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      Minister and parishioners of St. James's exempted from ferriage over Roanoke, on certain occasions, 257.
      Vestry of St. John in King William dissolved, 607.
      Vestry of parish of Nottoway, in county of Southampton to refund to parish of St. Luke, certain money and tobacco, levied for repairing the church before the division, 177.
      Vestry of St. Mark's parish, in Culpeper, authorised to sell their glebe, 410.
      Vestry of parish of St. Martin, in counties of Hanover and Louisa dissolved, 607.
      Former act on this subject repealed, 354. In what manner strays taken up, shall be viewed, appraised, registered, and advertised, 355. Where they shall be vested in taker up, 356. Or be reclaimed by owner, 356. Stray valued at 20s. shall be advertised in Virginia Gazette, 356. And may be recovered, owner paying valuation money, &c. 356. Taker up failing to carry stray before a justice, &c. or using it, subject to a penalty, 356. And liable to action of owner, 357. Proceedings in cases of vessels adrift taken up, 357. Stray dying before claim, taker up not liable, 357. Who may not take up strays, 357.
      Minister and parishioners of Suffolk parish, in Nansemond
county exempted from payment of ferriage over Nansemond river, 53. Court to contract for an annual ferriage, 53. Act repealed, 371. George Parker authorised to pay a certain sum of money to parish of Suffolk, in lieu of an annuity charged by the will of Richard Bennett, 287. Hogs and goats not suffered to run at large in town of Suffolk, 620.
      Court day of, altered, 519.
      In new surveys plats to be laid down by the true, not artificial meridian, with the variation, 526. In re-surveys, the present mode by the magnetic meridian may be observed, but the variation shall be certified, 527. Penalty for neglect, 527.
      Provision for opening a road over the mountains at Swift run gap, 152. For keeping it in repair, 548.
      Certain entailed lands formerly of Nicholas Meriwether, vested in John Syme and others, 54.
      Agreement made by him, with court of Norfolk county, for a slipe of land part of the courthouse square, confirmed, 454.
      Wooden chimnies not to be erected or used in town of, 424.
      Act of inspection of, amended, 143. Oath of master of vessel





in which tar is exported, 144. In what manner barrels shall be made, 351. Duty of inspectors, 351. Penalty for breach, 352. Size of staves of barrels, 367.
      Public taxes laid, 38, 533. Sheriffs to give bond, 39. Former balances how collected, 39. Certain counties to pay their taxes in money, 40. Arrears of land tax, in Culpeper, how collected, 139. Act for raising a public levy amended, 178. Tobacco levies payable in money at 12s. 6d. per hundred, 178. In what proportions in the different counties, 178. Sheriff having received more than at the above rate to refund, 179. To account on oath, 179. Allowance for crop tobacco, 179. On what terms public tobacco to be sold, 180, 533. Penalties on sheriffs for violations of this act, 180. For refusing to collect the public levy, 181. Proviso, if unable to give security, 181. When and where tobacco to be sold, 181. When sheriffs to account with treasurer, 182. Provision for collecting the taxes in King George and Buckingham, & the public levy in Fauquier, 201. Taxes for 1766, 273. New taxes levied on slaves, 343. On carriages, ordinary licenses, law process, &c. 344, 345. New taxes imposed to indemnify the sufferers by the loss of tobacco, in the great freshet of 1771, 499.
      Entail of certain lands whereof John Tazewell, esq. is seized, docked, 665.
      How to vote at elections, 307.
      On what terms tenants in taille may make leases of their lands, 183. Restrictions, 183. No fine to be paid, 184.
      Expenses of building and repairing warehouses, to be certified to treasurer, and paid by public, 13. Warehouse on south side Nomony river discontinued, and new one erected on land of William Flood, 17. General tobacco law, 69−111. All tobacco, for exportation, to be brought to a warehouse, 69. To be packed in casks & inspected, 69. Oath of masters of vessels intending to load with tobacco, 70. Penalty on master, 70. No tobacco to be taken on board in bulk or parcels, 70. Exceptions, 71. Proviso, as to inhabitants of Fleet's bay, 72. Masters of vessels to deliver to naval officers manifests on oath, 72. Relanded tobacco must be at some warehouse, 73. Except in distress of weather, 73. Damaged tobacco, how disposed of, 74. No tobacco to be transported to North Carolina or Maryland, without being inspected, 74. Sheriffs, &c. to take an oath to make discovery where tobacco is intended to be shipped contrary to law, 75. For preventing the cutting and manufacturing bad,





unsound, and trash tobacco, 76. Light tobacco may be delivered to owner before stamped but not shipped before again inspected, 77. Warehouses, at what places, 77. Rents of warehouses, 80. Where rents not sufficient, wharves and new warehouses to be built at public expense, 80. Proprietors shall let them to inspectors, 81. Proceedings where the owners of lands refuse to build, 81. Warehouses discontinued, property to revert, 82. Inspectors to lay annually before their courts, an account of the quantity of tobacco inspected, 83. Courts may direct the repairing of the old, and building new warehouses, 83. Where two or more inspectors in one county, within a mile of each other, houses may be built at either, 84. Penalty on courts, 84. Justices not to take houses, orchards, &c. 84. Inspectors not to keep hogs, but in enclosures, at the warehouses, 84. When proprietor may be restored to his former estate, 84. But if he fails to repair, property to revert to justices, 85. When justice may give damages for injury to warehouse, 85. Scales & weights, how provided, 85. Inspectors how appointed, 86. Additional inspector, 87. No inspector to take a reward for resigning his office, under a penalty on the player and receiver, 87. No justice, being an inspector, to vote in the nomination, 87. Inspectors to give
bond and take an oath, 88. Form of the oath, 88. To produce certificate thereof, 88. At what times inspectors are to attend, 89. Every hogshead to be uncased, and broke, viewed and stamped, 89. When the two inspectors disagree, 89. Inspectors to give receipts, 90. Form of receipts or notes, 90. Where such receipts are payable, 90. Weights of hogsheads, 91. Allowance for shrinkage and waste, 91. Penalty on inspectors not delivering tobacco, 91. Receipts to express the kind of tobacco, 91. Three shillings for each hogshead to be paid to inspectors, 92. Inspectors' receipts not a lawful tender after twelve months, 92. Mode of packing stemmed tobacco, 92. Size of tobacco hogsheads, 93. Refused tobacco burnt, 93. Owners of transfer, how to obtain crop receipts, 93. Inspectors to lay accounts of transfer before the court yearly, 94. When to settle with the treasurer, 94. No inspector to be a member of the house of burgesses, or collector, or intermeddle with elections, &c. 95. He may receive his rents in tobacco, 95. Not to take any fee or reward, other than his salary, 95. Viewers when & how appointed, 96. How to certify, 97. Within what time view must be had, 97. Inspectors not to give receipts until tobacco received, 97. Inspectors salaries, 97. Method of detecting inspectors failing to





do their duty, 98. How tobacco due for levies, &c. to be paid, 99. Counties in which inspectors receipts are payable, 100. Abatements to the payer, 101. Where the person chargeable with fees lives in another county, 102. Allowances to be made on payment of public, county,& parish levies,102. Deductions to be made by clerks, in taxing costs, 103. Levies, quitrents, and officers fees, when and how payable, 103. Goods distrained for quitrents, how sold, 103. When sheriffs to account for levies and fees, 103. Where warehouses burnt, loss made good by the Assembly, 103. But not if receipts of older date than 12 months, 104. Proprietor not to make use of warehouse, 104. Penalty on persons making fires near a warehouse, 104. Pickers of tobacco, rules concerning, 104. Owners may pick their own tobacco, 105. Receipts to be issued for tobacco saved by picking, 105. Duty of inspectors, in keeping books, &c. 105. Relanded tobacco, 106. Duty of inspectors in relation to, 106. Felony to forge inspectors receipts, or to pack tobacco, in a stamped cask, 107. Mode of proceeding where receipts are lost, 107. Penalty for making a false oath, or producing a forged certificate, 108. New inspectors to give receipt to those whom they succeed, 108. Not liable to action for tobacco, after delivered for exportation, 108.
Inspectors to permit owners of picked and transfer tobacco, to use their prizes, 108. Rules in using prizes, 109. Reward for re-packing and prizing, 109. Shall, if required, alter mark or number for hogshead, 109. To keep waste book, &c. 109. To prize all tobacco, under 950, to that weight, 109. To give receipts for uninspected tobacco, if required, 109. Commissions to inspectors for receiving the duty, 110. Penalties, how recoverable, 110. Suits may be prosecuted, notwithstanding expiration of law, 111. Seafaring persons to give bail, 111. Additional houses may be built at warehouses, 232. Inspectors to furnish a manifest of tobaccoes removed, 232. To keep a book, &c. 233. Oath of skipper receiving such tobacco, 233. Fee to inspectors for relanded tobacco, 233. Nominy & Stratford warehouses, under one inspection, 233. Salary of inspectors, 233. Salary at Nobles, 233. Duty of inspectors in preventing frauds, 234. Naval officers duty, 234. Additional inspector, 234. Inspectors to publish a list, 235. Wooden chimnies prohibited near warehouses, 235. Pickers, 235. Proceedings against, 236. As to tender of transfer receipts, 236. Number of hands at warehouses, 236. Number of hands at warehouses, 236. Fee to inspectors for delivering hogsheads of tobacco, in lieu of





transfer receipts, 237. Act concerning inspection of tobacco, &c. further continued, 298. Further continued and amended, 318. Power of sheriff, &c. to enter houses to search for uninspected tobacco, 318. Penalty on person in whose possession it is found, 318. Justice may empower officers to enter vessels to search for uninspected tobacco, 319. How such tobacco, if found, to be disposed of, 319. Penalty on master of vessel having uninspected tobacco on board, 319. Penalty for resisting officer, 319. If sued, officer may plead general issue, 319. And recover double costs, on nonsuit or verdict, 319. Special bail required on suits under this act, 320. New inspections established, 320. Power of county courts to encrease capacity of warehouses, 321. If proprietors fail, court to build, at public expense, 321. Currency of notes in the several counties, 321. Certain inspectors salaries raised, 322. Penalty on inspectors' delivering tobacco without owner's order, 322. And for delivering transfer receipts, without having received and passed tobacco, 322. Inspections discontinued, 323. Salaries of inspectors, 323. Rents of warehouses, 324. When inspectors to settle with treasurer, 324. Part of act concerning number of hands to be employed by inspectors repealed, 324. Parts of acts concerning constables duty in, and
allowance for viewing tobacco fields repealed, 325. Inspectors not to keep ordinaries at or near warehouses, 325. Transfer tobacco delivered out of warehouses to weigh 100 pounds nett, 325. Commissioners to state and settle damages done to tobacco, by a storm, in several warehouses, 390. Recital of the destruction of large quantities of tobacco by the overflowing of several rivers in the great freshet of 1771, 493. Commissioners appointed to ascertain the loss, 494. Various regulations, 494−497. Byrd's Shockœ's, & Falmouth warehouses removed to higher situations, 497. New taxes imposed to indemnify the sufferers, 498, 499. Treasury notes to be emitted, 501. Sundry warehouses discontinued, 508. Others revived, 508. Salaries of certain inspectors, 508. Warehouses at Colchester confirmed, 509. New inspections, 509. Salaries of inspectors, 509. Notes where payable in discharge of quit rents, 509. County courts to direct persons to examine state of warehouses, and to order them to be repaired, 510. If found in good order to give a certificate, 510. County courts to proportion rents between the public and proprietor, 511. Commissioners to sell damaged tobacco at Morton's warehouse, 627. New warehouse established on lots of Archibald





Cary, in Manchester, 654. Commissioners appointed to sell damaged tobacco in Aquia warehouse, 670.
      Entail of certain lands whereof Richard Todd is seized, docked, 57.
      Entail of certain lands whereof William Todd is seized, docked, 631.
      Succession of trustees of Town Point company, in Norfolk, perpetuated, 269.
      Chatham, in Pittsylvania, established, 417. Manchester, at Rocky ridge, in Chesterfield, 421. Lots on Shockoe hill, added to Richmond, 421. Botetourt at Gloucester Court House, and Beaufort at Layton's warehouse in Essex, established, 423. Fincastle in Botetourt established, 616. Maidstone in Fauquier established, 621. Philee, at falls of Potowmack established, 625.
      Offices of speaker of house of Burgesses and treasurer separated, 210. Salary of speaker on lieu of emoluments as treasurer, 210. Death of John Robinson, esq. late treasurer recited, 211. Robert Carter Nicholas, esq. appointed treasurer, 211. Authorised to collect balance due from late treasurer, 211. Balance stated, 211. Salary of treasurer, 212. Penalty of treasurer's bond, 212. Accounts, how to
be kept, 213. Penalty for misapplication of public monies, 213. Committee to examine into the state of the treasury, 213. Administrators of John Robinson, esq. to sell part of his lands and slaves to satisfy debts due to the public, as well as to individuals, 272. Recital of debt due from John Robinson, esq. late treasurer, 349. His estate real and personal to be sold by his administrators, on credit, 349. Terms of sale, 349. Summary remedy against purchasers, 350. Proceeds of sale, how accounted for, 350. Administrators authorised to contract with Mrs. Chiswell, and Mrs. Robinson, for their dower, 350. Act for appointing a treasurer continued, 395. Act for appointing a treasurer further continued, 588.
      To be emitted, 346. By whom signed, 346. Overlookers of the press, 347. Their duty and compensation, 347. Treasury nots, to whom payable, 347. When redeemable, 347. Counterfeiting, felony, 347. How redeemable, 348. To counterfeit after time of redemption passed, felony, 348. Treasury notes emitted to indemnify the sufferers, for the loss of tobacco, in the great freshet of 1771, 500. How to be executed, 501. Paper not to be pasted on notes, 502. Treasurer authorised to borrow money, for redemption of notes, 648. Or may issue new





notes, 648. How signed and countersigned, 649. Currency of treasury notes, 649. Notes for redemption of others, how executed, 649. Duties and taxes pledged for their redemption, 650. Felony to counterfeit, or tender counterfeit notes knowingly, 650. Notes clipped, or with paper pasted on the backs not redeemable; otherwise if torn or defaced, 650. Vacancy in signer, how supplied, 650. Allowance for countersigning and numbering, 651. Felony to counterfeit, or tender counterfeit notes of other colonies, knowingly, 651.
      Parish, in Fairfax county divided, and Fairfax parish formed, 43. Act repealed, and a new division made, 157. Vestry of parish of Truro, authorised to sell their glebe and church plate, 202. Proceeds apportioned between parishes of Truro, Cameron and Fairfax, 203. Proportion of Truro, how applied, 203.
      Act for inspection of, amended, 143. Oath of master of vessel in which turpentine is exported, 144. In what manner barrels shall be made, 351. Duty of inspectors, 351. Penalty for breach, 352. Size of staves of barrels, 367.
      How to be laid down and certified with surveys, 526, 527.
      Proceedings on taking up vessels adrift, 357.
      See Parishes.
      Trustees for purchasing a vineyard, &c. appointed, 365. To be under the management of Andrew Estave, 365. And conveyed to him on certain conditions, 365.
      Of burgesses, when and how payable, 187, 293, 303, 490, 505, 536, 671. General law fixing the wages of members, 314, 315.
      Certain lands devised by Zachary Crips for a glebe, in parish of Ware, in Gloucester county, to be sold, 435.
      See Tobacco.
      Expenses of building and repairing, for tobacco, to be certified to treasurer and paid by public, 13. On south side Nomony river discontinued, and new one erected on land of William Flood, 17. At what places warehouses established, in the general tobacco law, 77−79. Rents of warehouses, 80. Where rents not sufficient, wharves and new warehouses to be built at public expense, 80. Proprietors shall let them to inspectors, 81. Owners of lands where warehouses to be erected to be summoned to declare whether they will build or not; and if no person will build, justices to do it, 81. Warehouses discontinued, property to revert, 82. Where warehouses burnt, loss of tobacco made good by the next





assembly, 108. Proprietor not to make use of warehouse, 104. Penalty on persons making fire near, 104. Additional may be built, 232. Nomony and Stratford united, 233. Salary of inspectors, and at Noble's, 233. Wooden chimnies not to be built near, 235. Warehouses for the reception of hemp to be erected, 253. New warehouses established, 320. Others discontinued, 323. Power of courts in building or repairing, 324. Inspectors not to keep ordinary near warehouse, 325. Byrd's, Shockœ's, and Falmouth, from the lowness of their situation, being subject to the overflowing of the waters by tides and freshes discontinued, and removed higher up, 497. Several warehouses discontinued, and others revived, 508. Salaries of certain inspectors, 508. Warehouses at Colchester confirmed, 509. New inspections, 509. Salaries of inspectors, 509. Notes where payable in discharge of quitrents, &c. 509. County courts to appoint persons to view state of warehonses, 510. If found in good order to give a certificate, 510. County courts to proportion rents between the public and proprietor, 511. Commissioners to sell damaged tobacco at Morton's warehouse, 626. To ascertain damaged tobacco at Aquia warehouse, 627. New warehouse established on lots of Archibald Cary, in Manchester, 654. Commissioners appointed
to sell damaged tobacco, in Aquia warehouse, 670.
      Road from the Warm Springs in Augusta, to Jenning's gap to be opened, 546. Tolls established, 546.
      Court day of Warwick county altered, 23. Additional trustees of town of Warwick appointed, 411. Vacancies how supplied, 412.
      Trustees of Richmond may establish wharves, &c. 656.
      College, to elect a burgess, under the charter, 317. A penny a gallon upon rum imported to be paid to the visitors, 335.
      Corporation of, authorised to assess taxes on the inhabitants, 21. Certain lots in, devised by Jonathan Druitt, vested in the purchasers, 171. To elect burgesses under the charter, 317. Jurisdiction of court of hustings explained, 401. Fees of clerk and sergeant settled, 402. Court house to be kept in repair at joint expense of James City & Williamsburg, 420.
      Act for encouraging the making of wine, 364. Trustees for purchasing a vineyard, &c. 365. To be under the management of Andrew Estave, 365. And to be conveyed to him on certain conditions, 365.





      Witnesses, attendance in tobacco, payable in money at 16s. 8d. per hundred, 299.
      Rewards for killing wolves in Hampshire, Frederick, and Augusta altered, 48. Rewards in certain counties encreased, 147. Act encreasing rewards in certain counties continued, 200, 388, 595. Additional rewards in certain counties, 388. Penalty for killing deer and leaving carcases in woods to be devoured by wolves, 595.
      Entail of certain lands whereof
John Wormeley, gent. is seized, docked, 452.
      Certain entailed lands whereof Ralph Wormeley, esq. is seized, vested in him in fee simple, 230. Entail of certain lands whereof Ralph Wormeley, esq. is seized, docked, 637.
      Line between James City and York counties as it runs through Williamsburg ascertained, 405. Part of county of York, in Williamsburg, added to James City, for the purpose of erecting a courthouse, 419.



In Volume eighth of Statutes at Large.

Page 56



line 25 from top, for "lands" read "land."
18 from top, for "never" read "not."
9 from bottom, for "person" read "persons."
22 from bottom, for "pich" read "pitch."
Bottom line, for "is" read "are."
3 from top, insert "said" between "the" and "county."
17 from top, for "securities" read "sureties."
top line, strike out "three" before "after."
2 from top, insert "three" before "years."
3 from bottom, insert "time" between "same" and "that."
11 from top, for "Loundon" read "Loudoun."
7 from top, strike out "majes."
11 from bottom, insert "county" between "any" and "court."
top line, for "a list" read "the list."
10 from top, read "further" between "therefore" and "enacted."
5 from bottom, insert "not" between "is" and "contrary."
3 from top, for "taking" read "taken."
20 from top, for "payments" read "payment."
11 Strike out "such."
15 from top, for "remaiders" read "remainders."
12 from bottom, for "continned" read "continued."
10 from top, insert "not" betwen "are" and "compellable."
2 from bottom, for "having" read "have."
12 from top, for "buyers" read "buyer."
4 from bottom, for "to" read "from."
13 from bottom, for "Charler" read "Charles."
7 from bottom, insert "act" before "for."
4 from bottom, insert "said" betwen "the" and "county."
4 from bottom, for "thereof" read "hereof."
top line, for "remainders" read "remainder."
14 from top, for "proportion" read "proportions."
20 from bottom, for "Horatea" read "Horatio."
11 from bottom, strike out "so" at the end.
8 from top, insert "the" betwen "same" and "sum."
20 from bottom, for "now" read "new" in title.
9 from top, strike out one of the words "other."


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