It was not possible to review every pension application
made by the soldiers who served in the Revolutionary War from
Gloucester County, Virginia. A representative list was made from
the applications now on microfilm in the National Archives, Washington,
D. C. These applications were read for information in augment
the scanty records now preserved.
In the application file of Lt. Joshua Singleton (found
by Robert W. Robins) were impressions of the Gloucester County
seal. One was on an affidavit sworn August 8, 1832, before Arthur
L. Davies, Esq., Gloucester County Clerk from 1818-37; the other
was affixed to a certified record by John R. Carey, Esq., on March
27, 1845. Carey was county clerk from 1837- 67.
Upon recommendation of the Gloucester Historical and
Bicentennial Committee the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors
on October 31, 1974, readopted this seal as the official county
seal. The early seal carries the design of a beehive on a stand
in the center of a circular rim bearing the inscription "Gloucester
County, Virginia." The new seal has "Established 1651"
added to its circumference.
I moved the pension applications to the front page
for easier viewing and selection.