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See War.
      Preparations for 9. New recruits 61. Drafts of militia 69. Punishment of mutiny and desertion 87. Militia regulated and disciplined 93. How called into service 106. Forces augmented 163. Provision for paying and disposing of 164, 169 Forces further continued in service 331.
      Act for defence of 171. Rangers employed 172, 173. Act for defence of, amended 251.
      Pedlars to obtain licenses from collectors of duties on skins and furs 284. Collectors how appointed 284. Salary, duty &c. 284. How collectors may export their own skins and furs 285. Penalty for trading without license 286.
      Town of, in Chesterfield county, established 406.
      Rate of 576.
      Acts to prevent fraudulent gifts of slaves 118, 237.
      Vestry of St. George's parish in Spottsylvania, authorised to sell their glebe 142. So, as to vestry of Stratton Major, in King and Queen 147. So, as to vestry of Dale, in Chesterfield 341. Glebe land of Cumberland parish to be sold and money divided between
parishes of Cumberland, Cornwall and St. James 414. Glebe land of Elizabeth river parish, to be sold, and the money divided between that parish and St. Brides and Portsmouth 417. Glebe land of St. Anne's parish to be sold, and money divided between that parish, and Tillotson & Amherst 422. Vestry of Antrim, in Halifax, authorised to sell their glebe 438. So, as to vestry of Hanover parish in King George 471. So, as to parish of Drysdale in Caroline and King and Queen, and of St. Stephen in King and Queen 573. So, as to vestries of St. Andrew and Frederick 617.
      Court day of, altered 656.
      Lands and slaves devised by, for the use of the poor of Norfolk county, how appropriated 418.
      Rate of German Gold 576.
      Madeira wine, imported by, not exceeding ten pipes, duty free 273. Tax payable to, by pedlars 285.
      Vestry of Hamilton parish in Prince William, dissolved 245.
      New election of vestry-men of Hampshire parish in the county of Hampshire 430. −−





Vestry dissolved, and new vestry elected 616.
      Vestry of Hanover parish in King George authorised to sell their glebe 471. Hanover town, in county of Hanover, established 601.
      Entail of certain lands, whereof he is seized, docked 455. Authorised to build a mill over Willis's creek, in Cumberland 626.
See Roads, −− and pa. 577-579.
      Certain lands, in King George and Northumberland, vested in 636.
      Officers of militia empowered to impress 26, 110. Articles impressed, how appraised 27, 111.
      Nottoway, authorised to sell certain lands 44. Trustees appointed 44. Deeds, where to be recorded 45. Trustees to settle accounts of Indians 45. Alliance with, encouraged 62. To appear at musters without arms 95. How they may be employed 95. −− Trade with established 116. Directors 116. May contract with factors 117. Not to send out spiritous liquors 117. −− May employ interpreters 117. Factors to give bond 117. −− Reward for Indians' scalps increased 121. How obtained 122. further reward 122. When to cease 123. Felony
to kill friendly Indian 123. Rewards to friendly, how paid 165. For scalps, how paid 165. Commissioners appointed to ascertain pay and subsistence of militia, and damages done by Cherokee and Catawba Indians 232. Act giving rewards for scalps repealed 241. Certain lands of Pamunkey Indians vested in trustees, to be leased out 298. Trustees of Indian factory to sell the goods, and pay proceeds into treasury 354.
      Fines incurred by, how paid 100.
      Act for relief of, on the principles of the bankrupt law 549. Oath, schedule and discharge of insolvents 549. Assignees to be appointed 550. Distribution of insolvents effects 551. How creditors are to prove their debts 552. Foreign creditors 552. No dividend before 12 months 552. Discounts allowed 553. Pretended creditors 553. Insolvents to deliver up their whole estate, and to attend the assignees 553. Collusive bonds &c. avoided 554. Informer of concealed goods &c. to have ten per cent 555. Persons possessed of insolvents effects, to deliver them to assignees 555. Insolvent complying with law, privileged from arrests, &c. 555.





When an insolvent absconds 557. Assignees to keep a book of their proceedings 558. Assignees duty 559. When an insolvents effects are found before or after distribution 559. Conveyances made by assignees valid 561. Allowance to insolvent 561. Insolvents certificate 562. Where sued after certificate 562. Assignees may extend time of final distribution 563. Where an assignee dies 563. Act repealed at the next session 643.
      Of tobacco, their salaries reduced 245. Additional inspectors, how appointed 387. How qualified 387. To report condition of warehouses 380. Inspectors to give receipts 390. Commissions allowed them, on duty imposed on tobacco 391. Ineligible to the assembly 529. When to attend at warehouses 532. When to account for transfer 533. Of pork, beef, flour, tar, pitch, turpentine, how appointed 570.
See Fee-tail, Lands.
      May be employed at Indian factory 117.
      Power of Governor to call out militia 106. Duty of Officers 107. Penalty on officers and soldiers failing to do their duty 108. Court martial to take an oath 109. −−
Form of oath 109. Oath of clerk 109. This act given in evidence, on the general issue 110. Effect of officers resigning, on a call of militia 110. Where officers may impress 110. Articles to be appraised 111. Look-outs where stationed 112. Pay of officers and soldiers 112. Pay of officers and soldiers 112. Of artificers 112. Batteries, how guarded 113. Penalty for embezzling arms 113. −− Number of officers to respective commands 114. No pay, for two days service 114. −− Mutiny and desertion how punishable 114. Militia in Actual service, exempt from civil process 115. Pay of Messengers 115. This act to be published at general musters 115. Appropriation of fines 115. Act making provision against invasions and insurrections, further continued 237. Act making provision against invasions and insurrections continued 275, 384, 539.
      Bridge over north branch of James river to be erected 622.
      Authorised to elect one burgess 518. Sheriff of James City, the returning officer 526.
      Certain lands, held by John Robinson, esq. in trust, vested in Philip Johnson and added to the City of Williamsburg 247. Another act on the same subject 452.





      How to vote, at elections 519.
      Certain lands, in Lynhaven parish, in Princess Anne, devised by James Jouslin, to the poor orphans of the parish authorised to be sold 145.
      Part of King and Queen county added to Caroline 620. −− Court day altered 620.
      Certain lands and slaves devised by Henry Peasley of Gloucester, for a free-school to be leased 41. Nottoway Indians authorised to sell certain lands 44. Vestry of St George's parish in Spotsylvania, authorised to sell their glebe 142. Piece of land belonging to parish of Bristol before the division, and now in parish of Dale, in Chesterfield, to be sold, and money divided 143. Certain lands, in Lynhaven parish, in Princess Anne, devised by James Jouslin, to poor orphans of the parish, to be sold 145. Vestry of Stratton-Major, in King and Queen, authorised to sell their glebe 147. Armistead Churchill, authorised to sell certain entailed lands 157. Certain entailed lands vested in Thomas Turner, in fee-simple 159. Certain lands held by John Robinson, esq. in trust, vested in Philip Johnson, 247, 452. And added to the city of Williamsburg 246, 453.
Intail of certain lands whereof Tunstall Banks is seized, docked 293. Certain lands in Hanover vested in Philip Whitehead Claiborne 296, 486. Certain lands of Pamunkey Indians vested in trustees, to be leased out 298. Donation of land by Richard Bennett and Thomas Tilly, to lower parish of Nansemond, how appropriated 304. Executors of John Spotswood, esq. enabled to pay debts and legacies of Major General Alexander Spotswood 323, 445. Intail of certain lands docked, and vested in Lewis Burwell, Esq. in fee-simple 343. Entail of certain lands whereof Charles Lewis is seized, docked 377. Glebe land of Cumberland parish to be sold, and money divided between parishes of Cumberland, Cornwall and St. James 414. Glebe land of Elizabeth river parish to be sold and the money divided between that parish and St. Bride's and Portsmouth 417. Lands and slaves devised by Matthew Godfrey, for the use of the poor of Norfolk county, how appropriated 418. Glebe land of St. Anne's prrish to be sold and money divided between that parish and Tillotson and Amherst 422. Fort-land, in Norfolk disposed of 435, 436. Vestry of Antrim in Halifax, authorised to sell their glebe 438. Entail of certain lands, whereof Archibald Cary is seized,





docked 440. So, as to Carter Henry Harrison, 455. Executors of Gawin Corbin, authorised to sell certain entailed lands ans slaves 458. Vestry of Hanover parish in King George authorised to sell their glebe 471. Entail of certain lands whereof Robert Carter is seized, docked 478. So, as to Mann Page 480. Certain entailed lands, vested in Bernard Moore in fee-simple, 483. −− Entail of certain lands, whereof John West is seized, docked 488. Parishes of Drysdale in Caroline and King and Queen, and of St. Stephen in King and Queen authorised to sell their glebe land 513. Entail of certain lands whereof William Seward is seized, docked 514. −− Vestry of Bruton parish authorised to sell certain lots in Williamsburg 607. Entail of certain lands whereof Ralph Wormley is seized, docked 628. Agreement between James Scot, the elder, clerk, and James Scott, the younger, confirmed 630. Entail of certain lands whereof Henry Scarburg is seized, docked 634. Certain lands in King George and Northumberland, vested in James Hubard 636. Governor Dinwiddie's proclamation of 1754, offering a bounty in lands on the Ohio 661. Proclamation of 1763. Land bounties to officers and soldiers 666. −−
Quantity of each 666. To officers of the navy 666.
      Imposed for support of French and Indian war 77, 166, 174, 349. How collected in Northern neck 78, 86, 258, 359, 497. How collected 539-543. List of lands to be given in, with lists of tithables 540.
New directors and trustees for town of, appointed 431.
      Town of, in Loudoun, established 235. Trustees appointed 236.
      Act for raising public 139, 290, 395, 542. Sheriffs to set up list of taxes and levies 140. To give bond 291, 395, 544. Arrears of certain counties to be paid to burgesses 291. Balances due from certain counties, to be paid to treasurer 395. Remedy by motion against sheriffs 396. −− Old balances recoverable by motion 396. Balances from certain counties, how collected 544.
      Entail of certain lands whereof Charles Lewis is seized, docked 377.
      To pedlars, 284. Penalty for trading without 286. To practice law, how obtained 397. Who incapable of obtaining a license 399. To pedlars, how obtained 585. Fees for, 286.





      Acts imposing duties on, continued 133, 134. Specific duties 266. Liquors from Great Britain excepted 266. Regulations for collecting duties 267, 268. Drawback 269. Premium for payment in money imported 271. Duties how paid 272, 273. Governor's madeira wine exempted 273. Act laying additional duty on rum continued 274. On liquors continued 386.
      Where stationed 112. Their duty 112.
      Earl of, to command Royal American Regiment 61, 62. County, formed from Fairfax 148. Boundaries 148. Court days 148. Public dues in Loudoun, payable in money 292. Additional forces raised, for relief of fort Loudoun 357.
      Part of Louisa county, added to Albemarle 420. Court day of, altered 509.
      Court day of, altered 622.
      Governors madeira wine, not exceeding ten pipes, duty free 273.
      Public stores of gunpowder, in magazine at Williamsburg, to be disposed of 594.
      Act for encouraging arts and manufactures 288. Amended 563. Trustees appointed 288.
Their duty 289. Notice of premiums 289. Maximum of 289. useful discoveries, how noticed 289. Premiums how paid 290. Premiums 567. Subscribers names 568.
      Bounds between parishes of Martin's Brandon and Bristol settled 613.
      Town of (commonly called Shepherds Town) in Frederick, established 600.
      Owners of mills on, compelled to make slopes through their dams 409. Act amended 590. Trustees appointed 592.
      Relating to militia, paid as public expresses 115.
      Drafts of, to be made of single men 14. To be incorporated with Virginia regiment 16. When any fail to appear 16. Penalty on officers failing 16. Overseers, how far exempted 17. Militia not to be carried out of the colony 17. Schedule of expenses of, in several counties, 21-27. Officers empowered to impress 26. Articles impressed, how valued 27. Pay of officers and soldiers in actual service 27. Pay of artificers 28. Militia, by whom paid 29. Commissaries appointed 30. Militia in service privileged from arrests, executions &c. 31. Immediate emission of Treasury notes 32. Act for better regulating and disciplining 93.





Of fees to be rendered in the county 93. All above 18 and under 60 liable to duty 93. Who exempted 93. Arms and accoutrements 94. Exempts to furnish arms 94. Exceptions 95. Free negroes, mulattoes and Indians, how employed 95. Musters, general and private 95. misbehaviour, how punishable 96. Delinquents, how noted 96. Courts martial, how constituted 96. Fines 98. Officers accoutrements 99. Time allowed officers and privates to provide 99. Arms privileged from execution &c. 100. Soldiers from arrests, when, 100. Exempts not to appear at musters 100. Fines, how collected 101. Oaths of officers 102. Oath at court-martial 102. Fines on officers 102. Fines on officers 102. Adjutant, ferry free 103. Williamsburg and Norfolk excepted 103. Courts martial for 104. Patrolers, appointment and duty 104. Penalties for neglect 105. This act may be given in evidence 106. Power of governor to call out 106. Duty of officers 107. Penalty on officers and soldiers for failure 108. Courts martial 109. Oath of members and clerk 109. Punishment for misbehaviour 109. Effect of officers resigning on a call 110. Where officer may impress 110. Appraisement of impressed articles 111. Look-outs where stationed 112. Pay of officers
and privates 142. Of artificers 112. Batteries, how guarded 113. Embezzling arms 113. Number of officers to respective commands 114. When no pay 114. Mutiny and desertion 114. Militia in actual service exempt from civil process 115. Pay of messengers 115. Act, how published 115. Appropriation of fines 115. Commissioners to settle accounts of those lately in service 120. Pay of, and for sundry expenses 179-231. What forts to be garrisoned by militia 169, 178. Commissioners appointed to ascertain pay and subsistence of militia, and damages done by Cherokee and Catawba Indians 232. Act for better regulating and disciplining militia continued 274. persons exempted 536. Such exempts to find arms 537. Not to extend to former exempts 537. such exempts to keep arms 537.
      Exempted from militia duty, not to appear at musters 100.
      Owners of, on Rappidan river, compelled to make slopes for passage of fish 321. So, as to owners on Meherrin, Nottoway and Appamattox 409. Act amended 590. Allen Howard's mill on Rockfish river to be pulled down 423. No mill to be erected on Rockfish below the forks 423. Trustees appointed on certain rivers 592. Carter Henry





Harrison authorized to build a mill on Willis's creek in Cumberland 626.
      At courts martial, how punished 96, 109. In attornies, how punishable 399.
      Act for encouragement of settlers on waters of, continued in part 282.
See Treasury notes.
      Tobacco debts payable in money 240, 277. Premium for paying duties in money imported 271, 339. Money granted by parliament to aid the southern colonies 372. Rate of German gold 576.
      Appointed agent, in Great Britain 276. His duty 276. Salary 276. How removed 277. Authorised to receive money granted by parliament to aid the southern colonies, in French and Indian war 374. Act for appointing an agent explained 375.
      Certain entailed lands vested in, in fee simple 483.
      To appear at musters without arms 95. How they may be employed 95.
      General and private, when 95. General musters 537.
      How punishable 87, 114. Act to prevent, continued 169, 280, 364, 491. Act to prevent 502.
      Donation of land, by Richard Bennett and Thomas Tilly to lower parish of Nansemond, how appropriated 304.
      Free, to appear at musters without arms 95. How they may be employed 95.
      Town of, in Bedford, established 473. Fairs to be kept 474. Wooden chimnies not to be built 475. Trustees appointed 475. Vacancies, how supplied 476.
      Militia of, how governed 103. Courts martial for 104. Recital of charter of 136, 433. Market authorized 137. market days 137. Boundaries of Norfolk, how established 138. Certain public ferries in Norfolk, to be supported at charge of county 152. Who to pay ferriage, who not 152. Limits defined and extended 434. Fort lands disposed of 435, 436. Acts for explaining the charter, and enlarging the limits of borough of Norfolk amended 510. Sole right of nominating trustees for the school, vested in the corporation 510. Act for disposal of fort land altered 511. Borough of Norfolk entitled to send one burgess 529, 530. Common Hall authorized to assess a tax, for keeping a night watch 654.
      How land tax collected in 78, 86, 262.





      Indians, authorized to sell certain lands 44. Trustees appointed 44. What lands 45. Deeds when to be recorded 45. Notice of sale 45. Trustees to settle accounts of Indians 45. Owners of mills on Nottoway river compellable to make slopes through their dams 409. Act amended 590. Trustees appointed 592. Parish of Nottoway in county of Southampton divided, and St. Luke formed 618.
      Of officers of court martial 89, 102, 109, 504. Oaths to government, to be taken by officers 102. Of vestry men 132. Of attornies 399. Of voters at elections 522. Where freeholder scruple to take an oath 524.
      Acceptance of office of profit, disqualifies for the general assembly 529.
      Oaths of, at courts martial 89, 102. Accoutrements of 99. Time allowed to provide 99. Oaths to government 102. Duty on call into actual service 107. Penalty for failure 108. Pay of, in actual service 112. Number of, to respective commands 114. Privileged from civil process, when in actual service 115. Of Virginia regiment rewarded on being disbanded 492.
      Keepers of, may sell drink on
credit except to sailors, and residents of the county or town 595.
      How far exempted from being drafted 17. Not to appear at musters 100.
      Vestry of parish of, in Stafford, authorized to levy a sum of money for Mourning Richards, for rebuilding a church at Aquia, which had been burnt down 151.
      Entail of certain lands whereof he is seized, docked 480.
      Indians, certain lands of, vested in trustees to be leased out 298.
      See Treasury Notes.
      Called Treasury notes, emitted 18, 81, 166, 335. Period fixed for its redemption 465-466. Committee for destroying that called in 466. Power of committee enlarged 468.
      Act for disarming 35. When they refuse to take the oaths 36. duty of justices 36. No Papists to keep arms 36. Penalties 37. All persons to inform 37. Reward for informing 37. How papists may conform 38. No papist to keep a horse above value of five pounds 38. Penalties for concealing such horses 39.
      Part of St. Anne's parish in Albemarle added to Fredericksville 141.





Remaining part divided 141. Tillotson parish formed 141. Vestry of St. Georges parish in Spotsylvania authorised to sell their glebe 142. Piece of land belonging to parish of Bristol before the division, and now in the parish of Dale, in Chesterfield, to be sold and money divide 143. Vestry of Dettengen, in Prince William dissolved 144. Vestry of Stratton Major, in King and Queen, authorised to sell their glebe 147. Cumberland in Lunenburg divided, and Cornwall formed 149, 150. Vestry of Overwharton, in Stafford, authorised to levy a sum of money for Mourning Richards, for re-building a church at Aquia, which had been burned down 151. Vestry of parish of St. Paul, in Stafford, dissolved 153. So, as to Hamilton parish in Prince William 245. So, as to vestries of Antrim in Halifax, of Cameron in Loudoun, of Bath in Dinwiddie, of St. Patrick in Prince Edward, of St. Anne in Albemarle, and of Christ Church in Lancaster, 301. Vestry of Suffolk, in Nansemond dissolved 303. Donation of land, by Richard Bennett and Thomas Tilly, to lower parish of Nansemond, how appropriated 304. Vestry of parish of Dale, in Chesterfield authorised to sell their glebe 341. Parish of Cumberland
in Lunenburg divided, and parish of St. James formed 413. Glebe land of Cumberland parish to be sold and money divided between the parishes of Cumberland, Cornwall and St. James 414. Parish of Elizabeth river, in Norfolk county, divided 416. St. Brides and Portsmouth parishes formed 416. Vestry of Elizabeth river parish dissolved 416. Glebe land of Elizabeth river parish to be sold, and the money divided between the three parishes 417. Parish of St. Anne divided and Amherst formed 421. Parish of Fredericksville, in Louisia county, divided, and Trinity parish formed 428, 429. New election of vestry men of Hampshire parish 430. Parishes of Drysdale in Caroline and King and Queen, and of St. Stephen in King and Queen, authorised to sell their glebes 513. Vestry of Bruton parish authorised to sell certain lots in Williamsburg 607. Part of parish of Cameron added to parish of Truro 612. Bounds between parishes of Martin's Brandon, and Bristol, settled 613. Parish of Accomack, in county of Accomack divided 614. St. George parish formed 614. Vestry of Hampshire dissolved 616. Vestries of parishes of St. Andrews and Frederick authorised to sell their glebe 617. Parish of





Nottoway in county of Southampton divided, and St. Luke parish formed 618.
      A sum of money granted by, to aid the southern colonies, in the French and Indian war 372.
      How appointed 104. Their duty 105. Penalty for neglect 105.
      Of militia, in actual service 27, 112. Of artificers 28, 112. By whom paid 29. When no pay 114.
      To give bond and security 168.
      Devise of lands and slaves by, for a free school 41. Trustees incorporated 41. Style of corporation 42. Free school founded 42. Power of Trustees 43.
      How to obtain licenses 284, 585. Collectors of duties on skins and furs, how appointed 284. Salary and duty 284. Bond and security 285. Tax on pedlars 285. To the governor 285, 586. To William and Mary College 285, 586. To the collector 285. To the clerk of general court 586. Fines, how recovered and appropriated 285. How collectors may export their own skins and furs 285. Penalties on pedlars trading without license 286, 586. For resisting executions of this act 287.
Penalty on collectors failing to return lists of pedlars licenses 406. Acts concerning, amended 585. Penalty on collectors failing to account 587.
      Town of, enlarged 602. Trustees appointed 602. Vacancies, how supplied 602. Forfeiture for not improving lots 603. Hogs not to run at large 604.
      Town of, in Halifax, established 305. Trustees appointed 307. Wooden chimnies not to be built in 307.
      Of tobacco, how appointed 388. How qualified 388. How removed 388. Penalty for acting without qualifying 388.
      Act for inspection of, revived and amended 40. Inspectors, how appointed, 570. −− Their duties 571. Contents of barrel 572. Abatements allowed 573. Appeal 573. Oath required of seller or exporter 574. Duty of Coopers 575.
      Examiners of, how appointed 580. How pilots shall be provided with boats &c. 580. −− Penalties 581. Restrictions as to partnerships 581. −− What vessels compellable to receive pilots 581. Penalty for negligence 582. Rates of pilotage 582. Half pilotage, when 584. Pilots to produce copy of the act 584.


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