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*National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Approved.

ACS - Accounts of the Committee of Safety.

Aud. Acct. - Auditor's Account Book.

b. - born.

BW - Bounty Warrant.

ca. - circa (about).

CJV - Council Journals of Virginia.

CL - Preceded by a numeral - 2 CL refers to the 2nd Virginia Regiment Continental Line.

CoS - Committee of Safety.

d. - died.

DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution Patriot Index.

Eck. - "Index of the Revolutionary War records in the Virginia State Archives" compiled by Dr. H. J. Eckenrode in 1912 and 1914.

Glo. Pets. - Petitions presented to the Legislature from Gloucester County.

JHD - Journals of the House of Delegates.

m. - married.

Pen. - A pensioner according to the report of the Secretary of War in 1835, "Pensions", Vol. 11 found in the State Archives.

Pen. S. - followed by a numeral refers to pension application of survivor.

Pen. R. - followed by a numeral refers to pension application rejected.

Pen. W. - followed by a numeral refers to pension application of widow.

SAR - Sons of the American Revolution.

SoW - Secretary of War.

VG - Virginia Gazette.

War - followed by a numeral refers to a collection of manuscripts bearing on military establishment of the State during and after the Revolution. (War 23).

WD - War Department.

Copyright © Jane B. Goodsell, 2001
Denise Wells 2023