advantages of pay, &c. as infantry 467.
      To judgments of commissioners for adjusting titles to lands on western waters, within what time to be entered in general court 48. Caveats depending before the revolution, how proceeded on 49. Causes of caveat 58. Proceedings on caveats 58. New caveats, for what causes allowed 59. Costs on caveats 59. Caveats on surveys before establishment of commonwealth's land office,
how proceeded in 179. Caveats allowed to judgments of commissioners 354.
      Plats and certificates of survey, when and how made 57. −− When returned to land office 58. Assignable 60. Within what time plats and certificates may not be delivered 61. Stealing, taking by robbery, forging or counterfeiting certain certificates, death without clergy 93. Altering erasing, &c. 94. Having in possession instruments for forging or counterfeiting 94. Proceedings against offenders 95. Person suspected of having forged or counterfeited, how apprehended 96. Decisions of court of appeals, how certified 92. Certain certificates receivable in payment for treasury land warrants 148. Loan office certificates with interest receivable for waste lands 148. Forms and marks of treasurer's certificates, for money borrowed, and mode of assigning them 184. Counterfeiting certificates, punishable with death 185, 191. Provision certificates, when and where payable 234. Forging or counterfeiting, how punishable 236. Further time to enter warrants, on pre-emption certificates, with the surveyor 239. Further time to return pre-emption certificates, and providing in case of their loss 239. Certificates receivable in taxes 350. Militia certificates





receivable in taxes 410. Death to counterfeit them 410. Loan office certificates, for paper money called in, to be given by treasurer, at the rate of one for a thousand 456. When redeemable 456. Interest payable annually 456. Payments on certificates to be endorsed 457. Transferrable by assignment only 457. Certificates to be given to officers and soldiers, on settlement of their accounts 462. Receivable on sales of forfeited estates 464. Money arising from such sales reserved for their redemption 464. So, of tobaccoes arising from sales of confiscated estates 467.
      Effect of party's failing to attend surveyor, with chain-carriers and marker 56. −− Chain-carriers to be sworn 57.
      High court of chancery, when to sit at Richmond 89.
      Land bounty to chaplains, surgeons and surgeon's mates 141.
      Lands on bay of Chesapeake not to be granted 227.
      Provision for widows, wives & children of British subjects out of their estates escheated 71.
      Salaries of ministers of church of England, further suspended 111.
All acts providing salaries for ministers repealed 197. Vestry authorised to levy and make assessments for salaries in arrear, for complying with legal engagements, and providing for parish poor 198.
      Overseers of the poor to succeed to powers and duties of vestries and churchwardens 289.
      In court of admiralty, rules concerning 100.
      Who shall be deemed citizens of this commonwealth 129. Citizenship, how acquired 129. Who deemed aliens 129. Expatriation right of, how exercised 129. Free white inhabitants of other of the United States, entitled to privileges of citizens of this state 130. Fugitives from justice, in other states, how apprehended and delivered up 130. Forfeiture of property, by attainder in other states, affects property in this 130.
      Land bounty to volunteers, under colonel George Rogers Clarke 26. Regiment, under his command to be compleated for defence of western frontiers 389.
      Salaries of clergy of church of England further suspended 111. All acts providing for salaries for ministers repealed 197. Vestries authorised to levy for salaries in arrear





for complying with legal engagements, and providing for parish poor 198.
      Of court of appeals, how appointed and tenure of office 91. Duty of clerks as to records, bonds, &c. and docketting causes 91. Salaries of clerks in auditors' office encreased 107. Fees of clerk of general court 127. Allowance to clerk of general court for ex officio services 378. Salary of clerks in public offices, in specie 493. Their duty in relation to lists of lands & taxable property 503, 505.
      Appointed, on discontinuance of public store 374. His duty to report to war office 427.
      Clothing for the army, to be furnished by certain counties, and of what to consist 338. −− Mode of furnishing the clothing for the army, in each county 339. Further time allowed 393. Officers to supply themselves with clothing 374. Act for more effectual and speedy clothing the army 376. Clothing for seamen, how provided 381.
      Duty on coffee imported 511.
      Act concerning escheats & forfeitures from British subjects suspended, as to lands in Henry and Amherst, conveyed by John Harmer to Walter King Cole, and George Harmer 300.
      Congress authorised to impose a duty on goods and prizes, and to appoint collectors 409. Collectors of duties, to be reported to, by masters of vessels 511. Their powers 513. Penalty for receiving a bribe, or conniving at a false entry 513. When and how they may break open houses 514. Their allowance 516. When to account and pay 516.
      Lands of, in Kentucky county escheated to commonwealth, vested in trustees for a public school 288.
      Act for protection and encouragement of the commerce of nations acknowledging the independence of the United States 202. Consuls from such states as acknowledge the independence of America, how received 202. Deemed subjects or citizens of the state by whom appointed 202. Guilty of crimes against this state, remanded to their sovereign for punishment 202. −− Their powers 202. In execution thereof, how to be aided 203. Seamen deserting, how apprehended 203. Mode of proceeding in suits where foreigners are parties 203.
      Salary of commercial agents rated in tobacco 278. Value of tobacco in money, estimated by grand jury 278. Commercial agent appointed, on the abolition of the board of





trade 292. His duty to report to war office 427. Salary of commercial agent, in specie 493.
      Of specific tax, their appointment and duty 79. Their allowances and liabilities 80. Oath of commissioners as to application of public money confided to them 256. Governor and council may discontinue state commissaries, and transfer powers to continental staff 415. State commissaries, &c. not absolutely necessary may be discharged by executive 449. Surplus stores transferred to similar continental officers 450.
      His duty to report to the war office 427.
      His duty to report to war office 427.
      Commissioner of the war office appointed, on repeal of the act establishing a board of war 292. Powers and duties of commissioner of war more accurately defined 426. Commissioner of war to discharge the duties of adjutant general's department 428. Military commission to issue from war office 428. Salary of commissioner of war 428. Quarter master general, commissary general, state clothier, commercial agent, and commissary of military stores to report to commissioner of
      Of tax, further duties of 10. Their oath 10. Commissioners for adjusting and determining claims to lands on the western waters, how appointed, their oath, duty, power, and modes and rules of proceeding 42−47. Commissioners for sale of escheated lands, their duty, allowance, and liabilities 68, 69. Commissioners & commissaries of specific tax, their duty, allowances and liabilities 80. Duty of commissioners of tax and assessors, in furnishing lists to sheriffs 166. Allowance to commissioners and assessors 167. Powers of commissioners for adjusting claims to unpatented lands further continued 178, 238, 403, 484. Commissioners of tax shall not be sureties for sheriffs 200. Further time allowed to the western commissioners 238. Further allowance to them and their officers 238. Commissioners of tax and assessors to meet and class the lands 242. Their oath on that occasion 242. General oath of assessors 243. Rule if a difference of opinion between them 243. Duty of commissioners and assessors 246. Allowances to commissioners and their clerk, and to assessors 247. Commissioners to act two years 252. Assessors to be annually appointed, but to assess once in





two years 252. Their allowance 252. Penalty on, for neglect of duty 252. Commissioners to transmit account of settlement with sheriffs to auditors 247. Sheriffs to account with and shew money collected for taxes to commissioner of tax once a month 255. Duty and allowance of commissioner therein 256. −− Salaries of commissioners of the navy and war office, rated in tobacco 278. Value of tobacco, in money, estimated by grand jury 278. Caveats allowed to judgments of commissioners for adjusting titles to lands 354. Further allowance to commissioners and their attendants 355. Penalty on commissioners of tax for neglect of duty encreased 361. Allowances to commissioners for adjusting titles to lands, and their attendants encreased 436, 484. Tax on litigants encreased 436. County courts in district of Kentucky authorised to hear and determine claims, left unfinished by the commissioners 436. Register to issue grants thereon 437. State commissioners, &c. not absolutely necessary may be discharged by executive 449. Surplus stores transferred to similar continental officers 450. Commissioners to be appointed by the executive to take depositions, in order to perpetuate evidence of records destroyed by the enemy 454. Commissioners to receive taxes, payable in
commodities, how appointed 490. Penalty on commissioners refusing to act 490. Bonds to be taken of commissioners 491. Commissioners to make returns to courts, and to the executive and auditors 492. Commissioners of tax, how appointed 501. Their oath and duty 501. Lands & lots to be valued without regard to buildings 502. How vacancies in commissioners supplied 502. Commissioners duty in returning lists of lands to clerk 503. Allowance to commissioners 503. Penalty for neglect 503. Two sets of commissioners where two battalions in a county 504.
      Sheriffs' commissions for collecting taxes 257, 507.
      Tax, payable in commodities 79. Places of deposit, how fixed 79. Commissaries of tax, their appointment and duty 79. On non-payment of tax in commodities, to be paid in money 80. Power of distress 80. Further time allowed to pay tax in certain enumerated commodities, called the specific tax 292, 357, 435. Persons liable to tax in certain enumerated commodities, who have had their grain impressed for the use of the army, entitled to a discount as to so much 404. Penalty on commissioners and receivers of specific tax for neglect of duty 405. Judgment on motion without notice 405. How





judgment rendered 405. Damages 405. Remedy by commissioners against receivers 405. Poll-tax payable in commodities 490. Tax in bacon 490. Commissioners to receive taxes, how appointed 490. Penalty on commissioners refusing to act 490. Bonds to be taken of commissioners 491. Places of deposit, how notified 491. Storage, how procured 491. Commodities dischargeable in money, at what rates 491. Distress, when and how to be made 491. Commissioners to make return to court, and to executive and auditors 492. To obey orders of executive 492. Power of sheriff to distrain and his liability 492. What proportion of specie tax, may be paid in tobacco, hemp or flour 508. Treasurer to deliver receipts to governor, who, with advice of council, to direct sale of commodities 509.
      Lands on the bay of Chesapeake, the sea shore, or shores of rivers and creeks, heretofore held as common, not to be granted 227.
      Exclusive right of commonwealth to purchase lands of Indians asserted 97. Articles belonging to, or to United States, how recovered from those who have the unlawful possession 218.
      Agreements between companies, claiming lands under orders
of council, and purchases regulated 42.
      Composition money, for lands, in what cases to be paid 41.
      Ratification of articles of confederation, delayed by Maryland, on the ground that the western territories annexed to states, ought to become the property of the United States 547, 548. Papers relating to that subject 547, 561. When the articles of confederation were ratified by Maryland 548.
      Members of congress, when & how elected 74. Four always to attend 74. Times of attendance 74. How long eligible 74. How removable 75. Wages 75. Office under state not vacated by appointment to congress 75. Delegates to congress restricted from engaging in trade 113. Their oath to that effect 113. What number of members of congress may represent the state 163. Allowances for themselves and families 163. Their accounts, how rendered and paid 163. Delegates to congress disabled from holding any office, judiciary or executive 164. Congress authorised to impose a duty on goods and prizes 409. And to appoint collectors 409. −− Appropriation of duties 410. Limitation 410. The last act suspended until the other states





have passed similar laws 451. Address of general assembly of Virginia to congress on the alarming situation of the southern states as it respects the operations of the enemy 539. Instruction to delegates in congress, on the subject of having the yeas and nays published 545.
      Wm. Campbell, Walter Crockett and others indemnified for suppressing a conspiracy and insurrection 195.
      Consuls from such states as acknowledge the independence of America, how received; deemed subjects or citizens of the state by whom appointed, guilty of crimes against this state, shall be remanded to their own sovereigns for punishment 202. Their powers 202. In execution thereof, how to be aided 203. Seamen deserting, how apprehended 203. Mode of proceeding in suits where foreigners are parties 203.
      See Army.
      Officers of Virginia line, on continental establishment, empowered to re-enlist their men 214. Recruits or drafts for continental army 257−−262. Continental officers of this state reduced 373. Pay of officers and soldiers made equal to specie 462. Scale of depreciation 464. Further tract of territory allotted for 465. When and how their lands
surveyed 466. Virginia line on continental establishment, to be recruited for two years or the war 499. Soldiers thus enlisting entitled to same bounty and immunities as other continentals 499.
      Contracts to pay money, &c. won by gaming void 205. −− Contracts and debts, in paper money, to be settled by a scale of depreciation 471. −− Actual payments, full or partial, to stand for nominal amount 472. Scale of depreciation 472. Courts may determine disputes according to equity 473. rules for settling intermediate judgments 473.
      Conveyances to secure money, &c. won at gaming enure to benefit of loser's heir 205. −− Tax on conveyances 281.
      Security for costs, when required in court of admiralty 101.
      See Privy Council.
      What surveys for lands, under orders of council, declared valid 36, 486. What orders of council declared void 38. Agreements between companies claiming under orders of council, and purchases regulated 42. Claims for lands under orders of council to be laid before court of appeals, and there decided 48. Salary of members of council 118, 219. How grants for land, surveyed under orders of council, on the eastern waters





may be obtained 179. Salaries of members of council, payable in tobacco 278. Value of tobacco estimated by grand jury 278. Orders of council for land on the eastern waters to be valid 486.
      Counterfeiting or forging land warrants, death without clergy 65. So, as to certain warrants, treasury notes, &c. 93. Having in possession instruments for forging or counterfeiting 94. Proceedings against offenders 95. Persons suspected of having forged or counterfeited notes, how apprehended 96. Forging or counterfeiting certificates punishable with death 185, 191, 236. Forging or counterfeiting paper money 254, 286, 349, 397, 429. Treasurer constituted judge of counterfeit paper money 271. His power to deface counterfeit bills 271. When he may call to his assistance two of the auditors 272.
      Part of the county of Augusta added to Monongalia 114. −− Kentucky county divided, & Jefferson, Fayette, and Lincoln formed 315. Boundaries 315. Court days 315. Another part of Augusta added to Monongalia 351. −− Brunswick county divided & Greensville formed 363. −− Boundaries 363. Court days 363. Bedford county divided and Campbell formed 447.
Boundaries 447. Court days 447.
      Penalty on county courts for neglecting to appoint commissioners of tax 361. Act for the relief of persons who have been or may be injured by the destruction of the records of county courts 453. Where deeds, wills, judgments, decrees, or orders have been destroyed by the enemy, attested copies to be again recorded 453. How far evidence 453. Fees of clerks 454. For perpetuating testimony executive to appoint commissioners 454. How to take depositions and where to return them 454. Power to appoint a clerk 454. County courts to receive claims for property impressed for the use of the army 468. No claim for property impressed, to be allowed, until passed by county court, and certified to the general assembly 469. −− Except as to certain provision certificates 469.
      When court of appeals, high court of chancery, general court, and court of admiralty to sit at Richmond 89. Justices of Nansemond authorised to appoint a place to hold courts, the town of Suffolk having been burnt by the enemy 110. Courts and juries ex officio to take notice of act of limitation on store accounts 134. Court of Spotsylvania to be held at the house of





John Holladay 228. Governor and council authorised to constitute special courts for trial of treasons, &c. in case of invasion or insurrection 387. Mode of proceeding 378. Governor and council may, by proclamation, change the time and place of holding courts 407. Judges may adjourn if they think they cannot sit with safety 408. Court of admiralty may sit any where on proper occasions 408. Courts held under proclamation not one of the two for trial or discharge of criminals 408. No discontinuance if courts not held in usual terms 408. Special courts may be constituted by governor and council, with same powers, as to criminal matters, as general court 415, 460. Courts suspended, except in particular cases 422. Suspension removed 455. −− Terms of superior courts altered 455. Justices of James city authorised to hold their courts any where in the county, during the prevalence of the small-pox in Williamsburg 457.
      In the militia, when to be held 83.
      Extensive credit discouraged by repealing act of 1748, prescribing method of proving book debts, 133. Limitation of actions on store accounts 133. Delivery of articles to be dated 133. Penalty for post-dating 133. When limitation to commence 134. −− Courts and juries bound ex officio to take notice of this act 134.
      Lands on shores of creeks not to be granted 227.
      To court of appeals, how appointed and tenure of office 91.
      Crimes injurious to the independence of America, but less than treason, defined and punished 268. Asserting that the United States ought to be dependent on the crown or parliament of Great Britain 268. Or, acknowledging the king to be sovereign, or himself a subject 269. Or, who shall discourage enlistments, or the military service, or advise to submit to the enemy 269. −− Or, who shall wish health or success to the king 269. Jurisdiction of offence 269. −− Charge to grand jury 270. −− When security may be required 270. Sentence to be published 270. Limitation of prosecution 270. Power of justices 270.
      Wm. Campbell, Walter Crockett and others indemnified for suppressing a conspiracy and insurrection 195.
      Commissioners appointed for marking and opening a road over the Cumberland mountains to Kentucky 143. Guard for protection against Indians, how procured 144.


  Pages 583-592  ======   ======  Pages 602-611  
