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fleur2.gif - 1.3 KRevolutionary War Pension Applicationfleur2.gif - 1.3 K



William Callis, of Mathews Co., age 69, on May 8, 1834, declares he entered service in 1780 by order from Sir John Peyton, Colonel, to Capt. Holder Hudgins. He was at Cricket Hill and served three months in 1781. He was also called out for two months. The same year when all the Gloucester Militia were called to go to Gloucester Towne. He marched to Gloucester C. H., then to Hubbards' Old Field, to Seawell's Old Field and then to Gloucester Towne where they had a very severe engagement. He served three months in 1782 under Holder Hudgins at the guard house at Cricket Hill and a tour of two months at the same place under the same officers and served two and one-half months. He was born in Kingston Parish, Gloucester Co., and has lived here ever since. He served as Pvt. in the regiment of Col. Peyton in the Virginia Line 10 months; pension allowed.

*Name can be found in the master list of the roster.

Copyright © Jane B. Goodsell, 2002