Old Jail Photos

From The Old Jail Museum

Thanks goes Mrs. Frances Allshouse, Director, Old Jail Museum for providing these great pictures. Phone number for the Old Jail Museum is 540-347-5525 Email: - Information provided with each picture came from the pictures, some are unknown with no information and others have names with them, however the individuals are unknown to anyone.

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Unknown Man

Group photo labled around
outside edge

Football team at B.M.A. Edwin Smith Blackwell Capt.
of Football Team - 1908

Football team BMA Edwin Smith Blackwell, Jr. with a mark

Baseball team BMA

Miss Nannie Blackwell with Ned's best love Taken on board the S.S. Hamford (?) Sept 1905

Miss Mary McClenachan

Unknown Woman

early days of BMA Guthrie

K. Y(?). Crewdley(?) A.B. degree teacher BMA

J W/John Willeam Frior; Capt. in U.S.A. artil. - This was taken WWI also in W.W. 2; The Commandant of B.M.A 1909-1911; graduate of Maryland State; went eventually to GA; Married there - near Athens? - involved in sweet potato development

Louisa Blackwell

Notation on back reads "Mr. & Mrs. E. S. Blackwell - Nov 1/86 Hamilton Niblett (?) 1908"

Charlie Kemper

Miss Sally Tyler of 'Woodlawn' Prince William Co., VA

Child = Fannie Lewis Marshall
(Mrs. Albert Jordan)
on reverse: "Margaret Lewis Marshall" folded and placed inside the case:
1) a printed drawing of a crowned Mary holding Christ with her left arm and a scepter in her right hand, she stands on clouds and is surrounded by cherubic figures
2) newspaper clipping "Obituary. Died, on the evening of the 2d instant, of typhoid fever, at the residence of Mrs. Catherine Gilliam, in Powhatan county, Virginia, in the twenty-second year of her age, MARGARET LEWIS MARSHALL, second daughter of the late John Marshall, of Oak Hill, Fauquier county, Virginia. Another flower plucked from the Saviour's garden; another light faded from the heart of loved ones' another vacant chair in the broken circle; but another jewel in Emanuel's crown. Oh! Murmur not, ye who are bowed down beneath the stroke, but plead for wisdom to interpret well the sentence so inscrutable. Though no kindred hand soothed her brow, or anxious ear caught the words of parting yet kind friends were raised up unto her, and ere the chill of death had settled on her, and while over her gathered a heavenly throng, her waiting spirit was borne in her Saviour's bosom to her home on high - to a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Oh! Could we with a selfish hand unbind the gleaming coronal upon her brow, and with the dew of earthly sorrow aim its untold lustre? Oh! No, we would not tarnish with an earthly stain its ever growing brightness. M."

Unknown Man

Agnes Robb Marshall d.(daughter?) Elegant Robb and Alexander Marshall m. (married?) S.C. Chew

Catherine Myers James (Mrs. Julian James); Lady: Sarah R T Marshall

Unknown Lady - Maybe a Blackwell

Unknown Lady

Walter Wrenn - taken after a sickness in Paris Nov 10, 1859

Last Updated: April 2020