Pages 571-581 ======   ======  Pages 595-604 





      Act allowing fairs in, continued, 300.
      Penalty for selling as slaves, 357. Children bond or free, according to the condition of their mother, 357.
      Lands devised by Benjamin Sym, for, in Elizabeth City, vested in justices, ministers and churchwardens, 389.
      Preparations for, 417. Treasurer authorized to borrow money, 418. Directors appointed, 418. Protection of inhabitants on waters of Mississippi, 418. Additional duty on slaves, 419. On wheel carriages, 419. On ordinary licenses, 419. On law process, 420. Duties pledged as a security for money borrowed, 420. Further preparations for 436, 437. Army raised for 438. By impressment, 438. Further preparations for 453. Lottery instituted, 454. Act for raising revenues for, explained, 461. Tithables, how collected, 462. Fort Cumberland to be garrisoned, 463. Duty on slaves, 463, 466. Land tax, 463. Mode of collecting, 464. Rangers to be enlisted, 465. Treasury notes to be emitted, 467. Further preparations, 521. Act making provision against invasions and insurrections amended, 544.
      Privileges of negroes, mulattoes, and Indians, living on, to keep arms, &c. 110.
      Rewards for taking up beasts known to have barked fruit trees, 39.
      All gaming debts void, 76. Incumbrances on real estate for gaming, considerations to enure to the next heir, 76. Loser of forty shillings or more may recover money back, 77. If he does not sue in three months, any other person may, 77. And may recover the money paid and treble the value, 78. But repayment discharges the penalty, 78. Penalty for playing at public places, 78. On ordinary keeper permitting gaming, 79. On justices neglecting to enforce the law, 79. Appeal allowed, 79. Punishment of cheats, 79. Gamesters may be bound to good behaviour, 80. Penalty for quarrelling at gaming, 80.
      Intail of certain lands whereof he is seised, docked 311.
      Process and proceedings in, between commencement and repeal of act for establishing, declared valid, 229. Act reducing into one act all acts concerning, 325. Composed of governor and council, 326. How many to constitute a court, 326. Oath of judges at common law, 326. In chancery, 327. Penalty for acting





without being sworn, 327. Jurisdiction, 327. Exception, 328. Terms of 328. Rules for docketting causes, 328. Power of adjournment, 328. Process, how issued and returned, 328. Appeals, rules concerning 329. Supersedeas, 330, 340. Certiorari, 330, 340, 341. Process against a councillor, 330. Or sheriff, 330. Appearance without bail, 331. Engagement of attorney, 331. Where bail requirable, 331. When bail or sheriff liable, Remedy of sheriff, 332. When judgment set aside, 332. Remedy where judgment confirmed, 332. Special bail, how taken, 333. How far liable, 333. In what suits, no bail, 333. Proceedings against defendant in custody, 333. Where defendant is not found, 334. Outlawry in civil actions, 334. Rules of practice at common law, 335. Non-suit, 335. Pleadings, 335. Judgment by default, 335. Writ of inquiry, 335. Issues when tried, 336. Lawyer's fee taxed, 336. Special verdict, 336. Pleas in abatement, 336. Non est factum, 336. Replevin, pleas in 336. Fines on county courts and vestries, 336. Records at large, 337. Witnesses, 337. Depositions, 337. Refusal to give evidence, 337. who not competent, 338. Popish recusants, 338. Witnesses failing to attend, 338. Privileges of 338. Allowance to 338. Appeals, how allowed, 339, 340. Assigning error on 339.
Jeofails, statute of, adopted, 332. Damages on appeals, 340. Judgments on 340. Supersedeas, and Certiorari, rules in granting, 340, 341, 342. Habeas corpus, 342. Insolvent debtors, 342. How discharged, 343. Penalty on officers for neglect of duty, 344. Not paying money, 344. Sheriff, his executors, &c. liable for escapes, 345. Rules of practice in chancery 345 to 349. Injunctions, rules in granting 349. Power and duty of sheriffs, attending court 349.
      To be provided for ministers 89.
      Trespasses, by unruly, penalty on owner 38.
      Gamesters may be bound to 80.
      Price of, limited 553. Penalty for exporting, during prohibition 554.
      How summoned, in certain county courts 210.
For the batteries 117.
      County, formed from Lunenburg 252. Boundaries 252. Court days 253. Officers' fees due in, payable in money 372. Court day of, altered 383.
      Salary of minister of parish of, commuted for money 369. Officers' fees due in, payable in money 372. County, formed from Frederick and





Augusta 376. Boundaries 377. Court days 377.
      Act for relief of, and Hugh Adie 280.
      Agreement between, and John New, concerniug certain lands, confirmed 303.
      Dimensions of, for exportation 233.
      Encouragement, for cultivating 144, 146.
      Trespasses, by unruly, penalty on owner 38. Who may keep at mills, who not 59.
      Punishment of 121. Where there are several offenders 121. Punishment of servants 122. Of slaves 122. Of false witnesses 122. Third offence felony, without clergy 123. Hogs found, without ears 123. Indians' hogs, how marked 123. Penalty for buying pork from Indian 123.
      Of slaves, when dispunishable 111.
      Trespasses by unruly, penalty on owner 38. Regulations for improving the greed 118, 119. Who may not keep more than one gelding or spaid mare 119. Penalty 119. Overseers and servants may keep, by license of master 119. Stoned horses, under a certain size, running at large, may be seized 119. Proceedings, on seizure 120. Duty
on horses imported 126. How collected 126, 127. Reward for apprehending horse stealers 129. Imported for sale, without certificate, may be seized 130.
      Reward for apprehending 129. To go to executors or administrators of persons killed, in attempting to apprehend 129.
      For public service, in the militia, how conducted 114, 115. Soldiers raised by, for French war 438, 465.
      What deemed lawful 38. Penalty for breaking 38. How viewed 39.
      Nottoway, titles to lands purchased of, confirmed 284. Penalty for taking their blankets, guns, &c. 286. To appear at musters without arms 533. How they may be employed 533. Rewards for taking, prisoners, or killing 551. Scalps of those killed to be produced, 551. Felony to kill a friendly, 552. Friendly, intitled to receive, for scalps 565.
      Price of, limited 553.
      Marrying, rules concerning 82. In the militia, fines against, how collected 539.
      Rules in granting 349.
      Writ of, when awarded 335.
      How discharged 342. How their affects to be disposed of 343. On executions from general court 343.





      Of pork, beef, flour, tar, pitch and turpentine 146. Of tobacco, how appointed, their duty and oath 159, 161, 162. Their salaries 175, 352. Incapacities of 180, 185. Proceedings against, for breach of duty 194. When to attend 224. How to account 224. May be collectors 226. Of lumber, how appointed; their oath, duties and fees 233, 234. Of tobacco, to pay for that condemned, on a review 473. Salaries of reduced during the French war 567.
      What declared lawful 102. All contracts for greater, void 102, 103. How persons bound by usurious contracts may be relieved 103.
      Power of governor to call out the militia, to repel 112, 115. Act concerning continued 350. Act making provision against amended, in consequence of the incursions to the French and Indians 544. Duty of officers, on receiving intelligence of 544. To oppose the enemy immediately, till further orders 545. To call a council of officers 545. Fines for neglect 545. Punishment of mutiny 546. Felony to hold correspondence with, or give intelligence to the enemy 546. Officers and soldiers in actual service, liable to all the penalties imposed
on militia 546. Courts martial, how constituted 547. To take an oath 547. Form of oath 547. To appoint a clerk 547. His oath 547. Punishment of disobedience 547. For prophane swearing and drunkenness 548. Limitation of punishment 548. Protection of officers, if sued 548. Not permitted to resign, if called into service 548. Pay of 548, 549. Of artificers 549. For transportation 549. Fines on soldiers, for disobeying orders, at a battery 549. Act making provision against amended 559. Punishment of mutiny and desertion 560. Commission for holding courts martial may be granted by the governor 560. Of what number court to consist 561. Oaths of members 561. Clerks to be appointed 561. His oath 561. What number must concur, in sentence 562. Within what hours, to sit 562. Party to have a copy of his sentence 562. Transcript of proceedings, to be sent to governor 562. Sentence to be suspended until governor's pleasure known 562. Power of magistrates to apprehend deserters 562. Constables charged with deserters, may impress men 563. Penalty to suffer escapes 563. Encouragement to apprehend deserters 563. Penalty to harbour, or deal with them for their arms &c. 563. How recoverable 563. Protection of officers, for any thing done, in their character 564.





      Acts for encouraging adventurers in 137. Roads to and from 137. Persons employed in, exempted from working on other roads 137. May take timber for bridges 138. And Exempted from muster 138. And levies for 7 years 139. But liable to pay tithes 139. Must not make tobacco 139.
      Public, how appointed 135. His qualifications, fees, duties, and privileges 135, 136.
      Statue of, adopted 339.
      Agreement between, and William Armistead, concerning certain lands, confirmed 412.
      Of general court, who 326. Oath 326. In chancery 327.
      On protested bills of exchange, equal to 86. By default, or nonsuit 335. Final, costs on 336.
      Of general court 327, 328.
      Power of sheriff to summon 349.
      Surveyors of, and their assistants to be sworn 33. Rules in entries for, 33. How surveyor may enter for himself 34. Rules in special cases 34. Assistant surveyor not to make entry 35. In what county to reside 35. Rules in making surveys, returning plats &c. 35. Surveyor's books, how examined, and preserved 36. Chain carriers 36.
Notice of surveying must be given 36. When entries void, for non attendance 36. Plats to be delivered to the owners only 37. Exceptions 37. Securities, for surveyor's fees, void 37. Penalties, how recoverable, 37. How an acre may be condemned for a mill 55. Grants for, in certain parts of Northern Neck confirmed 198, 199. Vestry of upper parish in Nansemond, authorised to sell certain lands, devised by William Cadowgan, 266. Two acres, of which Elizabeth Exum is seized, vested in justices of Southampton 283. Titles of, purchased of Nottoway Indians confirmed 284. Vestry of Washington parish, in Westmoreland county, authorised to sell a certain tract of 290. Intail of certain lands, whereof Rebecca, the wife of William Clinch, is seized, in Charles City, docked 297. Certain intailed, vested in Reuben Skelton 300. Agreement between John New and Benjamin Harrison concerning, confirmed 303. Intail of certain lands, whereof Arthur Smith is seized, docked 308. So of David Garland 311. Certain intailed lands vested in Henry Washington 314. So as to Thomas Chamberlayne 319. So, as to William Dandridge 321. Vestry of South Farnham, in Essex, authorised to sell their glebe 388. Justices, &c. of Elizabeth City, enabled to take certain lands, devised by Benjamin





Sym, for a free school 389. Vestry of parish of Blisland, in James City and New Kent, authorised to sell certain lands, and lay out the money in plate and church ornaments 393. Intail of certain lands, in Fairfax, whereof Gerard Alexander is seized, docked 399. So, as to Robert Chew, for lands in Middlesex 402. John Armistead authorised to dispose of certain intailed lands 405. Intail of certain lands in Gloucester, whereof Lawrence Smith is seized, docked 407. Agreement between Philip Johnson and William Armistead, concerning, confirmed 412. Intail of certain lands, in King William, whereof Nathaniel West Dandridge is seized, docked 428. Certain lands, lying in Northampton, vested in Littleton Eyre 443. Intail of certain lands, in Nansemond, docked, and vested in Thompson Swann 446. So as to lands, whereof Joseph Bridger is seized, in fee-tail 448. Secretary of colony authorised to sell certain lands attached to his office 511. Agreement between Wm. Withers and Augustine Washington, for land in Stafford, confirmed 513.
Public, how established 60, 64.
      Imposed, to aid in carrying on the French war 463. Extraordinary, for the same purpose 522. Act for better collecting 566. Remedy against
sheriffs 566. Collectors to be appointed, when 567.
      Sundry acts repealed 131. Certain laws passed in 1748, repealed by proclamation 215.
      Trustees of, authorised to make a causeway, through a marsh 212. Act establishing town of amended 278.
      Parish, how levied, collected and paid 88, 90. Persons at iron works exempted from 139. How paid in tobacco 168, 171. Act for raising public 201, 247, 374. Sheriff to give bond for collection of 247.
      Or pass, for persons going out of the country, how obtained, 44, 48. To keep ordinary, 71. Fee for, 72. Marriage, how obtained, 82. To practise law as an attorney, 141. To pedlars, 245.
      To be erected at Cape Henry, 227, 228. Duty to be paid by masters of ships, 228.
      For proving store accounts, 54, 55. Act of, not to avail in favor of soldiers, while exempted from arrests, 527.
      What debts contracted for retailed void, 74. Act laying duty on, continued, 193. Additional duty on rum, 194. Duty continued, 222, 354. Additional on spirits, not the produce of the British sugar, islands, 471.


688            <== typo, should read 588.



      When and where appointed, 115.
      Instituted to aid in carrying on the French war, 453. Managers, 454. Their oath, 454. To give bond, 454. Tickets, how to be prepared, 455. Receiver, how to be appointed, 455. Receivers duty, 456. Prizes, 457. Mode of drawing, 458. Prizes, how paid, 460. Time for drawing lottery, 354.
      Dimensions of staves, heading, and shingles, for exportation, 233. County courts to appoint inspectors, 233. Their oath, duty, and fees, 234. Penalty for neglect, 234. Oath and liability of masters of vessels, 235.
      County divided, and Halifax formed, 252. Boundaries, 252. Court days, 253. Again divided and Bedford formed, 381. Boundaries 381. Court days, 381. Part of county of added to Bedford, 441. Mode of holding courts in, altered, 201. Expiration of act, 231.
      Dimensions of staves, heading, and shingles exported to, 233. Wine imported, guage of casks prescribed, 235.
      To be fortified, 528.
      Definition of, 250. How punished, 250.
      Not tithable, 43.
      No person to be married without licence or publication of banns, 81. Penalty on ministers marrying otherwise, 81. On granting false certificate of publication of banns, 82. Marriage licences, how issued, 82. Where an infant marries, 82. Penalty for issuing or signing licences, contrary to law, 83. Penalty on publishing banns, or marrying servants, 83. On servants married, or free persons marrying such, 84. Fees for marrying, 84. For exacting greater, 84. Penalties, how recoverable, 84. No white to intermarry with black, &c. 361. Penalty on ministers, 362.
      Duty of, to servants, 357. Between and servants, when void, 358.
      Act for clearing Mattapony river, 394. Power and duty of trustees, 395.
      Lieutenant, reward to, for his gallant conduct in the late engagement on the Monongahela, 528.
      Sealed, to be kept at mills, 59.
      prepared, or administered by slaves felony, 105. When clergyable, when not, 105.
      Parish of, formed from St. Andrew, 386.
      Sent in time of invasion or insurrection,





paid as public expresses, 117.
      County courts may contract for ferriage of 20. Power of governor to call out in cases of invasion or insurrection, 117. Duty of officers, 113. Penalty for neglect, 114. On soldiers failing to appear armed, 114. Impressments, how conducted, 114, 115. Lookouts appointed, 115. Pay of officers and privates, 116. Must furnish their own arms, &c. 116. Messengers, how paid, 117. Artificers pay, 117. Watermen, 117. Vessels, carriages, &c. 117. Guards, 117. Public arms, when furnished, I18. Act for better regulating amended, 421. Patrollers appointed, 421. Their duty, 421. Penalty on officer not appointing, 422. Single men subject to be drafted, 527. Act further regulating and training, 530. who to be enrolled, 531. Who exempted, 531. How to be armed and accoutred, 531. Exempts to furnish arms, 532. Mulattoes, negroes, and Indians, how employed, 533. Misbehaviour, 534. Courts martial, 534. fines for various delinquencies, 535. Officers, how to be armed at musters, 537. Time allowed to provide such arms, by officers, 537. By soldiers, 538. Arms exempted from execution, or distress, 538. No exempted overseer or miller to appear at musters, 538. Fines
incurred by infants and servants how to be paid, 539. Sheriff to collect fines assessed by courts martial, 539. Remedy against sheriff, 539. Commissioned officers to take certain oaths, 540. Penalty for failure, 540. Present officers to act until others be appointed by the governor, 541. Appropriation of fines, 541. Fines for failing to attend courts martial, 541. Adjutant general exempted from payment of ferriages, 541. Militia of Williamsburg and Norfolk, not compellable to muster out of the city or borough, 541. Courts martial to be held therein, 542. What officers exempted from serving, 542. Patrollers, how appointed, 542. Their duty, 542. Their compensation, 543. Penalty on officers failing to appoint patrollers, 543. On patrollers failing to do their duty, 543. Patrol in Williamsburg and Norfolk, 543. General issue, pleadable, and special matter may be given in evidence, in prosecutions against patrollers, 544. Costs, how recoverable, 544. Officers to reside in their counties, 530. Duty of officers of, on invasion or insurrection, 544. Officer receiving notice of, to give information to county lieutenant, 544. And immediately to oppose the enemy, until further orders, 545. Fines for neglect, 545. Punishment for mutiny and desertion, 546. All officers and soldiers in actual





service, liable to penalties, imposed on militia, 546. Courts martial, how constituted, 547. Oath of officers, 547. Of clerk, 547. Punishment for disobedience, prophane swearing, or drunkenness, 547, 548. Limitation of punishment, 548. Protection of, if sued, 548. Militia not liable to be marched more than five miles beyond the frontiers, 548. Officers of, not permitted to resign, on a call of 548. Pay of cavalry and infantry, 549. Pay of smiths, wheel wrights, carpenters, and other artificers, 549. For waggons, boats, &c. 549. Fines on soldiers disobeying orders at batteries, 550. Act providing against invasions and insurrections to be published at every general muster, 550.
      Must be twelve feet wide at the top, 67.
      Method of proceeding, on petition for an acre of land, 55. Condition of holding such acre, 56. Party injured may sue for damages, 56. Saving to persons under legal disabilities, 56. Provision, in special cases, where entailed land had been sold, 57. Burnt or destroyed, must be rebuilt within three years, 58. No mill to be built without leave of court, 58. Exceptions, 58. Miller's duty and toll, 58. Penalty, 59. Where a servant or slave is miller, 59. Privilege of owners, 59. Sealed
measures to be kept at 59. Who may not keep hogs at, 59. Width of mill dam, over which a road passes, 67.
      Their duties, in relation to marriages, 81, 82. Marriage fees, 84. Fee for a funeral sermon, 84. Salary of, 88. How paid, 88. Provision for vacant parishes, 88. Duty of, in relation to repairs, 90. Their rights, 90. Commutation of salaries of, in Frederick, Hampshire, and Augusta, 369.
      Encouragement to settlers, on the waters of, then in the county of Augusta, 258. Further encouragement, 355. Further encouragement and protection of, against French and Indians, 417.
      Burgesses wages payable in, 251, 273, 422, 432, 497, 570. Tobacco debts payable in, 568.
      Gallant conduct of officers and privates, in the late engagement on, recited and rewarded, 527, 528.
      To appear at musters, without arms, 533. In what manner they may be employed, 533.
      Persons employed at iron works exempted from 138. General, when to be, 533. Punishment for disobedience, or misbehaviour at a general or private muster, 533. Delinquents at, how returned, 534.





      In seamen, how punishable, 26. How punished, in officers and soldiers, 546. Further punishment of, 560.
      Vestry of upper parish of Nansemond authorized to sell certain lands devised by William Cadowgan, 266. Further provision for sufferers, in loss of records of county court of 507. Vestry of upper parish dissolved, 518.
      Their duties and fees, 96. Penalty for exceeding, 97.
      Free, to appear at musters, without arms, 533. In what manner they may be employed, 533.
      Agreement between, and Benjamin Harrison, concerning certain lands, confirmed, 303.
      How to be pleaded, 336.
      Proceedings on return of, 334.
      Costs on, 335.
      Charter of, explained, and privileges of inhabitants enlarged, 261. Right of suffrage, 261. How exercised, 262, 263. Bounds, how ascertained, 263. Court of Hustings to have sole power of granting ordinary licenses, 263. Court house and prison, how to be erected, 264. Inhabitants of Norfolk county authorized to pay their public dues in money, 502. Militia of, not compellable
to muster out of the borough, 541. Courts martial to be held for, 542. Patrollers in, how appointed, 543.
      Grants of land from the crown, in certain parts of, confirmed, but rents and services enure to Lord Fairfax, 198, 199.
      Actions of debt may be obtained on, 86.
      Of surveying, must be given, 36.
      Vestry of parish of, in county of Amelia dissolved, and new one to be elected, 272. Indians, titles of lands, purchased of, confirmed, 284. Penalty for taking their blankets, guns, &c. 286. Parish of divided, and St. Patrick formed, 504.
      Of chain carriers, 3. Of attornies, 141. Of wolf killer, 152. Of inspectors of tobacco, 161. Of inspectors of lumber, 234. Of judges of the general court, 326, 327. Of officers of the militia, 540. Of courts martial, 547, 561. Of clerks of court martial, 547, 561.
      For surveyors fees, void, 37. Or tavern debts for drink sold, 14.
      Rewards to, for their gallant conduct, in the engagement on the Monongahela, 528. Officers of the militia, how to be armed, 537. Oaths of, 540. Present officers to act, till


192            <== typo, should read 592.



otherwise directed by the governor, 540. Duty of, on invasions and insurrections, 544. Penalties for neglect, 545. All officers in actual service, subject to martial law, 546. Courts martial, how constituted, 547. Punishment for disobedience, 547, 548. May plead the general issue, and give special matter in evidence, 548. When not permitted to resign, 548. Pay of, 548, 549.
      In the general court, when final, 335.
      Licence for, how obtained, 71. Bond, 72. Fee, 73. Penalty for retailing without licence, 73. Exceptions, 74. How suppressed, 74. What debts contracted at, void, 74. Penalty for selling liquors to sailors on credit, 75. Penalties, how recoverable, 75. Ordinaries in Williamsburg excepted, 75. And shall be under the jurisdiction of the court of Hustings, 75. Penalty on ordinary keepers, permitting gambling, 79. Hustings court of Norfolk has exclusive jurisdiction of, within that borough, 263.
      To be purchased for church in Williamsburg, 230.
      When held for the county of Lunenburg, 210.
      What slaves may become, 110. May be killed, 111.
Outlawry, in civil actions, 334.
      May keep one horse, or spaid mare, if licensed by the employer, 119. Liable for tobacco refused, 166.
      Court of, for trial of slaves, how constituted, 105.
      Bridge to be built over, 288. Power and duty of commissioners, 288.
      River, act for clearing, 291. Power and duty of trustees, 292, 293.
      Emitted, for the purpose of carrying on the war against the French, 467, 528.
      For support of the clergy, how collected, 88.
      Of St. Mark and St. Thomas, in Culpeper, divided and new modelled, 256. Bromfield parish formed, 256. Vestry of parish of Frederick, in Frederick county dissolved, 258. Vestry of upper parish of Nansemond, authorized to sell certain lands, 266. Vestry of dissolved, 518. Of Truro, in county of Fairfax, authorized to sell their glebe, 270. Appropriation of the money, 271. Vestry of parish of Nottoway, in county of Amelia dissolved, and new one to be elected, 272. Of Washington, in Westmoreland county, authorized to sell certain lands, 290. Of Cumberland, in Bedford, divided,





and Russel formed, 382. Part of Albemarle, in Surry, added to Southwark, 385. St. Andrew, in Brunswick county divided, and Meherrin formed, 386. Vestry of St. Andrew's dissolved, and a new one elected, 502. Of Nottoway in Amelia divided, and St. Patrick formed, 504. Vestry of parish of Cople, in Westmoreland dissolved, 517.
      Or licences, for persons going out of the country, how obtained, 44, 48. Slaves going abroad without, 109.
      To be appointed out of the militia, 421. Their duty and allowance, 421, 422. Mode of appointing, 542. Their duty, 542. Allowance, 543. Penalty on officers failing to appoint 543. On soldiers failing to do their duty 543. In Williamsburg and Norfolk, 543. Protection of, if sued 544.
      Of officers and soldiers of the militia 116. Of the army 549.
      To obtain licenses 245. Fee for 245.
      When special bail not requirable in prosecutions on, 333.
      Allowed to soldiers maimed or wounded, in the French and Indian war, 527.
      How nominated and appointed, 490. Penalty for acting without a branch 490. Proviso,
as to vessels in distress 490. Restriction as to partnership 491. Duty of pilots 491. Remedy against, for neglect 491. Rates of pilotage 491, 493. When pilots may, or may not be taken, 493. Table of fees to be exhibited, 493.
      Inspectors of appointed, their duty, 147. How inspected, 147. Contents of barrel of, 148. Regulations for exporting 150. Inspectors of, not to deal in, 484.
      And certificates of survey, when and where returned 35. Surveyor not to deliver, except to the owner, 37. Exceptions 37.
      Rules for filing, in general court 335. In replevin 336.
      In abatement, non est factum, replevin, rules for filing 336.
      Town of, in Chesterfield county established, 276.
      Extraordinary, for prosecuting the war against the French and Indians, 522. Provision, for better collecting 566. Remedy against sheriffs 566. Collectors, when to be appointed 567.
      How removed, from parish to parish, 31. Penalty for not receiving them 32. For not paying charges of removal, 32. For entertaining them without giving notice to church wardens 32. What poor children may be bound





apprentices, 32. Work-house to be erected for, 475. Beggars to be sent there, 476. Duty of vestry and churchwardens, 477. Poor to wear a badge, 478.
      Inspectors of, appointed, their duty, 147. How inspected, 147. Contents of barrel of, 148. Regulations, for exporting 150.
      Free ferry established at 296. Act for establishing town of, amended 316.
      Town of, in Norfolk county established 316.
      Damage for 10.
      Rules of, in certain county courts, at common law, 205. In chancery 207. In general court 334. In general court, in chancery 345 to 349.
      For making tar and hemp 144. How paid 146. To officers and soldiers, for their gallant conduct, in the late engagement, on the Monongahela 528. For Indian prisoners 551. For Indian scalps 551. Benefit of act extended to friendly Indians 665.
      To vacant parishes, in vestry, how long 90.
      County, formed from Amelia 379. Boundaries 380. Court days 380.
      County divided, and Dinwiddie formed 254. Boundaries 255. Court days 255.
      Inhabitants of, authorised to pay their public dues in money, 502.
      Public, rooms of, how appropriated 135. Governor to appoint a keeper 135. How such qualified 135. Duty, fees, and privileges of 136.
      Proceedings against 333.
Rules for issuing from general court 328. Against a councillor 330. Against a sheriff 330. Where defendant not found 334.
      Certain laws passed in 1748, repealed by 215.
      When to pay costs 246.
      Exempted from ferriages 21.
      How paid in tobacco, 168, 171. When distress may be made for 171. Summary remedy against sheriffs for, 552.
      To be enlisted, or drafted, from single men, for carrying on the French war 465.
      Tavern, rules concerning 73.
      Of bail how to be taken 333.
      At large, when to be made up 337. further provision for sufferers, in loss of, in clerks office in Nansemond 507.
      Popish, incapable of being witnesses, 338.


  Pages 571-581 ======   ======  Pages 595-604 
